U.S. Senate Election Results Thread

+4 isn't bad that puts us at 55.

Arizona, Montana, and Nevada are the remaining disputed races. Two of those are Republican held seats so if we sweep them we might get to 56

Of course there could be some surprises still but I doubt it at this point
Watching the MN official returns and it has Karin Housley ahead of tina Smith with 83% in. Republicans might still be able to flip Frankens old seat. Wasn't expecting that
Watching the MN official returns and it has Karin Housley ahead of tina Smith with 83% in. Republicans might still be able to flip Frankens old seat. Wasn't expecting that
Considering Franken Declared Himself Winner To Begin With
Well at least McCain, Flake, and Corker are gone.....now that jackass Sasse in Nebraska needs to go
Is anyone doing exit polling?

I wonder who will be called right at 7pm.

Florida has the PAN HANDLE, it's on CENTRAL TIME.

They HAD BETTER NOT call Florida until 8pm Eastern at the earliest.
Thats is exactly what the liars at cnn did in 2000. One media outlet today already ran a story saying the democrat won the gov race, then later "apologized".

Didn't pay attention did you? That was Guam.
No liar, that was Florida.

Guam asshole.

Guam doesn't vote in presidential or any other federal elections, you dipshit!
Heitkamp loses. Republicans now have a net gain of three seats in the Senate
It'll be four when Arizona elects a real Republican to replace the dead John McCain.

McCain’s seat isn’t up this cycle

??? Your seat goes up when you die.

Arizona will just go forward with one Senator?

His replacement, Jon Kyl was appointed until November 2020.

So you lose The House, but good situation that Republicans keep control of The Senate and also get extra seats, you also still control The White House and the USSC so not all that of a disaster then.
+4 isn't bad that puts us at 55.

Arizona, Montana, and Nevada are the remaining disputed races. Two of those are Republican held seats so if we sweep them we might get to 56

Of course there could be some surprises still but I doubt it at this point

There was no Blue Wave, the Democrats will get between 226-228 House Seats and the Republicans will keep The Senate with extra seats 55-56 to 45-44, the Democrats were going on about a Blue Wave of 60 wins in The House and taking back The Senate and it did not occur.
Every Dimm who voted against Kavanaugh lost tonight.

Brilliant strategy!

The good situation with The Senate is that the Republicans will not have to be concerned about the RINO Maine woman and the RINO Alaska woman and even the RINO Mitt Romney who was just elected, so they do not need to be concerned with the three RINOs siding with the Democrats on certain Conservative issues like they are probably going to do, on key votes they will have the Solid Conservative votes. Hopefully Arizona and Nevada hold for.the Republicans.

So in the Georgia Governor the Black woman will not concede, she is thinking that Absentee Ballots are going to change the result but Brian Kemp is still going to win.
Keep hearing about how much money was spent by the left on these races.

Isn't the left the group that keeps whining about Citizens United and corrupt or dark money.
Looks like Nevada is a loss.

AZ is a nail biter.

Montana is looking better.

Nevada been called for the Democrats, so that is 45 Senate Seats for them, hopefully Arizona and Montana go Republican, even IF they do not it's still 53-47 for the Republicans in the next Senate if they do go Republican then it's 55-45 in the next Senate.
+4 isn't bad that puts us at 55.

Arizona, Montana, and Nevada are the remaining disputed races. Two of those are Republican held seats so if we sweep them we might get to 56

Of course there could be some surprises still but I doubt it at this point

There was no Blue Wave, the Democrats will get between 226-228 House Seats and the Republicans will keep The Senate with extra seats 55-56 to 45-44, the Democrats were going on about a Blue Wave of 60 wins in The House and taking back The Senate and it did not occur.
You think the dems taking the house comfortably is not a blue wave? Winning back the senate was never likely and most of us understood that.

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