U.S. Marines Take Down Gunman On French High Speed Train

It's France.

Those Marines will be on trial for messing with the terrorist's rights.

Actually, they're being praised all over the European press and the commander of their unit is considering medals for them.

And they should be....we all should be proud....but please please please lets not take these kids through hell after we've heralded them as Hero's....I'm sick of us, the american stupid, once we lift hero's up, we tear them down just as quickly.....Subway guy ring a bell? Duggers ring a bell? Lets allow them their shinning moment and move on....please Hollywood, hang the phone up!!
Oorah, gentleman.

Although, I'm curious how something like this could happen in Europe with all of their gun control.

U.S. Marines prevent massacre on board French high-speed train

Another shooter stopped by the unarmed.

Oh...you didn't read the details..again, they were lucky. the marines saw the guy and knew he was suspicious...they followed him and were up close and ready to act in a confined space, which limited his ability to deploy the weapon. Had this guy been smart...well...I am not going to give monsters ideas on how,to kill innocent people......

If the marines had been in another car.....this guy would have killed a lot of people.....pure, dumb luck. I' m not taking anything away from the marines......they saved lives, but notice that none of the Europeans noticed the problem.....they were oblivious to the Muslim guy with the AK hidden in the bag, while two Americans immediately saw this guy and the problem he probably was....

The big thing that you failed to point out brain.......

Europe is an extreme gun control place........this guy was well known to multiple, national terrorist watch agencies......and he still easily got a fully automatic rifle.....30 round magazines, and got it aboard a train...easily

Gun control does not work on criminals or mass shooters.....did licensing gun owners stop him?

did registering guns stop him?

did banning fully automatic rifles,stop him from getting one easily?

did banning 30 round magazines stop him from getting 9 of them?

Did requiring massive amounts of training to own a hunting rifle, as they do in some European countries stop him?
It's France.

Those Marines will be on trial for messing with the terrorist's rights.

Actually, they're being praised all over the European press and the commander of their unit is considering medals for them.

And they should be....we all should be proud....but please please please lets not take these kids through hell after we've heralded them as Hero's....I'm sick of us, the american stupid, once we lift hero's up, we tear them down just as quickly.....Subway guy ring a bell? Duggers ring a bell? Lets allow them their shinning moment and move on....please Hollywood, hang the phone up!!

You need to get some help.....we didn't tear down the Jared guy or the duggar for fun.......they committed hideous crimes,against other people, children in fact.......think some more....
One big thing to keep in mind.......

gun control in Europe worked like a charm. Not one law abiding, peace loving, non violent individual on the train had a gun....so there gun laws work as intended, the good guys were completely disarmed...

the terrorist killer...not so much....
details from CNN...it seems like the injuries were caused by a box cutter, not the rifle....they are,saying the idiot had the rifle slung over his shoulder and the American got cut across his finger as they tackled him....

2 U.S. service members overpower attacker on train in Belgium - CNN.com

so...if this is true, we have another one of the anti gun extremist self defense techniques in play....here is a recap..

1). rely on the kindness of violent, murderous terrorists

2). Rely on the incompetence of violent, murderous terrorists.

3). Rely on pure, dumb luck....

so..it looks like we have 2) and 3) to thank for saving the lives of these people

2) because it seems like the idiot slung his rifle to open the door to the train car....

3) it was luck that had Americans on that train, they reacted swiftly to attack the terrorist...I don't know if the Europeans would have handled it as well, considering the Americans were also military....
Now this article says one was Air Force, the other Army National Guard-

Air Force serviceman Spencer Stone — one of the three Americans who took down the shooter — remained hospitalized Saturday after being stabbed in the attack Friday night as the train travelled through Belgium from Amsterdam. The Pentagon said the injury was not life-threatening.

Anthony Sadler, a senior at Sacramento State University, was traveling with childhood friends Stone, of Carmichael, Calif., and Alek Skarlatos, a National Guardsman from Roseburg, Ore., when they heard a gunshot and breaking glass. Sadler told the AP that they saw a train employee sprint down the aisle followed by a gunman with an automatic rifle.

