UC-Berkley Police Arrest Liberal Thug Who Attacked Conservatives

Jealousy????? Naw, superior intellect.

Another poster child for the Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Only amateurs use Wikipedia. It's a unsecured site and can be edited by anyone.

Dude, get out of high school and then come talk to us.

With each post you prove you suffer from Dunning.
You're weak and inadequate, and you prove that when you use wikipedia as a source.


poor little snowflake reduced to whining about the source!

I honestly pity you.
Just giving you some advice f from experience. Wikipedia isn't accepted by scholars or professors because it can be edited. That means it's not a reliable source of information. Go ahead and keep using it. No skin off my nose.

Jealoulsy is an ugly thing!

And not I was not a Marine, I am a Marine. 20 years of active duty and now almost 10 of retirement.

I thought you had a Masters in Analytics?

So you served for 20 years, got out, went to school for 6 - 7 years and now -- ?? What?

You must be the CEO of a Fortune 500 Company, amirite?

I've heard ducks fart underwater before

I did serve 20 years in the Marines. My bachelors was 75% finished when I got out. I then used the GI Bill to finish my bachelors and then get my Masters. The whole process took about 5 years. I got retied in 2009 and was awarded my Masters in 2015.

It is sort of amazing the things people like you find so incredible. Is finishing a bachelors and getting a Masters in 5 years really that out of the park for you that someone who did so must be lying? I think that says far more about you than it does me.

Same time I was doing this my wife got her RN and then later her BSN. In the course of those 5 years our family income more than tripled.

No, I am not a CEO I am employed as a statistician in the Ag industry. No desire to be a CEO or any other leadership position. Did that for most of my Marine Corps career, now I get to worry only about myself.
Another poster child for the Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Only amateurs use Wikipedia. It's a unsecured site and can be edited by anyone.

Dude, get out of high school and then come talk to us.

With each post you prove you suffer from Dunning.
You're weak and inadequate, and you prove that when you use wikipedia as a source.


poor little snowflake reduced to whining about the source!

I honestly pity you.
Just giving you some advice f from experience. Wikipedia isn't accepted by scholars or professors because it can be edited. That means it's not a reliable source of information. Go ahead and keep using it. No skin off my nose.

This is not an academic setting, it is a discussion forum. It is used by people 1000 times a day on this forum and you have never whined about it before.
UC-Berkeley police arrest suspect in campus attack on conservative activist

'University of California-Berkeley officials on Friday arrested a suspect who allegedly assaulted a conservative activist on campus last month.'

...and Hillary just lost one of the member's of her 'Intolerant Army'...
He knew there was a risk
So it's OK to assault people of you don't like what they have to say? I'll remember that when I see you in person.

You are one of the most loathsome despicable pieces of shit in this forum. If anyone ever deserved a beating, it's you.
Poor snowflake :itsok:
BF, I know you are hypocritically mocking conservatives, but I know you would never engage is such violence against anyone, especially a conservative out in public.

It's not because you are a coward. It's because you are smart.

You are smart enough to know that Conservatives are the ones you socialist liberals are trying to disarm...but have not done so yet.

You are smart enough to know that Conservatives are the ones with the concealed carry permits and who lime to exercise their Constitutional and legal right to carry a weapon...

And you are smart enough to know you never know when the conservative you decide to put your hands on / attack is going to be carrying a gun ... Just waiting for some snowflake asshole to put his hands on him, giving him the opportunity to shoot your ass in self defense....
Seen any Nazi rallies lately? Where have the Richard Spencers and Steve Bannons gone? Oops, they're gone because conservatives are pussies. Antifa erased the alt-right.

If you want to know what happened to the alt right, look at Grandpa Murked's posts in this thread. Supposedly conservative, lashing out against his own. The right fights amongst themselves on petty disagreements while the left is always united.
It would be nice if he got a friendly visit from the Bikers for Trump people.
Petty bullshit.

How bout if the guy who got whipped mans up and deals with his own problems? What kind of pussy do you have to be to hope some old washed up bikers defend your honor?

All for a PUNCH....


Let me ask you: what kind of pussy would hit a person half his size and weight? If he was anything close to a man, he'd start trouble with somebody his own size. But these wimps are only bad asses when they have an extreme advantage. If this snowflake ever got into a brawl with somebody his own size and got the snot kicked out of him, he'd be in a corner crying like a little girl.
He wasn't "half his size" lol

It was two grown men. This ain't junior high for fucks sake.

The guy stood his ground rather than walking away. He didn't flinch or back down.
And that's the problem with sheltered fools. Too stupid for their own good.

Oh fucken please, did you see the arms on that guy? Did you take note at the shape he was in? Without the least threat, he battered some skinny guy because he simply didn't like his politics.

