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U.S. sends Navy destroyer to patrol off Yemen amid Iran tensions

Locked and loaded I hope...no more of this Obastard "That's not who we are" faggotry.

This makes me sick to my stomach. It truly does, there is no glory in War. There is just death and destruction, nobody should want this.
No one does want it, except maybe the Iranian garbage. Not surprising that you call refusing to be bullied wanting war.

Says someone who's never been in one. I'm sorry but I don't live in a theoretical World with this subject.
No, it appears you live in a "make up your own crap" world.

Sorry kid, your ignorance betrays you.
You're sorry alright. A pretending liberal in denial of that fact that the pos president we had for the last 8 years set the tone for all of this.
How long before Tramp/Israel sabotages the destroyer to start a war with Iran?
Be ready for Tramp's Gulf of Tonkin incident.

Yeah, i've been thinking about a 'False Flag' event too. They really are ramping up the Warmongering. I mean, Iran wouldn't attack the US. What would it gain? So i'll be very suspicious of any claims of Iran attacking the US.
After 8 years of Obama pussyfication, It doesn't surprise me that you think refusing to be bullied is warmongering.

My God man, no nation on earth can 'bully' the US. Are you that all-in on more war, to not see that?
They did it pretty good under obastard, didn't they?

Sir, no nation earth can 'bully' the US. Your statement is ludicrous.
Locked and loaded I hope...no more of this Obastard "That's not who we are" faggotry.

This makes me sick to my stomach. It truly does, there is no glory in War. There is just death and destruction, nobody should want this.
Sane people don't want war but they recognize that sometimes we need to do it.

In this case, a destroyer patrolling the area and escorting vessels (I'm guessing merchant ships transiting the area) isn't going to war or starting a war. I'm sure their ROE is along the lines of "Weapons hold".

Let's not forget who is firing the first shots here.

Adm: Attacks Like Those on USS Mason Will Become More Common
.....Over the course of a week this month, Mason operating near the Bab el-Mandeb strait came under attack at least on two separate occasions from guided anti-ship cruise missiles that were widely believed to be provided to Houthi rebels by Iranian forces.

Specifically, naval analysts have told USNI News the missiles are likely Chinese-built C-802 (NATO reporting name CSS-N-8 Saccade) missiles based on the widely exported French Exocet missile.The attacks are the first time a U.S. warship has fired SM-2 missiles to ward off the attack from an anti-ship cruise missile threat. Following a retaliation strike by the U.S. after the second attack, Houthi forces are also suspected to have attacked Mason a third time. The Navy is still studying radar tracks to determine if the radar tracks to which the crew reacted were actually missile threats.

Destroyers Mason, Nitze and the afloat forward staging base USS Ponce (AFSB(I)-15) have been operating off the coast of Yemen in the vicinity of Bab el-Mandeb and the Red Sea following an attack on the UAE operated HSV Swift in which Houthi rebels claimed responsibility

Two Saudi Sailors Dead in Houthi Suicide Boat Attack
Two Royal Saudi Naval Forces sailors are dead following a Monday attack on a Saudi frigate operating in the Red Sea by Houthi forces.

The Saudi Al Madinah-class frigate was operating about 30 nautical miles from the Yemeni port of Hudaydah when it was approached by a trio of small boats.

One of the suicide boats managed to collide and detonate explosives against the hull of the frigate, a U.S. defense official told USNI News.

The collision sparked a fire on the ship that killed the two Saudi sailors and injured three others, according to a report in Al Arabiya.

Following the attack, the crew of the frigate, “dealt with the boats as necessary,” read a statement from the Saudi-led collation.

“The Saudi ship has continued its patrol duties in the area of operations, while the air force and the coalition forces’ ships continued to chase the fleeing boats to deal with them,” continued the statement.
“The command of the coalition asserts that the continuation of the Houthi militias’ use of the port of Hudaydah as a launching pad for terrorist operations is a serious development that would affect the international navigation and the flow of humanitarian and medical assistance into the port for Yemeni citizens.”

