UC shooter Elliot Rodgers is handsome but media says girls rejected him?!!

Katz really has no idea what its talking about :)

That's because I pegged you immediately.

You are really no different than a woman masturbating at a bus stop saying "I'm so oversexed, I just can't get enough!"

Your personal preferences aside, we all have them, the public exposure of those preferences as if they were a source of pride, speaks to a much deeper and darker (no pun intended) disturbance.
Katz really has no idea what its talking about :)

That's because I pegged you immediately.

You are really no different than a woman masturbating at a bus stop saying "I'm so oversexed, I just can't get enough!"

Your personal preferences aside, we all have them, the public exposure of those preferences as if they were a source of pride, speaks to a much deeper and darker (no pun intended) disturbance.

Wow you just can't get me out of your head huh :)
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Of all the things to be talking about with these murders, the conversation is on penis size.

And we wonder why these things happen
Uncensored2008 and Jesse Ventura should go have coffee together and discuss conspiracy theories
Katz really has no idea what its talking about :)

That's because I pegged you immediately.

You are really no different than a woman masturbating at a bus stop saying "I'm so oversexed, I just can't get enough!"

Your personal preferences aside, we all have them, the public exposure of those preferences as if they were a source of pride, speaks to a much deeper and darker (no pun intended) disturbance.

Wow you just can't get me out of your head huh :)

I can't help it. I just feel so damn sorry for you! It's like driving past a particularly nasty freeway accident. Even though you want to, you just can't look away.
That's because I pegged you immediately.

You are really no different than a woman masturbating at a bus stop saying "I'm so oversexed, I just can't get enough!"

Your personal preferences aside, we all have them, the public exposure of those preferences as if they were a source of pride, speaks to a much deeper and darker (no pun intended) disturbance.

Wow you just can't get me out of your head huh :)

I can't help it. It's like driving past a particularly nasty freeway accident. Even though you want to, you just can't look away.

Hahaha that was a good one :-D
Then thats a nine inch dick and not a six inch dick. Duh. :) Do I really have to specify that I was referring to erection length, not flaccid length?

Take someone who's dick size/ erection length is a mere five or six inches. Their flaccid length is probably gonna be like two or three inches! How much of a turn off is that? That's microscopic! I f**k men. I don't f**k weaklings with pinky fingers attached to their pelvis! (Tiny Jim LMAO)

Someday you will appreciate my honesty. I'm telling you straight up what most women think, but are afraid/ ashamed to say. I have no shame :)

And you really have no clue what most women want; you simply project your own jaded preferences to everyone else.

It is hilarious how many people do that. From guys who think that all men want big breasts on women to sluts like you who think every woman wants a guy with a two foot schlong.

There is nothing universal about sexual preferences for either sex. Some guys like fat girls some like skinny girls. Some like dark skin some like white skin. Some like blondes some like brunettes and some are obsessed with red heads. The same goes for women.

Seventy years ago it was generally understood that most guys preferred virgins when they could get one, especially for marriage, and so the general attitude was for women to pose as less experienced and so some women would minimize their expressed preferences.

But today it is sluts that dominate female cultural norms, and everyone assumes that women use vibrators, prefer guys with over sized penises, and want to fill their twat with anything that they can. But the fact is most women are not like that, but those with less sexual drive are now the ones who get shamed into silence, not whores like you.

There was once a morticians convention and a few of them got into a debate about who had had the hardest corpses to prepare for their funerals. One spoke of a fire victim, and another spoke of a dismembered body, saying 'It took me a week to put all the pieces back together.' Then one mortician spoke up, 'Well remember the fire at the whore house last year? One of them girls jumped out the third floor window and impaled herself on a telephone pole and it took me a month to get that smile off her face.'

But don't fret, dear, maybe one day a kind person will by you a stud horse all for your own use.

You let yourself sound waaaayyyy too offended, Tiny Jim :) We all know where you stand in size hahaha

Here is some advice. If you ever hear some girls say "Pipe check!", you better haul ass in the other direction!

A guy picks up a girl in a bar and they go to a motel. When they get undressed the girl points to the guy's diminutive penis, giggles, and says, "Who do you expect to satisfy with that little thing?"

The guy smiles and says, "Me."
And you really have no clue what most women want; you simply project your own jaded preferences to everyone else.

It is hilarious how many people do that. From guys who think that all men want big breasts on women to sluts like you who think every woman wants a guy with a two foot schlong.

There is nothing universal about sexual preferences for either sex. Some guys like fat girls some like skinny girls. Some like dark skin some like white skin. Some like blondes some like brunettes and some are obsessed with red heads. The same goes for women.

Seventy years ago it was generally understood that most guys preferred virgins when they could get one, especially for marriage, and so the general attitude was for women to pose as less experienced and so some women would minimize their expressed preferences.

But today it is sluts that dominate female cultural norms, and everyone assumes that women use vibrators, prefer guys with over sized penises, and want to fill their twat with anything that they can. But the fact is most women are not like that, but those with less sexual drive are now the ones who get shamed into silence, not whores like you.

There was once a morticians convention and a few of them got into a debate about who had had the hardest corpses to prepare for their funerals. One spoke of a fire victim, and another spoke of a dismembered body, saying 'It took me a week to put all the pieces back together.' Then one mortician spoke up, 'Well remember the fire at the whore house last year? One of them girls jumped out the third floor window and impaled herself on a telephone pole and it took me a month to get that smile off her face.'

