Uber banned in London

“Health and safety” is the plea for every infringement of human freedom in Britain today – it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
Health and safety is a big issue in London at the moment.
Health and safety is an excuse used by tyrants to eliminate freedoms in the UK.
“Health and safety” is the plea for every infringement of human freedom in Britain today – it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
Health and safety is a big issue in London at the moment.
Health and safety is an excuse used by tyrants to eliminate freedoms in the UK.
Nope, health and safety regs would have prevented the Grenfell Fire. They were binned by the current government as unnecessary.
Are you on crack or something ?
The scandal that brought Uber down


Freedom of Information data obtained by The Sun last year showed that the Metropolitan Police investigated 32 drivers for rape or sexual assault of a passenger between May 2015 and May 2016.

In August, Metropolitan Police Inspector Neil Billany wrote to TfL about his concern that the company was failing to properly investigate allegations against its drivers.

He revealed the company had continued to employ a driver after he was accused of sexual assault. According to Inspector Billany, the same driver went on to assault another female passenger before he was removed.

The letter said: "By not reporting to police promptly, Uber are allowing situations to develop that clearly affect the safety and security of the public."

You have to ask why the authorities have left it so long to take action.

Because those taxi drivers are so much safer.


Yet another example of big government corruption and you support it.
Evidently, yes the taxis are safer. That's why uber is banned and not taxis.

Safer and easier to tax then uber drivers maybe
In London most taxi drivers are of Pakistani origin. Uber - not so much.

When I was in London for the Olympics, I took many cabs and most drivers were white. This has somehow changed? Or are you talking out your ass?
UBER should be brought down. It's a disorganized company that's business plan is based on illegalities.
Because those taxi drivers are so much safer.


Yet another example of big government corruption and you support it.
Evidently, yes the taxis are safer. That's why uber is banned and not taxis.

Safer and easier to tax then uber drivers maybe
In London most taxi drivers are of Pakistani origin. Uber - not so much.

When I was in London for the Olympics, I took many cabs and most drivers were white. This has somehow changed? Or are you talking out your ass?
Were you really in London, or are you talking out your ass?
UBER should be brought down. It's a disorganized company that's business plan is based on illegalities.
Millions of people rely on Uber and other ride sharing services. They very much like the convenience and ease of using these services. Many poor people really like Uber, as they can't afford a car or the high prices of taxis.

Why do you hate poor people?
UBER should be brought down. It's a disorganized company that's business plan is based on illegalities.
Millions of people rely on Uber and other ride sharing services. They very much like the convenience and ease of using these services. Many poor people really like Uber, as they can't afford a car or the high prices of taxis.

Why do you hate poor people?
Why dont uber comply with the local regulations ?
UBER should be brought down. It's a disorganized company that's business plan is based on illegalities.
Millions of people rely on Uber and other ride sharing services. They very much like the convenience and ease of using these services. Many poor people really like Uber, as they can't afford a car or the high prices of taxis.

Why do you hate poor people?
Why dont uber comply with the local regulations ?
If they did not comply, then they should be fined. Banning them is not the solution. Thousands of your fellow Brits were Uber drivers in London, trying to make a living. Why do you want them impoverished?

Why do you want to force poor people to pay for the high cost and inefficiency that is taxi service?
UBER should be brought down. It's a disorganized company that's business plan is based on illegalities.
Millions of people rely on Uber and other ride sharing services. They very much like the convenience and ease of using these services. Many poor people really like Uber, as they can't afford a car or the high prices of taxis.

Why do you hate poor people?
Why dont uber comply with the local regulations ?
If they did not comply, then they should be fined. Banning them is not the solution. Thousands of your fellow Brits were Uber drivers in London, trying to make a living. Why do you want them impoverished?

Why do you want to force poor people to pay for the high cost and inefficiency that is taxi service?
They know the rules, they have had ample time to comply. They have let down their employees that are not rapists. Why do you defend this ?
UBER should be brought down. It's a disorganized company that's business plan is based on illegalities.
Millions of people rely on Uber and other ride sharing services. They very much like the convenience and ease of using these services. Many poor people really like Uber, as they can't afford a car or the high prices of taxis.

Why do you hate poor people?
Why dont uber comply with the local regulations ?
If they did not comply, then they should be fined. Banning them is not the solution. Thousands of your fellow Brits were Uber drivers in London, trying to make a living. Why do you want them impoverished?

Why do you want to force poor people to pay for the high cost and inefficiency that is taxi service?
They know the rules, they have had ample time to comply. They have let down their employees that are not rapists. Why do you defend this ?
Why do you hate people having options for transportation?

