U.S. publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret

This type of information is always published before Obama and long after he is out. "As with all Defense Department projects, detailed specifications were made public so that contractors could bid on the $25 million project. The specifications included more than 1,000 pages of details on the facility, ranging from the heating and cooling systems to the thickness of the walls."

There needs to be an accuracy in bidding and acquiring the best vendors for the project.

Israel is feigning anger as they are well aware of US regulations, custom and specifics when bidding for such a contract. The DoD uses Israeli vendors for projects as well.
Well Israel was fuming.... My impression was that this was not to be disseminated to the public, but just the bidders.
Well Israel was fuming.... My impression was that this was not to be disseminated to the public, but just the bidders.

Then there would have been an unfair advantage to those contractors who would have been notified in addition to the possibility that the work done may have compromised the project itself by not informing all parties who may be qualified to do work on this. In my experience as a federal contractor that is the way things work regarding government contracts.
In my opinion (and that of many) Obama could have done more to keep this more confidential...these are allies classified defense secrets. ...also .... bid on Government contracts, the “plans” were never available on-line.

Enough said.
Obozo keeps it up and they'll fire the damned missiles at us.
In my opinion (and that of many) Obama could have done more to keep this more confidential...these are allies classified defense secrets. ...also .... bid on Government contracts, the “plans” were never available on-line.

Enough said.

classified defense secrets??? the dems sell it to the media
If Israel or any country including the US wants to keep things a secret they should build it themselves. For example, the Arrow 3 which is part of the defense system "Israel has taken steps to ensure that they have the ability to build many of the key pieces. The Arrow project is a collaboration between Boeing and IAI to produce the missile interceptors that accompany the required radars, satellites, command and control systems."

Israel's Arrow Theater Missile Defense
Obozo keeps it up and they'll fire the damned missiles at us.

..and lose all the funding and other goodies they get from the US? Not a chance.....welfare is welfare on any level international, corporate or individual....
Obozo keeps it up and they'll fire the damned missiles at us.

..and lose all the funding and other goodies they get from the US? Not a chance.....welfare is welfare on any level international, corporate or individual....

Not exactly, Connery. Israel gets loans ( not welfare ) from us yes and the quartet has pulled strings to manipulate Israel to get their way ( which was not always best for Israel ) before they released the money.

Still Israel is the only one who has paid these loans back to my knowledge. No other nation has.

Obozo keeps it up and they'll fire the damned missiles at us.

..and lose all the funding and other goodies they get from the US? Not a chance.....welfare is welfare on any level international, corporate or individual....

Not exactly, Connery. Israel gets loans ( not welfare ) from us yes and the quartet has pulled strings to manipulate Israel to get their way ( which was not always best for Israel ) before they released the money.

Still Israel is the only one who has paid these loans back to my knowledge. No other nation has.


That is not the point.

These regulations are public record material. If any party to these contacts does not like it US or otherwise then do not take part in the program. Those who do not wish their plans made public in the US should seek another means to have these defense measures constructed.

Or is your position more like I as a, federal contractor, who does not hold an Israeli security clearance, should be kept out of the bidding process because I could never know what I am bidding on because it is secret. This is an even paying field where everyone gets a turn at bat, not some foreign country where I should be playing by their rules which thwarts my ability to earn a living.
Well Israel was fuming.... My impression was that this was not to be disseminated to the public, but just the bidders.

Then there would have been an unfair advantage to those contractors who would have been notified in addition to the possibility that the work done may have compromised the project itself by not informing all parties who may be qualified to do work on this. In my experience as a federal contractor that is the way things work regarding government contracts.


The US government has publicized classified information detailing the location, design and specifications of a launch site to be built from this summer for Israel’s new Arrow 3 anti-ballistic missile system. The details, apparently spilled in error, appear to include highly sensitive information relevant to the struggle against Iran’s nuclear ambitions.


The details were revealed, apparently inadvertently, in a tender issued by the US Federal Business Opportunities website inviting bids from American defense contractors


The sensitive details about the project have since been removed from the website where the tender was originally published.

US spills Israeli missile defense secrets | The Times of Israel

With friends like this traitor Banana Hussein BO ...who the heck needs enemies!:mad:
Well Israel was fuming.... My impression was that this was not to be disseminated to the public, but just the bidders.

