U.S. Taxpayers Paid For Natalia Veselnitskaya Travel Expenses

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
That's right, folks. New York taxpayers paid for this bitch's hotel rooms and expenses. And the U.S. Attorney was pissed off the judge allowed the charges. She was in the states as part of court proceedings and it ended up she wasn't even deposed. She wan't even registered as a foreign agent. And there was no reason for her to stay in the United States after the court proceedings. And this bitch was pissed because the court wouldn't pay to have her kids come over for Christmas.

This entire "matter" is total bullshit and stinks like a libtardo panhandling in Texas in August.

Browder described the matter as“stale FSB allegations” recycled from a decade earlier, referring to a Russian security agency. He added that Veselnitskaya was well known for her opposition to the Magnitsky Act and that she and “her Russian backers probably had a number of carrots they were trying to dangle in front of the Trumps.”

And just when you can't believe your lying eyes, in steps right into connections to the Clintoon Foundation.

There is no indication that the Trump team attempted to make use of any information about Browder or Ziff. And anyone might have shrugged at their contributions to the Clinton Global Initiative: Browder’s firm, Hermitage Capital, is listed as a contributor of $10,000 to $25,000 because he paid to attend a CGI conference about a decade ago. Ziff Brothers’ Daniel Ziff is recorded as contributing $50,000 to $100,000 to CGI.

Russian Lawyer Who Met Trump Jr. Saw a Clinton Scandal in Tax Inquiry
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Looks like US tax payers are used to pay for all kinds of nonsense. They paid for Iraq, Libya, Syria wars, for the coup in Ukraine, for Negroes prosperity (even though Americans are not supposed to recognize races, but if it comes to pay Negroes, it's ok to notice their race), for millions of illegals in their country who Dems want to keep to vote Democrat, for Trump "investigation". And seems like the list can go on and on.
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That's right, folks. New York taxpayers paid for this bitch's hotel rooms and expenses. And the U.S. Attorney was pissed off the judge allowed the charges. She was in the states as part of court proceedings and it ended up she wasn't even deposed. She wan't even registered as a foreign agent. And there was no reason for her to stay in the United States after the court proceedings. And this bitch was pissed because the court wouldn't pay to have her kids come over for Christmas.

This entire "matter" is total bullshit and stinks like a libtardo panhandling in Texas in August.

Browder described the matter as“stale FSB allegations” recycled from a decade earlier, referring to a Russian security agency. He added that Veselnitskaya was well known for her opposition to the Magnitsky Act and that she and “her Russian backers probably had a number of carrots they were trying to dangle in front of the Trumps.”

And just when you can't believe your lying eyes, in steps connections to the Clintoon Foundation.

There is no indication that the Trump team attempted to make use of any information about Browder or Ziff. And anyone might have shrugged at their contributions to the Clinton Global Initiative: Browder’s firm, Hermitage Capital, is listed as a contributor of $10,000 to $25,000 because he paid to attend a CGI conference about a decade ago. Ziff Brothers’ Daniel Ziff is recorded as contributing $50,000 to $100,000 to CGI.

Russian Lawyer Who Met Trump Jr. Saw a Clinton Scandal in Tax Inquiry
Misogyny noted.

Since New Yorker's pay for enforcing stupid laws like 36 oz. drink bans, it's no small wonder they'd pay for other stupid shit too.

Smell that progressive stench as they attempt to cover it up?


View attachment 138452

Smell that progressive stench as they attempt to cover it up?



While I think Natalia is hot, she's obviously into more than trying to make money off of US adoptions of Russian kids. Donald Jr's emails are self-incriminating.


He at least released them without a fuss. That indicates to me there really is nothing he has to really hide and will most likely become a "nothing burger'. Unlike some political figures who needed to wipe their "personal" servers and such.

I'll be more interested in finding out who was paying her bills.


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He at least released them without a fuss. That indicates to be there really is nothing he has to really hide and will most likely become a "nothing burger'. Unlike some political figures who needed to wipe their "personal" servers and such.

I'll be more interested in finding out who was paying her bills.



Jr. was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Sure, like Daddy, he could have denied it, Tweeted "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" and screamed "Fake News! Fake News" when factual evidence is produced, but Jr isn't Daddy Trump much less the POTUS. Jr is, however, smart enough to talk to his own lawyer(s). By offering the emails before having them subpoenaed, he can claim he's cooperating fully and plead nolo contendere if it goes to court. His lawyers can drag out the case for years until it's finally dropped and he stays free.
He at least released them without a fuss. That indicates to be there really is nothing he has to really hide and will most likely become a "nothing burger'. Unlike some political figures who needed to wipe their "personal" servers and such.

