UCSB shooting victim’s father: Blame NRA

What about the 3 roommates that were stabbed to death? Did the father blame knife manufacturers or cooking groups? How about the dickhead who ran over a bunch of kids in the same area back in 2001- did he blame Ford? or the UAW?

I understand and empathize with the pain this man is feeling, it must be horrible. He is still wrong to blame guns. Blame the person, not the tool.

This father is garbage. How can he, at a time like this, denigrate the memory of his son by using his death as a political tool?
The shooter reputedly had Asperger's Syndrome and his parents (unsuccessfully) sought to have him committed. Yes, despite all of this, our Gun Control Overlords issues permits for him to legally own several guns. It's clear that the background checks were a futile, expensive bit of kabuki theater. The moonbats will argue that this means we need to spend even more money on such futility, no doubt.

This father is garbage. How can he, at a time like this, denigrate the memory of his son by using his death as a political tool?

First of all, since you actually have to touch a girl to become a father how would you ever comprehend what this man is going through. For you to call anyone garbage is beyond laughable. Keep on living off Grandma in the basement and let the adults discuss adult matters.
The father is mourning. He's lives in a liberal shit hole. What else did you people expect him to say?

This father is garbage. How can he, at a time like this, denigrate the memory of his son by using his death as a political tool?

Have you lost your fucking mind?

Do you not see that your own post is a political tool?

Holy shit TK, the guy lost a son. And you want to make a political football out of him? A victim's FATHER is "garbage"?? What the fuck about the victim's KILLER? Hello?
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politicizing his son's death, shame on him

Yeah, just like the politicalization of the dead at Benghazi……O' wait….:eusa_whistle:

yeah, because a shooting at an embassy and the ensuing political cover up has mothing to with politics....:rolleyes:

the nra and the gop had zero to do with this psycho....and what about the stabbings? what does the nra have to do with that?
It seems natural for a parent to want to believe that their child would still be alive if not for people having guns...and in this situation, it probably would have been the case. However, I wouldn't attack a father in a grief stricken state. He'll probably continue to feel the same way, and maybe he will fuel his energy to rally for better gun laws...but don't expect me to support anyone who wants to take my choice away. As a victim of a home invasion, I will remain armed...and hopefully my security system/signs will be a deterrent so I never have to use my gun, even if the fucker deserves it. I would not want to live in a culture where only the military, government officials and criminals were armed.
Further proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I think we all understand the fathers feelings but if he wants to focus his anger on someone it should the person who committed the crime.
The shooter reputedly had Asperger's Syndrome and his parents (unsuccessfully) sought to have him committed. Yes, despite all of this, our Gun Control Overlords issues permits for him to legally own several guns. It's clear that the background checks were a futile, expensive bit of kabuki theater. The moonbats will argue that this means we need to spend even more money on such futility, no doubt.

It's really hard to see why we shouldn't spend more money on background checks etc., seeing as how they're not fully effective yet.

Unless you're saying that we shouldn't do background checks at all, and should just hand out free guns to whoever wants them. Yeah, like that'll really curb the violent crime problem. Gun-loving conservatards are the worst.

Additionally, this shooting literally was the fault of the NRA. Prove me wrong.
The kid himself was garbage.
If you haven't watched his video you treat yourself, it is a revealing glimpse at the victim mentality.
Girls wouldn't have sex with him so he killed a bunch of people, what a sweet kid.
Criminals will get guns even if made illegal for everyone else not interested in doing crimes...

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