U.S. Veterans Are Coming To Colin Kaepernick’s Defense In Droves The hashtag #VeteransForKaepernick

So in other words, these people in uniform are saying that he along with the rest of us of course have every right to be disrespectful. What kind of an example is that supposed to set?

God bless you always!!!


I wonder what example THIS sets.
Holly, apparently he thinks he is setting an example for others that it is all right to say and protest that more needs to be done in making the American dream.
True, but when an inch is offered, a mile is what gets taken instead meaning if one person is allowed to slide, everyone else will then follow that person's lead, including those who will only say or do things for no legitimate reason.

God bless you always!!!

Holly, apparently he thinks he is setting an example for others that it is all right to say and protest that more needs to be done in making the American dream.
True, but when an inch is offered, a mile is what gets taken instead meaning if one person is allowed to slide, everyone else will then follow that person's lead, including those who will only say or do things for no legitimate reason.

God bless you always!!!

Everybody gets to slide on their opinion of what they think America should be. That is what being American is about.
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..... Finally the military vets are speaking up for themselves rather than allow the flag waving hypocrites on both sides speak for them.....kudos to my fellow soldiers....its you, that makes us proud and safe and God bless you for it.!!
I am impressed!
.... if one person is allowed to slide, everyone else will then follow that person's lead .....
"Slide"? That is no slide, darling. That took more guts than the guy in the wheelchair who knew the camera was on him and wanted to be famous. Anyway, what crime was committed with his 'slide'? Political propaganda and flags have no place in domestic sports.
^^^ I never once said that what the man is guilty of is a crime, but if his well being means anything to him, he would be more discreet about something like this.

Holly, apparently he thinks he is setting an example for others that it is all right to say and protest that more needs to be done in making the American dream.
True, but when an inch is offered, a mile is what gets taken instead meaning if one person is allowed to slide, everyone else will then follow that person's lead, including those who will only say or do things for no legitimate reason.

God bless you always!!!

Everybody gets to slide on their opinion of what they think America should be. That is what being American is about.
Even if it means that sheer trouble makers are allowed to run wild?

God bless you two always!!!

There are many numbers between 1 and 100. Why do you only think in ones and hundreds?
^^^ If you are asking me this, it is because of how many ones and hundreds that there are meaning those who are only after one thing and that is all of the attention that they hope to get when putting their two cents out there.

God bless you always!!!

There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.
U.S. Veterans Explain Why They’re Standing With Colin Kaepernick
“It is his protected right ― a right I swore an oath to defend,” one veteran said.

Finally the military vets are speaking up for themselves rather than allow the flag waving hypocrites on both sides speak for them.....kudos to my fellow soldiers....its you, that makes us proud and safe and God bless you for it.!!

They think he is an asshat....but they serve to protect his Right to be an asshat.......they are far more honorable than he is...
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.

No moron.....no one is saying he can't do it.......we are all saying he has the Right to do it but that he is an asshat for doing it to this country in particular and as a guy who has benefited so much from this country......

What is it about this that you lefties don't get......yes...I understand you really do get it...you are just trying to smear conservatives again...
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.

No moron.....no one is saying he can't do it.......we are all saying he has the Right to do it but that he is an asshat for doing it to this country in particular and as a guy who has benefited so much from this country......

What is it about this that you lefties don't get......yes...I understand you really do get it...you are just trying to smear conservatives again...

Do you prefer Cheddar or Swiss with that whine.
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.

No moron.....no one is saying he can't do it.......we are all saying he has the Right to do it but that he is an asshat for doing it to this country in particular and as a guy who has benefited so much from this country......

What is it about this that you lefties don't get......yes...I understand you really do get it...you are just trying to smear conservatives again...

Do you prefer Cheddar or Swiss with that whine.

I'm not whining, I am telling the truth.......you guys are the ones lying about what the rest of the country is saying, not me.......
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.

No moron.....no one is saying he can't do it.......we are all saying he has the Right to do it but that he is an asshat for doing it to this country in particular and as a guy who has benefited so much from this country......

