UC Berkeley Hosts Exclusive “Black Only Graduation Ceremony” in Defiance of Civil Rights Laws That Forbid Racial Segregation

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
It's apparent that the negro wants segregation. I say give it to them. Separation of the races needs to happen.

Pull their accreditation. Is that the right word?

I do believe it is.

Not sure where that came from. :dunno:

That's a clear violation of The Civil Rights act.

So many good people fought and sweated and died for The Civil Rights Act, and these commie chumps just shit all over it. :(

Like "Fuck You! Non-racist Americans of yesterday, your sacrifices weren't shit! Look what we do now!"

"MLK Jr.? Fuck You! Pwahhahahah!" "Segregation is back on!"

Idk about now, but we learned all about The Civil Rights movement when I was in school. Also I learned some more

things about it from some older FL black women. They had their own say on that there, too.

Their view and what went on aren't necessarily conflicting.

Yeah they "bused niggas in from up north to stir things up", but..It was time to stop the Jim Crow crap.

Them women were the salt of the earth, I tell ya what.

Tbh, I don't think Jim Crow had too much influence in FL, or maybe all my folks were just poorer, idk. :dunno:
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It's apparent that the negro wants segregation. I say give it to them. Separation of the races needs to happen.

Desegregation was the worst thing we did in this country. Thousands of lives lost, hundreds of billions in lost property values, the closing of thousands of businesses and it's still happening today. To suggest that we put an end to this disaster is racist unless the blacks start a movement to do it first which I'm all for. Go Berkeley!
It's apparent that the negro wants segregation. I say give it to them. Separation of the races needs to happen.

Jeez, I can't believe this crap is happening. We have had several Negros working for our company(we're a sub-contractor to a major corporation) & we had only one that didn't pan out good. This area here in eastern Washington state seems to have a diverse population, for sure in the greater Spokane area @ least.

The counties north of Spokane county(God's country) appear to be mostly Caucasian with little reported political problems, in fact I have never heard of political problems from up there, like small wonder those counties are called God's country! West of Spokane county are many Native Indians, Latinos & rock deserts but I never hear about them so guess they are doing okay? East of Spokane county is the state of Idaho which, with the exception of the Boise area is most likely the best state in the union to live if one likes the back country lifestyle. The barbaric wolves are a real problem for the livestock ranchers ESPECIALLY in Idaho county like those wolves need to be liquidated to the last pup. South of Spokane county is more rock desert counties with sparse population.

Honestly the only real problems we encounter in the Spokane area are the wildfires, taxes & profe$$ional politician$. I would guess that EWU, like MOST public universities is polluted with statist left ideology. The Negro EWU students have no doubt followed suit with their peers & probably fell for the segregation(divide & conquer) trap. WSU located in the town of Pullman is probably even more polluted than EWU is. The problem with segregation is that the segregated want to be reimbursed for being segregated!
Jeez, I can't believe this crap is happening. We have had several Negros working for our company(we're a sub-contractor to a major corporation) & we had only one that didn't pan out good. This area here in eastern Washington state seems to have a diverse population, for sure in the greater Spokane area @ least.

The counties north of Spokane county(God's country) appear to be mostly Caucasian with little reported political problems, in fact I have never heard of political problems from up there, like small wonder those counties are called God's country! West of Spokane county are many Native Indians, Latinos & rock deserts but I never hear about them so guess they are doing okay? East of Spokane county is the state of Idaho which, with the exception of the Boise area is most likely the best state in the union to live if one likes the back country lifestyle. The barbaric wolves are a real problem for the livestock ranchers ESPECIALLY in Idaho county like those wolves need to be liquidated to the last pup. South of Spokane county is more rock desert counties with sparse population.

Honestly the only real problems we encounter in the Spokane area are the wildfires, taxes & profe$$ional politician$. I would guess that EWU, like MOST public universities is polluted with statist left ideology. The Negro EWU students have no doubt followed suit with their peers & probably fell for the segregation(divide & conquer) trap. WSU located in the town of Pullman is probably even more polluted than EWU is. The problem with segregation is that the segregated want to be reimbursed for being segregated!
You left out the rampant Mexican crime in Spokane after it was flooded with illegals for 30 years.

It's apparent that the negro wants segregation. I say give it to them. Separation of the races needs to happen.

If it's anything like Harvard's Black graduation ceremony then it's not segregated. It's open to all graduates of any color who want to attend, it's just the the ceremony itself is influenced by Black American culture rather than white American culture. Instead of classical music playing while walking up you might get an African drum beat.
It's apparent that the negro wants segregation. I say give it to them. Separation of the races needs to happen.

What's wrong MAGA Mucho Man? You don't want your kids graduating with black kids anyway, you just started this thread to get your racist buddies out the wood work. Don't worry they will be along shortly.
Desegregation was the worst thing we did in this country. Thousands of lives lost, hundreds of billions in lost property values, the closing of thousands of businesses and it's still happening today. To suggest that we put an end to this disaster is racist unless the blacks start a movement to do it first which I'm all for. Go Berkeley!
Ray why won't you move your pasty, racist ass out to Wyoming, Montana, Idaho or somewhere. There isn't really any black folks out there, you would love it.

Let them have their segregation.

In fact, let them have their own state. With a high wall. It will be easy to see that the ones that choose to stay here with the rest of us are the ones who are NOT racist.

Then maybe they'll STFU about what we owe them.

PS -- We'll not let them talk to any South African blacks, because they might share stories of how poorly their segregation worked for them.

The thing is that American blacks only want partial segregation -- they want white money without having to put up with having white people around them. It's going to be interesting to see how that works.

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Let them have their segregation.

In fact, let them have their own state. With a high wall. It will be easy to see that the ones that choose to stay here with the rest of us are the ones who are NOT racist.

Then maybe they'll STFU about what we owe them.

PS -- We'll not let them talk to any South African blacks, because they might share stories of how poorly their segregation worked for them.

It's not segregated. These ceremonies are open to all. They are just put on by black staff and black people so it isn't so formal and stuffy.
"racism racism racism. We want to be treat as equals." Blah blah blah blah

"We're going to have all black stuff with no whites because we want to be equals".

Blacks just need to stfu. All they do is bitch about how America is racist then they turn around and say and do racist shit. They say they want to be equal but also want special treatment and attention.

But they do shit like this and don't think it's racist. Even affirmative action is racist. It's saying "we will hire X amount of blacks." Well that means you won't hire X amount of non blacks based on the color of their skin.

Fuck em all.
It's apparent that the negro wants segregation. I say give it to them. Separation of the races needs to happen.

If we want to MAGA take everything Berkeley does and do the exact opposite.
"racism racism racism. We want to be treat as equals." Blah blah blah blah

"We're going to have all black stuff with no whites because we want to be equals".

Blacks just need to stfu. All they do is bitch about how America is racist then they turn around and say and do racist shit. They say they want to be equal but also want special treatment and attention.

But they do shit like this and don't think it's racist. Even affirmative action is racist. It's saying "we will hire X amount of blacks." Well that means you won't hire X amount of non blacks based on the color of their skin.

Fuck em all.
What's racist about different cultures wanting ceremonies that reflect their culture and style?

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