Uber banned in London

I have never defended any paedo or rapist you lying fuck.
Yes, you did. Over and over again on many threads.
Show me just one.
You mean, besides every single time the subject comes up?
Well Tilly is now searching her Tommy folder so maybe you can give me an instance where I have defended a paedo or rapist ?
Tilly is doing no such thing, Tammytard.
Your defence of Muslim grooming paedo rape gangs is well known.
Anyone who wants to check just needs to look for threads on the Rotherham paedo rape gang, rape in Sweden, 'refugee' rape in Europe et al - or simply look at all the threads in which Tammytard calls female posters who object to these rape gangs 'Nazi Slags' :rolleyes:
Lets see one thread then ?
Suddenly he cares about rapists and thinks it's a good idea for 40,000 people to lose their livelihoods based on the actions of the few!
Well 99.99% of the Rotherham paedo rape ring were Pakistanis - as were those in 11 other UK cities where paedo rape rings were discovered - yet Tammy kept excusing them - based on tammytard ™ logic surely Pakistanis should be banned :rolleyes:

Tommy Tainant is certainly not at all shy about defending faggots and trannies, though he's a bit coy with his defense of rapists and child molesters.

The bottom line, no matter how you spin it, is that when it comes to taking the side of decent people, or taking the side of sick sexual perverts, it's clear enough which side he will take.
There is a poison inside you Bob. Its really ugly.
Hey Tilly, I know that you turn into a pumpkin at midnght. Dont stay up too late looking for something that aint there.
You defend Muslims every chance you get and we all know how some of them treat little boys.
You shouldn't taunt the Taint like that, gipper.

Can't you tell how despondent he is already over the knowledge that he is far too old for rape jihadists to ever consider passing him around as their own boy toy sex slave?
Tommy Tainant is certainly not at all shy about defending faggots and trannies, though he's a bit coy with his defense of rapists and child molesters.

The bottom line, no matter how you spin it, is that when it comes to taking the side of decent people, or taking the side of sick sexual perverts, it's clear enough which side he will take.

Almost on cue, here he is, starting a thread, not directly defending rapists and child molesters, but praising someone who is most infamous for the numbers of rapists, child molesters, terrorists, and other such filth that she is welcoming into her country.

Angela making history - afd suck on this.

Thank you, Mr. Tainant, for once again showing how right I am when I declare that LIbEralism is a mental and moral disease.
Tommy Tainant is certainly not at all shy about defending faggots and trannies, though he's a bit coy with his defense of rapists and child molesters.

The bottom line, no matter how you spin it, is that when it comes to taking the side of decent people, or taking the side of sick sexual perverts, it's clear enough which side he will take.

Almost on cue, here he is, starting a thread, not directly defending rapists and child molesters, but praising someone who is most infamous for the numbers of rapists, child molesters, terrorists, and other such filth that she is welcoming into her country.

Angela making history - afd suck on this.

Thank you, Mr. Tainant, for once again showing how right I am when I declare that LIbEralism is a mental and moral disease.

TfL inspectors gave Uber green light ten times
Graeme Paton, Transport Correspondent | Callum Jones

September 25 2017, 9:00am, The Times


Lyft is Uber’s biggest competitor and may be aiming to set up in LondonALAMY
Uber was repeatedly given a clean bill of health by transport bosses before the sudden decision to ban it from London, The Times has learnt.

Inspections carried out by Transport for London between 2013 and the middle of this year failed to find any major fault with the company, it emerged, leading to claims that the cancellation of its licence smacked of “political opportunism”.

Data released under the Freedom of Information Act showed that TfL conducted ten inspections at Uber’s London headquarters and ruled that it “satisfied regulatory requirements”.

In April Uber also successfully passed its annual compliance audit, which is thought to have involved 20 officials from TfL’s licensing department reviewing thousands of documents over two days.

Uber, which is used by 3.5 million…

TfL inspectors gave Uber green light ten times
More curious:

Uber claims Sadiq Khan and Tfl have refused to meet the company for talks to get its licence renewed as 700,000 call on the London Mayor to reverse the ban
  • London Mayor Sadiq Khan is under pressure to reverse decision to banish Uber
  • Nearly 700,000 people have signed a petition set up by the controversial app
  • Campaigners warned banning Uber from London would make women less safe
By James Salmon, Transport Correspondent For The Daily Mail

PUBLISHED: 01:17, 25 September 2017 | UPDATED: 17:36, 25 September 2017

London Mayor Sadiq Khan was last night under growing pressure to reverse the decision to banish Uber from the capital.

Nearly 700,000 people have signed a petition set up by the controversial taxi-hailing smartphone app urging him to back down.

