U.S. Supreme Court erects barricades before Ruling Nears Announcement

You can't eliminate abortion, you can only eliminate SAFE abortion.
How would you feel if the government forced you to get a vasectomy?
Women have the ability to eliminate unwanted pregnancies.
I'm pro abortion and I am postmenopausal. The rights that women have are slowly chipping away, next thing women , esp black women won't be allowed to vote. They have a hard time voting now.
I know I am not a genius. But you gotta be incredibly stupid to no know how to vote. And frankly, people voting for free stuff is the end of a civilization. Tha tis what we are doing. We need to stop at what we have done already. Improve on all of it. Near 60 years of the Great Society to eradicate poverty and spending trillions and trillions of dollars and we still have poverty. With the same percentages. We have commercials with children going to be hungry! The trickle down theory of our taxes must stop at the top people running the programs and pushing corruption, graft and stealing. The same old same old is gonna ean more of the same and more taxes needed for it.
Lawrence Hurley wrote:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Encircled by an ominous security fence and off-limits to the public since March 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court is poised in the coming weeks to issue a major ruling that could dramatically curtail abortion rights from behind closed doors with not a single justice in sight. As abortion ruling nears, U.S. Supreme Court erects barricades to the public

Do you think Roe v. Wade is on the brink?

This will save over more than a half million unborn children in this year's nation alone, and some other countries may follow.

Will dissenting politicians get on the gospel train if the court rules in favor of life for the unborn in the USA? Will Joe Biden claim victory for life to appease the Pope or will he just shut up?

What say you?

I'm feeling lucky for God's children!
We don't yet what the ruling will be. If Roe is overturned the same left wing loon who wanted to lock up and shoot anyone near the capital J6 will have no problem with rioters storming the USSC.
What I say is rhat they would not be erecting baracades if they planned on upholding Roe v Wade.

Never has it been so clear in our country that one party stands for criminality and one doesn't.
We don't yet what the ruling will be. If Roe is overturned the same left wing loon who wanted to lock up and shoot anyone near the capital J6 will have no problem with rioters storming the USSC.
The barrier they erected was 8 feet tall. That sorta sez it all.

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