UC shooter Elliot Rodgers is handsome but media says girls rejected him?!!

Your dates have to tie a two by four across their ass so they don't fall in.

The last guy that tried got lost. As he was feeling his way around in the dark, he ran smack into another guy. "Do you know how we can get out of this pussy hole? The other guy said "Help me find my car keys and we can drive out."
Some women have ***** so big, on Valentine's Day an anaconda shows up at the door with flowers and chocolates.
You know your pussy is big when your date says "I'm not that into you." And literally means it.

There's a problem when your pussy has its own zip code AND Gets packages from UPS!

Verifiable, the biggest dick so far belongs to white guy John Holmes at 13.5 inches. Sometimes said to be a full 14 inches. Just a white guy.
Is it a bad thing to have a big vagina or something?

No. It's like those guys who put giant rings in their earlobes. Or those african women who stretch out their lips. The ubangi. It's funny. Not wrong. That's why there are so many big pussy jokes.
Is it a bad thing to have a big vagina or something?

No. It's like those guys who put giant rings in their earlobes. Or those african women who stretch out their lips. The ubangi. It's funny. Not wrong. That's why there are so many big pussy jokes.

I've never encountered a vagina that was stretched out like that. I have also never heard all these big pussy jokes you are talking about. Is this a cultural thing?
Is it a bad thing to have a big vagina or something?

No. It's like those guys who put giant rings in their earlobes. Or those african women who stretch out their lips. The ubangi. It's funny. Not wrong. That's why there are so many big pussy jokes.

I've never encountered a vagina that was stretched out like that. I have also never heard all these big pussy jokes you are talking about. Is this a cultural thing?

Don't you know any gay guys? They wrote the book on pussy jokes.
No. It's like those guys who put giant rings in their earlobes. Or those african women who stretch out their lips. The ubangi. It's funny. Not wrong. That's why there are so many big pussy jokes.

I've never encountered a vagina that was stretched out like that. I have also never heard all these big pussy jokes you are talking about. Is this a cultural thing?

Don't you know any gay guys? They wrote the book on pussy jokes.

I know a few. I worked with 2 for about 3 years. Never heard a joke like that. I'm going to ask one of my business partners. He is flamboyantly gay. Do they have to hate women? He loves my wife.
Workplaces are inappropriate. Co workers are inappropriate. You hear that at parties and gay bars. Or if you are very well known enough so that others feel comfortable being themselves.

Are you a Karate instructor? I used to be a student instructor when I was in college in Phoenix. But Sensei banished me :-(

But I loved every second of it. That was one of my favorite "jobs". They called it Chinese Kempo Karate. Or was it Kenpo? I can't remember. I hardly ever got paid but they gave me free training (still had to pay for my tests). It was so thrilling! We had monthly Kumites and I actually won one of them.

But I loved teaching people what I learned. And there was this unity there that was very welcoming. It was a very positive atmosphere. The training was exciting and was an epic experience. I made some great friends there and even though Sensei banished me, and is dead now, I'm always gonna remember that as one of the best periods of my life, and will always be extremely thankful for everything I learned at the dojo. God I miss it so much sometimes.
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This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.
I noticed in the videos Rodgers made his speech characteristics are distinctly feminine and there is something unmistakably soft and girlish about his mannerisms in general. Also, a neighbor who invited him to a barbecue where there were plenty of girls, some of whom expressed an interest in "the good-looking guy," but Rodgers had nothing to do with any of them. In fact he was known to keep his distance from women -- in spite of his strong and constant complaint that women rejected him.

From a Freudian perspective it seems obvious that Rodgers was struggling with latent homosexuality which he refused to accept. This condition is called Gender Identity Crisis, which in extreme examples can bring about destructive anti-social behavior. I am quite surprised that no forensic psychologist has touched upon this very likely explanation.

Rather than women rejecting Rodgers, I believe Rodgers was subconsciously rejecting women -- including the woman lurking within his own libido whom he despised and was constantly and increasingly in conflict with. When his torment reached the point where suicide was his only escape, there is little question that homicide, including mass homicide, is often suicide turned outward.
I think he was pretty short. Girls/women tend to not really care much for short guys.
There are only so many tall good-looking guys to go around, so there are plenty of short girls who will eagerly settle for a short guy as long as he's good-looking. And while Rodgers is not the type who would interest most girls, the more aggressive women like Rodgers' type.
He had ugly freakin' massive puffy curly lips.

If I was girl, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near those huge wormy things either.
It's difficult for a man to anticipate and understand what appeals to women. And I think you'd be very surprised at the kind of men who appeal to some women. There are some very attractive women who are attracted to prison inmates, who carry on long correspondences with them, and wait for them to get out.

Don't try to understand women. Even Freud gave up on that.

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