I hate guys like that; guys who work out a bit and only challenge those they have no problem defeating. It makes them feel manly by beating up somebody that has no ability to equally defend themselves.

Guys like that are pussies plain and simple. They are only tough when there is no resistance. And yes, if it were a Bikers for Trump guy on that campus, that coward wouldn't have even been near that college in the first place. Wimps.
I have beat down college kids much bigger than me late into my 30's. Size has NOTHING to do with it.

Ray is 100% correct. That guy had size and strength on him, plus he had numbers. There were two of them, although one didn't throw a

He just didn't hit him one time he hit him multiple times. He had the opportunity to be a big shot and took advantage of it.

Berkley has first dibs on that guy and I will be interested in seeing what they do to him out there. The DOJ has been investigating
numerous complaints from conservative college students all over this country. If Berkley goes lite, will the DOJ and Barr charge the'guy
on a Federal Crime of violating his civil rights? Would make for good fodder in the newspapers.
UC-Berkeley police arrest suspect in campus attack on conservative activist

'University of California-Berkeley officials on Friday arrested a suspect who allegedly assaulted a conservative activist on campus last month.'

...and Hillary just lost one of the member's of her 'Intolerant Army'...
This is good and right. Now if your side would view arrests for the physical attack on progressive free speach as good and right then things would be working correctly. Where were you when the charlotsville murderer was sentenced.
Only amateurs use Wikipedia. It's a unsecured site and can be edited by anyone.

Dude, get out of high school and then come talk to us.

With each post you prove you suffer from Dunning.
You're weak and inadequate, and you prove that when you use wikipedia as a source.


poor little snowflake reduced to whining about the source!

I honestly pity you.
Just giving you some advice f from experience. Wikipedia isn't accepted by scholars or professors because it can be edited. That means it's not a reliable source of information. Go ahead and keep using it. No skin off my nose.

This is not an academic setting, it is a discussion forum. It is used by people 1000 times a day on this forum and you have never whined about it before.
Wrong. I have told many people over the years on many forums that Wikipedia isn't a secure site and not a scholarly source. The only person whining here is you, as usual. You really need to find your comfort level. You're outmatched.
Dude, get out of high school and then come talk to us.

With each post you prove you suffer from Dunning.
You're weak and inadequate, and you prove that when you use wikipedia as a source.


poor little snowflake reduced to whining about the source!

I honestly pity you.
Just giving you some advice f from experience. Wikipedia isn't accepted by scholars or professors because it can be edited. That means it's not a reliable source of information. Go ahead and keep using it. No skin off my nose.

This is not an academic setting, it is a discussion forum. It is used by people 1000 times a day on this forum and you have never whined about it before.
Wrong. I have told many people over the years on many forums that Wikipedia isn't a secure site and not a scholarly source. The only person whining here is you, as usual. You really need to find your comfort level. You're outmatched.

I tested it once, I was able to alter it 4 times but they caught it every time.
Dude, get out of high school and then come talk to us.

With each post you prove you suffer from Dunning.
You're weak and inadequate, and you prove that when you use wikipedia as a source.


poor little snowflake reduced to whining about the source!

I honestly pity you.
Just giving you some advice f from experience. Wikipedia isn't accepted by scholars or professors because it can be edited. That means it's not a reliable source of information. Go ahead and keep using it. No skin off my nose.

This is not an academic setting, it is a discussion forum. It is used by people 1000 times a day on this forum and you have never whined about it before.
Wrong. I have told many people over the years on many forums that Wikipedia isn't a secure site and not a scholarly source. The only person whining here is you, as usual. You really need to find your comfort level. You're outmatched.
It's OK for stuff that isn't political. Otherwise, it can't be trusted.
You're weak and inadequate, and you prove that when you use wikipedia as a source.


poor little snowflake reduced to whining about the source!

I honestly pity you.
Just giving you some advice f from experience. Wikipedia isn't accepted by scholars or professors because it can be edited. That means it's not a reliable source of information. Go ahead and keep using it. No skin off my nose.

This is not an academic setting, it is a discussion forum. It is used by people 1000 times a day on this forum and you have never whined about it before.
Wrong. I have told many people over the years on many forums that Wikipedia isn't a secure site and not a scholarly source. The only person whining here is you, as usual. You really need to find your comfort level. You're outmatched.

I tested it once, I was able to alter it 4 times but they caught it every time.
They don't catch everything, and it's biased to the left, that's why the left loves it.
Another poster child for the Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Only amateurs use Wikipedia. It's a unsecured site and can be edited by anyone.

Dude, get out of high school and then come talk to us.

With each post you prove you suffer from Dunning.
You're weak and inadequate, and you prove that when you use wikipedia as a source.


poor little snowflake reduced to whining about the source!

