U.S. Veterans Are Coming To Colin Kaepernick’s Defense In Droves The hashtag #VeteransForKaepernick

There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.

No moron.....no one is saying he can't do it.......we are all saying he has the Right to do it but that he is an asshat for doing it to this country in particular and as a guy who has benefited so much from this country......

What is it about this that you lefties don't get......yes...I understand you really do get it...you are just trying to smear conservatives again...

Do you prefer Cheddar or Swiss with that whine.

I'm not whining, I am telling the truth.......you guys are the ones lying about what the rest of the country is saying, not me.......

You are free to criticize him as is your right as well. I'm just saying it is commendable that veterans are saying the guy has a right to say what he wants.

Yes...they are honorable people.....who understand sacrifice.....and what this country stands for......
This is a role model..Kaeperdick? Not so much.

“For me, I love the flag. I love the National Anthem because it’s an emotional time for me because I’m so grateful I get to play on the football field. And every time I get to put my hand on my heart, it’s truly an honor — you know, the military, for me I think about my family members who have served, and friends — I train down in San Diego all the time, so I’m around the Navy and I see those guys around. And all they do for our country and the people in Afghanistan and all these people fighting. 9/11, for example, coming up — that’s going to be our first game and I think about all the pain from that. So that’s why I stand and put my hand on my heart.” – Russell Wilson

Only in AmeriKKKa....can a person of color voice a fuckin opinion and white bitches like you hate them for it. I sometimes wonder how on earth you maggots manage to sleep at night...oh, I do know how you sleep at night.....I just hope the sheeps are as fiesty as you are, not to mention the horses.....now run and whine to the mods, you dumb shit fed fuck

Few care about you....there lies your problem
I love the generalization you nuts spew.....white people love Trump, so the whole damn country is behind him....white people hate Collins, now the intire planet hates the guy....and a hand full of planters peanuts here, don't care about my black ass, so I should commit suicide.....news flash mop head.....white people have about as much creds as a nigga fresh out of prison trying to get a CEO job at Trump Towers...nuff said!!

It's spelled entire, not intire. :)

There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.

No moron.....no one is saying he can't do it.......we are all saying he has the Right to do it but that he is an asshat for doing it to this country in particular and as a guy who has benefited so much from this country......

What is it about this that you lefties don't get......yes...I understand you really do get it...you are just trying to smear conservatives again...

Do you prefer Cheddar or Swiss with that whine.

I'm not whining, I am telling the truth.......you guys are the ones lying about what the rest of the country is saying, not me.......

You are free to criticize him as is your right as well. I'm just saying it is commendable that veterans are saying the guy has a right to say what he wants.

Yes...they are honorable people.....who understand sacrifice.....and what this country stands for......
Yes, the veterans do, not the Alt Right though who never served.
If this jerk ever makes it on the field...cause he sucks...his own team mates will let the defense thru the lines to sack this POS. Bank on it.
There is a big difference between defending ones freedom of speech and agreeing with the contents. We all took an oath to defend the Constitution and that includes the rights of those who act like douchebags.
If this jerk ever makes it on the field...cause he sucks...his own team mates will let the defense thru the lines to sack this POS. Bank on it.

STFU. All every 49er cares about is winning on the field.
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.
My issue is people who don't have a real legitimate reason to put out there whatever it is that they choose to put out there, but instead only put it out there because they can or are just looking to get a rise up out of everyone else. Why do you think that Miley Cyrus is now the way that she became compared to how she used to be for example? She wanted attention, and when people don't get whatever it is that they want, what do you think that they are going to go and do next? They are going to do whatever it takes to get whatever it is that they want.

God bless you always!!!

This is a role model..Kaeperdick? Not so much.

“For me, I love the flag. I love the National Anthem because it’s an emotional time for me because I’m so grateful I get to play on the football field. And every time I get to put my hand on my heart, it’s truly an honor — you know, the military, for me I think about my family members who have served, and friends — I train down in San Diego all the time, so I’m around the Navy and I see those guys around. And all they do for our country and the people in Afghanistan and all these people fighting. 9/11, for example, coming up — that’s going to be our first game and I think about all the pain from that. So that’s why I stand and put my hand on my heart.” – Russell Wilson

Only in AmeriKKKa....can a person of color voice a fuckin opinion and white bitches like you hate them for it. I sometimes wonder how on earth you maggots manage to sleep at night...oh, I do know how you sleep at night.....I just hope the sheeps are as fiesty as you are, not to mention the horses.....now run and whine to the mods, you dumb shit fed fuck

Few care about you....there lies your problem
I love the generalization you nuts spew.....white people love Trump, so the whole damn country is behind him....white people hate Collins, now the intire planet hates the guy....and a hand full of planters peanuts here, don't care about my black ass, so I should commit suicide.....news flash mop head.....white people have about as much creds as a nigga fresh out of prison trying to get a CEO job at Trump Towers...nuff said!!

It's spelled entire, not intire. :)
Deflect much?
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.
My issue is people who don't have a real legitimate reason to put out there whatever it is that they choose to put out there, but instead only put it out there because they can or are just looking to get a rise up out of everyone else. Why do you think that Miley Cyrus is now the way that she became compared to how she used to be for example? She wanted attention, and when people don't get whatever it is that they want, what do you think that they are going to go and do next? They are going to do whatever it takes to get whatever it is that they want.

God bless you always!!!

