UAW Thugs Bully and Intimidate Non-Union Workers

It's insulting that someone like plasma who JUST GOT OFF THE WELFARE DOLE has the nerve to bitch about someone working who would like to not be hassled by some fucking union thug.

How about us Union thugs who don't want our work being stolen by people willing to eat the Company's shit rather than have place value on their work.
Your work isn't being stolen fool. Your value at your job is being questioned. You just haven't figured it out yet. How much is standing on a fucking production line doing the SAME THING over & over again worth?
Anyone who dares go against unions will be taught a lesson. Their names are published and harassment of the non-union people is encouraged. Non-union members can expect their day at work to be made difficult by union members with bad attitudes towards them. This is insane and is just as bad as sexual harassment in the work place. People just want to go to work and don't need to be bullied by a bunch of creeps who can't tolerate those who don't join them. What a twisted mentality and typical of radicals everywhere.

Democrats who hate right-to-work laws in states that have them deride said laws as "right to work for less." You dumbasses! Why would you not join the union when it's going to get you more money and protect you from getting fired if you operate machinery drunk and stoned? You don't know what's good for you!

But shockingly to the unions and their political protectors, some people prefer not to become part of the collective. And their judgment tends to be vindicated when we see how the overlords of the collective behave when this happens. You don't want to join the union? Oh you'll be sorry. We'll see to that.

And one of the UAW's favorite methods of seeing to that is to use very public shame and intimidation. As the Washington Free Beacon reports, that includes the publishing of "scab lists" where the union publishes the names of those who have exercised their perfectly legal right under right-to-work laws and chosen not to be union members.

The point of this, of course, is not simply to put the names on the web site. That's just the start. The union wants all its members to be able to identify the "scabs" so they can be subjected to pressure, intimidation and hazing on the shop floor and around company facilities. Unions are famous for this. If you're a "scab," union members will turn their backs and refuse to speak with you. Refuse you access to certain employee facilities. Accidentally/on purpose/oh-sorry-did-I-just-do-that bump into you while passing. The idea is to make life as miserable for you as possible during every moment of the work day, so you ultimately decide to either a) join the union; or b) quit and make room for someone new that the UAW can strongarm into joining.
If joining the union was such a great thing, the UAW would not have to engage in behavior like this to intimidate people into doing it. And if the UAW was really such a great organization, it wouldn't behave like this anyway.

Anyone who tried that shit with me would get a knuckle sandwich in return.

And there would be at least a dozen witnesses that you attacked the guy without provocation, justifying him (and five or six others) smashing your head in with baseball bats. There would be, of course, no witnesses to the torching of your house with your children inside.

Of course, there would be "provocation." Employees can't refuse to give you access to company facilities if you're entitled to use them. If they bump into you, that's assault. If they don't speak to me, that suits me just fine. I have no interest in discussions with union assholes. However, if someone is giving me a hard time, I won't give him a knuckle sandwich in public. What you do is wait to have them alone somewhere. Then you push them up against the wall and explain what will happen if they persist in their anti-social behavior. If they whine about it to your superiors, it's their word against yours. All you have to do is circle your finger around your ear and make Outer Limits noises.

BTW, the five guys beating me with baseball bats would all go to prison, and torching someone's house with their children inside is murder, but that's just the kind of behavior people expect from those fine upstanding union thugs . . . . er, I mean gentlemen.
Morons think tightening nuts on a car assembly line is high skilled work worthy of ridiculous wages.

No wonder detroit is going bankrupt and a fucking pick up truck cost as much as a caddy
Ohio does not require employers to provide breaks, including lunch breaks, for workers eighteen (18) years old or older. An employer who chooses to provide a break in excess of twenty (20) minutes does not have to pay wages for lunch periods or other breaks if the employee is free to leave the worksite, in fact takes their lunch or break, and the employee does not actually perform work. According to federal law, breaks twenty (20) minutes or shorter typically must be paid. DOL: Breaks and Meal Periods.

like i said before, you are an ignorant moron...

Yet again: I am REQUIRED to take at least a 30 minute break every shift.

good for are also in New england where the laws are different.
No, it would be true regardless of where I work...the law is Federal. (I fall under DOT regulations.)
Your work isn't being stolen fool. Your value at your job is being questioned. You just haven't figured it out yet. How much is standing on a fucking production line doing the SAME THING over & over again worth?

I don't stand on a production line and my work isn't being stolen. My work keeps your computer and lights on. In fact it often puts your lights on to begin with. My Union contract doesn't allow the Company to bring in non - Union employees to do my work. Nor would it allow my department's employees to suddenly decide they'd rather leave the Union without disbanding the entire Union (roughly 12000 brothers and sisters)
Of course you LOVE extortion!
no because in a right to work state they can work you 12 hours without even a break. doesn't matter the weather or anything. I also support unions because typically you get better wages and benefits.

But hey you keep posting like an ass.

Really? 12 hours without a break? I have and do live in a right to work state and labor laws dictate breaks must be taken. I have written up employees for NOT taking a break as it can lead to fines and audits.

