UAW Thugs Bully and Intimidate Non-Union Workers

Unions once had a noble purpose (even if it was a front for organized crime). Now it is a dinosaur that needs to be extinct. Then again without the billions of union dollars the DNC would pretty much dry up and disappear as well.

So I should have simply happily accepted my job moving 200 miles away, having the pay cut 40% and being expected to do MORE work for that 40% less pay (and no moving expenses)?

So you are saying that no company helps employees move?

WOW, you really are a programmed drone.

And yes you move to where the jobs are, just look at Detroit..
Pointless labels. Typical of the tyrant mentality. A term coined to make you feel better as you get bent over on payday. All the while the union bosses get rich off your sweat. There is another term for that.

LOL. I pay less than $20 a week.... Less than $1000 a year for a service that MAKES me a minimum of $3500 a year and literally saved me from having a 400+ mile commute every day.

Because every workers experience is the same as yours right?

Again trying to make a thread about the UAW about your sole experience. Unions nearly destroyed the auto industry & their communities.

Your single experience changes nothing.

This thread is about them not you.
i pay about 30 a commute is less and i got the job i was after.

and the banks nearly destroyed the nation and they are not union....

Policies set by the far left almost destroyed the country and the far left bailed out the banks.

Get your far left propaganda straight.
Employers should hire who they want. Unions act like they own companies and push out non-union people. If you want to be in a union, fine, but that doesn't mean you should push non-union people out the door.

If a Union contract is written properly the work in the Unionized classifications doesn't actually belong to the Company anymore. It will be Managed by Management employees and done exclusively by Union employees.
If that's the case, do you expect all the various unions in the USA to back and support the Miners' Union which are losing their jobs to the "pro-union" dictator, Obama, and his anti-job policies? If I'm not mistaken, unions had a LOT to do with buying Obama's election(s).

Yes I do expect us to support out Brothers and Sisters. I also don't believe Unions should be involved in politics

Unfortunately for America, Unions are VERY involved in politics and often strongly suggest voting for Liberal candidates.

Unions will back anyone that will cater to their needs, the DNC caters to unions and will try and amend state constitutions make it illegal to NOT work for the unions.

The far left does not believe in choice.
Employers should hire who they want. Unions act like they own companies and push out non-union people. If you want to be in a union, fine, but that doesn't mean you should push non-union people out the door.

If a Union contract is written properly the work in the Unionized classifications doesn't actually belong to the Company anymore. It will be Managed by Management employees and done exclusively by Union employees.

And Obama care will be the final nail in the unions coffin.
So you are saying that no company helps employees move?

WOW, you really are a programmed drone.

And yes you move to where the jobs are, just look at Detroit..

Not when there is no legitimate reason to move the work. The company was already making record profits and was just looking to implement a Transformation Plan that ended up failing miserably, just as we told them it would.
So you are saying that no company helps employees move?

WOW, you really are a programmed drone.

And yes you move to where the jobs are, just look at Detroit..

Not when there is no legitimate reason to move the work. The company was already making record profits and was just looking to implement a Transformation Plan that ended up failing miserably, just as we told them it would.

So once again the propaganda comes into play.

I see the faulty logic of the far left is at work here.

Then again to the far left any company that turns is profit is evil!
So once again the propaganda comes into play.

I see the faulty logic of the far left is at work here.

Then again to the far left any company that turns is profit is evil!

Slashing 25% of your non-union workforce to meet some predetermined RECORD profit margin is evil, no matter who you vote for. Implementing the same system that has failed at each of you new President's previous company's is both stupid and evil. It failed for he third time and has cost the company more than $70 Million in fines so far.
So once again the propaganda comes into play.

I see the faulty logic of the far left is at work here.

Then again to the far left any company that turns is profit is evil!

Slashing 25% of your non-union workforce to meet some predetermined RECORD profit margin is evil, no matter who you vote for. Implementing the same system that has failed at each of you new President's previous company's is both stupid and evil. It failed for he third time and has cost the company more than $70 Million in fines so far.

Again the far left shows that any company making any type of profit is evil!

Gotta love when the far left will prove your comments.
And Obama care will be the final nail in the unions coffin.

Only if the Union is stupid enough to let them. We're not. Our current plan goes through 2017 and we aren't intending on giving up our healthcare in 2017 either.

Why should a company pay for the healthcare of the union, when the taxpayer can do it?

Then again for government unions the tax payer is on paying the bill.

So why continue to burden the tax payer?
Why should a company pay for the healthcare of the union, when the taxpayer can do it?

We might consider giving it up for a small improvement in other benefits..... say a $12 an hour pay raise or 2 more weeks of vacation each year. That insurance has a value and they're not going to get away with cutting our compensation.
Why should a company pay for the healthcare of the union, when the taxpayer can do it?

We might consider giving it up for a small improvement in other benefits..... say a $12 an hour pay raise or 2 more weeks of vacation each year. That insurance has a value and they're not going to get away with cutting our compensation.

Another thing the taxpayer will have to pick up the tab for..

One day unions will learn to adapt instead of bullying those into their way of thinking.

Way to support the thuggery of unions.
Like I said, anyone can work for a union if they want to, I don't want to, I have never had a union job that benefited me. I did get laid off a union job years ago, did not have any notice either.

I spent the first 15 years of my work career in non-union positions and never got a damn thing I didn't literally DEMAND except being repeatedly screwed over by employers.

I've worked for my employer for 14 years. 9 as a Management employee and the last 5 as a Union member. I was part of the group that pushed for us to go Union. I've seen more increases in pay and benefits in the last 5 years than in the previous 9 at thus company and my 6 years before that combined.

Glad you are happy with that arrangement, I am happy with my arrangement and would quit if the union came in and I have had three pay increases on my merit, not just because.
When the union was brought in, I took a pay CUT! No raise at all for 3 years, we lost profit-sharing, and we lost the payout for unused sick time. Thanks a bunch, guys!
When the union was brought in, I took a pay CUT! No raise at all for 3 years, we lost profit-sharing, and we lost the payout for unused sick time. Thanks a bunch, guys!

Unions can be good or bad and it is each persons personal experience. I'm not sure why the people that work for unions want to force me to take a union job? I have no interest.

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