U.S. sets single-day record for COVID-19 cases during new surge

So the quicker we kill off those susceptible the better off we are? Try running on that moron.
If we had protected them............and let the healthy out and about.......the economy wouldn't have been fucked.............and this shit would be over by now....or close........

Notice how New York isn't really getting hit hard now.........It sure as fuck isn't because of masks............it has mostly run its course there................................Like all pandemics in the past.
Have you been to NYC recently? They are fanatical about basic precautions. They aren’t at herd immunity you dope.
Up yours......most get it and don't know they had it MORON...........

Of course you know. Because you just do. What’s tonight’s lotto?
It is on the IDIOT form .......I D 10 T form you filled out...........geesh...........

Wow...........the labs making a killing off your paranoia.............test test test.........test test test......see how many are sick.........MAIL IN YOUR VOTES AND SAVE YOURSELF.

16 states also set single-day records for new infections of the coronavirus. More than 84,000 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 across the United States on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, a record one-day increase in infections during the pandemic as the virus surges again nationwide.

Nice work, you orange piece of turd Trump. So this is America roundin the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot.
Biden is so right, a president responsible for the deaths of over 225,000 Americans SHOULD NOT BE PRESIDENT!
This is the consequence of placing in the WH an ignorant, incompetent, unprepared neophyte wholly unprepared to govern.

Trump knows nothing about sound, responsible public policy, he knows nothing about how government works, and worst of all: he doesn’t care.

And yet most deaths are still in blue States with Democrats in charge, NOT TRUMP.

Finger pointers suck. that's you since you're dumb as shit
16 states also set single-day records for new infections of the coronavirus. More than 84,000 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 across the United States on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, a record one-day increase in infections during the pandemic as the virus surges again nationwide.

Nice work, you orange piece of turd Trump. So this is America roundin the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot.
Biden is so right, a president responsible for the deaths of over 225,000 Americans SHOULD NOT BE PRESIDENT!
This couldn't come at a worse time for Pandemic Don. Bad headlines just prior to the elections.
I thought you were above using pathetic soundbites. Unreal how the language and labels, spreads throughout the deranged MSM and here you are parroting it. Super spreaders of fear porn.

So this is the corner we’ve turned that Trump described? Head in the sand leadership fails every time.
Wow the morons have come out in force tonight....

1. The average age of those contracting COIVD is 23-34 years of age. These people are mostly asymptomatic and have no symptoms but a re highly infectious. they get over this in about 10-14 days.

2. This age group has very few problems with this virus.

The faster we get the middle age populace with antibodies the slower this thing goes and the faster we get back to real life...
So the quicker we kill off those susceptible the better off we are? Try running on that moron.

How about the leaders promote safe interactions until a vaccine is developed and distributed widely? Your moron in chief is holding super spreader events in the Villages?!? That is simply not responsible nor consistent with opening us up. Stay safe but live and work. That’s it. Dems aren’t locking shit down. Driving safety is driving the economy. What isn’t driving the economy? Getting sick and flying to Walter Reed like a bitch.

Go cower down in fear. This is who the libs are. Cowards.
Am I the only person tired of hearing the same old personal insults and partisan attacks? The OP-linked CBC article itself seemed quite objective and informative. Among other things it reported:

On Thursday there were 916 reported fatalities in the United States, a day after the country recorded over 1,200 new deaths for the first time since August.

“Eighteen states have reported their highest daily numbers of hospitalized COVID-19 patients since the pandemic started and on Friday the number of COVID-19 patients in U.S. hospitals climbed to a two-month high.

“There are now more than 41,000 hospitalized patients with coronavirus across the country, up 34 per cent from Oct. 1, according to a Reuters analysis.“

We are entering the cold weather and everyone should take care, use masks when indoors as appropriate, maintain social distancing, avoid crowds, etc. This can slow the spread and save lives.
Everywhere I go, everyone is wearing masks though.

Oh, not working?

I guess the WHO was right when they originally said masks don't work.


You there?
Am I the only person tired of hearing the same old personal insults and partisan attacks? The OP-linked CBC article itself seemed quite objective and informative. Among other things it reported:

On Thursday there were 916 reported fatalities in the United States, a day after the country recorded over 1,200 new deaths for the first time since August.

“Eighteen states have reported their highest daily numbers of hospitalized COVID-19 patients since the pandemic started and on Friday the number of COVID-19 patients in U.S. hospitals climbed to a two-month high.

“There are now more than 41,000 hospitalized patients with coronavirus across the country, up 34 per cent from Oct. 1, according to a Reuters analysis.“

We are entering the cold weather and everyone should take care, use masks when indoors as appropriate, maintain social distancing, avoid crowds, etc. This can slow the spread and save lives.
Everywhere I go, everyone is wearing masks.

You acknowledging that WHO was right when they originally said masks don't work?

I honestly cannot tell. Tell me Tom Paine. Do you ever display common sense? No?

