U.S. Supreme Court erects barricades before Ruling Nears Announcement

These creatures are demon possessed. The first ones to scream.."believe the science", then preach to us that a human being in the womb isn't a human being. They're very sick and evil.
my sentiments exactly

Even pro abort lawyers say R v W is bad law (or anti-law, to be more precise)
When does a zygote become a baby and do the zygote's have those protections too?
Wrong question.

When does life commence? That’s the right question. And it is the answer to that question which is the key to proper understanding.
SCOTUS doesn't exist to satisfy the people. Their job is determine whether or not a law is Constitutional
yeh and some of them know that

the libs on the Ct know it too but act like they don't ... bc they... by God, they have an AGENDA and it needs to be shoved down the people's throats bc... that's what's best for them wehther it's constitutional or not
Mostly they get paid in 12 unit blocks max and it’s $10 per post. Most disappear after their daily dozen but some linger and do freebies.
Wow. That’s money very poorly spent by schmucks like Soros or whoever. Obviously, quality doesn’t matter to them.
When does a zygote become a baby and do the zygote's have those protections too?
Sorry, but your post proves my point about libs not being so smart (as conservatives)

There is no apostrophe in the word zygotes as used in your post

Then there is this: a zygote by any other name is still a human being. Laws protect adults, they should protect children also (and they do, except for the ones who don't live in the "right" place..)
20 weeks is when a baby can live outside the mother. No abortion after that,
Well at least it's a start. However the youngest preemie to survive now is just over 21 weeks I think, but the chances of survival increase from there.
Wow. That’s money very poorly spent by schmucks like Soros or whoever. Obviously, quality doesn’t matter to them.
Soros is old

He's about to die, even if it is years b4 that happens... so why isn't he more focused on what is going to happen to his miserable soul once he dies?

no fool like an old fool, eh?

(ok, Jesus, I'll pray for him... I think it's hopeless but I will do that..... )
Go suck another bag of dicks, ya retarded shitface. Then follow your own advice. 👍
don't let them get you down or get u to go to their disgusting level...

they aren't worth the keystrokes.... (or the time it takes to press them).

When I see this kind of gratuitous malice/swearing, I just move on to something valid... and I usually ignore liberals altogether. They literally have nothing valuable to contribute... ever (virtually ever)
Sorry, but your post proves my point about libs not being so smart (as conservatives)

There is no apostrophe in the word zygotes as used in your post

Then there is this: a zygote by any other name is still a human being. Laws protect adults, they should protect children also (and they do, except for the ones who don't live in the "right" place..)

And you think proof reading makes one smart? Obviously can't put any apostrophe over on you huh?

So should leftover frozen embryo's from IVF's have these rights too?

I say no. But feel free to correct my punctuation.
Its not a baby till its born. By definition.
Your fear mongering by corrupting words is noted, though.
What else is it? The corrupting of words of those who wish to kill babies, because the fertilized egg can become nothing else. I noted your duplicity.
What else is it? The corrupting of words of those who wish to kill babies, because the fertilized egg can become nothing else. I noted your duplicity.
Its not a baby FFS
Quit trying to scare people. You are acting like a leftist.
because the fertilized egg can become nothing else.

Two-thirds of all human embryos fail to develop successfully. Now, in a new study, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have shown that they can predict with 93 percent certainty which fertilized eggs will make it to a critical developmental milestone and which will stall and die.

don't let them get you down or get u to go to their disgusting level...

they aren't worth the keystrokes.... (or the time it takes to press them).

When I see this kind of gratuitous malice/swearing, I just move on to something valid... and I usually ignore liberals altogether. They literally have nothing valuable to contribute... ever (virtually ever)
Your advice is good and I know it. But sometimes I feel the need to just bitch slap some of ‘em. I don’t care what they say. I’m pretty sure they don’t care what I say. That’s fair. But I do like to be clear in my disdain.

I may be old but I lay no claim to maturity. 😎

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