U.S. Planning to Sink Russia's Black Sea Fleet.

Yeah let’s kill millions of Russian babies and women cause we got the best nukes.

I suspect dumb neocons like you are advising our dumb demented president.

Yet you have no problem with Russians wishing death upon millions of American women and babies. This isn't Vietnam, asshole, this is a world superpower trying to reform the old Russian empire.
I don't consider the link in the OP true.

Total fantasy.
Yet you have no problem with Russians wishing death upon millions of American women and babies. This isn't Vietnam, asshole, this is a world superpower trying to reform the old Russian empire.
Your delusions are noted. The Russian people aren’t wishing death to Americans and Russia isn’t trying to revive the empire.

As I’ve told you many times, everything you know is wrong.
doesn't sound like you have much of a strategy there

Oh Really?

So Russia wants to mess with the United States, the U.K., Canada, France, Germany, Norway, Poland, Italy, and a smattering of other nations, and now potentially Sweden and Finland? Sounds like a great strategy to me. Each nation armed to the teeth in expectation of a Russian attack, each nation exercising with each other for decades, and now united against a Russian aggressor? I like our odds a lot better than Russian odds.
Your delusions are noted. The Russian people aren’t wishing death to Americans and Russia isn’t trying to revive the empire.

As I’ve told you many times, everything you know is wrong.
Put me on ignore if you hate everything I have to say.

Anti-American sentiment in Russia has skyrocketed under Putin, to deny it is to lie to yourself.

Like I said, please ignore me.
Oh Really?

So Russia wants to mess with the United States, the U.K., Canada, France, Germany, Norway, Poland, Italy, and a smattering of other nations, and now potentially Sweden and Finland? Sounds like a great strategy to me. Each nation armed to the teeth in expectation of a Russian attack, each nation exercising with each other for decades, and now united against a Russian aggressor? I like our odds a lot better than Russian odds.

Sounds like someone is trying to goad Putin into starting WWIII. Canada? France? Italy? Germany? armed to the teeth? The German Luftwaffe is like 5% operational
Sounds like someone is trying to goad Putin into starting WWIII. Canada? France? Italy? Germany? armed to the teeth? The German Luftwaffe is like 5% operational

Goad? We don't want a WWIII, we just want Russia to know that we are the biggest baddest thing to mess with. Peace through strength, ever hear of it? If we roll over and simply let Russia waltz through Ukraine, what's the difference to them if they try it again elsewhere in Europe?
Put me on ignore if you hate everything I have to say.

Anti-American sentiment in Russia has skyrocketed under Putin, to deny it is to lie to yourself.

Like I said, please ignore me.
I’m trying to help you. You’re crazy you know?
Let's go! Are you scared of the Russians? Coward! Americans are not cowards.
Do you have any idea how bad an all out nuclear war would be?

Einstein summed it up nicely.


It isn’t cowardly to realize that nuclear weapons could end our civilization. Unfortunately we are stuck with them and we can only hope they are controlled by sane people. The reality is our nukes were susposed to prevent WWIII and have done a good job up to now.

It is logical that we must do everything to avoid a nuclear war but we also can’t allow the threat of a nuclear war to cause us to surrender.

The following is a simulation of a possible series of events that leads to an all out nuclear war.

Today we have ads in New York City about how to survive a nuclear attack.

We definitely live in interesting times.


What kind of fantasy is this? Any ship sinking is going to matched one for one by Russia. It's as if this writer doesn't understand the mutually agreed upon limitations of America's war with Russia.

Fact: Russia is not going to accept defeat and will be moved to starting a nuclear war if they must.
Especially Litvin's would be appreciated!

Why do even bother with antiwar dot com? You think they access to Pentagon planning and priorities? Have ANY objectivity about US involvement? Why bother us with this stuff?
Do you have any idea how bad an all out nuclear war would be?

Einstein summed it up nicely.

View attachment 670027

It isn’t cowardly to realize that nuclear weapons could end our civilization. Unfortunately we are stuck with them and we can only hope they are controlled by sane people. The reality is our nukes were susposed to prevent WWIII and have done a good job up to now.

It is logical that we must do everything to avoid a nuclear war but we also can’t allow the threat of a nuclear war to cause us to surrender.

The following is a simulation of a possible series of events that leads to an all out nuclear war.

Today we have ads in New York City about how to survive a nuclear attack.

We definitely live in interesting times.

View attachment 670033


Whatever, hippie.
What I find hilarious is that we both think the other guy is a raving lunatic.
Except there’s a huge difference between us. I’m for peace and you’re a raving manic warmonger who’s learned nothing from history.

Plus I’m intelligent and you aren’t.

I mean who thinks there is nothing to fear in a nuclear war with Russia? Only a whacko thinks this.

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