UC shooter Elliot Rodgers is handsome but media says girls rejected him?!!

It would not have helped Rodger if a woman did come on to him. He was too far gone.
This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

The guy had Aspergers. He was completely socially inept. He may have been nice looking and with money, but a total creepy weirdo type who was clueless about how to talk to anyone.
This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

The guy had Aspergers. He was completely socially inept. He may have been nice looking and with money, but a total creepy weirdo type who was clueless about how to talk to anyone.
There are lots of young men who fit that description, some of whom are Aspergers afflicted, but who don't go off like this fellow did. He has reacted to what obviously was an extreme paranoid schizophrenic episode which I believe to be the result of a long-simmering denial of and loathing for his latent homosexuality.

Pardon the psychobabble but my late wife was a clinical psychologist (in private practice) and one doesn't live closely with such an insightful mentality for so many years without some of it rubbing off.
This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

The guy had Aspergers. He was completely socially inept. He may have been nice looking and with money, but a total creepy weirdo type who was clueless about how to talk to anyone.
There are lots of young men who fit that description, some of whom are Aspergers afflicted, but who don't go off like this fellow did. He has reacted to what obviously was an extreme paranoid schizophrenic episode which I believe to be the result of a long-simmering denial of and loathing for his latent homosexuality.

Pardon the psychobabble but my late wife was a clinical psychologist (in private practice) and one doesn't live closely with such an insightful mentality for so many years without some of it rubbing off.

Sounds exactly like something Trannysteve should watch for in himself.
This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

The guy had Aspergers. He was completely socially inept. He may have been nice looking and with money, but a total creepy weirdo type who was clueless about how to talk to anyone.

Oh bullshit. Don't blame Aspergers, lol, for the guy being a creep.

He was a creep all on his own effort.
This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

The guy had Aspergers. He was completely socially inept. He may have been nice looking and with money, but a total creepy weirdo type who was clueless about how to talk to anyone.
There are lots of young men who fit that description, some of whom are Aspergers afflicted, but who don't go off like this fellow did. He has reacted to what obviously was an extreme paranoid schizophrenic episode which I believe to be the result of a long-simmering denial of and loathing for his latent homosexuality.

Pardon the psychobabble but my late wife was a clinical psychologist (in private practice) and one doesn't live closely with such an insightful mentality for so many years without some of it rubbing off.

Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express?
This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

The guy had Aspergers. He was completely socially inept. He may have been nice looking and with money, but a total creepy weirdo type who was clueless about how to talk to anyone.

Oh bullshit. Don't blame Aspergers, lol, for the guy being a creep.

He was a creep all on his own effort.

Think. Please.
Oh bullshit. Don't blame Aspergers, lol, for the guy being a creep.

He was a creep all on his own effort.

Think. Please.

Agreed. Aspergers is a bullshit copout.

And.....no thinking person is using it as an excuse of any kind. All that was said here is that it contributed to the guy being socially inept. It was not claimed that aspergers to blame for the violence.

So many of you guys are unable to grasp simple concepts.....that it is a wonder that you have any interest at all in a discussion forum.
The guy had Aspergers. He was completely socially inept. He may have been nice looking and with money, but a total creepy weirdo type who was clueless about how to talk to anyone.

Oh bullshit. Don't blame Aspergers, lol, for the guy being a creep.

He was a creep all on his own effort.

Think. Please.

lol, Aspergers was mentioned by Winterborn as a cause of this man's 'totally creepy weirdo' status, and the two are not caused one by the other.

Why don't you specify what you disagree with instead of posting cryptic bullshit?
Think. Please.

Agreed. Aspergers is a bullshit copout.

And.....no thinking person is using it as an excuse of any kind. All that was said here is that it contributed to the guy being socially inept.

Winterborn said "The guy had Aspergers. He was completely socially inept. He may have been nice looking and with money, but a total creepy weirdo type ...."

You interpretation that this merely mounts to social ineptness is stupid and ignorant. In addition, there is no causal connection between Aspergers and "total creepy weirdo type."

So many of you guys are unable to grasp simple concepts.....that it is a wonder that you have any interest at all in a discussion forum.

And you are exhibit number of one of people who need to take a critical thinking course.

It's the "wax lips". Women have never cared for wax lips. In fact, the only place they work is in prison and unfortunately, he will never get that chance.



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