U.S. vice-president tours Mayo Clinic without a mask, flouting medical centre's COVID-19 rule

Neil Austen

Gold Member
Jun 5, 2019
U.S. vice-president tours Mayo Clinic without a mask, flouting medical centre's COVID-19 rule

Is it any wonder the U.S. is in such disaster? Is it any wonder that 59,000 Americans are dead in only 2 months? It starts with the yahoos running the country.
Both U.S. and South Korea got the same information from the W.H.O. Both U.S and South Korea discover their first patient of Coronavirus on the very same day. South Korea acted to instructions from the WHO and the outcome was effective. Trump and the U.S. instead downplayed virus and is now in disaster mode, 59,000 Americans dead, dead bodies piling up and buried in mass graves. Now Trump blames the W.H.O. because the W.H.O would not join him in blaming China. Trump needs to blame China or else people will see that 59,000 dead Americans could have been prevented if Trump was even slightly competent.
The difference between the US and South Korea is that when South Korea's leader says "We're doing this", they do it.

Here, when our leader says that, he gets hordes of pussies whining about him being racist and xenophobic.

Oh, we also have almost seven times their population...
"On Jan. 14, the World Health Organization sent a tweet that turned out to be one of the most significant statements in the world’s fight against the virus now known as Covid-19. Based on information from China, the global health agency wrote, the new coronavirus didn’t appear to spread via human-to-human transmission.

Two weeks earlier, health authorities in Taiwan had reached the opposite conclusion. Not only did Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control surmise that people were passing the disease to each other, they notified the WHO of their suspicions through the UN agency’s International Health Regulations reporting window, a platform for sharing information and updates." Taiwan’s Viral Success Makes It Harder to Ignore

In December, 2019 Taiwan warned the World Health Organization about China and a new contagion coming out of Wuhan and the deadly consequences of not stopping this out break.
And the WHO said, through it's inaction, don't worry. We won't tell anybody.

And when it couldn't be ignored any longer they, World Health Organization, finally did put out
a message of warning but they said this new virus from China did not appear to spread vis
human to human transmission.
China was feeding the world a line of b.s. and the World Health
Organization said, through their lying disinformation, don't worry China. Your secret is safe with us.

So everything you claimed is wrong! Horribly wrong. Laughably wrong. Sickeningly wrong!

I'm very tired of liars and disinformation artists like you flat out putting out b.s. to suit your political
agenda against the president. And your claim of 59,000 deaths in two months is pure b.s. also!
You aren't even smart or good enough to be a believable liar!
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The rules don’t apply to Trump and his team. Trump thinks they are demeaning

Even when touring a hospital
The rules don’t apply to Trump and his team. Trump thinks they are demeaning

Even when touring a hospital
The rules don't apply to Pelosi and the Democrats. Pelosi thinks she can spread her snot on a lectern because she thinks her snot is somehow 'pure.'.....

U.S. vice-president tours Mayo Clinic without a mask, flouting medical centre's COVID-19 rule

Is it any wonder the U.S. is in such disaster? Is it any wonder that 59,000 Americans are dead in only 2 months? It starts with the yahoos running the country.
Both U.S. and South Korea got the same information from the W.H.O. Both U.S and South Korea discover their first patient of Coronavirus on the very same day. South Korea acted to instructions from the WHO and the outcome was effective. Trump and the U.S. instead downplayed virus and is now in disaster mode, 59,000 Americans dead, dead bodies piling up and buried in mass graves. Now Trump blames the W.H.O. because the W.H.O would not join him in blaming China. Trump needs to blame China or else people will see that 59,000 dead Americans could have been prevented if Trump was even slightly competent.
You’re a lying sack of shit.
So Korea didn’t have the influx of infected from all over the globe flying in the way NYC does. There aren’t piles of bodies and way more people have died from episodes of flu.
You’re either Chinese and/or just a blatant liar.
"On Jan. 14, the World Health Organization sent a tweet that turned out to be one of the most significant statements in the world’s fight against the virus now known as Covid-19. Based on information from China, the global health agency wrote, the new coronavirus didn’t appear to spread via human-to-human transmission.
What a load. It's bullshit like that which is part of the reason the US reaction to COVID-19 is a laughing stock in the world.

Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China

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