I'll be more interested in finding out who was paying her bills.



Jr. was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Sure, like Daddy, he could have denied it, Tweeted "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" and screamed "Fake News! Fake News" when factual evidence is produced, but Jr isn't Daddy Trump much less the POTUS. Jr is, however, smart enough to talk to his own lawyer(s). By offering the emails before having them subpoenaed, he can claim he's cooperating fully and plead nolo contendere if it goes to court. His lawyers can drag out the case for years until it's finally dropped and he stays free.


Or perhaps since 'he' provided the e-mails before they could even be subpoenaed because the whole story hasn't been released and he turned them in to make a case against the people who are paying her bills.

Ever thought of it that way?


He at least released them without a fuss. That indicates to be there really is nothing he has to really hide and will most likely become a "nothing burger'. Unlike some political figures who needed to wipe their "personal" servers and such.

I'll be more interested in finding out who was paying her bills.



Jr. was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Sure, like Daddy, he could have denied it, Tweeted "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" and screamed "Fake News! Fake News" when factual evidence is produced, but Jr isn't Daddy Trump much less the POTUS. Jr is, however, smart enough to talk to his own lawyer(s). By offering the emails before having them subpoenaed, he can claim he's cooperating fully and plead nolo contendere if it goes to court. His lawyers can drag out the case for years until it's finally dropped and he stays free.

How so DW? Private citizens can talk to a private citizens anytime and ask them if they have any information on x.

Now you're going to declare, "Well yeah, but she is a Russian agent!" Well, no. The closest she ever came to being connected to the Russian government was that she used to be married to a former deputy transportation minister for Moscow. Man! Those are some deep ties aren't they!?

The Left's straw grasping has moved passed entertaining to tedious.
That's right, folks. New York taxpayers paid for this bitch's hotel rooms and expenses. And the U.S. Attorney was pissed off the judge allowed the charges. She was in the states as part of court proceedings and it ended up she wasn't even deposed. She wan't even registered as a foreign agent. And there was no reason for her to stay in the United States after the court proceedings. And this bitch was pissed because the court wouldn't pay to have her kids come over for Christmas.

This entire "matter" is total bullshit and stinks like a libtardo panhandling in Texas in August.

Browder described the matter as“stale FSB allegations” recycled from a decade earlier, referring to a Russian security agency. He added that Veselnitskaya was well known for her opposition to the Magnitsky Act and that she and “her Russian backers probably had a number of carrots they were trying to dangle in front of the Trumps.”

And just when you can't believe your lying eyes, in steps connections to the Clintoon Foundation.

There is no indication that the Trump team attempted to make use of any information about Browder or Ziff. And anyone might have shrugged at their contributions to the Clinton Global Initiative: Browder’s firm, Hermitage Capital, is listed as a contributor of $10,000 to $25,000 because he paid to attend a CGI conference about a decade ago. Ziff Brothers’ Daniel Ziff is recorded as contributing $50,000 to $100,000 to CGI.

Russian Lawyer Who Met Trump Jr. Saw a Clinton Scandal in Tax Inquiry
Misogyny noted.

Since New Yorker's pay for enforcing stupid laws like 36 oz. drink bans, it's no small wonder they'd pay for other stupid shit too.

Too funny.

A Feminazi sitting around in her vagina costume railing about my misogyny.

Now quit trying to derail my threads with your nonsense. This Russian collusion nonsense isn't going to get you wet.

He at least released them without a fuss. That indicates to be there really is nothing he has to really hide and will most likely become a "nothing burger'. Unlike some political figures who needed to wipe their "personal" servers and such.

I'll be more interested in finding out who was paying her bills.



Jr. was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Sure, like Daddy, he could have denied it, Tweeted "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" and screamed "Fake News! Fake News" when factual evidence is produced, but Jr isn't Daddy Trump much less the POTUS. Jr is, however, smart enough to talk to his own lawyer(s). By offering the emails before having them subpoenaed, he can claim he's cooperating fully and plead nolo contendere if it goes to court. His lawyers can drag out the case for years until it's finally dropped and he stays free.

How so DW? Private citizens can talk to a private citizens anytime and ask them if they have any information on x.

Now you're going to declare, "Well yeah, but she is a Russian agent!" Well, no. The closest she ever came to being connected to the Russian government was that she used to be married to a former deputy transportation minister for Moscow. Man! Those are some deep ties aren't they!?

