U.S. Veterans Are Coming To Colin Kaepernick’s Defense In Droves The hashtag #VeteransForKaepernick

This is a role model..Kaeperdick? Not so much.

“For me, I love the flag. I love the National Anthem because it’s an emotional time for me because I’m so grateful I get to play on the football field. And every time I get to put my hand on my heart, it’s truly an honor — you know, the military, for me I think about my family members who have served, and friends — I train down in San Diego all the time, so I’m around the Navy and I see those guys around. And all they do for our country and the people in Afghanistan and all these people fighting. 9/11, for example, coming up — that’s going to be our first game and I think about all the pain from that. So that’s why I stand and put my hand on my heart.” – Russell Wilson

Only in AmeriKKKa....can a person of color voice a fuckin opinion and white bitches like you hate them for it. I sometimes wonder how on earth you maggots manage to sleep at night...oh, I do know how you sleep at night.....I just hope the sheeps are as fiesty as you are, not to mention the horses.....now run and whine to the mods, you dumb shit fed fuck

Git me some of the watermelon too, boy. I luuves watermelon.

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