U.S. Supreme Court erects barricades before Ruling Nears Announcement

Nope. I’m saying if you are anti choice but you have no problem with the government killing Indian children then you are a hypocrite.
Are you claiming that our government is killing Indian children?

Shit! Man! Speak up!! Where? How? Give us links! This is massively important breaking news. Don’t keep it to yourself.
There are two aspects of the Roe issue.

First, either you find the horrors inflicted on women, who sought abortions - for even such situations as where they'd been raped, or they already had kids and health issues and didn't see how they could care for another - required the states to at least allow women the same access to abortion they had in 1787, OR reformers from the late 19th and early 20th century did not overstep limits on State powers in outlawing virtually all abortions. The answer to that question simply varies from person to person, and there's no way to "prove" one belief is better.

The SECOND issue is simply law. The five R2L Justices, who were specifically confirmed on just this question. They will hold that the BoR does not establish any right to privacy that prevents the States from telling women they cannot have abortions in ANY SITUATION. The problem with that is that a right to abortion, or even the pill or IUD, could be based on equal protection, and RBG believed. Only women can get pregnant. Men can have all the sex they want, with wives or hookers, and never get preggers. You and I, and all other avg intelligence thinking people, KNOW the 5 R2L justices find that unacceptable. Not on legal grounds, but on their own personal beliefs. So this bullshit about "oh its not in the const" is simply bs to reach a result.

And frankly it is bs. Does the State have the right to tell me not to buy condoms? NO. Does the State have the right to tell me not to have sex with someone not my wife? NO We all know this.
Does buying a condom or having sex with your wife somehow kill a child or violate a child's right to the equal protection of our laws?
Lawrence Hurley wrote:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Encircled by an ominous security fence and off-limits to the public since March 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court is poised in the coming weeks to issue a major ruling that could dramatically curtail abortion rights from behind closed doors with not a single justice in sight. As abortion ruling nears, U.S. Supreme Court erects barricades to the public

Do you think Roe v. Wade is on the brink?

This will save over more than a half million unborn children in this year's nation alone, and some other countries may follow.

Will dissenting politicians get on the gospel train if the court rules in favor of life for the unborn in the USA? Will Joe Biden claim victory for life to appease the Pope or will he just shut up?

What say you?

I'm feeling lucky for God's children!
Funny they can plan for this but not 1/6.
The BoR didn't specifically mention abortion
Precisely. And if the BoR didn't mention abortion as we know it today, it wasn't part of the framer's original intent. Abortion was not a power they granted the government the power to regulate. Meaning the 10th Amendment was the remedy for that.
In the womb is all you people care about. Once they are born you could care less what happens to them.
Let's put this into a perspective that may help you understand a bit better:

Getting rid of guns is all you people care about. Once they are banned you couldn't care less what happens to schoolchildren.
Keeping homeless vets alive is all you people care about. As long as no one is allowed to mow them down with a machine gun or cut them into pieces with a chain saw, you couldn't care less what happens to them.
Making sure illegal aliens are not deported is all you people care about. As long as they are not prevented from coming here, you couldn't care less what happens to them after they get here.

You see, your perspective can be applied to any of a plethora of liberal hot button talking points.
Prudent measure.

American Women should never trust the Neo-GOP.

They're coming for you and your baby factory!
Prudent measure.

American Women should never trust the Neo-GOP.

They're coming for you and your baby factory!

And they will put up a fence to stop you, because you have already surrendered your Right to lock and load
a machine gun and shoot them in the face for trying ... :thup:

You get what you ask for when you look to the Assclowns on Capitol Hill to make all your choices for you.


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