UC shooter Elliot Rodgers is handsome but media says girls rejected him?!!

I doubt SS has ever had a woman besides his blow up doll. As long as he thinks his doll is real everyone is safe.
In his manifesto he talks about going to coffee shops and waiting for women to approach him. As if nothing is more attractive then the dark brooding individual sitting by themselves. The dude had a serious misunderstanding of what relationships and intimacy entails and was a foaming at the mouth misogynist. These traits are more then enough to overshadow good looks and money.
In his manifesto he talks about going to coffee shops and waiting for women to approach him. As if nothing is more attractive then the dark brooding individual sitting by themselves. The dude had a serious misunderstanding of what relationships and intimacy entails and was a foaming at the mouth misogynist. These traits are more then enough to overshadow good looks and money.

Some women actually do find the "dark brooding individual sitting by ..." himself to be peculiarly sexy, though. That whole "dark side" bit, you know.

This clown was just too much of a punk to have had the patience to have understood that.

I expect he was probably severely bullied by girls as a child — not boys. Not joking.
This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

ShitSpreader, you sound every bit as brain-dead as the people on Facebook and Twitter who are saying "He couldn't have done it! He's too cuuuuuuute! *swoon*"

You continue to cement your position as one of the biggest fucking morons on the internet.
Rodgers posted pictures of his BMW and pouty selfies on his Facebook page - and thought that would cause Beautiful Blonde Women to throw themselves at him.

He's a self-absorbed whinger, which is not very attractive.
Ok what was his height? In one photo I saw he was taller than the females therein. I do not see being short as a reason.
This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

Some women do not like to date fucking assholes

You should know as well as anyone
He objectified women, treating them as if they existed only to provide him with sex and prestige...Healthy women do not put up with that shit. He also seemed deficient in the personality and character depts...coming across as whiny, humorless, weak and bitter..with little to offer besides appearance...Unlike most men, women tend to look beyond the physical for desirable mates.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Oh please! You can't believe what you wrote. Most young women will be had at the Beamer! In Los Angeles, his home, young women will spread their legs just cause his dad is a director. In fact, at any time, Central Casting would have sent over a couple of bimbos just in case. Mates! Do you really think that women are looking for mates? Go back to Church, this is Isla Vista, where pussy made a carpet on the streets during Spring Break. Was Donald Sterling's girlfriend looking for a desirable mate? How about the bimbo that just married Hugh Hefner? The question is Do you have a healthy wallet? He did. He could have looked like Quasimodo and had women swooning at his feet.

He had a demeanor that said "leave me alone". That was to give women to understand that any overtures would not be accepted. Then, everything he thought about women was now validated. He was proven right, women hated him, and he was justified in killing them. He made his own rejection.
He was attractive enough to have gotten laid long before 22. In fact he said he'd never even kissed a girl.

This means one of two things was going on.
He was either so weird that he chased off every girl he came into contact with, or he was suppressing gay feelings and he was so repulsed with himself that he convinced himself it was the girls that didn't want him instead of the other way around.

I would say it's likely the latter, since you can be a pretty odd duck, and be really shy and still manage to come up with someone long before you reach 22.

I think the likely scenario was that he was so disgusted with himself, that he wasn't craving girls like guys around him always were, that by convincing himself it was the girls who had the problem and not him.

Eventually he couldn't deal with it any longer, so he completely cracked and struck out at those he felt were controlling his failures.
He was attractive enough to have gotten laid long before 22. In fact he said he'd never even kissed a girl.

This means one of two things was going on.
He was either so weird that he chased off every girl he came into contact with, or he was suppressing gay feelings and he was so repulsed with himself that he convinced himself it was the girls that didn't want him instead of the other way around.

I would say it's likely the latter, since you can be a pretty odd duck, and be really shy and still manage to come up with someone long before you reach 22.

I think the likely scenario was that he was so disgusted with himself, that he wasn't craving girls like guys around him always were, that by convincing himself it was the girls who had the problem and not him.

Eventually he couldn't deal with it any longer, so he completely cracked and struck out at those he felt were controlling his failures.

He also might have been going after women who were out of his league.
He was attractive enough to have gotten laid long before 22. In fact he said he'd never even kissed a girl.

This means one of two things was going on.
He was either so weird that he chased off every girl he came into contact with, or he was suppressing gay feelings and he was so repulsed with himself that he convinced himself it was the girls that didn't want him instead of the other way around.

I would say it's likely the latter, since you can be a pretty odd duck, and be really shy and still manage to come up with someone long before you reach 22.

I think the likely scenario was that he was so disgusted with himself, that he wasn't craving girls like guys around him always were, that by convincing himself it was the girls who had the problem and not him.

Eventually he couldn't deal with it any longer, so he completely cracked and struck out at those he felt were controlling his failures.

He also might have been going after women who were out of his league.

Possibly, but if I had reached 22 and hadn't even kissed a girl I would be rethinking my minimums, and possibly lowering the bar.
This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

the media didn't say it idiot....HE DID
He probably had a tiny little six inch dick. What are you gonna do with that, really LMAO :)
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He was attractive enough to have gotten laid long before 22. In fact he said he'd never even kissed a girl.

This means one of two things was going on.
He was either so weird that he chased off every girl he came into contact with, or he was suppressing gay feelings and he was so repulsed with himself that he convinced himself it was the girls that didn't want him instead of the other way around.

I would say it's likely the latter, since you can be a pretty odd duck, and be really shy and still manage to come up with someone long before you reach 22.

I think the likely scenario was that he was so disgusted with himself, that he wasn't craving girls like guys around him always were, that by convincing himself it was the girls who had the problem and not him.

Eventually he couldn't deal with it any longer, so he completely cracked and struck out at those he felt were controlling his failures.

He also might have been going after women who were out of his league.

Which just further proves how pathetic he was at understanding women.

Playing the sympathy card with some honey who's waaaaaaaaay outta a guy's league can prove to be a fun adventure.

I love me some sugar mamas, myself.
He said he would go to coffee shops and wait for a woman to approach him.

He probably glowered and scowled at them all. Just to justify what he really felt all along.
Are you really that stupid?

If you think banning guns or enacting more gun laws will change anything then the answer is "yes", you really are that stupid.

I think anybody who sits on their hands declaring themselves a defender of the second amendment who refuses to do ANYTHING whatsoever to stop the misuse of firearms are a bunch of pathetic hypocrites who deserve neither to have their guns nor to have their positions considered in any reasonable discussion among reasonable people. They are nothing more than a different kind of zealot. I don't care if you think I am stupid and I don't care how many times the zealots negative rep me whenever I speak truth or common sense that is inconvenient to their ideology.
There will ALWAYS, ALWAYS... get that... *ALWAYS* be "misuse" of firearms, no matter even if ALL GUNS WERE MADE ILLEGAL, then just CRIMINALS would have guns, and yes, THEY WOULD HAVE GUNS.

So go preach your pathetic, as Jake Starkey would say, *REACTIONARY* bull shit somewhere else. We've all heard it a million times already.

Wow, birfer boy uses me as positive source.

This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

STFU, cray cray, guy.

You have his youtube vids, his manifesto, and almost a 100 witnesses.
So go preach your pathetic, as Jake Starkey would say, *REACTIONARY* bull shit somewhere else. We've all heard it a million times already.

Well I think it is pretty obvious you are a slow learner so I will stick around and remind you a million times more that you are reason you will be losing the right to bear arms for future generations.

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