U.S: The Greatest Country in the World.....

What shared border between two countries is the farthest from both of their two capitals of any two nations on this Earth?
NZ & Australia?
Not directed at me but I am a trivia buff.
Nope. It is a land border that is farther from both capitals than any other land border in the world.

Is it all land, or part land/part water? This one is going to be a wild guess going by sheer size of neighboring countries. I'm going to try US and Canada. I would have brought Russia into it, but I think there's a lot of water in those borders.

You are getting warmer but no tootsie rolls.

Want me to just tell you and then you can hate me? :)

Sure, just tell me. I wont hate you, though. I try not to have room in my head or heart for hate.
Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.

It is the greatest country in the world....we have helped feed the world, we have liberated Europe and we are the first on the scene around the world when natural disasters hit other countries......that you can't see this means you really need to get glasses.....

We have advanced farther, faster than the other countries in the world who had head starts on us and we have addressed our social problems in a much faster period of time than the other countries.......

Anyone who can't see that the United States is a great nation is just silly.
I suppose that includes our president elect. His perception of greatness, must not agree with yours. Saying we need to make america great again and believing it already is great is a bit of an oxymoron. It's called cognitive dissonance which means holding two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time.
Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.
Well Mexicans, Asians, and Mooseleems seem to think the USA is the best.
Overall I think the Swiss, Swedes, Icelanders, and New Zealanders have it the best.

None of these needs to pay for national defense because their neighbors naturally do it for them.

Ergo their own taxes are low.
Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.

It is the greatest country in the world....we have helped feed the world, we have liberated Europe and we are the first on the scene around the world when natural disasters hit other countries......that you can't see this means you really need to get glasses.....

We have advanced farther, faster than the other countries in the world who had head starts on us and we have addressed our social problems in a much faster period of time than the other countries.......

Anyone who can't see that the United States is a great nation is just silly.
I don't need glasses to see that the U.S gives $400 billion plus annually to Israel, but not one cent has gone to my neighboring city of Flint to fix toxic water being supplied to all of its citizens. Only after a year of the residents being poisoned has the federal government started to consider federal funding to fix a problem created by greedy politicians.
Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.
So name a country that's better.
Easy, Australia.
Take it easy there killer, just an opinion on my part. Obviously you get quite agitated with those who have opposing views to the point of attacking them with names such as "fucktard" and "shit stain".
You did not agitate me, Mellissa, but I dont varnish my statements for ignorant ass holes like yourself.
So you're always a bitter old man?? Relax, you might lower that blood pressure.
Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.
So name a country that's better.
Easy, Australia.
I'd buy you a one way ticket but they probably wouldn't let you in.
Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.
So name a country that's better.
Easy, Australia.
Ok I'll bite. What are some of the great things they've done that puts them above the USA?
Overall I think the Swiss, Swedes, Icelanders, and New Zealanders have it the best.

None of these needs to pay for national defense because their neighbors naturally do it for them.

Ergo their own taxes are low.
Switzerland and Iceland absolutely. The other 2 ehhhh....Switzerland I know has good gun laws and a good nationalist party that is gaining power slowly so its keeping the country SWISS! Iceland seems to be very clean Icelandic country with no corruption.
Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.
So name a country that's better.
Easy, Australia.
I'd buy you a one way ticket but they probably wouldn't let you in.

Wow, you got me. Good thing I've already been there.....
Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.
So name a country that's better.
Easy, Australia.
Ok I'll bite. What are some of the great things they've done that puts them above the USA?

For starters, they don't slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent people throughout the middle east.
Sad when someone is so far from the forest they can see through the trees. Pathetic of those who are standing right in the forest and can't see a damn thing. It is amazing how many people from other Countries try telling the lunatics of America how they are stripping their Nation of everything America was built upon. Yet they don't get a g.d. thing.
As it is being said Russia is the New America and America is the Old Russia. ....
I'd love to send America's commies to a communist nation and let the dumb sob's see just what they will have here in America if these Saul Alinsky morons don't stfup.
Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.
What shared border between two countries is the farthest from both of their two capitals of any two nations on this Earth?
NZ & Australia?
Not directed at me but I am a trivia buff.
Nope. It is a land border that is farther from both capitals than any other land border in the world.

Is it all land, or part land/part water? This one is going to be a wild guess going by sheer size of neighboring countries. I'm going to try US and Canada. I would have brought Russia into it, but I think there's a lot of water in those borders.

That's why I thought of Washington and Moscow. He didn't say it was a land border the first time.
Now I'm thinking distance from Moscow to Beijing. Washington and Ottawa are not far apart at all.
Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.

It is the greatest country in the world....we have helped feed the world, we have liberated Europe and we are the first on the scene around the world when natural disasters hit other countries......that you can't see this means you really need to get glasses.....

We have advanced farther, faster than the other countries in the world who had head starts on us and we have addressed our social problems in a much faster period of time than the other countries.......

Anyone who can't see that the United States is a great nation is just silly.
I don't need glasses to see that the U.S gives $400 billion plus annually to Israel, but not one cent has gone to my neighboring city of Flint to fix toxic water being supplied to all of its citizens. Only after a year of the residents being poisoned has the federal government started to consider federal funding to fix a problem created by greedy politicians.
Maybe the EPA under Trump will provide bottle water unless he abolishes it as he promised in his campaign. The new EPA head, Mike Pruitt has been at the forefront of a suit to prevent the EPA from regulating water pollution in his state.
Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.
So name a country that's better.
Easy, Australia.
Ok I'll bite. What are some of the great things they've done that puts them above the USA?

For starters, they don't slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent people throughout the middle east.
Neither did the US. The vast majority of civilian deaths were caused by insurgents, AQ and ISIS.

Now, how about answering the question without deflecting into another topic? If you believe Australia is a greater country than the US, tell us why. What have they accomplished to achieve that status?
What shared border between two countries is the farthest from both of their two capitals of any two nations on this Earth?
NZ & Australia?
Not directed at me but I am a trivia buff.
Nope. It is a land border that is farther from both capitals than any other land border in the world.

Is it all land, or part land/part water? This one is going to be a wild guess going by sheer size of neighboring countries. I'm going to try US and Canada. I would have brought Russia into it, but I think there's a lot of water in those borders.

You are getting warmer but no tootsie rolls.

Want me to just tell you and then you can hate me? :)

Sure, just tell me. I wont hate you, though. I try not to have room in my head or heart for hate.
OK, the border between Sint Maarten and Saint Martins on the island of Saint Martins is the only land border between the Netherlands and France and it is about 4200 miles from Paris and Amsterdam. There is no other border between the Netherlands and France.

Saint Martin - Wikipedia
Take it easy there killer, just an opinion on my part. Obviously you get quite agitated with those who have opposing views to the point of attacking them with names such as "fucktard" and "shit stain".
You did not agitate me, Mellissa, but I dont varnish my statements for ignorant ass holes like yourself.
So you're always a bitter old man?? Relax, you might lower that blood pressure.
Being a bitter old man is quite fun.

You get to say what you want and if it is rude everybody just attributes it to senility.


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