How ironic.
I thought you were above using pathetic soundbites. Unreal how the language and labels, spreads throughout the deranged MSM and here you are parroting it. Super spreaders of fear porn.

View attachment 405987
Mac turned out to be the same MSM koolaid-drinking Statist soyboy he allegedly despises.

How disappointing.
Apparently he doesn't get that he is using the language he learned from the MSM, by calling Trump a Super Spreader. That term was thrown out there and regurgitated ad nauseam and he repeated it word for word. Then pretends to be above it all.
Of course it will sound "objective" to those who buy into the hype and BS wholesale
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The flu is spreading OMG! #mockingsarcasm
And you would rather ignore it and drop mitigation efforts because you think you can outwit a pandemic by machismo and 'Murican Freedom.

While you morons are fanning the faux fear Covid claims, leading causes of death are skyrocketing during the shutdown reversing early detection and treatment killing way more people you blithering idiot.
So the quicker we kill off those susceptible the better off we are?
You really are a moron....

We protect vulnerable populations the best we can and everyone else gets this bug. This is what is going to happen anyway despite any lockdowns you promote. This is a VIRUS!

We now have medications which make it a99.9% probability everyone, including us older folks, will survive an infection. We didn't have these just 6 months ago but we do now because of Trumps foresight and pulling out the road blocks to getting what we needed.

We, like Sweeden to some extents, did not lock down. this allowed the younger populace to get and recover from this virus. These people are now immune and will not transmit the virus. This means the virus can not "burn" through the population like it could just six months ago. This PROTECTS THE OLDER POPULATIONS. The faster it happens the better off we will be as a nation.

Its called the science of biological warfare.
Notice how New York isn't really getting hit hard now.........It sure as fuck isn't because of masks............it has mostly run its course there................................Like all pandemics in the past.

It has nothig to do with lockdowns or fuck face DeBlasio.. they fucked up killing thousands but in doing so they allwed the virus to 'burn' through the populace.
16 states also set single-day records for new infections of the coronavirus. More than 84,000 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 across the United States on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, a record one-day increase in infections during the pandemic as the virus surges again nationwide.

Nice work, you orange piece of turd Trump. So this is America roundin the corner of the pandemic, is it? Fucking idiot.
Biden is so right, a president responsible for the deaths of over 225,000 Americans SHOULD NOT BE PRESIDENT!

I call shenanigans.

Positive tests are not cases. This is the con being played by the Cult of Wokistan. People who test positive with dead fragments of the Covid virus (due to excessively high rotation in the PCR Test) are included as "Cases".

The reason this is done is to instill Fear so that "The Elect" can justify their authoritarian destruction of our civil liberties.
I wasted an hour reading all the posts in this thread and the misinformation on how a virus propagates is astounding..

Lockdowns do not work. They simply slow the spread and are ways to allow you to build up medical capacity. After about two weeks they are useless as viral infection are exponential. COVID 19 has an exponent of 10 or higher. This means every person infected infects 10. This is due to the infected person being unaware they are ill. This is how the elderly get infected(unless you live in Democrat states where the governors put infected into nursing homes).

Masks (face coverings and unsealed breathing apparatus) do nothing for the wearer if they are not the ones infected. N-95 mask do offer some protection but do not block all of the virus. These are basically a placebo to make you feel safe when it does almost nothing.

Distancing, sun light and air flow are the best protectors.

There is no reason to re-litigate the scientific facts. In July, even the CDC's own data showed that over 85% of those who contracted COIVD-19 WORE MASKS ALL OR MOST OF THE TIME. In other data, those who wore mask also had a major increase of bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. This makes you very susceptible to COVID INFECTION.

The point being is, every action has risk. The masks and lockdowns do little to stop this virus and only prolong the inevitable...

We know who this affects and how to protect them. We have the medications and abilities to keep even those over 70 who have other conditions alive now.

The Fear is no longer founded! Its Time to get on with life!
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So this is the corner we’ve turned that Trump described? Head in the sand leadership fails every time.
Wow the morons have come out in force tonight....

1. The average age of those contracting COIVD is 23-34 years of age. These people are mostly asymptomatic and have no symptoms but a re highly infectious. they get over this in about 10-14 days.

2. This age group has very few problems with this virus.

The faster we get the middle age populace with antibodies the slower this thing goes and the faster we get back to real life...
So the quicker we kill off those susceptible the better off we are? Try running on that moron.

How about the leaders promote safe interactions until a vaccine is developed and distributed widely? Your moron in chief is holding super spreader events in the Villages?!? That is simply not responsible nor consistent with opening us up. Stay safe but live and work. That’s it. Dems aren’t locking shit down. Driving safety is driving the economy. What isn’t driving the economy? Getting sick and flying to Walter Reed like a bitch.

Go cower down in fear. This is who the libs are. Cowards.
My yesterday...6 mile evening hike...I don’t cower. Of course I don’t struggle with debilitating bone Spurs so I’m lucky. I use a mask and social distance. I also wear a fucking seatbelt. Moron.


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