UC shooter Elliot Rodgers is handsome but media says girls rejected him?!!

He probably had a tiny little six inch dick. What are you gonna do with that, really LMAO :)

get aroused and let it grow to nine

Then thats a nine inch dick and not a six inch dick. Duh. :) Do I really have to specify that I was referring to erection length, not flaccid length?

Take someone who's dick size/ erection length is a mere five or six inches. Their flaccid length is probably gonna be like two or three inches! How much of a turn off is that? That's microscopic! I f**k men. I don't f**k weaklings with pinky fingers attached to their pelvis! (Tiny Jim LMAO)

Someday you will appreciate my honesty. I'm telling you straight up what most women think, but are afraid/ ashamed to say. I have no shame :)

And you really have no clue what most women want; you simply project your own jaded preferences to everyone else.

It is hilarious how many people do that. From guys who think that all men want big breasts on women to sluts like you who think every woman wants a guy with a two foot schlong.

There is nothing universal about sexual preferences for either sex. Some guys like fat girls some like skinny girls. Some like dark skin some like white skin. Some like blondes some like brunettes and some are obsessed with red heads. The same goes for women.

Seventy years ago it was generally understood that most guys preferred virgins when they could get one, especially for marriage, and so the general attitude was for women to pose as less experienced and so some women would minimize their expressed preferences.

But today it is sluts that dominate female cultural norms, and everyone assumes that women use vibrators, prefer guys with over sized penises, and want to fill their twat with anything that they can. But the fact is most women are not like that, but those with less sexual drive are now the ones who get shamed into silence, not whores like you.

There was once a morticians convention and a few of them got into a debate about who had had the hardest corpses to prepare for their funerals. One spoke of a fire victim, and another spoke of a dismembered body, saying 'It took me a week to put all the pieces back together.' Then one mortician spoke up, 'Well remember the fire at the whore house last year? One of them girls jumped out the third floor window and impaled herself on a telephone pole and it took me a month to get that smile off her face.'

But don't fret, dear, maybe one day a kind person will by you a stud horse all for your own use.
The biggest dick so far belongs to white guy John Holmes at 13.5 inches.

White guys can have big dicks too :) Its just far more common in black men.

IT is amazing that libtards like you have no problem with any racial stereotype when it suits them.

I guess you buy into the other stereotypes about blacks having more animal rage in them too, to go along with their animal lusts? That once was a common saying that is coming back, though only said in private. But with queers insisting that their behavior is all genetic in nature and they have no choice, the concept that blacks are more prone to violence is returning to fore.

But it is all bullshit. Behavior is chosen, and black men do not have bigger dicks than average white guys and Asian men do not have smaller dicks.

lol, you are so full of shit.
get aroused and let it grow to nine

Then thats a nine inch dick and not a six inch dick. Duh. :) Do I really have to specify that I was referring to erection length, not flaccid length?

Take someone who's dick size/ erection length is a mere five or six inches. Their flaccid length is probably gonna be like two or three inches! How much of a turn off is that? That's microscopic! I f**k men. I don't f**k weaklings with pinky fingers attached to their pelvis! (Tiny Jim LMAO)

Someday you will appreciate my honesty. I'm telling you straight up what most women think, but are afraid/ ashamed to say. I have no shame :)

And you really have no clue what most women want; you simply project your own jaded preferences to everyone else.

It is hilarious how many people do that. From guys who think that all men want big breasts on women to sluts like you who think every woman wants a guy with a two foot schlong.

There is nothing universal about sexual preferences for either sex. Some guys like fat girls some like skinny girls. Some like dark skin some like white skin. Some like blondes some like brunettes and some are obsessed with red heads. The same goes for women.

Seventy years ago it was generally understood that most guys preferred virgins when they could get one, especially for marriage, and so the general attitude was for women to pose as less experienced and so some women would minimize their expressed preferences.

But today it is sluts that dominate female cultural norms, and everyone assumes that women use vibrators, prefer guys with over sized penises, and want to fill their twat with anything that they can. But the fact is most women are not like that, but those with less sexual drive are now the ones who get shamed into silence, not whores like you.