"As he was cocking it to shoot it, Alek just yells, 'Spencer, go!' And Spencer runs down the aisle," Sadler said. "Spencer makes first contact, he tackles the guy, Alek wrestles the gun away from him, and the gunman pulls out a boxcutter and slices Spencer a few times. And the three of us beat him until he was unconscious."

Throughout the brief but terrifying episode, Sadler said, "The gunman never said a word."

British passenger Chris Norman, who also helped subdue the gunman, said he decided to act after hearing the two Americans shout to grab the attacker and he thought they could act as a "tea."

"My thought was, 'OK, I am probably going to die anyway, so let's go,'" he said. "I'd rather die being active trying to get him down than simply sit in the corner and die."

Norman said he helped tie up the gunman. Stone then quickly turned to help another passenger who had been wounded in the throat, stopping his bleeding until paramedics arrived, Sadler said.
Train gunman linked to Islamic extremism, officials say
and here is some more....

(CNN)The train was speeding through Belgium when the man emerged from the train bathroom, shirtless with a rifle -- possibly an AK 47 -- slung over his shoulder, the Americans said.

The three men -- a member of the Air Force, an inactive National Guard member and a civilian -- responded quickly, possibly preventing a deadly attack on the high-speed Thalys train.

The suspect had a box cutter or some other bladed weapon, authorities said.

"My friend Alek (Skarlatos) yells, 'Get him,' so my friend Spencer (Stone) immediately gets up to charge the guy, followed by Alek, then myself," Anthony Sadler said in an interview with CNN.

Americans, French national tackle, overpower suspected Islamist gunman on train

"The three of us beat up the guy," Anthony said. "In the process Spencer gets slashed multiple times by the box cutter, and Alek takes the AK away.

"I begin to tie him up with help from Chris, another passenger. I notice a man had his throat cut at which Spencer begins to apply pressure to the neck wound before he bled out."

Spencer was cut in the head and neck and almost had his thumb cut off, Alek's brother, Peter Skarlatos told CNN. Alek had taken control of the rifle and hit the suspect in the head with the muzzle, the brother said.
It's France.

Those Marines will be on trial for messing with the terrorist's rights.

Actually, they're being praised all over the European press and the commander of their unit is considering medals for them.

And they should be....we all should be proud....but please please please lets not take these kids through hell after we've heralded them as Hero's....I'm sick of us, the american stupid, once we lift hero's up, we tear them down just as quickly.....Subway guy ring a bell? Duggers ring a bell? Lets allow them their shinning moment and move on....please Hollywood, hang the phone up!!

You need to get some help.....we didn't tear down the Jared guy or the duggar for fun.......they committed hideous crimes,against other people, children in fact.......think some more....

I will bet my last motherfuckin dollar before this excitement is all over, the media will dig up some shit and make these guys no longer hero's, cause that's what this fuckin country does to people. Remember that white chic that got captured in Iraq...and was made a hero...which was a bunch of shit anyways...she got a movie deal, money, on and on and on. Or that white chic that was a sex slave..what ever
Oorah, gentleman.

Although, I'm curious how something like this could happen in Europe with all of their gun control.

U.S. Marines prevent massacre on board French high-speed train

Another shooter stopped by the unarmed.

Oh...you didn't read the details..again, they were lucky. the marines saw the guy and knew he was suspicious...they followed him and were up close and ready to act in a confined space, which limited his ability to deploy the weapon. Had this guy been smart...well...I am not going to give monsters ideas on how,to kill innocent people......

If the marines had been in another car.....this guy would have killed a lot of people.....pure, dumb luck. I' m not taking anything away from the marines......they saved lives, but notice that none of the Europeans noticed the problem.....they were oblivious to the Muslim guy with the AK hidden in the bag, while two Americans immediately saw this guy and the problem he probably was....

The big thing that you failed to point out brain.......