Campaigners yesterday warned that banning Uber in London would make women less safe by forcing them to take public transport and unlicenced taxis late at night.

And Uber tried to back Mr Khan into a corner by signalling it is keen to strike a peace deal and could be willing to offer concessions to improve its drivers' rights.

The US tech firm pleaded to sit down around the negotiating table with the mayor and officials at Transport for London (TfL), which ruled on Friday that Uber is 'not fit and proper' to hold a taxi licence.

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London Mayor Sadiq Khan was last night under growing pressure to reverse the decision to banish Uber from the capital

Uber also claimed that Mr Khan and TfL have refused to meet it for detailed talks, and have not been clear about what it needs to do to ensure its licence is renewed.

Tom Elvidge, Uber's general manager in London, said; 'We'd like to know what we can do... to sit down and work together to get this right.'

Speaking to the Sunday Times, he added: 'We haven't been asked to make any changes. We'd like to know what we can do. But that requires a dialogue we haven't been able to have.'

TfL declined to comment. A source close to Mr Khan claimed he was not involved in the decision to suspend Uber's licence, arguing this was made by officials working in TfL's licensing section.

But this received short shrift from Croydon South Tory MP Chris Philp, who said: 'It is disgraceful that Sadiq Khan took away Uber's licence without even bothering to sit down with them and discussing what needs to change first.

'Clearly there are things that Uber needs to do to improve. But if Mr Khan is serious about improving safety he should have sat down with Uber and told them what they needed to change.

'He appears to have put narrow political interests ahead of the interests of the wider general public.'

The criticism came as it emerged that Mr Khan's successful campaign to become London Mayor was backed with a £30,000 donation from cab drivers' union GMB, which has spearheaded the fight to ban Uber. .....

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...Khan-Tfl-refused-meet-them.html#ixzz4tievqjBu
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More curious:

Uber claims Sadiq Khan and Tfl have refused to meet the company for talks to get its licence renewed as 700,000 call on the London Mayor to reverse the ban
  • London Mayor Sadiq Khan is under pressure to reverse decision to banish Uber
  • Nearly 700,000 people have signed a petition set up by the controversial app
  • Campaigners warned banning Uber from London would make women less safe
By James Salmon, Transport Correspondent For The Daily Mail

PUBLISHED: 01:17, 25 September 2017 | UPDATED: 17:36, 25 September 2017

London Mayor Sadiq Khan was last night under growing pressure to reverse the decision to banish Uber from the capital.

Nearly 700,000 people have signed a petition set up by the controversial taxi-hailing smartphone app urging him to back down.

Campaigners yesterday warned that banning Uber in London would make women less safe by forcing them to take public transport and unlicenced taxis late at night.

And Uber tried to back Mr Khan into a corner by signalling it is keen to strike a peace deal and could be willing to offer concessions to improve its drivers' rights.

The US tech firm pleaded to sit down around the negotiating table with the mayor and officials at Transport for London (TfL), which ruled on Friday that Uber is 'not fit and proper' to hold a taxi licence.

Scroll down for video


London Mayor Sadiq Khan was last night under growing pressure to reverse the decision to banish Uber from the capital

Uber also claimed that Mr Khan and TfL have refused to meet it for detailed talks, and have not been clear about what it needs to do to ensure its licence is renewed.

Tom Elvidge, Uber's general manager in London, said; 'We'd like to know what we can do... to sit down and work together to get this right.'

Speaking to the Sunday Times, he added: 'We haven't been asked to make any changes. We'd like to know what we can do. But that requires a dialogue we haven't been able to have.'

TfL declined to comment. A source close to Mr Khan claimed he was not involved in the decision to suspend Uber's licence, arguing this was made by officials working in TfL's licensing section.

But this received short shrift from Croydon South Tory MP Chris Philp, who said: 'It is disgraceful that Sadiq Khan took away Uber's licence without even bothering to sit down with them and discussing what needs to change first.

'Clearly there are things that Uber needs to do to improve. But if Mr Khan is serious about improving safety he should have sat down with Uber and told them what they needed to change.

'He appears to have put narrow political interests ahead of the interests of the wider general public.'

The criticism came as it emerged that Mr Khan's successful campaign to become London Mayor was backed with a £30,000 donation from cab drivers' union GMB, which has spearheaded the fight to ban Uber. .....

Read more: Uber claims Sadiq Khan and TfL have refused to meet them | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Uber bullying kicking in.

ULL were granted a four-month extension to that licence earlier this year. This was because TfL, who are responsible for regulating taxi services in London, had a number of concerns that ULL might not meet the required standards of operational practice. These are rules that all private hire operators – from the smallest local cab firm to Addison Lee – are required to meet. Issuing a four-month extension rather than a five-year one was intended to provide the time necessary to investigate those issues further.