Earlier reports indicated the Saudi frigate may have been struck by an anti-ship cruise missile but a U.S. Navy official told USNI News there was no evidence one was fired at the warship.

The U.S. offered assistance but the Saudis haven’t asked for any ship support, a defense official told USNI News.

The attack on the Saudi ship comes after Houthi forces made multiple cruise missile attacks against U.S. warships in October.
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has sent a Navy destroyer to patrol off the coast of Yemen to protect waterways from Houthi militia aligned with Iran, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday, amid heightened tension between Washington and Tehran.

Search also for...Arms seized off coast YemenNavy seal Yemen
The USS Cole arrived in the vicinity of the Bab al-Mandab Strait off southwestern Yemen where it will carry out patrols, including escorting vessels, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

In 2000, the USS Cole was attacked when al Qaeda bombers steered a boat full of explosives into the side of the American warship while it refueled in the Yemini port of Aden, killing 17 U.S. sailors and wounding about three dozen others."

U.S. sends Navy destroyer to patrol off Yemen amid Iran tensions: officials

This is called "escalation" kids.
I mentioned the other day that during the Bush Administration, the liberals would scream that Bush was about to invade Iran. Every six months like clockwork.

One of the drivers of their panic was the regular rotation of our naval fleets. Aircraft carrier battle groups swap out...every six months. Like clockwork.

So every time the liberals would hear of a carrier battle group headed over there, they assumed an invasion was imminent.

Now what does that have to do with this story?

Because our Navy regularly patrols the Gulf of Aden. For years now.

That's why.

The difference here is that Obambi spent 8 years stirring up this hornets nest. We are fighting in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Saudi's are basically fighting Iran and we are supporting the Saudi's. I know you like to pretend you know everything son, but on this you don't shit.
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has sent a Navy destroyer to patrol off the coast of Yemen to protect waterways from Houthi militia aligned with Iran, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday, amid heightened tension between Washington and Tehran.

Search also for...Arms seized off coast YemenNavy seal Yemen
The USS Cole arrived in the vicinity of the Bab al-Mandab Strait off southwestern Yemen where it will carry out patrols, including escorting vessels, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

In 2000, the USS Cole was attacked when al Qaeda bombers steered a boat full of explosives into the side of the American warship while it refueled in the Yemini port of Aden, killing 17 U.S. sailors and wounding about three dozen others."

U.S. sends Navy destroyer to patrol off Yemen amid Iran tensions: officials

This is called "escalation" kids.
I mentioned the other day that during the Bush Administration, the liberals would scream that Bush was about to invade Iran. Every six months like clockwork.

One of the drivers of their panic was the regular rotation of our naval fleets. Aircraft carrier battle groups swap out...every six months. Like clockwork.

So every time the liberals would hear of a carrier battle group headed over there, they assumed an invasion was imminent.

Now what does that have to do with this story?

Because our Navy regularly patrols the Gulf of Aden. For years now.

That's why.

The difference here is that Obambi spent 8 years stirring up this hornets nest. We are fighting in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Saudi's are basically fighting Iran and we are supporting the Saudi's. I know you like to pretend you know everything son, but on this you don't shit.
Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan are on Bush. Not Obama. And Syria is to an extent, too.

As far as Libya goes:

I can’t believe what our country is doing. Qaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around, we have soldiers all have the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage.

You talk about things that have happened in history; this could be one of the worst. Now we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolutely nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re gonna end up with something like you’ve never seen before.

Now, ultimately, the people will appreciate it. They're gonna end up taking over the country eventually, but the people will appreciate it, and they should pay us back.

But we have go in to save these lives; these people are being slaughtered like animals. It’s horrible what’s going on;
it has to be stopped.

We should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives.

- Donald J. Trump

A Saudi destroyer was just hit by a missile off Yemen- the Yemenis thought it was American, supposedly. Leaving peace in the hands of primitive Yemenis and a-hole Saudis is nuts. Great job!
Locked and loaded I hope...no more of this Obastard "That's not who we are" faggotry.