I honestly pity you.
Just giving you some advice f from experience. Wikipedia isn't accepted by scholars or professors because it can be edited. That means it's not a reliable source of information. Go ahead and keep using it. No skin off my nose.

Wiki is a joke, literally anyone can sign up and alter its content.

Garbage source
You're weak and inadequate, and you prove that when you use wikipedia as a source.


poor little snowflake reduced to whining about the source!

I honestly pity you.
Just giving you some advice f from experience. Wikipedia isn't accepted by scholars or professors because it can be edited. That means it's not a reliable source of information. Go ahead and keep using it. No skin off my nose.

This is not an academic setting, it is a discussion forum. It is used by people 1000 times a day on this forum and you have never whined about it before.
Wrong. I have told many people over the years on many forums that Wikipedia isn't a secure site and not a scholarly source. The only person whining here is you, as usual. You really need to find your comfort level. You're outmatched.
It's OK for stuff that isn't political. Otherwise, it can't be trusted.

So many ancient history and space topics are flooded with misinformation and speculation.

Garbage site
UC-Berkeley police arrest suspect in campus attack on conservative activist

'University of California-Berkeley officials on Friday arrested a suspect who allegedly assaulted a conservative activist on campus last month.'

...and Hillary just lost one of the member's of her 'Intolerant Army'...
He knew there was a risk

Expressing your opinions no matter how vile is a right that every American has, expressing that right should not including being attacked by violent morons that believe their rights superceeds others rights.
UC-Berkeley police arrest suspect in campus attack on conservative activist

'University of California-Berkeley officials on Friday arrested a suspect who allegedly assaulted a conservative activist on campus last month.'

...and Hillary just lost one of the member's of her 'Intolerant Army'...
He knew there was a risk

Expressing your opinions no matter how vile is a right that every American has, expressing that right should not including being attacked by violent morons that believe their rights superceeds others rights.
“It shouldn’t happen” is a fine stance to take about lots of things. Doesn’t mean it won’t.
UC-Berkeley police arrest suspect in campus attack on conservative activist

'University of California-Berkeley officials on Friday arrested a suspect who allegedly assaulted a conservative activist on campus last month.'

...and Hillary just lost one of the member's of her 'Intolerant Army'...
He knew there was a risk

Expressing your opinions no matter how vile is a right that every American has, expressing that right should not including being attacked by violent morons that believe their rights superceeds others rights.
“It shouldn’t happen” is a fine stance to take about lots of things. Doesn’t mean it won’t.

Try it.
UC-Berkeley police arrest suspect in campus attack on conservative activist

'University of California-Berkeley officials on Friday arrested a suspect who allegedly assaulted a conservative activist on campus last month.'

...and Hillary just lost one of the member's of her 'Intolerant Army'...
He knew there was a risk

Expressing your opinions no matter how vile is a right that every American has, expressing that right should not including being attacked by violent morons that believe their rights superceeds others rights.
“It shouldn’t happen” is a fine stance to take about lots of things. Doesn’t mean it won’t.

Try it.
Try what, snowflake
UC-Berkeley police arrest suspect in campus attack on conservative activist

'University of California-Berkeley officials on Friday arrested a suspect who allegedly assaulted a conservative activist on campus last month.'

...and Hillary just lost one of the member's of her 'Intolerant Army'...
He knew there was a risk

Expressing your opinions no matter how vile is a right that every American has, expressing that right should not including being attacked by violent morons that believe their rights superceeds others rights.
“It shouldn’t happen” is a fine stance to take about lots of things. Doesn’t mean it won’t.

Try it.
Try what, snowflake

Go after the next MAGA hat you see kid.
He knew there was a risk

Expressing your opinions no matter how vile is a right that every American has, expressing that right should not including being attacked by violent morons that believe their rights superceeds others rights.
“It shouldn’t happen” is a fine stance to take about lots of things. Doesn’t mean it won’t.

Try it.
Try what, snowflake

Go after the next MAGA hat you see kid.
I don’t advocate violence
Expressing your opinions no matter how vile is a right that every American has, expressing that right should not including being attacked by violent morons that believe their rights superceeds others rights.
“It shouldn’t happen” is a fine stance to take about lots of things. Doesn’t mean it won’t.

Try it.
Try what, snowflake

Go after the next MAGA hat you see kid.
I don’t advocate violence

Well not for you. But you LOVE to see MAGA wearing folks slapped around.
“It shouldn’t happen” is a fine stance to take about lots of things. Doesn’t mean it won’t.

Try it.
Try what, snowflake

Go after the next MAGA hat you see kid.
I don’t advocate violence

Well not for you. But you LOVE to see MAGA wearing folks slapped around.
I do, yes

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