There was once a morticians convention and a few of them got into a debate about who had had the hardest corpses to prepare for their funerals. One spoke of a fire victim, and another spoke of a dismembered body, saying 'It took me a week to put all the pieces back together.' Then one mortician spoke up, 'Well remember the fire at the whore house last year? One of them girls jumped out the third floor window and impaled herself on a telephone pole and it took me a month to get that smile off her face.'

But don't fret, dear, maybe one day a kind person will by you a stud horse all for your own use.

You let yourself sound waaaayyyy too offended, Tiny Jim :) We all know where you stand in size hahaha

Here is some advice. If you ever hear some girls say "Pipe check!", you better haul ass in the other direction!
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This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.
I noticed in the videos Rodgers made his speech characteristics are distinctly feminine and there is something unmistakably soft and girlish about his mannerisms in general. Also, a neighbor who invited him to a barbecue where there were plenty of girls, some of whom expressed an interest in "the good-looking guy," but Rodgers had nothing to do with any of them. In fact he was known to keep his distance from women -- in spite of his strong and constant complaint that women rejected him.

From a Freudian perspective it seems obvious that Rodgers was struggling with latent homosexuality which he refused to accept. This condition is called Gender Identity Crisis, which in extreme examples can bring about destructive anti-social behavior. I am quite surprised that no forensic psychologist has touched upon this very likely explanation.

Rather than women rejecting Rodgers, I believe Rodgers was subconsciously rejecting women -- including the woman lurking within his own libido whom he despised and was constantly and increasingly in conflict with. When his torment reached the point where suicide was his only escape, there is little question that homicide, including mass homicide, is often suicide turned outward.

He sounds like he was afraid of them, ironically. A lot of guys have that problem hen they are young, then hit twenty five and turn into the biggest man-sluts in the world.

This kid sounds like he needed guidance from a father that was too busy to bother.
get aroused and let it grow to nine

Then thats a nine inch dick and not a six inch dick. Duh. :) Do I really have to specify that I was referring to erection length, not flaccid length?

Take someone who's dick size/ erection length is a mere five or six inches. Their flaccid length is probably gonna be like two or three inches! How much of a turn off is that? That's microscopic! I f**k men. I don't f**k weaklings with pinky fingers attached to their pelvis! (Tiny Jim LMAO)

Someday you will appreciate my honesty. I'm telling you straight up what most women think, but are afraid/ ashamed to say. I have no shame :)

And you really have no clue what most women want; you simply project your own jaded preferences to everyone else.

It is hilarious how many people do that. From guys who think that all men want big breasts on women to sluts like you who think every woman wants a guy with a two foot schlong.

There is nothing universal about sexual preferences for either sex. Some guys like fat girls some like skinny girls. Some like dark skin some like white skin. Some like blondes some like brunettes and some are obsessed with red heads. The same goes for women.

Seventy years ago it was generally understood that most guys preferred virgins when they could get one, especially for marriage, and so the general attitude was for women to pose as less experienced and so some women would minimize their expressed preferences.

But today it is sluts that dominate female cultural norms, and everyone assumes that women use vibrators, prefer guys with over sized penises, and want to fill their twat with anything that they can. But the fact is most women are not like that, but those with less sexual drive are now the ones who get shamed into silence, not whores like you.

There was once a morticians convention and a few of them got into a debate about who had had the hardest corpses to prepare for their funerals. One spoke of a fire victim, and another spoke of a dismembered body, saying 'It took me a week to put all the pieces back together.' Then one mortician spoke up, 'Well remember the fire at the whore house last year? One of them girls jumped out the third floor window and impaled herself on a telephone pole and it took me a month to get that smile off her face.'

But don't fret, dear, maybe one day a kind person will by you a stud horse all for your own use.
the thought of sitting next to a bloviating twerp like you on a plane justifies me flying a minimum of club.
The great Australian Feminist Germaine Greer said "there is no such thing as an impotent man as long as he has a tongue in his head"
Then thats a nine inch dick and not a six inch dick. Duh. :) Do I really have to specify that I was referring to erection length, not flaccid length?