The Left's straw grasping has moved passed entertaining to tedious.

Not a lawyer, but this article raises some very interesting possibilities, all of which should be thoroughly investigated as part of "draining the swamp". OTOH like we've seen several times with the Clintons, there is a big difference between the "appearance of breaking the law" and having enough evidence to convict someone of breaking the law. ;)

Did Donald Trump Jr. break any laws by seeking damaging information from Russia on Hillary Clinton?
" Emails released by Donald Trump Jr. Tuesday show he was excited about the possibility of the Russian government providing him with damaging information about Hillary Clinton during last year's presidential campaign.

"If it's what you say I love it,” the president’s eldest son wrote to an intermediary eager to set up a meeting where Trump Jr. was promised information that would "incriminate" Clinton.

But is that evidence of any crime?

Here’s a look at some of the legal issues that could be in play, based on what we know now....."

Read Donald Trump Jr.'s emails seeking sensitive information about Hillary Clinton from Russia
That's right, folks. New York taxpayers paid for this bitch's hotel rooms and expenses. And the U.S. Attorney was pissed off the judge allowed the charges. She was in the states as part of court proceedings and it ended up she wasn't even deposed. She wan't even registered as a foreign agent. And there was no reason for her to stay in the United States after the court proceedings. And this bitch was pissed because the court wouldn't pay to have her kids come over for Christmas.

This entire "matter" is total bullshit and stinks like a libtardo panhandling in Texas in August.

Browder described the matter as“stale FSB allegations” recycled from a decade earlier, referring to a Russian security agency. He added that Veselnitskaya was well known for her opposition to the Magnitsky Act and that she and “her Russian backers probably had a number of carrots they were trying to dangle in front of the Trumps.”

And just when you can't believe your lying eyes, in steps connections to the Clintoon Foundation.

There is no indication that the Trump team attempted to make use of any information about Browder or Ziff. And anyone might have shrugged at their contributions to the Clinton Global Initiative: Browder’s firm, Hermitage Capital, is listed as a contributor of $10,000 to $25,000 because he paid to attend a CGI conference about a decade ago. Ziff Brothers’ Daniel Ziff is recorded as contributing $50,000 to $100,000 to CGI.

Russian Lawyer Who Met Trump Jr. Saw a Clinton Scandal in Tax Inquiry
Misogyny noted.

Since New Yorker's pay for enforcing stupid laws like 36 oz. drink bans, it's no small wonder they'd pay for other stupid shit too.

Too funny.

A Feminazi sitting around in her vagina costume railing about my misogyny.

Now quit trying to derail my threads with your nonsense. This Russian collusion nonsense isn't going to get you wet.

Translation: You are correct, DW; I'm a misogynist.

No worries, dude. You're not the first "male" who is so weak that he has to hate on and smack women around in order to make himself feel like a man. Try that in Texas and some woman cut off those little raisins you call testicles and hang them on the rearview mirror of her F150.
Why didn't Trump Jr. Just bleach his emails?

And now we are finding out that the New FBI director wants to investigate The Democrat Party colluding with Ukraine and Fushion GPS who sent this bitch to Trump Tower.

That tells me Operation Lying Russian Narrative has been in effect for nearly two years.
View attachment 138452

Smell that progressive stench as they attempt to cover it up?



While I think Natalia is hot, she's obviously into more than trying to make money off of US adoptions of Russian kids. Donald Jr's emails are self-incriminating.

From what I'm reading she is now being investigated and so is The Democrat Party for Collusion with Ukraine and Fushion GPS.

Even the new FBI director said he wants to investigate this.

So this is looking like another set up by Clinton Obama and The DNC

He at least released them without a fuss. That indicates to be there really is nothing he has to really hide and will most likely become a "nothing burger'. Unlike some political figures who needed to wipe their "personal" servers and such.

I'll be more interested in finding out who was paying her bills.



Jr. was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Sure, like Daddy, he could have denied it, Tweeted "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" and screamed "Fake News! Fake News" when factual evidence is produced, but Jr isn't Daddy Trump much less the POTUS. Jr is, however, smart enough to talk to his own lawyer(s). By offering the emails before having them subpoenaed, he can claim he's cooperating fully and plead nolo contendere if it goes to court. His lawyers can drag out the case for years until it's finally dropped and he stays free.

View attachment 138463

Or perhaps since 'he' provided the e-mails before they could even be subpoenaed because the whole story hasn't been released and he turned them in to make a case against the people who are paying her bills.

Ever thought of it that way?


