U.S. publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret

In my opinion (and that of many) Obama could have done more to keep this more confidential...these are allies classified defense secrets. ...also .... bid on Government contracts, the “plans” were never available on-line.

Enough said.

I have experience with government contracting as well and what Connery said is 100% true. It's standard DoD procedures when contracting projects out; Israel would have known this. The DoD isn't the only federal organization that conducts its business that way either. It's a requirement.

Regarding classified information that can be used by a potential enemy it is not correct that this info is available to anyone except to those directly involved, such as contractors and people with security clearances.

So much detail has been given in public about the Israeli missiles bases that by now the enemy is fully aware of the exact location and potentially know how to destroy them.

Also...you must be aware the the media states that the information was leaked inadvertently in other words accidentally and it has been removed since.

When has a top security, classified information about US weaponry been exposed to this extent???

For example st the moment there is a trial with Bradley Manning -" a United States Army soldier who was arrested in May 2010 in Iraq on suspicion of having passed classified material to the website WikiLeaks. He was ultimately charged with 22 offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source and aiding the enemy."

Who needs WikiLeaks with a Traitor in Chief sitting in the Oval Office.
It is Israels Occupations (presently occupying East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza and the Golan Heights and Sheeba Farms) and acts of aggression against her neighbors (like the recent air strikes in Syria) that make such a missile defense system necessary. We have polls that show her neighbors view Israel as a threat to their security.
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More information about the Arrow 3 system from the article, it will include six interceptor missiles in vertical launch positions to be placed at the base, with a gantry crane to be erected for further missiles.*It will be high-grade concrete reinforced and steel mesh grids will be used to build the structures encasing the interceptor system, which will have steel blast doors. The purpose of the Arrow 3 defense system is to intercept ballistic missiles outside the earths atmosphere. http://rt.com/news/israel-secret-base-us-232/arth’s atmosphere. It’s expected to become operational in 2015-16.
"Abdullah Ahmed Mohamed Al-Murad, Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations, in a Feb. 27, 2007 letter to the UN General Assembly Security Council titled "Identical Letters Dated 27 February 2007 from the Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations Addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council," wrote:"I have the honour to send you this letter regarding the danger represented by Israeli nuclear capabilities, on behalf of the Arab States Members and Observers of the United Nations [which] express their deep concern and grave uneasiness over reference made in Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s interview with German television on 11 December 2006 to his country’s possession of nuclear weapons, considering it 'not to be the first country in the Middle East to produce nuclear weapons'* and using the pretext that Israel does not pose a threat to neighbouring States as does Iran... The declarations by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel and other declarations reconfirm the fears of the States of the region and the entire international community about the danger threatening international security and peace."Feb. 27, 2007 -*Abdullah Ahmed Mohamed Al-Murad*" Is Israel a threat to world peace? - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - ProCon.org
More information about the Arrow 3 system from the article, it will include six interceptor missiles in vertical launch positions to be placed at the base, with a gantry crane to be erected for further missiles.*It will be high-grade concrete reinforced and steel mesh grids will be used to build the structures encasing the interceptor system, which will have steel blast doors. The purpose of the Arrow 3 defense system is to intercept ballistic missiles outside the earths atmosphere. http://rt.com/news/israel-secret-base-us-232/arth’s atmosphere. It’s expected to become operational in 2015-16.
After you posted the OP, Israel has moved the base to an undisclosed location. Sorry 'bout that.
More information about the Arrow 3 system from the article, it will include six interceptor missiles in vertical launch positions to be placed at the base, with a gantry crane to be erected for further missiles.*It will be high-grade concrete reinforced and steel mesh grids will be used to build the structures encasing the interceptor system, which will have steel blast doors. The purpose of the Arrow 3 defense system is to intercept ballistic missiles outside the earths atmosphere. http://rt.com/news/israel-secret-base-us-232/arth’s atmosphere. It’s expected to become operational in 2015-16.
After you posted the OP, Israel has moved the base to an undisclosed location. Sorry 'bout that.

More information about the Arrow 3 system from the article, it will include six interceptor missiles in vertical launch positions to be placed at the base, with a gantry crane to be erected for further missiles.*It will be high-grade concrete reinforced and steel mesh grids will be used to build the structures encasing the interceptor system, which will have steel blast doors. The purpose of the Arrow 3 defense system is to intercept ballistic missiles outside the earths atmosphere. http://rt.com/news/israel-secret-base-us-232/arth’s atmosphere. It’s expected to become operational in 2015-16.
After you posted the OP, Israel has moved the base to an undisclosed location. Sorry 'bout that.

And let you spill the beans? No way.
In my opinion (and that of many) Obama could have done more to keep this more confidential...these are allies classified defense secrets. ...also .... bid on Government contracts, the “plans” were never available on-line.

Enough said.

Why should we give a crap what the Zionists are upset about?

How's this for a crazy idea. Let's stop subsidizing them. Let's stop bribing their neighbors to play nice and let's stop getting involved in one fight after another over there so they can have their fantasy their invisible friend in the sky loves them best.

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