U.S. Marines Take Down Gunman On French High Speed Train

Oorah, gentleman.

Although, I'm curious how something like this could happen in Europe with all of their gun control.

U.S. Marines prevent massacre on board French high-speed train

Thanks for the article....as I have pointed out...gun control does not work even in Europe. that they don't have more gun murders is a culture issue not an access issue since they can get fully automatic rifles,if they want them. Their criminals prefer to use fully automatic rifles over pistols....definitely a culture issue, since pistols would be far easier to use....how did he get it on the train?
Was that supposed to be funny? Do tell...

That was supposed to make you and others feel some remorse for focusing on your liberal-hatred instead of on the wounded marine.

Did it work?

The left is one of the reasons this problem with Muslims hasn't been dealt with in France, and the rest of Europe...
he doesn't seem to have had a problem getting a fully automatic rifle, 30 round magazines or plenty of bullets......and this is in Europe, a land of extreme gun control....where they do not have access to regular guns let alone fully automatic rifles.......

Gun control does not stop violent criminals from getting these weapons......anywhere....
and before the usual suspects chime in....From the story, the Marines suspected that this guy was up to no good and followed him onto the train. When the guy went into the bathroom they were right outside when they heard him loading the weapon...so he opened the door and they were right on him and he still fired his weapon.

Now.....is it possible that these guys are actually Delta, who knew this guy and were following him and said they were marines.....
and before the usual suspects chime in....From the story, the Marines suspected that this guy was up to no good and followed him onto the train. When the guy went into the bathroom they were right outside when they heard him loading the weapon...so he opened the door and they were right on him and he still fired his weapon.

Now.....is it possible that these guys are actually Delta, who knew this guy and were following him and said they were marines.....
..or SEALs since it is claimed they were "marines"
Keep in mind....this guy was apparetnly well known to European governments....and he still got his hands on a fully automatice rifle....
Reading the article, one of the Marines was believed to have been shot in the neck and is in critical condition. I hope he recovers.
WOW! What if they hadn't taken notice??-

Belgian journalist Marin Buxant Tweeted that the US Marines were on leave in Brussels when they spotted the man and followed him on the train. When the suspect went into the toilet, the Marines recognised the sound of a weapon being armed and decided to act immediately.
The terrorist perhaps armed with a former French Army Firearm - sold on the surplus market as "never fired and only dropped once".

No country in Frace's position could have stopped the Nazi War Machine. Only winter stopped them from taking Moscow.

And of course you morons forgot all that the French people did to fight Hitler after the fall of Paris.
Um .. no you don't.

Do you idiot France haters realize that France has been our ally in more wars than any other country.
I always have to laugh when Rumsfeld stirred up some shit with the French with this:
That was hilarious!!
It's France.
Those Marines will be on trial for messing with the terrorist's rights.
Reading the story, you kinda get that idea...

Uhm, no.

Only fucked up partisan hacks like you would think that.

The marines did France a great service and are a great honor to the USA and I hope that the injured marine makes it through.
Reading the story, you kinda get that idea...

Thing is, most liberals have insufficient attention span to get past the headline so have no idea of what the frogs are likely to do to those Marines.

Enough is enough. You are a troll. Not any bit of what you just wrote is true in any way at all. Go fuck yourself, you vicious little stinking fuckbag.

Now, back to the Op article:

Speaking in Arras, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve praised the Marines for their timely intervention.

He said: 'Thanks to them we have averted a drama.

'(The Americans were) particularly courageous and showed extreme bravery in extremely difficult circumstances.'

The man was arrested by police near the town of Arras in northern France.

Belgian journalist Marin Buxant Tweeted that the US Marines were on leave in Brussels when they spotted the man and followed him on the train. When the suspect went into the toilet, the Marines recognised the sound of a weapon being armed and decided to act immediately.

Train company Thalys confirmed the incident happened. A spokesman said: 'The situation is under control, the travellers are safe. The train stopped and the emergency services are on site.'

No one at the SNCF French railways was immediately available to comment on the report.

A report on Twitter said that two US Marines detained the gunman until emergency services arrived.

The incident happened at approximately 6pm local time.

The motives behind the attack were not immediately known, although a spokesman for the interior minister said: 'It is too early to speak of a terrorist link'.

The incident happened approximately 115 miles north of Paris near the town of Arras

Good stuff.

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