U.S: The Greatest Country in the World.....

Overall I think the Swiss, Swedes, Icelanders, and New Zealanders have it the best.

None of these needs to pay for national defense because their neighbors naturally do it for them.

Ergo their own taxes are low.

Funny how you only list economic factors.

Doesnt quality of life, climate and the attitude of the locals not count too?
One day it's we need to make America great again, and the next day it is America is the greatest
came here to read that. leave satisfied...
Lol, yes, because you are a rather simple minded soul who cannot fathom how the nations of the world today can have 'a greatest nation' without any particular one of them being Great historically. One can take a collection of homeless people and still find the wealthiest of them without any single one of them being 'wealthy' because they have a few quarters more than the other homeless.

The USA is still the freest nation on Earth, IMO, though it is no longer the Great nation it once was.

Look at our gutted crime ridden inner cities, our crumbling infrastructure, our minimized military, our hobbled cyber security (which we invented), and our degenerate public school system which for quite some time was the best public school system in the world.

Yes, the USA is the best, but it is no longer 'Great' in historical terms.

But Great we will be once again, despite the Dimocratic Party's best contrary efforts.
One day it's we need to make America great again, and the next day it is America is the greatest
came here to read that. leave satisfied...
Lol, yes, because you are a rather simple minded soul who cannot fathom how the nations of the world today can have 'a greatest nation' without any particular one of them being Great historically. One can take a collection of homeless people and still find the wealthiest of them without any single one of them being 'wealthy' because they have a few quarters more than the other homeless.

The USA is still the freest nation on Earth, IMO, though it is no longer the Great nation it once was.

Look at our gutted crime ridden inner cities, our crumbling infrastructure, our minimized military, our hobbled cyber security (which we invented), and our degenerate public school system which for quite some time was the best public school system in the world.

Yes, the USA is the best, but it is no longer 'Great' in historical terms.

But Great we will be once again, despite the Dimocratic Party's best efforts.
One day it's we need to make America great again, and the next day it is America is the greatest
came here to read that. leave satisfied...
Lol, yes, because you are a rather simple minded soul who cannot fathom how the nations of the world today can have 'a greatest nation' without any particular one of them being Great historically. One can take a collection of homeless people and still find the wealthiest of them without any single one of them being 'wealthy' because they have a few quarters more than the other homeless.

The USA is still the freest nation on Earth, IMO, though it is no longer the Great nation it once was.

Look at our gutted crime ridden inner cities, our crumbling infrastructure, our minimized military, our hobbled cyber security (which we invented), and our degenerate public school system which for quite some time was the best public school system in the world.

Yes, the USA is the best, but it is no longer 'Great' in historical terms.

But Great we will be once again, despite the Dimocratic Party's best efforts.
Yes, you laugh at what you cannot grasp.

Typical of drooling morons and fools trying to deflect away from their demonstrated ignorance.
One day it's we need to make America great again, and the next day it is America is the greatest
came here to read that. leave satisfied...
Lol, yes, because you are a rather simple minded soul who cannot fathom how the nations of the world today can have 'a greatest nation' without any particular one of them being Great historically. One can take a collection of homeless people and still find the wealthiest of them without any single one of them being 'wealthy' because they have a few quarters more than the other homeless.

The USA is still the freest nation on Earth, IMO, though it is no longer the Great nation it once was.

Look at our gutted crime ridden inner cities, our crumbling infrastructure, our minimized military, our hobbled cyber security (which we invented), and our degenerate public school system which for quite some time was the best public school system in the world.

Yes, the USA is the best, but it is no longer 'Great' in historical terms.

But Great we will be once again, despite the Dimocratic Party's best efforts.
Yes, you laugh at what you cannot grasp.

Typical of drooling morons and fools trying to deflect away from their demonstrated ignorance.
your pretzel logic does not deserve more than laughter.
One day it's we need to make America great again, and the next day it is America is the greatest
came here to read that. leave satisfied...
Lol, yes, because you are a rather simple minded soul who cannot fathom how the nations of the world today can have 'a greatest nation' without any particular one of them being Great historically. One can take a collection of homeless people and still find the wealthiest of them without any single one of them being 'wealthy' because they have a few quarters more than the other homeless.

The USA is still the freest nation on Earth, IMO, though it is no longer the Great nation it once was.

Look at our gutted crime ridden inner cities, our crumbling infrastructure, our minimized military, our hobbled cyber security (which we invented), and our degenerate public school system which for quite some time was the best public school system in the world.

Yes, the USA is the best, but it is no longer 'Great' in historical terms.

But Great we will be once again, despite the Dimocratic Party's best efforts.
Yes, you laugh at what you cannot grasp.

