UC Berkeley professor confirms the connection between CRT and Marxism

Not like we didn't know, but now the DemoKKKrats can stop pretending it's not obvious.

Gee Marv! A UC Berkeley professor teaching Marxism! Color me shocked!

Isn't that where Kammy the Ho got her "education" and where Fatty McClinton now presides as Dean Emeritus or something?!
Not like we didn't know, but now the DemoKKKrats can stop pretending it's not obvious.

I have been yelling this very thing for over a year, and got nothing from these commie leftists on here but straight up DENIAL.

I am vindicated, you slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers.

CRT was just a way for law schools, where lawyers are taught, to study race.

Y'all are losing your minds over something that doesn't even exist.

^^^Look at this bigot, saying something the black professor in the video spoke about "doesn't exist". Looks like you're trying hard to erase the black man who talks about CRT.
Just like I was saying in another thread. No amount of evidence ever satisfies the left.

They just dismiss it.
As I and many others have been shouting from the mountaintops America is currently embroiled in a Marxist revolution coast to coast.

Joe, Joe McCarthy, is that YOU???????

You're completely delusional and a total idiot if you believe this. What other Rupert Murdoch/Robert Mercer lies do you believe????

Communism died in 1989. There have been zero "communist take overs" anywhere since the 1950's because the USA took out any leftist government elected, and installed authoritarian right wing dictators to brutally suppress the left. See Chile, Argentina, Panama, Nicaragua, the Phillipines).

The biggest danger to the USA at the moment is the efforts of the Trump Republicans to overthrow American elections and install a white nationalist authoritarian government in the USA.
Joe, Joe McCarthy, is that YOU???????

You're completely delusional and a total idiot if you believe this. What other Rupert Murdoch/Robert Mercer lies do you believe????

Communism died in 1989. There have been zero "communist take overs" anywhere since the 1950's because the USA took out any leftist government elected, and installed authoritarian right wing dictators to brutally suppress the left. See Chile, Argentina, Panama, Nicaragua, the Phillipines).

The biggest danger to the USA at the moment is the efforts of the Trump Republicans to overthrow American elections and install a white nationalist authoritarian government in the USA.
oh, this shit again.

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Of course.

Ever since the 1950s, communists have had to hide who they are because everybody fucking hates them. They've tried to sneak their agenda into everything they do.

CRT is a derivative of critical theory, which is a technique designed to erode western society, thought up by a bunch of Marxist cocksuckers in an organization called the Frankfurt School.

Joe McCarthy was right. Go fuck yourself.
oh, this shit again.

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Of course.

Ever since the 1950s, communists have had to hide who they are because everybody fucking hates them. They've tried to sneak their agenda into everything they do.

CRT is a derivative of critical theory, which is a technique designed to erode western society, thought up by a bunch of Marxist cocksuckers in an organization called the Frankfurt School.

Joe McCarthy was right. Go fuck yourself.

Joe McCarthy was a worldwide laughingstock and a complete idiot. How do Americans manage to get duped by these idiots every 50 years or so????? Oh yeah, because they never learn the TRUE history of the nation in school, just the "conservative" view of history, because you can't seem to face the reality that your nation was built on a foundation of slavery, genocide, and racism.

Those who do not learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them. American conservatives not only don't learn from their mistakes, they don't even acknowledge them. Pretending that racism doesn't exist, slavery was just another form of immigration, and racism isn't poisoning your politics and your communities to this day, is just willful blindness.
Joe McCarthy was a worldwide laughingstock and a complete idiot. How do Americans manage to get duped by these idiots every 50 years or so????? Oh yeah, because they never learn the TRUE history of the nation in school, just the "conservative" view of history, because you can't seem to face the reality that your nation was built on a foundation of slavery, genocide, and racism.

Those who do not learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them. American conservatives not only don't learn from their mistakes, they don't even acknowledge them. Pretending that racism doesn't exist, slavery was just another form of immigration, and racism isn't poisoning your politics and your communities to this day, is just willful blindness.

And he was ultimately proven correct in most cases.
Commies ridiculed a guy naming them?

Say it ain't so.

The rest of the free world are not and were not communists. Americans have been engaged in partisan navel gazing and mudslinging at their domestic opposition for so long, they've completely lost touch with the how the rest of the world is passing you by both socially and economically.

You're going backwards, socially. Your infrastructure is 40 years out of date, and has no major investment since the 1930's, and the post-war era - BEFORE you started spending all of your tax money on the military. You haven't retrained or upgraded the skills of the workers displaced by off-shoring or automation and have 11 million jobs, with no skilled workers available to take them.

You haven't upgraded your immigration laws since Reagan, and your Chamber of Commerce is begging for a coherent immigration policy whereby applicants don't have to wait for two years to get in. Your gun crime is the worst in the first world, and your justice system functions as a police state if you're black or brown.

There's no point in investing in jobs if you don't have the workers to fill them, but all you're focussed on is fear of communists. It's insanity.

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