But don't fret, dear, maybe one day a kind person will by you a stud horse all for your own use.

You let yourself sound waaaayyyy too offended, Tiny Jim :) We all know where you stand in size hahaha

Here is some advice. If you ever hear some girls say "Pipe check!", you better haul ass in the other direction!

A guy picks up a girl in a bar and they go to a motel. When they get undressed the girl points to the guy's diminutive penis, giggles, and says, "Who do you expect to satisfy with that little thing?"

The guy smiles and says, "Me."

The way it really works. A guy picks up a girl in a bar and they go to a motel. When they get undressed, he lays 5 100 dollar bills on the dresser. When the girl sees a penis she would need a tweezer to raise she says "That's the biggest dick I ever saw. I don't know if I can take it all."
The biggest dick so far belongs to white guy John Holmes at 13.5 inches.

White guys can have big dicks too :) Its just far more common in black men.
That is a rather common understanding. So common in fact it occurs to me this notion, whether mythical or factual, holds that the Black male is obliquely regarded as little more than an animated corporeal dildo who appeals mainly (or only) to the most physio-sexual female.

Your thoughts?
For many years I specialized in legal services for adult entertainment. I knew most of the little operations and some of the bigger ones like Vivid. If there was any truth at all to the myth that black men were generally more well endowed than white men the first to prove it is the porn industry. They don't.

What drives this myth are women who, for various reasons end up rejected by white men and find acceptance with black men. Instead of accepting their limitations they perpetuate an untruth.

There are many women who date and marry black men. The love them. They don't need an excuse and make none.
Is it a bad thing to have a big vagina or something?

No. It's like those guys who put giant rings in their earlobes. Or those african women who stretch out their lips. The ubangi. It's funny. Not wrong. That's why there are so many big pussy jokes.

The guys with those giant rings in their ears. Blech !

Makes you want to run up and ask what the hell is wrong with them, and why on earth would they do such a thing.
I agree.

I believe any form of "decorative" body piercing is gratuitous self-mutilation and those giant ear-lobe inserts are a particularly gaudy form of masochistic expression.
I don't want to post the video. I'm not sure it's appropriate, but if you go to Youtube and watch this video.

Elliot Rogers Last Vlog Before Died 05/24/2014

Seriously,Just his voice makes my skin crawl and his laugh is worse. Mabye it's the just the content of the video but you can tell that something is off about him. If he gave the girls the same attitude he gives in the video it's no wonder he didn't do well.

classic creep

I like how the sleeze whines about the hot girls not giving it up for him.

1. They don't owe you anything just because you think your hot and drive a nice car.

2. How many guys get rejected by hot girls? Almost all of them.

3.If you have to tell women you're the "supreme alpha male", you're not a surpreme alpha male.
I like how the sleeze whines about the hot girls not giving it up for him.

1. They don't owe you anything just because you think your hot and drive a nice car.

2. How many guys get rejected by hot girls? Almost all of them.

3.If you have to tell women you're the "supreme alpha male", you're not a surpreme alpha male.

Sad but true: back before I met my beloved wife and became monogamous, someone asked me why I'm such an asshole. My reply was "it get's the girls." A 100% true statement.
I don't want to post the video. I'm not sure it's appropriate, but if you go to Youtube and watch this video.

Elliot Rogers Last Vlog Before Died 05/24/2014

Seriously,Just his voice makes my skin crawl and his laugh is worse. Mabye it's the just the content of the video but you can tell that something is off about him. If he gave the girls the same attitude he gives in the video it's no wonder he didn't do well.

classic creep

I like how the sleeze whines about the hot girls not giving it up for him.

1. They don't owe you anything just because you think your hot and drive a nice car.

2. How many guys get rejected by hot girls? Almost all of them.

3.If you have to tell women you're the "supreme alpha male", you're not a surpreme alpha male.

I think the average guy knows he has to hear about 9 nos for every yes and just gets thicker skin. Most of the time it isn't personal, its just not something the woman is ready for at that moment in her life. Or maybe she just sees nothing attractive in you, but that can be overcome with positive reinforcement; ask her to go do somethings with you that she likes a lot. Ask her to talk about her when you are around her, and give her honest positive feedback.

I am a fugly dude and I dated a lot of women. IF I can do it any dude can do it.
I like how the sleeze whines about the hot girls not giving it up for him.

1. They don't owe you anything just because you think your hot and drive a nice car.

2. How many guys get rejected by hot girls? Almost all of them.

3.If you have to tell women you're the "supreme alpha male", you're not a surpreme alpha male.

Sad but true: back before I met my beloved wife and became monogamous, someone asked me why I'm such an asshole. My reply was "it get's the girls." A 100% true statement.

A lot of girls are sick to death of men kissing their asses and rudeness can seem refreshingly honest.

I think just being truthful is enough for most without the rudeness.
I like how the sleeze whines about the hot girls not giving it up for him.

1. They don't owe you anything just because you think your hot and drive a nice car.

2. How many guys get rejected by hot girls? Almost all of them.

3.If you have to tell women you're the "supreme alpha male", you're not a surpreme alpha male.

Sad but true: back before I met my beloved wife and became monogamous, someone asked me why I'm such an asshole. My reply was "it get's the girls." A 100% true statement.
Being an asshole cant possibly get you well adjusted women. You may be right about girls. With well adjusted women you need 3 things:

A nice smile
Genuine interest in that woman's story
Internal strength that is projected so the woman knows you have no qualms about walking away.

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