Typical of drooling morons and fools trying to deflect away from their demonstrated ignorance.
your pretzel logic does not deserve more than laughter.

Pointing out that one can have a highest local maximum among otherwise low results in the total scheme being studied is not "pretzel logic", my dear moron.
I suppose that includes our president elect. His perception of greatness, must not agree with yours. Saying we need to make america great again and believing it already is great is a bit of an oxymoron. It's called cognitive dissonance which means holding two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time.

The USA is the greatest nation around today, no doubt, but is still not the GREAT nation that it once was. This is not cognitive dissonance so much as it is a low bar these days considering the pathetic amount of freedom we have left globally. There was once a time you could carry a pistol in London, or withdraw 100k Euros in Athens without government approval being required, believe it or not, prior to the Globalists trying to do a One Size Fits All on the manifold cultural world we live in.

The USA has lost so much freedom for its citizenry, my kids thought I was lying to them when I described my childhood. Yes, there was a time that a person could ride in the back of a pick up, drinking a beer as one drove to a hunting place from school with a loaded rifle in the back. And no one got hurt that I ever knew of doing any of that, but even NRA folks get a little flinchy these days at mention of drinking beer while carrying a loaded weapon, lol.

Look at our cities, many of them still with burned out buildings in their down town, unrepaired since the last time the minions decided to riot and burn their own neighborhoods.

Look at our crumbling bridges, highways, railroads and dams and you see one accidental collapse after another. You might not believe it but it is quite possible to have roads without pot holes, safe bridges that dont shake during evening commuter traffic, or long lines of cars in a slow moving parking lot formation during Rush Hour.

Our public schools just suck. Our graduating students are no longer in the top ten of industrialized nations any more as their unionized teachers are more concerned about filling young skulls with social degeneracy rather than facts and how to use them. We once had the best public school system in the world and now it is just a freaking joke, and many are looking for ways to unravel our public school system and replace it with a voucher system because it is no longer capable of being salvaged. One of the greatest regrets I had in my life was not keeping my kids home schooled after seeing how well they advanced when we took them out for a year. My son went from a 4th grade reading level to a 7th grade reading level in that one year, as tested by the Montgomery County Public School System. I should have quit work and focused on teaching my kids myself rather than trusting them to the government. A voucher system will fix all that.

And our military is just laughable. Were it not for all the high tech advantages we have, I dont know that we could do much. Thank God for the Air Force. There was a time that American infantry were taught how to gut and clean an enemy soldier, instead of how to be polite in mixed company, roflmao.

There was also a time when we could control who entered our country and we kept most of the drugs and criminals out that wanted to come here and prey on Americans. Nope, cant do that any more as it might offend the criminals and libtard snowflakes.

There was a time when we had the freedom of speech to be able to say whatever we wanted and as long as we did not advocate the destruction of our nation it was permitted legally and socially. Now advocating the destruction of our nation by burning the flag that represents it is about the only free speech that is specifically protected by law and selling porno. Speak out at a church and it might lose its tax exempt status, or speak out at one of our snow flake colleges and you might get mugged by local thugs pretending to be students. Freedom of speech only exists for leftists and communists these days judging by the way the Obama Regimes IRS decides on its tax exempt status for political advocacy groups.

No, this nation has not been "Great" since we tucked tail and fled Vietnam under Democratic Congressional 'leadership' while they had Nixon ensnarled in Watergate and we turned our backs on our allies in that country.

You lefties like it because you hate this country and celebrate every cause that weakens it and demoralizes it, like one might expect from a bunch of traitors and Marxists.
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Yet there is nothing keeping people in an area with no jobs.
You mean things other than perhaps parents, children and other FAMILY?

Not everyone is a sojourner in this world and actually do have some roots planted.
Grapes of wrath times call for drastic measures.
And those desperate measures might also include working together as communities, too, rather than destroying families by spreading them all over the Globe in a search for jobs.
I suppose that includes our president elect. His perception of greatness, must not agree with yours. Saying we need to make america great again and believing it already is great is a bit of an oxymoron. It's called cognitive dissonance which means holding two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time.

The USA is the greatest nation around today, no doubt, but is still not the GREAT nation that it once was. This is not cognitive dissonance so much as it is a low bar these days considering the pathetic amount of freedom we have left globally. There was once a time you could carry a pistol in London, or withdraw 100k Euros in Athens without government approval being required, believe it or not, prior to the Globalists trying to do a One Size Fits All on the manifold cultural world we live in.

The USA has lost so much freedom for its citizenry, my kids thought I was lying to them when I described my childhood. Yes, there was a time that a person could ride in the back of a pick up, drinking a beer as one drove to a hunting place from school with a loaded rifle in the back. And no one got hurt that I ever knew of doing any of that, but even NRA folks get a little flinchy these days at mention of drinking beer while carrying a loaded weapon, lol.

