U.S. Senate Election Results Thread

This country is in the state it's in because of stupid voters. Angus King? Why would you vote that worthless fuck back into office? How can a state elect one Republican senator and one (essentially) a Democrat senator? It's like the same people don't turn up to vote every time there's a vote. We need the Republicans to go +10 in the Senate, c'mon people - it's the only way to actually pass laws and prevent the Democrats from obstructing the repairs this country needs.
I had the pleasure to vote against Congressman Jim Hims and Senator Chris Murphy today. Unfortunately, their republican challengers did no campaigning and had no financing (I basically saw their names for the first time on the ballot itself this afternoon). Murphy's victory speech was hilariously stupid.

The streaming comments in the above feed are often entertaining. :p
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Florida flipping a Moon Bat Senate seat.

Good riddance to Bill Nelson. He is a real asshole and an embarrassment to the state.
Heitkamp loses. Republicans now have a net gain of three seats in the Senate
Heitkamp goes down hard. Race called for Kramer.


Good riddance to Bill Nelson. He is a real asshole and an embarrassment to the state.

That is some good news. "The Mummy" as Rush called him also was quite a habitual liar.

Nelson was a real Libtard asshole. He claimed to be a moderate in the elections but always voted hardcore Left in the Senate.

The sonofabitch backed Obama and Crooked Hillary. How idiotic is that?

I was pissed at Scott for signing that despicable anti gun legislation after Parkland but he is a saint compared to Nelson.
The media is projecting the house will be flipped to Democrats. Yeah, fat chance of that happening.

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