UAW Thugs Bully and Intimidate Non-Union Workers

It's insulting that someone like plasma who JUST GOT OFF THE WELFARE DOLE has the nerve to bitch about someone working who would like to not be hassled by some fucking union thug.

Telling of the mindset of the left.
oh i get it, you are just very unhappy with your life....good for you...keep drinking
A great reply, you have no argument which means you are wrong, as usual. Go away idiot.
Really? 12 hours without a break? I have and do live in a right to work state and labor laws dictate breaks must be taken. I have written up employees for NOT taking a break as it can lead to fines and audits.

Where are you getting your info?
Breaks are not required as a welfare recipient.
good for you....thugs....says the would know what a thug is huh.
Yes I do. Anyone with a functioning brain does. And prison made me who I am. Too bad you apparently haven't learned from your mistakes. Having daddy union looking over your shoulder for your entire career does little to nothing for you. Well except for lightening the weight of your wallet & protecting useless employees from being rightfully fired.

poor some jealousy issues i see.
Jealous of what? Your expert welfare cashing skills or floor moping abilities?

Get real
get real? that would require me to take you seriously.
I understand. You're out of your league in this discussion.
Pointless labels. Typical of the tyrant mentality. A term coined to make you feel better as you get bent over on payday. All the while the union bosses get rich off your sweat. There is another term for that.

LOL. I pay less than $20 a week.... Less than $1000 a year for a service that MAKES me a minimum of $3500 a year and literally saved me from having a 400+ mile commute every day.
Pointless labels. Typical of the tyrant mentality. A term coined to make you feel better as you get bent over on payday. All the while the union bosses get rich off your sweat. There is another term for that.

LOL. I pay less than $20 a week.... Less than $1000 a year for a service that MAKES me a minimum of $3500 a year and literally saved me from having a 400+ mile commute every day.

Because every workers experience is the same as yours right?

Again trying to make a thread about the UAW about your sole experience. Unions nearly destroyed the auto industry & their communities.

Your single experience changes nothing.

This thread is about them not you.
Unions once had a noble purpose (even if it was a front for organized crime). Now it is a dinosaur that needs to be extinct. Then again without the billions of union dollars the DNC would pretty much dry up and disappear as well.
Unions once had a noble purpose (even if it was a front for organized crime). Now it is a dinosaur that needs to be extinct. Then again without the billions of union dollars the DNC would pretty much dry up and disappear as well.

So I should have simply happily accepted my job moving 200 miles away, having the pay cut 40% and being expected to do MORE work for that 40% less pay (and no moving expenses)?
Pointless labels. Typical of the tyrant mentality. A term coined to make you feel better as you get bent over on payday. All the while the union bosses get rich off your sweat. There is another term for that.

LOL. I pay less than $20 a week.... Less than $1000 a year for a service that MAKES me a minimum of $3500 a year and literally saved me from having a 400+ mile commute every day.

Because every workers experience is the same as yours right?

Again trying to make a thread about the UAW about your sole experience. Unions nearly destroyed the auto industry & their communities.

Your single experience changes nothing.

This thread is about them not you.
i pay about 30 a commute is less and i got the job i was after.

and the banks nearly destroyed the nation and they are not union....
Pointless labels. Typical of the tyrant mentality. A term coined to make you feel better as you get bent over on payday. All the while the union bosses get rich off your sweat. There is another term for that.

LOL. I pay less than $20 a week.... Less than $1000 a year for a service that MAKES me a minimum of $3500 a year and literally saved me from having a 400+ mile commute every day.

Because every workers experience is the same as yours right?

Again trying to make a thread about the UAW about your sole experience. Unions nearly destroyed the auto industry & their communities.

Your single experience changes nothing.

This thread is about them not you.
i pay about 30 a commute is less and i got the job i was after.

and the banks nearly destroyed the nation and they are not union....
Congrats. I don't PAY SOMEONE ELSE to work. They pay me.
Pointless labels. Typical of the tyrant mentality. A term coined to make you feel better as you get bent over on payday. All the while the union bosses get rich off your sweat. There is another term for that.

LOL. I pay less than $20 a week.... Less than $1000 a year for a service that MAKES me a minimum of $3500 a year and literally saved me from having a 400+ mile commute every day.

Because every workers experience is the same as yours right?

Again trying to make a thread about the UAW about your sole experience. Unions nearly destroyed the auto industry & their communities.

Your single experience changes nothing.

This thread is about them not you.
i pay about 30 a commute is less and i got the job i was after.

and the banks nearly destroyed the nation and they are not union....

I pay nothing a week, my commute is short and I got the job I was after. I don't to a union.
Anyone who dares go against unions will be taught a lesson. Their names are published and harassment of the non-union people is encouraged. Non-union members can expect their day at work to be made difficult by union members with bad attitudes towards them. This is insane and is just as bad as sexual harassment in the work place. People just want to go to work and don't need to be bullied by a bunch of creeps who can't tolerate those who don't join them. What a twisted mentality and typical of radicals everywhere.

Democrats who hate right-to-work laws in states that have them deride said laws as "right to work for less." You dumbasses! Why would you not join the union when it's going to get you more money and protect you from getting fired if you operate machinery drunk and stoned? You don't know what's good for you!

But shockingly to the unions and their political protectors, some people prefer not to become part of the collective. And their judgment tends to be vindicated when we see how the overlords of the collective behave when this happens. You don't want to join the union? Oh you'll be sorry. We'll see to that.

