UC shooter Elliot Rodgers is handsome but media says girls rejected him?!!

This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

I found him creepy just from the video. You can be the best looking man on earth but if your social skills or personality stinks, it doesn't matter.
BTW turns out this is second mass killing for one of their students for exactly same claimed reason.....
BTW turns out this is second mass killing for one of their students for exactly same claimed reason.....

Yes, but the last guy used a car, so it doesn't support the gun grabber agenda.

Oh, and California let him out of prison - to do it all again.
Sorry bout that,

1. A lot of women would give him some action now, it they knew now what they could of known then.

This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

It doesn't always matter how good someone looks. Its not just about looks, but personality.
This has bothered me from the start of this story. He's not a pimply-faced skinny geek. He could be a teen heart-throb. Are the videos and manifesto faked? This incident is as fishy as the sandy hook shooting.

It doesn't always matter how good someone looks. Its not just about looks, but personality.

And it's so wonderful to have both. I can take you so many places...................

I'm here for you Noomi.

Take me, you know you want to !
I don't want to post the video. I'm not sure it's appropriate, but if you go to Youtube and watch this video.

Elliot Rogers Last Vlog Before Died 05/24/2014

Seriously,Just his voice makes my skin crawl and his laugh is worse. Mabye it's the just the content of the video but you can tell that something is off about him. If he gave the girls the same attitude he gives in the video it's no wonder he didn't do well.
Good Lord. The guy was just another psycho with a gun who felt that entitled him to something. As someone who owns a dozen guns and who has hunted since childhood, I am all for doing whatever we can to keep guns out of the hands of these whacked in the head kids. Raise the gun ownership age to 30, registration, confiscation--I really don't care anymore. I would vote to repeal the second amendment if that is what it took to end this insanity.


If I had a dime for every posing libtard who said they hunted since the day they were born , loved Reagan and sucked Bushes dick but thought that <fill in counter conservative bullshit> I could buy my own damned casino.

Fuck you and fuck off you lying sack of shit.
I don't want to post the video. I'm not sure it's appropriate, but if you go to Youtube and watch this video.

Elliot Rogers Last Vlog Before Died 05/24/2014

Seriously,Just his voice makes my skin crawl and his laugh is worse. Mabye it's the just the content of the video but you can tell that something is off about him. If he gave the girls the same attitude he gives in the video it's no wonder he didn't do well.

classic creep
He probably had a tiny little six inch dick. What are you gonna do with that, really LMAO :)

lol, tiny six inch dick...well known average mans dick length is around 5 inches....roflmao

maybe if you stopped fucking telephone poles six inches wouldn't seem so small to you, whore

roflmao, lolololl, you just cant make this shit up.

Goddess? lolol, is that what they call the girls that warm up the breeding studs these days?

So the media forced him to make the videos so they could frame him after he committed murders? Seriously?!

I'm not an expert on women. But I know women don't like being used as a piece of meat. I know they aren't going to swoon on someone who thinks they're entitled to have sex with them.

And the kid certainly had some social problems with his Aspergers.

But no, clearly it's a conspiracy.
He probably had a tiny little six inch dick. What are you gonna do with that, really LMAO :)

lol, tiny six inch dick...well known average mans dick length is around 5 inches....roflmao

maybe if you stopped fucking telephone poles six inches wouldn't seem so small to you, whore

roflmao, lolololl, you just cant make this shit up.

Goddess? lolol, is that what they call the girls that warm up the breeding studs these days?


You sound REALLY offended, Jim, it's very revealing... :)

As I said before. What I said had nothing to do with "statistics" and everything to do with personal preference. I'm not into "average". I'll use a big black man for sex anyday over your tiny little five incher, Tiny Jim. As a general rule, I break it off with a man if I find out he's under 8 inches :) Its just no fun. Its not exciting. I know plenty of other women who share this opinion.

Keep your head up though. Some women like Vienna sausage :) Not me. I won't tolerate those inadequate genetics in my bedroom.
Whole premise stinks. Rants against women but his first three victims are guys , goes to sorority of intended targets and let's a locked door foil his plans....?????

Not really. He hated everyone. He hated other men who he perceived as being more successful with women than him. He hated women who he thought were with guys who were less attractive than them. Hell, he considered murdering his 6 year old half brother because he believed that the kid would grow up to be more successful with women than he had been. Maybe his roommates had had girlfriends, or kissed women, or I don't know, were friends with women that Rodgers found attractive. From the sound of his manifesto, that would have been enough to set him off.

He felt uncontrollable rage toward pretty much everyone.

As for the locked door, logic doesn't seem like a strong suit.
As for Rodgers himself, no, he's not hideous. But he is creepy as fuck. Creepy trumps looks every time.
He probably had a tiny little six inch dick. What are you gonna do with that, really LMAO :)

lol, tiny six inch dick...well known average mans dick length is around 5 inches....roflmao

maybe if you stopped fucking telephone poles six inches wouldn't seem so small to you, whore

roflmao, lolololl, you just cant make this shit up.

Goddess? lolol, is that what they call the girls that warm up the breeding studs these days?


You sound REALLY offended, Jim, it's very revealing... :)

Offended? You gave me the best laugh of the day yesterday.

Why would I be offended? You are simply another gold-digging whore that tries o pass as normal; nothing offensive about that as long as I know to steer clear of shit-for-brains like you.

As I said before. What I said had nothing to do with "statistics" and everything to do with personal preference. I'm not into "average". I'll use a big black man for sex anyday ..

Now you immediately leap into racist stereotyping.

Lol, you are a real piece of shit.
He probably had a tiny little six inch dick. What are you gonna do with that, really LMAO :)

lol, tiny six inch dick...well known average mans dick length is around 5 inches....roflmao

maybe if you stopped fucking telephone poles six inches wouldn't seem so small to you, whore

roflmao, lolololl, you just cant make this shit up.

Goddess? lolol, is that what they call the girls that warm up the breeding studs these days?


You sound REALLY offended, Jim, it's very revealing... :)

As I said before. What I said had nothing to do with "statistics" and everything to do with personal preference. I'm not into "average". I'll use a big black man for sex anyday over your tiny little five incher, Tiny Jim. As a general rule, I break it off with a man if I find out he's under 8 inches :) Its just no fun. Its not exciting. I know plenty of other women who share this opinion.

Keep your head up though. Some women like Vienna sausage :) Not me. I won't tolerate those inadequate genetics in my bedroom.


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