This makes me sick to my stomach. It truly does, there is no glory in War. There is just death and destruction, nobody should want this.
Sane people don't want war but they recognize that sometimes we need to do it.

In this case, a destroyer patrolling the area and escorting vessels (I'm guessing merchant ships transiting the area) isn't going to war or starting a war. I'm sure their ROE is along the lines of "Weapons hold".

Let's not forget who is firing the first shots here.

Adm: Attacks Like Those on USS Mason Will Become More Common
.....Over the course of a week this month, Mason operating near the Bab el-Mandeb strait came under attack at least on two separate occasions from guided anti-ship cruise missiles that were widely believed to be provided to Houthi rebels by Iranian forces.

Specifically, naval analysts have told USNI News the missiles are likely Chinese-built C-802 (NATO reporting name CSS-N-8 Saccade) missiles based on the widely exported French Exocet missile.The attacks are the first time a U.S. warship has fired SM-2 missiles to ward off the attack from an anti-ship cruise missile threat. Following a retaliation strike by the U.S. after the second attack, Houthi forces are also suspected to have attacked Mason a third time. The Navy is still studying radar tracks to determine if the radar tracks to which the crew reacted were actually missile threats.

Destroyers Mason, Nitze and the afloat forward staging base USS Ponce (AFSB(I)-15) have been operating off the coast of Yemen in the vicinity of Bab el-Mandeb and the Red Sea following an attack on the UAE operated HSV Swift in which Houthi rebels claimed responsibility

Two Saudi Sailors Dead in Houthi Suicide Boat Attack
Two Royal Saudi Naval Forces sailors are dead following a Monday attack on a Saudi frigate operating in the Red Sea by Houthi forces.

The Saudi Al Madinah-class frigate was operating about 30 nautical miles from the Yemeni port of Hudaydah when it was approached by a trio of small boats.

One of the suicide boats managed to collide and detonate explosives against the hull of the frigate, a U.S. defense official told USNI News.

The collision sparked a fire on the ship that killed the two Saudi sailors and injured three others, according to a report in Al Arabiya.

Following the attack, the crew of the frigate, “dealt with the boats as necessary,” read a statement from the Saudi-led collation.

“The Saudi ship has continued its patrol duties in the area of operations, while the air force and the coalition forces’ ships continued to chase the fleeing boats to deal with them,” continued the statement.
“The command of the coalition asserts that the continuation of the Houthi militias’ use of the port of Hudaydah as a launching pad for terrorist operations is a serious development that would affect the international navigation and the flow of humanitarian and medical assistance into the port for Yemeni citizens.”

Earlier reports indicated the Saudi frigate may have been struck by an anti-ship cruise missile but a U.S. Navy official told USNI News there was no evidence one was fired at the warship.

The U.S. offered assistance but the Saudis haven’t asked for any ship support, a defense official told USNI News.

The attack on the Saudi ship comes after Houthi forces made multiple cruise missile attacks against U.S. warships in October.

We're ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Things are gonna get very ugly, very soon.
How long before Tramp/Israel sabotages the destroyer to start a war with Iran?
Be ready for Tramp's Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Translation: The fucking Jews control Trump!!!!!

Dude, you need to wear more aluminum foil on your head; those CIA rays are leaking through! ;)
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has sent a Navy destroyer to patrol off the coast of Yemen to protect waterways from Houthi militia aligned with Iran, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday, amid heightened tension between Washington and Tehran.

Search also for...Arms seized off coast YemenNavy seal Yemen
The USS Cole arrived in the vicinity of the Bab al-Mandab Strait off southwestern Yemen where it will carry out patrols, including escorting vessels, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

In 2000, the USS Cole was attacked when al Qaeda bombers steered a boat full of explosives into the side of the American warship while it refueled in the Yemini port of Aden, killing 17 U.S. sailors and wounding about three dozen others."