Oh, so a black man standing up for what he believes in, is only doing so for attention? So what the hell is Donald Dumb doing for attention? Stop trying to marginalize this brave brother but instead support the very constitution that you nuts worship and allow him his freedom of speech....geeezzzzus, you people act as though only whites have a voice in this country and the rest or either anti-cop, military, flag, God and rabbits....get a life!
^^^ I never accused the guy of only doing what he did to get attention at least that wasn't my intention if that is what I ended up doing, but you know that there are people out there who only do what they do just to get a rise up out of everyone else and if they don't get that rise up out of everyone else, then of course we all know what it is that comes next if they are wanting that rise up out of everyone else badly enough: a full scale war.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I already have a life. How about yourself?
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.
My issue is people who don't have a real legitimate reason to put out there whatever it is that they choose to put out there, but instead only put it out there because they can or are just looking to get a rise up out of everyone else. Why do you think that Miley Cyrus is now the way that she became compared to how she used to be for example? She wanted attention, and when people don't get whatever it is that they want, what do you think that they are going to go and do next? They are going to do whatever it takes to get whatever it is that they want.

God bless you always!!!


He has said what his reasons are, you reject that? How exactly have you become the judge of humanity?
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.
My issue is people who don't have a real legitimate reason to put out there whatever it is that they choose to put out there, but instead only put it out there because they can or are just looking to get a rise up out of everyone else. Why do you think that Miley Cyrus is now the way that she became compared to how she used to be for example? She wanted attention, and when people don't get whatever it is that they want, what do you think that they are going to go and do next? They are going to do whatever it takes to get whatever it is that they want.

God bless you always!!!

He has said what his reasons are, you reject that? How exactly have you become the judge of humanity?
I don't believe that everyone else has to agree with whatever he chose to say for himself. He has a right to not stand for the anthem just like anyone who disagrees with his choice of action has a right to disagree with his choice of action. Oh and if I have become the judge of humanity, I am not the one who gave myself such a title. I believe that such a thing could be up to everyone else. All that I am guilty of doing here is giving my two cents which is no different from what everyone else here does when coming here.

God bless you always!!!

There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.
My issue is people who don't have a real legitimate reason to put out there whatever it is that they choose to put out there, but instead only put it out there because they can or are just looking to get a rise up out of everyone else. Why do you think that Miley Cyrus is now the way that she became compared to how she used to be for example? She wanted attention, and when people don't get whatever it is that they want, what do you think that they are going to go and do next? They are going to do whatever it takes to get whatever it is that they want.

God bless you always!!!

He has said what his reasons are, you reject that? How exactly have you become the judge of humanity?
I don't believe that everyone else has to agree with whatever he chose to say for himself. He has a right to not stand for the anthem just like anyone who disagrees with his choice of action has a right to disagree with his choice of action. Oh and if I have become the judge of humanity, I am not the one who gave myself such a title. I believe that such a thing could be up to everyone else. All that I am guilty of doing here is giving my two cents which is no different from what everyone else here does when coming here.

God bless you always!!!


But you intimated that he 'didn't have a legitimate reason'.
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.
My issue is people who don't have a real legitimate reason to put out there whatever it is that they choose to put out there, but instead only put it out there because they can or are just looking to get a rise up out of everyone else. Why do you think that Miley Cyrus is now the way that she became compared to how she used to be for example? She wanted attention, and when people don't get whatever it is that they want, what do you think that they are going to go and do next? They are going to do whatever it takes to get whatever it is that they want.

God bless you always!!!

He has said what his reasons are, you reject that? How exactly have you become the judge of humanity?
I don't believe that everyone else has to agree with whatever he chose to say for himself. He has a right to not stand for the anthem just like anyone who disagrees with his choice of action has a right to disagree with his choice of action. Oh and if I have become the judge of humanity, I am not the one who gave myself such a title. I believe that such a thing could be up to everyone else. All that I am guilty of doing here is giving my two cents which is no different from what everyone else here does when coming here.

God bless you always!!!


But you intimated that he 'didn't have a legitimate reason'.
He doesn't. It's a fake cause. The whole narrative of justified police shootings of criminally violent negroes being cast as racial oppression is phony.
There seems to be a thought that "I will defend your right to your free speech, but you better not say anything I don't like".

What they are doing to Kapernick is conservative PC. You can have free speech, but don't exercise it. Kapernick will get whatever consequences come from what he did/said. I'm glad veterans are standing for the concept of free speech. You don't have to like what someone says. Isn't that what we've heard over and over from conservative media about being PC for the last ten years.
My issue is people who don't have a real legitimate reason to put out there whatever it is that they choose to put out there, but instead only put it out there because they can or are just looking to get a rise up out of everyone else. Why do you think that Miley Cyrus is now the way that she became compared to how she used to be for example? She wanted attention, and when people don't get whatever it is that they want, what do you think that they are going to go and do next? They are going to do whatever it takes to get whatever it is that they want.

God bless you always!!!

He has said what his reasons are, you reject that? How exactly have you become the judge of humanity?
I don't believe that everyone else has to agree with whatever he chose to say for himself. He has a right to not stand for the anthem just like anyone who disagrees with his choice of action has a right to disagree with his choice of action. Oh and if I have become the judge of humanity, I am not the one who gave myself such a title. I believe that such a thing could be up to everyone else. All that I am guilty of doing here is giving my two cents which is no different from what everyone else here does when coming here.

God bless you always!!!

But you intimated that he 'didn't have a legitimate reason'.
And your point would be what exactly? If I think that people don't have legitimate reason to do whatever it is that they choose to do, not only do I have a right to think such a thing, but I have the right to point it out what it is that I choose to think too. He obviously isn't keeping anything to himself, so why should anyone else be quiet? And if he wasn't willing to deal with the response that has been given to the stand that he chose to take, he shouldn't have taken it until he was willing to deal with the given response.

God bless you always!!!


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