U.s. Told Iran Of Intent To Strike Islamic State In Syria

The best thing the US can do is shoot the party first GOPers who obstruct the recovery from THEIR Second Pub World Depression. If you want to know where all this chaos comes from.... See the 30's, and Jihad now being a great career choice. Yemen is learning....
OP- Iran should be told, and worked with. Calling them and Iraq the axis of evil is ignorant chickenhawk ugly American GOP idiocy that wrecked the world. Hater dupes....
The best thing the US can do is shoot the party first GOPers who obstruct the recovery from THEIR Second Pub World Depression. If you want to know where all this chaos comes from.... See the 30's, and Jihad now being a great career choice. Yemen is learning....
ok we got it, you hate republicans more than islamonazis..You're a moron:cuckoo:
ISIS is a threat to all in the region. We are not at war with Iran. But we are at war with the barbarians of ISIS. And, remember, the Iranians surrounded our embassy after 9-11 in a candlelight vigil for those that died on that day. Then idiot child Bush declared them part of the "Axis of evil". Iran is not our enemy. Al Queda, ISIS, and all those that are bloody barbarians, of whatever political or religious stripe, are our enemies.
The best thing the US can do is shoot the party first GOPers who obstruct the recovery from THEIR Second Pub World Depression. If you want to know where all this chaos comes from.... See the 30's, and Jihad now being a great career choice. Yemen is learning....
ok we got it, you hate republicans more than islamonazis..You're a moron:cuckoo:
You haven't "gotten" anything here, ever lol...I hate megarich greedy idiot Pubs- I feel sorry for misinformed, duped Republicans like yourself...see sig last line. I don't even mind most of them being racists. Just rural dingbats and angry old white men...lol
Iran with a nuke? Iranian influence is spreading.... Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen....Obama's dealing with Iran bearing fruit?

Israel Accuses Iran of Testing Nuclear Detonation Technology

In what is destined to be a highly discussed development, especially as the United Nations convenes this week, Israel has accused Iran of testing technology that could only be used for nuclear detonations. From the Jerusalem Post

The tests allegedly took place in Parchin, just southeast of Tehran, at a facility that Iran has long kept U.N. inspectors from investigating.
During last year's General Assembly of the United Nations, one of the issues that dominated the agenda was Iran's burgeoning nuclear program. At that assembly, newly minted Iranian President Hassan Rouhani continued his so-called charm offensive, which ended with a historic phone call between Rouhani and President Obama, the first conversation between an American and an Iranian head of state in over three decades.
That phone call eventually turned into negotiations, which yielded a temporary nuclear deal: For six months, Iran stopped working on its eyebrow-raising nuclear program in exchange for various forms of relief from the broad sanctions that the United States had convinced the international community to impose.

Israel Accuses Iran of Testing Nuclear Detonation Technology - Yahoo News

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