Take someone who's dick size/ erection length is a mere five or six inches. Their flaccid length is probably gonna be like two or three inches! How much of a turn off is that? That's microscopic! I f**k men. I don't f**k weaklings with pinky fingers attached to their pelvis! (Tiny Jim LMAO)

Someday you will appreciate my honesty. I'm telling you straight up what most women think, but are afraid/ ashamed to say. I have no shame :)

And you really have no clue what most women want; you simply project your own jaded preferences to everyone else.

It is hilarious how many people do that. From guys who think that all men want big breasts on women to sluts like you who think every woman wants a guy with a two foot schlong.

There is nothing universal about sexual preferences for either sex. Some guys like fat girls some like skinny girls. Some like dark skin some like white skin. Some like blondes some like brunettes and some are obsessed with red heads. The same goes for women.

Seventy years ago it was generally understood that most guys preferred virgins when they could get one, especially for marriage, and so the general attitude was for women to pose as less experienced and so some women would minimize their expressed preferences.

But today it is sluts that dominate female cultural norms, and everyone assumes that women use vibrators, prefer guys with over sized penises, and want to fill their twat with anything that they can. But the fact is most women are not like that, but those with less sexual drive are now the ones who get shamed into silence, not whores like you.

There was once a morticians convention and a few of them got into a debate about who had had the hardest corpses to prepare for their funerals. One spoke of a fire victim, and another spoke of a dismembered body, saying 'It took me a week to put all the pieces back together.' Then one mortician spoke up, 'Well remember the fire at the whore house last year? One of them girls jumped out the third floor window and impaled herself on a telephone pole and it took me a month to get that smile off her face.'

But don't fret, dear, maybe one day a kind person will by you a stud horse all for your own use.

You let yourself sound waaaayyyy too offended, Tiny Jim :) We all know where you stand in size hahaha

Here is some advice. If you ever hear some girls say "Pipe check!", you better haul ass in the other direction!

I could not possibly care less what some slut like you thinks about a damned thing.

That is a funny thing to me, how sluts like you fuck anything that comes along because you have self-image issues that you try various ways to deal with, like your account name, 'Goddess'. Lol, the first time I saw that, I knew you were either a queer or a slut.

You want to think I have a small dick, fine by me. I don't give a shit. Only idiots like you judge a person by the size of their genitalia. Go fuck a moose, bitch.
Is it a bad thing to have a big vagina or something?

No. It's like those guys who put giant rings in their earlobes. Or those african women who stretch out their lips. The ubangi. It's funny. Not wrong. That's why there are so many big pussy jokes.

The guys with those giant rings in their ears. Blech !

Makes you want to run up and ask what the hell is wrong with them, and why on earth would they do such a thing.
Is it a bad thing to have a big vagina or something?

No. It's like those guys who put giant rings in their earlobes. Or those african women who stretch out their lips. The ubangi. It's funny. Not wrong. That's why there are so many big pussy jokes.

I've never encountered a vagina that was stretched out like that. I have also never heard all these big pussy jokes you are talking about. Is this a cultural thing?

It works like this:

Goddess posts an insult, then Katz fires one back. Goddess posts an insult, Katz fires one back. Etc.
Human anatomy 101: female orgasms are triggered by the clitoris. Why the emphasis on male "size" then?
The biggest dick so far belongs to white guy John Holmes at 13.5 inches.

White guys can have big dicks too :) Its just far more common in black men.

IT is amazing that libtards like you have no problem with any racial stereotype when it suits them.

I guess you buy into the other stereotypes about blacks having more animal rage in them too, to go along with their animal lusts? That once was a common saying that is coming back, though only said in private. But with queers insisting that their behavior is all genetic in nature and they have no choice, the concept that blacks are more prone to violence is returning to fore.

But it is all bullshit. Behavior is chosen, and black men do not have bigger dicks than average white guys and Asian men do not have smaller dicks.

lol, you are so full of shit.

Women who make the claim that they only want men with big dicks and prefer black men because they have big dicks, have either lost or never had the attention of many men. They must think that this is their decision. They have to. It's a defensive mechanism. It's a way of rationalizing circumstances beyond their control and making it under their control. "You don't want me! I don't want you first". It was never their decision. Black men have different standards of attractiveness and are much more forgiving than white men of flaws like being overweight or have a little bit of age on them.
Is Shitshisspeedos still lusting after a fucking psycho murderer? That seems to be why he started this thread.

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