U.S. sends Navy destroyer to patrol off Yemen amid Iran tensions: officials

This is called "escalation" kids.
I mentioned the other day that during the Bush Administration, the liberals would scream that Bush was about to invade Iran. Every six months like clockwork.

One of the drivers of their panic was the regular rotation of our naval fleets. Aircraft carrier battle groups swap out...every six months. Like clockwork.

So every time the liberals would hear of a carrier battle group headed over there, they assumed an invasion was imminent.

Now what does that have to do with this story?

Because our Navy regularly patrols the Gulf of Aden. For years now.

That's why.

The difference here is that Obambi spent 8 years stirring up this hornets nest. We are fighting in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Saudi's are basically fighting Iran and we are supporting the Saudi's. I know you like to pretend you know everything son, but on this you don't shit.
Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan are on Bush. Not Obama. And Syria is to an extent, too.

As far as Libya goes:

I can’t believe what our country is doing. Qaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around, we have soldiers all have the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage.

You talk about things that have happened in history; this could be one of the worst. Now we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolutely nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re gonna end up with something like you’ve never seen before.

Now, ultimately, the people will appreciate it. They're gonna end up taking over the country eventually, but the people will appreciate it, and they should pay us back.

But we have go in to save these lives; these people are being slaughtered like animals. It’s horrible what’s going on;
it has to be stopped.

We should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives.

- Donald J. Trump


Iraq/Afghanistan, on Bush. Ukraine/Syria/Libya/Yemen, on Obama.
This makes me sick to my stomach. It truly does, there is no glory in War. There is just death and destruction, nobody should want this.
No one does want it, except maybe the Iranian garbage. Not surprising that you call refusing to be bullied wanting war.

Says someone who's never been in one. I'm sorry but I don't live in a theoretical World with this subject.
No, it appears you live in a "make up your own crap" world.

Sorry kid, your ignorance betrays you.
You're sorry alright. A pretending liberal in denial of that fact that the pos president we had for the last 8 years set the tone for all of this.

I always feel bad for you children. I voted for Trump kid. I'm not going to call you any names, children do that. I'm also not going to fall into the "Who's got the biggest dick on the block" routine. People like you are to free with the blood of others, you're only that way because you have no damn idea as to what you're talking about.
Boooosh and the New BS GOP wrecked the ME just like they wrecked the world economy duh...
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" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has sent a Navy destroyer to patrol off the coast of Yemen to protect waterways from Houthi militia aligned with Iran, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday, amid heightened tension between Washington and Tehran.

Search also for...Arms seized off coast YemenNavy seal Yemen
The USS Cole arrived in the vicinity of the Bab al-Mandab Strait off southwestern Yemen where it will carry out patrols, including escorting vessels, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

In 2000, the USS Cole was attacked when al Qaeda bombers steered a boat full of explosives into the side of the American warship while it refueled in the Yemini port of Aden, killing 17 U.S. sailors and wounding about three dozen others."

U.S. sends Navy destroyer to patrol off Yemen amid Iran tensions: officials

This is called "escalation" kids.
I mentioned the other day that during the Bush Administration, the liberals would scream that Bush was about to invade Iran. Every six months like clockwork.

One of the drivers of their panic was the regular rotation of our naval fleets. Aircraft carrier battle groups swap out...every six months. Like clockwork.

So every time the liberals would hear of a carrier battle group headed over there, they assumed an invasion was imminent.

Now what does that have to do with this story?

Because our Navy regularly patrols the Gulf of Aden. For years now.

That's why.

The difference here is that Obambi spent 8 years stirring up this hornets nest. We are fighting in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Saudi's are basically fighting Iran and we are supporting the Saudi's. I know you like to pretend you know everything son, but on this you don't shit.
Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan are on Bush. Not Obama. And Syria is to an extent, too.

As far as Libya goes:

I can’t believe what our country is doing. Qaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around, we have soldiers all have the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage.