Why didn't Trump Jr. Just bleach his emails?...
It didn't work for Hillary, did it? The fact remains, everyone on that email chain...and whomever any of them forwarded a copy to....can use those emails to blackmail Jr.

Jr isn't fucking stupid and appeasing blackmailers is stupid. He saw what was happening and stopped it by revealing the emails. Sure, he'll take some heat for it, but nothing like he'd have faced if he gave into blackmail.
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From what I'm reading she is now being investigated and so is The Democrat Party for Collusion with Ukraine and Fushion GPS.

Even the new FBI director said he wants to investigate this.

So this is looking like another set up by Clinton Obama and The DNC

He at least released them without a fuss. That indicates to be there really is nothing he has to really hide and will most likely become a "nothing burger'. Unlike some political figures who needed to wipe their "personal" servers and such.

I'll be more interested in finding out who was paying her bills.



Jr. was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Sure, like Daddy, he could have denied it, Tweeted "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" and screamed "Fake News! Fake News" when factual evidence is produced, but Jr isn't Daddy Trump much less the POTUS. Jr is, however, smart enough to talk to his own lawyer(s). By offering the emails before having them subpoenaed, he can claim he's cooperating fully and plead nolo contendere if it goes to court. His lawyers can drag out the case for years until it's finally dropped and he stays free.

View attachment 138463

Or perhaps since 'he' provided the e-mails before they could even be subpoenaed because the whole story hasn't been released and he turned them in to make a case against the people who are paying her bills.

Ever thought of it that way?



I knew 2017 would be a very entertaining year!

"Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp!"

He at least released them without a fuss. That indicates to be there really is nothing he has to really hide and will most likely become a "nothing burger'. Unlike some political figures who needed to wipe their "personal" servers and such.

I'll be more interested in finding out who was paying her bills.



Jr. was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Sure, like Daddy, he could have denied it, Tweeted "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" and screamed "Fake News! Fake News" when factual evidence is produced, but Jr isn't Daddy Trump much less the POTUS. Jr is, however, smart enough to talk to his own lawyer(s). By offering the emails before having them subpoenaed, he can claim he's cooperating fully and plead nolo contendere if it goes to court. His lawyers can drag out the case for years until it's finally dropped and he stays free.

How so DW? Private citizens can talk to a private citizens anytime and ask them if they have any information on x.

Now you're going to declare, "Well yeah, but she is a Russian agent!" Well, no. The closest she ever came to being connected to the Russian government was that she used to be married to a former deputy transportation minister for Moscow. Man! Those are some deep ties aren't they!?

The Left's straw grasping has moved passed entertaining to tedious.

Not a lawyer, but this article raises some very interesting possibilities, all of which should be thoroughly investigated as part of "draining the swamp". OTOH like we've seen several times with the Clintons, there is a big difference between the "appearance of breaking the law" and having enough evidence to convict someone of breaking the law. ;)

Did Donald Trump Jr. break any laws by seeking damaging information from Russia on Hillary Clinton?
" Emails released by Donald Trump Jr. Tuesday show he was excited about the possibility of the Russian government providing him with damaging information about Hillary Clinton during last year's presidential campaign.

"If it's what you say I love it,” the president’s eldest son wrote to an intermediary eager to set up a meeting where Trump Jr. was promised information that would "incriminate" Clinton.
But is that evidence of any crime?

Here’s a look at some of the legal issues that could be in play, based on what we know now....."

Read Donald Trump Jr.'s emails seeking sensitive information about Hillary Clinton from Russia

Now that Donald Jr has provided hard evidence to the justice department, without having to be subpoenaed BTW, that someone who has possible Russian connections approached him in an pitiful attempt to involve him in some nefarious scheme of providing information about his fathers opposition to sway the election I agree....

Let's drain the swamp.

We'll start by finding out who exactly was paying her bills and go from there.


Sure it did. Shes not in jail. And she is wealthy beyond what you and I can imagine.

An Honest FBI man would have never let her destroy all that evidence and would have put her in jail for Espionage and Treason.

But Comey is no Elliot Ness. He'd have taken bribes from Gangsters like Capone.

Why didn't Trump Jr. Just bleach his emails?...
It didn't work for Hillary, did it? The fact remains, everyone on that email chain...and whomever any of them forwarded a copy to....can use those emails to blackmail Jr.

Jr isn't fucking stupid and appeasing blackmailers is stupid. He saw what was happening and stopped it by revealing the emails. Sure, he'll take some heat for it, but nothing like he'd have faced if he gave into blackmail.

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