And one of the UAW's favorite methods of seeing to that is to use very public shame and intimidation. As the Washington Free Beacon reports, that includes the publishing of "scab lists" where the union publishes the names of those who have exercised their perfectly legal right under right-to-work laws and chosen not to be union members.

The point of this, of course, is not simply to put the names on the web site. That's just the start. The union wants all its members to be able to identify the "scabs" so they can be subjected to pressure, intimidation and hazing on the shop floor and around company facilities. Unions are famous for this. If you're a "scab," union members will turn their backs and refuse to speak with you. Refuse you access to certain employee facilities. Accidentally/on purpose/oh-sorry-did-I-just-do-that bump into you while passing. The idea is to make life as miserable for you as possible during every moment of the work day, so you ultimately decide to either a) join the union; or b) quit and make room for someone new that the UAW can strongarm into joining.
If joining the union was such a great thing, the UAW would not have to engage in behavior like this to intimidate people into doing it. And if the UAW was really such a great organization, it wouldn't behave like this anyway.

I've always been a "go getter" when it's time to work. I believe in producing as much as I can in an efficient manner. However, every union I've belonged to (3 major ones) would send spokesmen to me telling me to "slow down" and "pace myself." I've always hated that mentality. If I worked hard regardless then my coworkers would frown upon me and see me as an "agent for the enemy." Stupid! I simply believe in earning my paycheck.
I pay nothing a week, my commute is short and I got the job I was after. I don't belong to a union.

Okay. Your employer can also cut your pay 40% on Monday morning without your consent. He can fire you because he doesn't like your shirt. He controls your entire work life and you have no say about any of it
What does that have to do with THIS THREAD?

We call it a Brother/Sisterhood for a reason.

If that's the case, do you expect all the various unions in the USA to back and support the Miners' Union which are losing their jobs to the "pro-union" dictator, Obama, and his anti-job policies? If I'm not mistaken, unions had a LOT to do with buying Obama's election(s).
I've always been a "go getter" when it's time to work. I believe in producing as much as I can in an efficient manner. However, every union I've belonged to (3 major ones) would send spokesmen to me telling me to "slow down" and "pace myself." I've always hated that mentality. If I worked hard regardless then my coworkers would frown upon me and see me as an "agent for the enemy." Stupid! I simply believe in earning my paycheck.

In other words you're willing to put your brothers jobs at risk because you want to brown - nose the boss. You have a job. Do that job. Don't screw things up for everyone else. You're like a former brother who left our Union after he was told he wasn't allowed to volunteer for work that's nit part of our job description.

As I told him..... "This is a group. The minute you do it the Company can claim ALL OF US are now required to do it. " The same goes for all you overachievers who decide they like locking the Boss' balls. Sounds like you'd prefer a Management position.
If that's the case, do you expect all the various unions in the USA to back and support the Miners' Union which are losing their jobs to the "pro-union" dictator, Obama, and his anti-job policies? If I'm not mistaken, unions had a LOT to do with buying Obama's election(s).

Yes I do expect us to support out Brothers and Sisters. I also don't believe Unions should be involved in politics
I pay nothing a week, my commute is short and I got the job I was after. I don't belong to a union.

Okay. Your employer can also cut your pay 40% on Monday morning without your consent. He can fire you because he doesn't like your shirt. He controls your entire work life and you have no say about any of it

And I'm good with that, because I seriously doubt the owner will fire me for my taste in shirts. I have never had a job where and I had my pay cut. I have been given raises and bonuses without notice but never a pay cut.

I have a working relationship with my employer, unless I screw it up, I have a job.

Like I said, anyone can work for a union if they want to, I don't want to, I have never had a union job that benefited me. I did get laid off a union job years ago, did not have any notice either.
Anyone who dares go against unions will be taught a lesson. Their names are published and harassment of the non-union people is encouraged. Non-union members can expect their day at work to be made difficult by union members with bad attitudes towards them. This is insane and is just as bad as sexual harassment in the work place. People just want to go to work and don't need to be bullied by a bunch of creeps who can't tolerate those who don't join them. What a twisted mentality and typical of radicals everywhere.

We don't have those issues with the Union I'm part of. Our contract specifies that all work in the classifications included in the contract is Union work and cannot be done by non - Union employees. Making that clear delineation ensures crap like thus doesn't occur.

Employers should hire who they want. Unions act like they own companies and push out non-union people. If you want to be in a union, fine, but that doesn't mean you should push non-union people out the door.
If that's the case, do you expect all the various unions in the USA to back and support the Miners' Union which are losing their jobs to the "pro-union" dictator, Obama, and his anti-job policies? If I'm not mistaken, unions had a LOT to do with buying Obama's election(s).

Yes I do expect us to support out Brothers and Sisters. I also don't believe Unions should be involved in politics

Unfortunately for America, Unions are VERY involved in politics and often strongly suggest voting for Liberal candidates.
Like I said, anyone can work for a union if they want to, I don't want to, I have never had a union job that benefited me. I did get laid off a union job years ago, did not have any notice either.

I spent the first 15 years of my work career in non-union positions and never got a damn thing I didn't literally DEMAND except being repeatedly screwed over by employers.

I've worked for my employer for 14 years. 9 as a Management employee and the last 5 as a Union member. I was part of the group that pushed for us to go Union. I've seen more increases in pay and benefits in the last 5 years than in the previous 9 at thus company and my 6 years before that combined.

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