You talk about things that have happened in history; this could be one of the worst. Now we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolutely nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re gonna end up with something like you’ve never seen before.

Now, ultimately, the people will appreciate it. They're gonna end up taking over the country eventually, but the people will appreciate it, and they should pay us back.

But we have go in to save these lives; these people are being slaughtered like animals. It’s horrible what’s going on;
it has to be stopped.

We should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives.

- Donald J. Trump


Good lord kid, it doesn't matter who started WHICH war, the fact is we are fighting them all. I'm not like you g, I'm not a partisan hack and I'm not a blind follower of any man. I know you like your little "gotcha" game but it's a stupid game. Reagan could be President right now and I'd be just as upset and just as against it. Grow up.
I always feel bad for people who pretend to know what's going to happen.
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has sent a Navy destroyer to patrol off the coast of Yemen to protect waterways from Houthi militia aligned with Iran, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday, amid heightened tension between Washington and Tehran.

Search also for...Arms seized off coast YemenNavy seal Yemen
The USS Cole arrived in the vicinity of the Bab al-Mandab Strait off southwestern Yemen where it will carry out patrols, including escorting vessels, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

In 2000, the USS Cole was attacked when al Qaeda bombers steered a boat full of explosives into the side of the American warship while it refueled in the Yemini port of Aden, killing 17 U.S. sailors and wounding about three dozen others."

U.S. sends Navy destroyer to patrol off Yemen amid Iran tensions: officials

This is called "escalation" kids.
I mentioned the other day that during the Bush Administration, the liberals would scream that Bush was about to invade Iran. Every six months like clockwork.

One of the drivers of their panic was the regular rotation of our naval fleets. Aircraft carrier battle groups swap out...every six months. Like clockwork.

So every time the liberals would hear of a carrier battle group headed over there, they assumed an invasion was imminent.

Now what does that have to do with this story?

Because our Navy regularly patrols the Gulf of Aden. For years now.

That's why.

The difference here is that Obambi spent 8 years stirring up this hornets nest. We are fighting in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Saudi's are basically fighting Iran and we are supporting the Saudi's. I know you like to pretend you know everything son, but on this you don't shit.
Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan are on Bush. Not Obama. And Syria is to an extent, too.

As far as Libya goes:

I can’t believe what our country is doing. Qaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around, we have soldiers all have the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage.

You talk about things that have happened in history; this could be one of the worst. Now we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolutely nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re gonna end up with something like you’ve never seen before.

Now, ultimately, the people will appreciate it. They're gonna end up taking over the country eventually, but the people will appreciate it, and they should pay us back.

But we have go in to save these lives; these people are being slaughtered like animals. It’s horrible what’s going on;
it has to be stopped.

We should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives.

- Donald J. Trump

Good lord kid, it doesn't matter who started WHICH war, the fact is we are fighting them all. I'm not like you g, I'm not a partisan hack and I'm not a blind follower of any man. I know you like your little "gotcha" game but it's a stupid game. Reagan could be President right now and I'd be just as upset and just as against it. Grow up.[/QUOTE]
It does matter to the people who started it. It always does. You'd be upset if Mary Poppins was president.
Locked and loaded I hope...no more of this Obastard "That's not who we are" faggotry.

This makes me sick to my stomach. It truly does, there is no glory in War. There is just death and destruction, nobody should want this.
Sane people don't want war but they recognize that sometimes we need to do it.

In this case, a destroyer patrolling the area and escorting vessels (I'm guessing merchant ships transiting the area) isn't going to war or starting a war. I'm sure their ROE is along the lines of "Weapons hold".

Let's not forget who is firing the first shots here.

Adm: Attacks Like Those on USS Mason Will Become More Common
.....Over the course of a week this month, Mason operating near the Bab el-Mandeb strait came under attack at least on two separate occasions from guided anti-ship cruise missiles that were widely believed to be provided to Houthi rebels by Iranian forces.