Then there would have been an unfair advantage to those contractors who would have been notified in addition to the possibility that the work done may have compromised the project itself by not informing all parties who may be qualified to do work on this. In my experience as a federal contractor that is the way things work regarding government contracts.


The US government has publicized classified information detailing the location, design and specifications of a launch site to be built from this summer for Israel’s new Arrow 3 anti-ballistic missile system. The details, apparently spilled in error, appear to include highly sensitive information relevant to the struggle against Iran’s nuclear ambitions.


The details were revealed, apparently inadvertently, in a tender issued by the US Federal Business Opportunities website inviting bids from American defense contractors


The sensitive details about the project have since been removed from the website where the tender was originally published.

US spills Israeli missile defense secrets | The Times of Israel

With friends like this traitor Banana Hussein BO ...who the heck needs enemies!:mad:

forth - now the mongoloids in Iran know where it is and now on their target list
Well Israel was fuming.... My impression was that this was not to be disseminated to the public, but just the bidders.

Then there would have been an unfair advantage to those contractors who would have been notified in addition to the possibility that the work done may have compromised the project itself by not informing all parties who may be qualified to do work on this. In my experience as a federal contractor that is the way things work regarding government contracts.


The US government has publicized classified information detailing the location, design and specifications of a launch site to be built from this summer for Israel’s new Arrow 3 anti-ballistic missile system. The details, apparently spilled in error, appear to include highly sensitive information relevant to the struggle against Iran’s nuclear ambitions.


The details were revealed, apparently inadvertently, in a tender issued by the US Federal Business Opportunities website inviting bids from American defense contractors


The sensitive details about the project have since been removed from the website where the tender was originally published.

US spills Israeli missile defense secrets | The Times of Israel

With friends like this traitor Banana Hussein BO ...who the heck needs enemies!:mad:

This from your first source:

"Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Wesley Miller said he couldn’t comment on the specifics of the Arrow 3 base, but he said the United States routinely published the details of its construction plans on a federal business opportunities website so that contractors could estimate the costs of jobs. He said such postings often might be revised after contracts were approved.

Israeli officials appear to have been well aware of the danger of outsourcing building projects to the United States. In an interview with the Reuters news agency in March, Lt. Col. Peleg Zeevi, the head of the bidding process at Israel’s Defense Ministry, justified Israel’s long history of relying on the United States to help build military installations by saying that Israel needed "a player that has the knowledge, ability and experience."

"We are aware of the security issues that arise in deals with foreign firms, but because we want real competition and expertise, we will create conditions that will allow and encourage their participation," Zeevi said"

U.S. publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret | McClatchy

Which version is true.....:dunno:

If this were kept a secret I would have asked the Inspector's General Office to investigate as I have done in the past and gotten significant results. This stuff always gets out one way or the other especially when viewing the tax filings of your competition. Federal contracting is a very small and incestuous business.
They F**** Up .

That's the long and short of it.


why "The sensitive details about the project have since been removed from the website where the tender was originally published." ?????????????

because they F**** Up BIG TIME!
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In my opinion (and that of many) Obama could have done more to keep this more confidential...these are allies classified defense secrets. ...also .... bid on Government contracts, the “plans” were never available on-line.

Enough said.

I have experience with government contracting as well and what Connery said is 100% true. It's standard DoD procedures when contracting projects out; Israel would have known this. The DoD isn't the only federal organization that conducts its business that way either. It's a requirement.
"The US government has inadvertently revealed the details of a top-secret Israeli missile base in published bid requests, leaving military officials in Tel-Aviv in the state of shock.Israel has turned to the US government with its plans to build a state-of-the-art facility to host the new ballistic-missile defense system, the Arrow 3, McClatchy's Washington Bureau reports.*In accordance with its usual procedure, the US Defense Department has published the details of the $25 million project on a federal business opportunities website so that contractors could bid on it.*Over 1,000 pages of specifications included a thorough description of the future base from the depth of the underground complex to building materials to be used in construction.*The information on the facility at Tel Shahar is classified in Israel, with the local military even refusing to officially confirm its location between the cities of Jerusalem and Ashdod." US discloses Israel?s top-secret military base outraging Tel-Aviv ? RT News . Now, this is certainly an interesting story from many different standpoints. There is the public disclosure of matters one would expect should be private. And there is the matter of the revelation of the US providing Israel with millions of more dollars to maintain her Occupations and aggressions against her neighbors. Sherri
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Funny - there was nothing in that article about any 'occupations' or 'aggressions'.

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