U.S. Marines Take Down Gunman On French High Speed Train

Listen to this from the article: "The motives behind the attack were not immediately known"

Read more: U.S. Marines prevent massacre on board French high-speed train
International political correctness

The chances that it was islamic terror are pretty much 100%, but the sentence at this time is absolutely correct. This is so that the judicial system cannot be charged with prejudice when it does come to trial.

You understand this, right?

Please tell me that your mind is not too weak to understand this. Thanks.
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Um .. no you don't.

Do you idiot France haters realize that France has been our ally in more wars than any other country.
I always have to laugh when Rumsfeld stirred up some shit with the French with this:
That was hilarious!!

I'd rather go to war without Rummy.
Oh, come on Stat, he was known to officials, for crying out loud. What are the odds he did it for another reason? If that were not known, then yes, it would have been.
Listen to this from the article: "The motives behind the attack were not immediately known"

Read more: U.S. Marines prevent massacre on board French high-speed train
International political correctness

The chances that it was islamic terror are pretty much 100%, but the sentence at this time is absolutely correct. This was the judicial system cannot be charged with prejudice when it does come to trial.

You understand this, right?

Please tell me that your mind is not too weak to understand this. Thanks.
Reading the article, one of the Marines was believed to have been shot in the neck and is in critical condition. I hope he recovers.

They say that none of the injured have life threatening injuries. From a passengers description it sounds like the person shot in the neck may be someone other than the marine.
That is good news, no life threatening injuries. Critical condition concerned me.
Reading the article, one of the Marines was believed to have been shot in the neck and is in critical condition. I hope he recovers.

They say that none of the injured have life threatening injuries. From a passengers description it sounds like the person shot in the neck may be someone other than the marine.
Oh, come on Stat, he was known to officials, for crying out loud. What are the odds he did it for another reason? If that were not known, then yes, it would have been.
Listen to this from the article: "The motives behind the attack were not immediately known"

Read more: U.S. Marines prevent massacre on board French high-speed train
International political correctness

The chances that it was islamic terror are pretty much 100%, but the sentence at this time is absolutely correct. This was the judicial system cannot be charged with prejudice when it does come to trial.

You understand this, right?

Please tell me that your mind is not too weak to understand this. Thanks.

You are missing the point. The statement is a juristic way for the police to CYA, so that then it comes time for the trial, the defense cannot claim that prejudice was involved. If the police say at the current time "the motives behind the attack were not immediately known" and then can later provide evidence of all sorts, including telephone conversations, SMSs, the whole works, to prove it was islamic terror (which is exactly what it was), then they will udate that sentence.

How they are doing it is absolutely right and helps to guarantee that that islamic terrorist bastard will be found guilty. They are removing one more possibility for him to get off the hook.

This is not about politics. It's about the law.
Reading the article, one of the Marines was believed to have been shot in the neck and is in critical condition. I hope he recovers.

They say that none of the injured have life threatening injuries. From a passengers description it sounds like the person shot in the neck may be someone other than the marine.

Well, it wouldn't be the first time that the Daily Mail got a story wrong. But sometimes, they get a bullseye.
That portioned was made by the paper-not the police-
The motives behind the attack were not immediately known, although a spokesman for the interior minister said: 'It is too early to speak of a terrorist link.'

Oh, come on Stat, he was known to officials, for crying out loud. What are the odds he did it for another reason? If that were not known, then yes, it would have been.
Listen to this from the article: "The motives behind the attack were not immediately known"

Read more: U.S. Marines prevent massacre on board French high-speed train
International political correctness

The chances that it was islamic terror are pretty much 100%, but the sentence at this time is absolutely correct. This was the judicial system cannot be charged with prejudice when it does come to trial.

You understand this, right?

Please tell me that your mind is not too weak to understand this. Thanks.

You are missing the point. The statement is a juristic way for the police to CYA, so that then it comes time for the trial, the defense cannot claim that prejudice was involved. If the police say at the current time "the motives behind the attack were not immediately known" and then can later provide evidence of all sorts, including telephone conversations, SMSs, the whole works, to prove it was islamic terror (which is exactly what it was), then they will udate that sentence.

How they are doing it is absolutely right and helps to guarantee that that islamic terrorist bastard will be found guilty. They are removing one more possibility for him to get off the hook.

This is not about politics. It's about the law.

A heart warming image. A young man helping medical personnel help one of the injured.
Go fuck yourself, you vicious little stinking fuckbag.

Once again a nerve not just touched....rather strummed!

I love it when liberals get panties knotted up like that.

Just out of curiosity...was that a quote from the pages of your NAZI playbook? Or an original thought?

Since I'm not a Nazi nor have I ever been a Nazi, I don't have a Nazi playbook. But you knew that already. You are nothing more than a worthless troll.
Since I'm not a Nazi nor have I ever been a Nazi, I don't have a Nazi playbook. But you knew that already. You are nothing more than a worthless troll.

"Worthless" when you never fail to respond, growing progressively more agitated by the second. Hell, I'm more than just a troll....I'm a public servant!

One wonders how one who "don't have a Nazi playbook" is so skilled at accusing others of having taken thoughts from such a thing.

Care to deny your own words:

"Yes, this is how far to the Right the Right has swung: it has now officially ripped pages out of the NAZI playbook, and here I am not invoking Godwin. I am simply stating fact."
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Guys, can't with spare the animosity for another thread, please?

And, from the telegraph, both were injured, and one was air lifted to a hospital in critical condition.-
One marine was shot and was in a critical condition after being airlifted to a hospital in Lille, northern France.

The other, who was stabbed, was in a serious but non-life threatening condition at a hospital in Arras.

A White House spokesman said Mr Obama had been fully briefed on the attack.

US marines hailed as heroes for stopping French train gunman
Are the French not capable of fighting for themselves? I'm seeing a pattern here.

I hope they are ok. How about giving these boys a reward, France? We don't need any more statues.
Oorah, gentleman.

Although, I'm curious how something like this could happen in Europe with all of their gun control.

U.S. Marines prevent massacre on board French high-speed train

This is perhaps one of the first times, in a very long time....you hear a story of our soldiers and you actually feel good about it....and the fact a brother was involved makes me all the prouder.

that is a dumb statement......our soldiers are the most ethical in e world and are fighting monsters....if you feel that way your moral compass is broken or never existed...or you have been brainwashed by 12-16 years of democrat controlled education......
Oorah, gentleman.

Although, I'm curious how something like this could happen in Europe with all of their gun control.

U.S. Marines prevent massacre on board French high-speed train

This is perhaps one of the first times, in a very long time....you hear a story of our soldiers and you actually feel good about it....and the fact a brother was involved makes me all the prouder.

that is a dumb statement......our soldiers are the most ethical in e world and are fighting monsters....if you feel that way your moral compass is broken or never existed...or you have been brainwashed by 12-16 years of democrat controlled education......

Listen, I'm a vet and what this country is making our sons and daughters do overseas makes me ill at night.

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