Specifically, naval analysts have told USNI News the missiles are likely Chinese-built C-802 (NATO reporting name CSS-N-8 Saccade) missiles based on the widely exported French Exocet missile.The attacks are the first time a U.S. warship has fired SM-2 missiles to ward off the attack from an anti-ship cruise missile threat. Following a retaliation strike by the U.S. after the second attack, Houthi forces are also suspected to have attacked Mason a third time. The Navy is still studying radar tracks to determine if the radar tracks to which the crew reacted were actually missile threats.

Destroyers Mason, Nitze and the afloat forward staging base USS Ponce (AFSB(I)-15) have been operating off the coast of Yemen in the vicinity of Bab el-Mandeb and the Red Sea following an attack on the UAE operated HSV Swift in which Houthi rebels claimed responsibility

Two Saudi Sailors Dead in Houthi Suicide Boat Attack
Two Royal Saudi Naval Forces sailors are dead following a Monday attack on a Saudi frigate operating in the Red Sea by Houthi forces.

The Saudi Al Madinah-class frigate was operating about 30 nautical miles from the Yemeni port of Hudaydah when it was approached by a trio of small boats.

One of the suicide boats managed to collide and detonate explosives against the hull of the frigate, a U.S. defense official told USNI News.

The collision sparked a fire on the ship that killed the two Saudi sailors and injured three others, according to a report in Al Arabiya.

Following the attack, the crew of the frigate, “dealt with the boats as necessary,” read a statement from the Saudi-led collation.

“The Saudi ship has continued its patrol duties in the area of operations, while the air force and the coalition forces’ ships continued to chase the fleeing boats to deal with them,” continued the statement.
“The command of the coalition asserts that the continuation of the Houthi militias’ use of the port of Hudaydah as a launching pad for terrorist operations is a serious development that would affect the international navigation and the flow of humanitarian and medical assistance into the port for Yemeni citizens.”

Earlier reports indicated the Saudi frigate may have been struck by an anti-ship cruise missile but a U.S. Navy official told USNI News there was no evidence one was fired at the warship.

The U.S. offered assistance but the Saudis haven’t asked for any ship support, a defense official told USNI News.

The attack on the Saudi ship comes after Houthi forces made multiple cruise missile attacks against U.S. warships in October.

We're ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Things are gonna get very ugly, very soon.
It's already very ugly over there. Mostly due to radical Islamism which is being supported by Iran.
Iraq War-repeat. There is no evidence Iran violated the agreement with the US. Just like Iraq, the Warmongers in our Government are hell-bent on attacking Iran. They're going full speed ahead. Iraq didn't have WMD and was completely contained. Once the war with Iran begins, we'll find out the same thing. Iran is no threat to the US. I would advise Trump against war.
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Iraq War-repeat. There is no evidence Iran violated the agreement with the US. Just like Iraq, they're hell-bent on war. They're going full speed ahead. Iraq didn't have WMD and was completely contained. Once the war with Iran begins, we'll find out the same thing. Iran is no threat to the US. I would advise Trump against war.
Iraq did have weapons of mass destruction.
How long before Tramp/Israel sabotages the destroyer to start a war with Iran?
Be ready for Tramp's Gulf of Tonkin incident.

Yeah, i've been thinking about a 'False Flag' event too. They really are ramping up the Warmongering. I mean, Iran wouldn't attack the US. What would it gain? So i'll be very suspicious of any claims of Iran attacking the US.
After 8 years of Obama pussyfication, It doesn't surprise me that you think refusing to be bullied is warmongering.
Start up Operation Small Hands
I always feel bad for people who pretend to know what's going to happen.

I always feel bad for people who must pretend they know what they are talking about. I also feel bad for those who read a thing and can't understand what they've read. Show where I said anything was GOING to happen kid. Oh wait, you can't. I also feel bad for those who need to pretend to be a tough guy and have NO earthly idea how many things can go wrong here. You simply have no idea what you don't know, you just want everyone to see how big you think your dick is. It's all fun and games right up until it isn't.

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