Why do you support a criminal operation (government), using force to implement it's heinous policies?
UBER should be brought down. It's a disorganized company that's business plan is based on illegalities.
Millions of people rely on Uber and other ride sharing services. They very much like the convenience and ease of using these services. Many poor people really like Uber, as they can't afford a car or the high prices of taxis.

Why do you hate poor people?
Why dont uber comply with the local regulations ?
If they did not comply, then they should be fined. Banning them is not the solution. Thousands of your fellow Brits were Uber drivers in London, trying to make a living. Why do you want them impoverished?

Why do you want to force poor people to pay for the high cost and inefficiency that is taxi service?
They know the rules, they have had ample time to comply. They have let down their employees that are not rapists. Why do you defend this ?
Why do you hate people having options for transportation?

Why do you support a criminal operation (government), using force to implement it's heinous policies?
Uber are the criminals and Transport for London are protecting us from their criminality.
Millions of people rely on Uber and other ride sharing services. They very much like the convenience and ease of using these services. Many poor people really like Uber, as they can't afford a car or the high prices of taxis.

Why do you hate poor people?
Why dont uber comply with the local regulations ?
If they did not comply, then they should be fined. Banning them is not the solution. Thousands of your fellow Brits were Uber drivers in London, trying to make a living. Why do you want them impoverished?

Why do you want to force poor people to pay for the high cost and inefficiency that is taxi service?
They know the rules, they have had ample time to comply. They have let down their employees that are not rapists. Why do you defend this ?
Why do you hate people having options for transportation?

Why do you support a criminal operation (government), using force to implement it's heinous policies?
Uber are the criminals and Transport for London are protecting us from their criminality.
Government is the criminal, but you are too dense to comprehend it even though it is so transparent.
This seems to be nothing but a case of @ssholes in government.

Not so, about 100 people a day die from unsafe Uber in the states......or was that from opiate abuse?

It's so hard to keep straight.

Save us Big Brother!!
3.5 million people use Uber every 90 days. And, in a year, there has been 35 complaints of sexual assault. I wonder how many sexual assault complaints the old taxi companies have had?
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3.5 million people use Uber every 90 days. And, in a year, there has been 35 complaints of sexual assault. I wonder how many sexual assault complaints the old tax companies have had?
They covered up those assaults and refused to help the police with their enquiries. How bad do they need to be before you nutjobs get concerned ?
They covered up those assaults and refused to help the police with their enquiries. How bad do they need to be before you nutjobs get concerned ?

I'm always concerned about sexual assaults. Rapists should be hung by the neck until dead (ditto for false accusers).

But, do you lock up all blacks just because most of them commit crimes? Why shut down all Uber in the city just because a very tiny minority have been accused of sexual assault? But, also, if sexual assault is the reason is a reason to close Uber, then close taxi companies if their drivers have been accused of sexual assault. Aren't you concerned about taxi drivers sexually assaulting people?
They covered up those assaults and refused to help the police with their enquiries. How bad do they need to be before you nutjobs get concerned ?

I'm always concerned about sexual assaults. Rapists should be hung by the neck until dead (ditto for false accusers).

But, do you lock up all blacks just because most of them commit crimes? Why shut down all Uber in the city just because a very tiny minority have been accused of sexual assault? But, also, if sexual assault is the reason is a reason to close Uber, then close taxi companies if their drivers have been accused of sexual assault. Aren't you concerned about taxi drivers sexually assaulting people?
Taxi drivers,black cabs, are owner drivers. They are not employed by anyone else. If they misbehave they are charged,tried and convicted. Uber covers up when its drivers rape and assault. That is the culture of the company from top to bottom. They are a corporate shit stain.
I would expect other authorities to follow suit.
Wow, the chimps are all out tonight.

I am far from being a defender of the London cabbie.

But they do have to be registered and pass certain checks before they are licensed.

Its a basic thing that is done.

So we can weed out the paedos,murderers and rapists.

I think even you nutters can agree that is a GOOD THING.

Uber are not fulfilling their duties in this respect. Neither are they being honest in reporting accidents.

Now, take a deep breath you thick fuckers, please explain how this decision is anything other than a correct decision that will protect the public.

When my kids are catching rides home I like to think that the driver is not a convicted pervert. Im sort of funny that way.
In other words, you love corrupt big government.

Can't fix stupid.
In other words you want paedos and rapists driving kids around.
Tidy !!
Pedos and rapists?

You mean, like the ones in Rotherham you always defend?

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