What is it about this that you lefties don't get......yes...I understand you really do get it...you are just trying to smear conservatives again...

Do you prefer Cheddar or Swiss with that whine.

I'm not whining, I am telling the truth.......you guys are the ones lying about what the rest of the country is saying, not me.......

You are free to criticize him as is your right as well. I'm just saying it is commendable that veterans are saying the guy has a right to say what he wants.
This is a role model..Kaeperdick? Not so much.

“For me, I love the flag. I love the National Anthem because it’s an emotional time for me because I’m so grateful I get to play on the football field. And every time I get to put my hand on my heart, it’s truly an honor — you know, the military, for me I think about my family members who have served, and friends — I train down in San Diego all the time, so I’m around the Navy and I see those guys around. And all they do for our country and the people in Afghanistan and all these people fighting. 9/11, for example, coming up — that’s going to be our first game and I think about all the pain from that. So that’s why I stand and put my hand on my heart.” – Russell Wilson

Only in AmeriKKKa....can a person of color voice a fuckin opinion and white bitches like you hate them for it. I sometimes wonder how on earth you maggots manage to sleep at night...oh, I do know how you sleep at night.....I just hope the sheeps are as fiesty as you are, not to mention the horses.....now run and whine to the mods, you dumb shit fed fuck

Few care about you....there lies your problem
I love the generalization you nuts spew.....white people love Trump, so the whole damn country is behind him....white people hate Collins, now the intire planet hates the guy....and a hand full of planters peanuts here, don't care about my black ass, so I should commit suicide.....news flash mop head.....white people have about as much creds as a nigga fresh out of prison trying to get a CEO job at Trump Towers...nuff said!!
This is a role model..Kaeperdick? Not so much.

“For me, I love the flag. I love the National Anthem because it’s an emotional time for me because I’m so grateful I get to play on the football field. And every time I get to put my hand on my heart, it’s truly an honor — you know, the military, for me I think about my family members who have served, and friends — I train down in San Diego all the time, so I’m around the Navy and I see those guys around. And all they do for our country and the people in Afghanistan and all these people fighting. 9/11, for example, coming up — that’s going to be our first game and I think about all the pain from that. So that’s why I stand and put my hand on my heart.” – Russell Wilson

Only in AmeriKKKa....can a person of color voice a fuckin opinion and white bitches like you hate them for it. I sometimes wonder how on earth you maggots manage to sleep at night...oh, I do know how you sleep at night.....I just hope the sheeps are as fiesty as you are, not to mention the horses.....now run and whine to the mods, you dumb shit fed fuck

Few care about you....there lies your problem
I love the generalization you nuts spew.....white people love Trump, so the whole damn country is behind him....white people hate Collins, now the intire planet hates the guy....and a hand full of planters peanuts here, don't care about my black ass, so I should commit suicide.....news flash mop head.....white people have about as much creds as a nigga fresh out of prison trying to get a CEO job at Trump Towers...nuff said!!

It's spelled entire, not intire. :)
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.
Sadly, this is only aimed at people of color...every single a black person says or does anything that white people don't like, they internalize the shit, tack on the cops and soldiers and make it a anti american issue.....in essense trying to make blacks their new bitch!!
Droves? At least the hypocrite rich NFL football player didn't use the United States Military uniform to promote disrespect for his own Country.
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.
Sadly, this is only aimed at people of color...every single a black person says or does anything that white people don't like, they internalize the shit, tack on the cops and soldiers and make it a anti american issue.....in essense trying to make blacks their new bitch!!

Not all white people by a long shot, but the group that does get their bullhorns out right away for sure. I noted in another thread, they defend the dumbass Finicum, the white militia guy that the FBI killed in Oregon because the guy ran through I think two checkpoints and then got out of his car and was reaching into his coat. But even for the black man that was shot four times in his car with his girlfriend and four year old child they say "keep your hands on the steering wheel, don't make sudden movements, and cooperate with the police fully.

Ridiculous double standard used to defend racism. 'Hey Finicum, keep your hands on the steering wheel, don't make any sudden movements..."

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