Look at our cities, many of them still with burned out buildings in their down town, unrepaired since the last time the minions decided to riot and burn their own neighborhoods.

Look at our crumbling bridges, highways, railroads and dams and you see one accidental collapse after another. You might not believe it but it is quite possible to have roads without pot holes, safe bridges that dont shake during evening commuter traffic, or long lines of cars in a slow moving parking lot formation during Rush Hour.

Our public schools just suck. Our graduating students are no longer in the top ten of industrialized nations any more as their unionized teachers are more concerned about filling young skulls with social degeneracy rather than facts and how to use them. We once had the best public school system in the world and now it is just a freaking joke, and many are looking for ways to unravel our public school system and replace it with a voucher system because it is no longer capable of being salvaged. One of the greatest regrets I had in my life was not keeping my kids home schooled after seeing how well they advanced when we took them out for a year. My son went from a 4th grade reading level to a 7th grade reading level in that one year, as tested by the Montgomery County Public School System. I should have quit work and focused on teaching my kids myself rather than trusting them to the government. A voucher system will fix all that.

And our military is just laughable. Were it not for all the high tech advantages we have, I dont know that we could do much. Thank God for the Air Force. There was a time that American infantry were taught how to gut and clean an enemy soldier, instead of how to be polite in mixed company, roflmao.

There was also a time when we could control who entered our country and we kept most of the drugs and criminals out that wanted to come here and prey on Americans. Nope, cant do that any more as it might offend the criminals and libtard snowflakes.

There was a time when we had the freedom of speech to be able to say whatever we wanted and as long as we did not advocate the destruction of our nation it was permitted legally and socially. Now advocating the destruction of our nation by burning the flag that represents it is about the only free speech that is specifically protected by law and selling porno. Speak out at a church and it might lose its tax exempt status, or speak out at one of our snow flake colleges and you might get mugged by local thugs pretending to be students. Freedom of speech only exists for leftists and communists these days judging by the way the Obama Regimes IRS decides on its tax exempt status for political advocacy groups.

No, this nation has not been "Great" since we tucked tail and fled Vietnam under Democratic Congressional 'leadership' while they had Nixon ensnarled in Watergate and we turned our backs on our allies in that country.

You lefties like it because you hate this country and celebrate every cause that weakens it and demoralizes it, like one might expect from a bunch of traitors and Marxists.

Almost daily, I hear someone say how the United States is the greatest country in the world. What's comical about this, is the fact that those making that claim have never even left the country, let alone their home state. I do agree that this country is in fact great, I'm just not so confident that it is the greatest. It's easy to establish an opinion on a country and its people without any real knowledge about their history or culture. Being that I've traveled to over 16 countries prior to my 30th birthday, I've come to realize a number of things about the American people (most anyway). There is a sense of entitlement within every race and culture in the states. Every American feels they are entitled to something, I'm not sure what, but they are entitled because of the fact that they are American. In most easter European countries I visited, I noticed that the majority of struggling lower and working classes were typically united in the fight against corporate greed. Here in America, the classes and cultures fight amongst each other, while the elite quietly conduct business to boost profits and essentially screw the lower and middle classes. A perfect example would be the astounding number of poor whites in southern states who truly believe that a billionaire like Donald Trump represents them and understands their needs and struggles. The same also applies to blacks and minorities who continuously vote democratic even though the DNC has proven time and time again that they only have one real agenda, wealth. I've also noticed that the majority of people in foreign countries are quite polite and eager to help others. Not in America, crudeness and incivility reign supreme. It's the culture of "I'm going to succeed, even if its at the expense of others. Fuck everyone else, as long as I prevail." Yet we continue to elect billionaire elitists in hopes of them representing the majority of working class Americans. I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves. Again, if you're not happy, someone else better do something for you to better YOUR life.
I always tell people it depends on who you are. I heard a story on NPR the other day about Mas Schmelling from Germany and Joe Louis. After the war and after they both retired, let's compare.

Joe Louis asked Ford if he could run a dealership in Chicago. Ford and the white dealers said no. Even though Joe Louis would have sold more cars than all of them. He was the most famous person in America. But Ford Dealerships didn't think the time was right to give one to a black man.

Max Schmelling asked Coca Cola or Pepsi if he could run their German operations. They said sure no problem. You're a German icon champ.

Ask Max and Joe back then what is the greatest country on earth.
I always tell people it depends on who you are. I heard a story on NPR the other day about Mas Schmelling from Germany and Joe Louis. After the war and after they both retired, let's compare.

Joe Louis asked Ford if he could run a dealership in Chicago. Ford and the white dealers said no. Even though Joe Louis would have sold more cars than all of them. He was the most famous person in America. But Ford Dealerships didn't think the time was right to give one to a black man.