Europe is an extreme gun control place........this guy was well known to multiple, national terrorist watch agencies......and he still easily got a fully automatic rifle.....30 round magazines, and got it aboard a train...easily

Gun control does not work on criminals or mass shooters.....did licensing gun owners stop him?

did registering guns stop him?

did banning fully automatic rifles,stop him from getting one easily?

did banning 30 round magazines stop him from getting 9 of them?

Did requiring massive amounts of training to own a hunting rifle, as they do in some European countries stop him?

Dude, shut up
Oorah, gentleman.

Although, I'm curious how something like this could happen in Europe with all of their gun control.

U.S. Marines prevent massacre on board French high-speed train

Another shooter stopped by the unarmed.

Oh...you didn't read the details..again, they were lucky. the marines saw the guy and knew he was suspicious...they followed him and were up close and ready to act in a confined space, which limited his ability to deploy the weapon. Had this guy been smart...well...I am not going to give monsters ideas on how,to kill innocent people......

If the marines had been in another car.....this guy would have killed a lot of people.....pure, dumb luck. I' m not taking anything away from the marines......they saved lives, but notice that none of the Europeans noticed the problem.....they were oblivious to the Muslim guy with the AK hidden in the bag, while two Americans immediately saw this guy and the problem he probably was....

The big thing that you failed to point out brain.......

Europe is an extreme gun control place........this guy was well known to multiple, national terrorist watch agencies......and he still easily got a fully automatic rifle.....30 round magazines, and got it aboard a train...easily

Gun control does not work on criminals or mass shooters.....did licensing gun owners stop him?

did registering guns stop him?

did banning fully automatic rifles,stop him from getting one easily?

did banning 30 round magazines stop him from getting 9 of them?

Did requiring massive amounts of training to own a hunting rifle, as they do in some European countries stop him?

Dude, shut up

allow me to retort..fuck you.
It seems a passenger opened the door of the bathroom and stumbled on the guy preparing...they wrestled and he gun went off...jamming the weapon in the process...

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

When a French passenger tried to enter a toilet on the train, he encountered the gunman, tried to overpower him and the gun was then fired, Mr Cazeneuve said.

A French-American passenger was injured by the bullet, and the American passengers intervened shortly afterward, he said.

"Spencer got to the guy first and grabbed the guy by the neck," Mr Skarlatos told Sky News.

"I grabbed the handgun, got that away from the guy and threw it. Then I grabbed the AK-47, which was at his feet, and started muzzle-bumping him in the head with it.

"Everybody just started beating the guy while Spencer held the chokehold until he went unconscious."


e checked the AK-47, Mr Skarlatos said it had jammed and would not have been able to fire. The cartridge for the handgun had also been dropped, he said.

I would have never guessed....:eek:

CNN: Paris Gunman Had Islamic State Ties

A gunman who attempted to launch an attack on a train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris was watched by European counterterrorism groups because of his radical jihadist views, CNN reported.

According to CNN, the gunman, who was reportedly thwarted by two U.S. Marines in plain clothes aboard the train, was a Moroccan Islamist militant. CNN reported that a security official said it appeared the suspect had ties to the Islamic State, although that has not been confirmed.

CNN: Paris Gunman Had Islamic State Ties

Proving once again "homeland Security" means protecting the govt from its citizens...not protecting citizens from foreign terrorists
It is always interesting to see how the story changes as time passes....Air Force and National Guard vs. Marines.....and it seemed at first that the guy sprayed the train with gun fire.........
I would have never guessed....:eek:

CNN: Paris Gunman Had Islamic State Ties

A gunman who attempted to launch an attack on a train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris was watched by European counterterrorism groups because of his radical jihadist views, CNN reported.

According to CNN, the gunman, who was reportedly thwarted by two U.S. Marines in plain clothes aboard the train, was a Moroccan Islamist militant. CNN reported that a security official said it appeared the suspect had ties to the Islamic State, although that has not been confirmed.

CNN: Paris Gunman Had Islamic State Ties

Did CNN check to see if the guy had ties to the Tea Party...or did he attend a,Trump event....?

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