Uber-conservative Tom Coburn throws Foxnews under the bus??!!

He added and then "warned the crowd against the myths perpetrated by Fox News"? Can you cite the exact quote?

The myth...

Coburn also batted down constituents who raised ill-informed concerns about the health care bill. When one woman said she feared being thrown in jail if she didn’t get health insurance, Coburn advised turning off the TV.

“The intention is not to put any one in jail. That makes for good TV news on Fox but that isn’t the intention,” Coburn responded.

Tom Coburn Defends Pelosi, Tells Constituents to Turn Off TV - Washington Wire - WSJ

You failed.
It will be interesting to see how Fox News responds..

Will they put him on "ignore" or start with personal attacks against Coburn?

We all know the rest of the GOP will cower and wait to see what Coburns punishment is
He added and then "warned the crowd against the myths perpetrated by Fox News"? Can you cite the exact quote? Nooo because there isn't one.

You were there?

Can you cite the exact quote where he warned against the myths perpetrated by Fox?

You can listen to him for yourself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ty86UC_iHE&feature=youtube_gdata]YouTube - Tom Coburn Slams FOX News at Town Hall: KUDOS Senator![/ame]
Or more precisely, throws Foxnews and FANS under the bus:

Coburn: Don't believe Fox

Here is a bit of a signal moment in Republican politics: Oklahoma conservative Tom Coburn tells an angry town hall crowd in his home state to step back from the vilification of Democrats they've picked up from Fox News:

“What we have to have is make sure we have a debate in this country so that you can see what’s going on and make a determination yourself,” Coburn added and then again warned the crowd against the myths perpetrated by Fox News.

“So don’t catch yourself being biased by Fox News that somebody is no good. The people in Washington are good. They just don’t know what they don’t know,” Coburn said.

Coburn: Don't believe Fox - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Fascinating stuff.

He added and then "warned the crowd against the myths perpetrated by Fox News"? Can you cite the exact quote? Nooo because there isn't one.

You stupid fucks will believe anything.

I watched it this morning on "Morning Joe", a conservative TV talk show. The crowd, at first booed, but then he went on talking and by time he finished, they applauded. And that's the truth.
Or more precisely, throws Foxnews and FANS under the bus:

Coburn: Don't believe Fox

Here is a bit of a signal moment in Republican politics: Oklahoma conservative Tom Coburn tells an angry town hall crowd in his home state to step back from the vilification of Democrats they've picked up from Fox News:

“What we have to have is make sure we have a debate in this country so that you can see what’s going on and make a determination yourself,” Coburn added and then again warned the crowd against the myths perpetrated by Fox News.

“So don’t catch yourself being biased by Fox News that somebody is no good. The people in Washington are good. They just don’t know what they don’t know,” Coburn said.

Coburn: Don't believe Fox - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Fascinating stuff.

He added and then "warned the crowd against the myths perpetrated by Fox News"? Can you cite the exact quote? Nooo because there isn't one.

You stupid fucks will believe anything.

I watched it this morning on "Morning Joe", a conservative TV talk show. The crowd, at first booed, but then he went on talking and by time he finished, they applauded. And that's the truth.

I don't believe you know what truth is.
For the record, anyone who takes their view from any media organization - whatever 'side' - and defends a position based on what the media report is, in fact, a fool.

I don't think it's nice to slander 99% of all Republicans.
He added and then "warned the crowd against the myths perpetrated by Fox News"? Can you cite the exact quote? Nooo because there isn't one.

You stupid fucks will believe anything.

I watched it this morning on "Morning Joe", a conservative TV talk show. The crowd, at first booed, but then he went on talking and by time he finished, they applauded. And that's the truth.

I don't believe you know what truth is.

It's the opposite of whatever a dumbshit like you says. And that's the "truth".
I watched it this morning on "Morning Joe", a conservative TV talk show. The crowd, at first booed, but then he went on talking and by time he finished, they applauded. And that's the truth.

I don't believe you know what truth is.

It's the opposite of whatever a dumbshit like you says. And that's the "truth".

He doesn't want to know the truth. I gave him a link where he could hear exactly what was said and he is apparently not interested. Who cares what he thinks??
For the record, anyone who takes their view from any media organization - whatever 'side' - and defends a position based on what the media report is, in fact, a fool.

Why don't you tell us where you get the information you use to form your views.
What might be the most important takeaway here is the question itself that the woman asked, or more precisely the fictional premise upon which her question was based. She is a good symbol of all the misinformed people out there who have been misled into believing lies about the healthcare bill, and have formed their hostility towards the bill out of those lies.
For the record, anyone who takes their view from any media organization - whatever 'side' - and defends a position based on what the media report is, in fact, a fool.

Why don't you tell us where you get the information you use to form your views.

Good question that's never been answered. I would never post such a stupid remark without being prepared to say where my news comes from.
For the record, anyone who takes their view from any media organization - whatever 'side' - and defends a position based on what the media report is, in fact, a fool.

Why don't you tell us where you get the information you use to form your views.

Good question that's never been answered. I would never post such a stupid remark without being prepared to say where my news comes from.

I was hoping to get to break it to her that 'voices in her head' would technically qualify as a medium.
What might be the most important takeaway here is the question itself that the woman asked, or more precisely the fictional premise upon which her question was based. She is a good symbol of all the misinformed people out there who have been misled into believing lies about the healthcare bill, and have formed their hostility towards the bill out of those lies.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoE1R-xH5To]YouTube - Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it[/ame]
What is even "more" fun, is watching the left starting to PANIC and post more and more irrelevant BS to make it seem they aren't getting ready to LOSE their power.

The Obama is sinking, the Progressive Congresscritters are sinking, the Tea Party is becoming bigger and bigger with more Democrats and Independents joining..

Oh yeah, soooooooooooooooooooooo much fun..:lol:
For the record, anyone who takes their view from any media organization - whatever 'side' - and defends a position based on what the media report is, in fact, a fool.

Why don't you tell us where you get the information you use to form your views.

Well, hmmm, no response. I guess we've solved the mystery of why CG is so woefully, comically uninformed.
Or more precisely, throws Foxnews and FANS under the bus:

Coburn: Don't believe Fox

Here is a bit of a signal moment in Republican politics: Oklahoma conservative Tom Coburn tells an angry town hall crowd in his home state to step back from the vilification of Democrats they've picked up from Fox News:

“What we have to have is make sure we have a debate in this country so that you can see what’s going on and make a determination yourself,” Coburn added and then again warned the crowd against the myths perpetrated by Fox News.

“So don’t catch yourself being biased by Fox News that somebody is no good. The people in Washington are good. They just don’t know what they don’t know,” Coburn said.

Coburn: Don't believe Fox - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Fascinating stuff.

and what, that sends a tingle up your leg?

Probably just like the fact that this:


made you cream in your panties.


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