Max Schmelling asked Coca Cola or Pepsi if he could run their German operations. They said sure no problem. You're a German icon champ.

Ask Max and Joe back then what is the greatest country on earth.
There are two points to consider here:
1). Ford was a supporting Nazi enthusiast.
2). Coca-Cola illegally (there were very flimsy loop-hole circumstances) sold their product to the Nazis making the company a Nazi supporter by default.
It is one of the greatest countries. There is no perfect country. Anyone can sit and cherry pick things about other countries as examples of how they are better but for every one good thing you find there are a hundred not good.

There is a reason why America is one of the youngest countries in the world, yet for a very very long time we were at the top of the food chain. We rose in the ranks incredibly fast to become a world super power in record time.

Sadly politicians and our government have whittled us down over the past 35 to 40 years, especially in the past 2 years where we're not what we once were and in decline.

This is still a great nation not beyond redemption and can once again be what we once were but it's going to a tough stance to correct our course.
It is one of the greatest countries.
The United Snakes is the most warlike nation in the history of the world and your sons are dying every day, not only in war but also in the school, shopping mall, post office, road rage, race riot, mass murder, serial killing, and drive-by shoot 'em ups. Yep, "one of the greatest countries" for sure. :26:
There are two points to consider here:
1). Ford was a supporting Nazi enthusiast.
2). Coca-Cola illegally (there were very flimsy loop-hole circumstances) sold their product to the Nazis making the company a Nazi supporter by default.
Good points!!! The point I was making was POST WW2, America land of the "free" wouldn't let a national hero have a Ford dealership because he was black.

I wasn't knocking Coca Cola. I was just noticing how shitty America treated it's hero, even though setting him up with a Ford dealership would have made them a lot of money.

This also proves my point when Republicans say "if there was a popular left wing radio host, they would get a time slot on the radio". That is not true. Conservatives own those radio stations and they don't want that message going out on the airwaves. It's one of the main reasons they bought up all the radio stations.

So just like Joe Louis would have sold a lot of cars but Ford didn't care, Randi Rhodes would make a radio channel a lot of money. But sometimes money isn't everything. Some things are more important. Like racism and keeping the truth from people.
I guess my major complaint is the fact that the average American will find a million things to complain about but will never recognize anything to be thankful for or try to make a change to better themselves.
That is a bullshit statement.

I have travel quite a bit abroad in my life time.

Generally speaking the rest of the world is a shithole.

Of course not to worry. The Leftest filth in the US are doing their best to turn the US into a Socialist shithole.

By the way. I am no Grammar Nazi but be advised that paragraphs are your friend.
Good points!!! The point I was making was POST WW2, America land of the "free" wouldn't let a national hero have a Ford dealership because he was black.

I wasn't knocking Coca Cola. I was just noticing how shitty America treated it's hero, even though setting him up with a Ford dealership would have made them a lot of money.

This also proves my point when Republicans say "if there was a popular left wing radio host, they would get a time slot on the radio". That is not true. Conservatives own those radio stations and they don't want that message going out on the airwaves. It's one of the main reasons they bought up all the radio stations.

So just like Joe Louis would have sold a lot of cars but Ford didn't care, Randi Rhodes would make a radio channel a lot of money. But sometimes money isn't everything. Some things are more important. Like racism and keeping the truth from people.
I see what you mean. It's really screwed up for sure. :eek:
That is a bullshit statement.

I have travel quite a bit abroad in my life time.

Generally speaking the rest of the world is a shithole.
If that's what you think then you must not have travelled very much at all. Maybe only Mexico and Haiti.
Of course not to worry. The Leftest filth in the US are doing their best to turn the US into a Socialist shithole.

By the way. I am no Grammar Nazi but be advised that paragraphs are your friend.
I'm no grammar nazi either but be advised that a new paragraph for each sentence is ridiculous and neither grammar nor nazi is capitalized.
If that's what you think then you must not have travelled very much at all. Maybe only Mexico and Haiti.

I'm no grammar nazi either but be advised that a new paragraph for each sentence is ridiculous and neither grammar nor nazi is capitalized.
This is a discussion forum and we need to make things simple for the stupid Moon Bats that post their dribble. You Moon Bats have a short attention span so simple sentences are preferred.

I've been to Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe, South America, Asia, South Africa and Australia. A good sampling of the rest of the world.

Even the developed countries are shitholes compared to most of America. Of course we have our Democrat controlled American big city shitholes that are being destroyed. The Democrats have manage to even destroy a handful of states like California and New York. If we let the bastards do it then would turn the entire US into a Socialist shithole and we would be no better than the rest of the world.

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