Where are you getting your info?
Ohio - Wage and Hour Laws

Ohio does not require employers to provide breaks, including lunch breaks, for workers eighteen (18) years old or older. An employer who chooses to provide a break in excess of twenty (20) minutes does not have to pay wages for lunch periods or other breaks if the employee is free to leave the worksite, in fact takes their lunch or break, and the employee does not actually perform work. According to federal law, breaks twenty (20) minutes or shorter typically must be paid. DOL: Breaks and Meal Periods.

you would think that it being 2014 we wouldnt have these sort of things here in America, but we do.

I'm disappointed with Ohio, the right to work states I have worked in have not been that way, they are the opposite. I don't care for unions and would never join one but others are free to do as they wish.
Your work isn't being stolen fool. Your value at your job is being questioned. You just haven't figured it out yet. How much is standing on a fucking production line doing the SAME THING over & over again worth?

I don't stand on a production line and my work isn't being stolen. My work keeps your computer and lights on. In fact it often puts your lights on to begin with. My Union contract doesn't allow the Company to bring in non - Union employees to do my work. Nor would it allow my department's employees to suddenly decide they'd rather leave the Union without disbanding the entire Union (roughly 12000 brothers and sisters)
This thread isn't about your job lol.

I was speaking about production line work at the UAW.
Your work isn't being stolen fool. Your value at your job is being questioned. You just haven't figured it out yet. How much is standing on a fucking production line doing the SAME THING over & over again worth?

I don't stand on a production line and my work isn't being stolen. My work keeps your computer and lights on. In fact it often puts your lights on to begin with. My Union contract doesn't allow the Company to bring in non - Union employees to do my work. Nor would it allow my department's employees to suddenly decide they'd rather leave the Union without disbanding the entire Union (roughly 12000 brothers and sisters)
My father in law was the president of the IBEW here, so I know of what you speak. That job can be a very dangerous job.
This thread isn't about your job lol.

I was speaking about production line work at the UAW.

It doesn't make a difference. If their contract was properly worded this shouldn't be an issue. That work belongs to the Union, not the Company
Of course you LOVE extortion!
no because in a right to work state they can work you 12 hours without even a break. doesn't matter the weather or anything. I also support unions because typically you get better wages and benefits.

But hey you keep posting like an ass.

Really? 12 hours without a break? I have and do live in a right to work state and labor laws dictate breaks must be taken. I have written up employees for NOT taking a break as it can lead to fines and audits.

Where are you getting your info?
Breaks are not required as a welfare recipient.
rough day huh.....poor guy....
Not at all. Sold another remodeling job. A job that I can and will complete without some thugs raiding my checks or pissing and moaning that I worked .5 too many hours
good for you....thugs....says the would know what a thug is huh.
Yes I do. Anyone with a functioning brain does. And prison made me who I am. Too bad you apparently haven't learned from your mistakes. Having daddy union looking over your shoulder for your entire career does little to nothing for you. Well except for lightening the weight of your wallet & protecting useless employees from being rightfully fired.

poor some jealousy issues i see.
Jealous of what? Your expert welfare cashing skills or floor moping abilities?

Get real
get real? that would require me to take you seriously.
no because in a right to work state they can work you 12 hours without even a break. doesn't matter the weather or anything. I also support unions because typically you get better wages and benefits.

But hey you keep posting like an ass.

Really? 12 hours without a break? I have and do live in a right to work state and labor laws dictate breaks must be taken. I have written up employees for NOT taking a break as it can lead to fines and audits.

Where are you getting your info?
Breaks are not required as a welfare recipient.
Not at all. Sold another remodeling job. A job that I can and will complete without some thugs raiding my checks or pissing and moaning that I worked .5 too many hours
good for you....thugs....says the would know what a thug is huh.
Yes I do. Anyone with a functioning brain does. And prison made me who I am. Too bad you apparently haven't learned from your mistakes. Having daddy union looking over your shoulder for your entire career does little to nothing for you. Well except for lightening the weight of your wallet & protecting useless employees from being rightfully fired.

poor some jealousy issues i see.
Jealous of what? Your expert welfare cashing skills or floor moping abilities?

Get real
get real? that would require me to take you seriously.
I understand. You're out of your league in this discussion.
Bullshit. The work belongs to the employer.

Not if the contract is properly written to begin with. I am a member of a UWUA Local that us part of an 8 Local Brotherhood covering a large portion of the gas/electric utility workers in Central New England
indeed,,,i will support any union trying to overturn right to work states.
I think your focus should be on holding a job yourself instead of worrying about others. But hey, what do I know? I haven't played the welfare game while bitching about others who haven't.
As it is you went from welfare to a job, you should just stfu & be happy you're supporting yourself for a change.
good, now that you've decide my life for me, you can go fuck off.
Union thugs are a symptom of the idiotic socialist lefts thinking they have the right to tell everyone how to live. UNIONS and the LEFT can go F%^$# off, IDIOTS!!!!!

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