They were given a 4 month window to put their house in order and failed to comply. Wankers.
UBER should be brought down. It's a disorganized company that's business plan is based on illegalities.
Millions of people rely on Uber and other ride sharing services. They very much like the convenience and ease of using these services. Many poor people really like Uber, as they can't afford a car or the high prices of taxis.

Why do you hate poor people?

What did those 'millions of people' rely on before rideshare?
Yeah....let's go back to the horse and buggy, because that is what millions relied on before the automobile.

The issue was before UBER, not the automobile.
Just a bit more from the article.
There is still much more to explore on the subject of Uber. Not just Uber London’s particular issues with TfL, but the economics of how they operate and what their future plans might be.

That last part is important because the main element of Uber’s grand narrative – their continued ability to offer low fares – is not as guaranteed a prospect as Londoners (and indeed all users) have been led to believe.

For now, it is simply worth bearing something in mind: Uber’s fares do not cover the actual cost of a journey.

Just how large the deficit is varies by territory and – as the firm don’t disclose more financial information than necessary – it is difficult to know what the shortfall per trip is in London itself. In New York, however, where some 2016 numbers are available, it seems that every journey only covers 41% of the costs involved in making it.

Just why Uber do this is something we will explore another time, but for now it is important just to know it is happening. It means that, without significant changes to Uber’s operational model, the company will never make a profit (indeed it currently loses roughly $2bn a year). As one expert in transport economics writes:

We saw a similar thing when our bus routes were deregulated. Stagecoach ran free busses against legitimate companies in order to drive them out of business. In the longer run the consumer loses out as the application of financial might destroys markets. It has nothing to do with offering a better service and everything to do with creating a monopoly.

That is why regulation should instil order on what would just become a jungle.

Uber are prepared to throw £2bn a year at the problem until it wins. Its a huge prize for them.
Uber are prepared to throw £2bn a year at the problem until it wins. Its a huge prize for them.

It's always fun to hear the libtard view on things, so thank you for your contribution. But, I don't think customers are crying because you don't think Uber charges enough.

Your charge is that Uber is being mean to competitors by not charging enough. The trouble with that theory is that competitors can spring to life the moment Uber ends subsidies, and then the only loser is Uber who spent tons of money on subsidies.

This Uber ban is all about the city government being paid off by the taxi cab companies to squeeze-out ride-sharing competition. You, not Uber, is the enemy of competition.
Uber CEO apologizes to Londoners: 'We got things wrong'

Uber CEO apologizes to Londoners: 'We got things wrong'
They will say whatever they need to say. However words are cheap, actions are the thing.
Mayor Khan is obviously kowtowing to his taxi driver constituents and the revenue they generate for the city. It is all about the money....and who cares if the citizens are harmed.
Well you simplify it as usual. Uber dont pay tax if you study the OP. Why should anyone give a fuck about them ?
Uber CEO apologizes to Londoners: 'We got things wrong'

Uber CEO apologizes to Londoners: 'We got things wrong'
They will say whatever they need to say. However words are cheap, actions are the thing.
Mayor Khan is obviously kowtowing to his taxi driver constituents and the revenue they generate for the city. It is all about the money....and who cares if the citizens are harmed.
Well you simplify it as usual. Uber dont pay tax if you study the OP. Why should anyone give a fuck about them ?
Spoken like the true statist I always knew you to be.
Uber CEO apologizes to Londoners: 'We got things wrong'

Uber CEO apologizes to Londoners: 'We got things wrong'
They will say whatever they need to say. However words are cheap, actions are the thing.
Mayor Khan is obviously kowtowing to his taxi driver constituents and the revenue they generate for the city. It is all about the money....and who cares if the citizens are harmed.
Well you simplify it as usual. Uber dont pay tax if you study the OP. Why should anyone give a fuck about them ?
Spoken like the true statist I always knew you to be.
Why should Uber be given special privileges ? Because they have a lot of money and thats reason enough for your kind to bend over.
Uber CEO apologizes to Londoners: 'We got things wrong'

Uber CEO apologizes to Londoners: 'We got things wrong'
They will say whatever they need to say. However words are cheap, actions are the thing.
Mayor Khan is obviously kowtowing to his taxi driver constituents and the revenue they generate for the city. It is all about the money....and who cares if the citizens are harmed.
Well you simplify it as usual. Uber dont pay tax if you study the OP. Why should anyone give a fuck about them ?
Spoken like the true statist I always knew you to be.
Why should Uber be given special privileges ? Because they have a lot of money and thats reason enough for your kind to bend over.
No...foolish statist. They were not given special privileges.

Your love of government is foolish and ignorant.

Why do you hate Uber drivers who are only trying to make a living?

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