UFC star blasts woman voting

I have seen SS a few times in Vegas at Xtreme

I was in the beg class and he was in the pro
Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote. They can’t be drafted into wars.

Neither can men over the age of 35. Do we take away their vote?

Besides, women vote for the leaders. There is never a direct vote for a war. But women will vote to save their children.
Neither can men over the age of 35. Do we take away their vote?

Besides, women vote for the leaders. There is never a direct vote for a war. But women will vote to save their children.
They voted to have their children mutilated. Prog women are the death of our nation. And they will reap the benefits of vengeance when things get terrible. Very few of them would be on the ships at D Day or Iwo Jima or Guada Canal just to name a few fun things that they flippantly disgrace with their attitudes.
They voted to have their children mutilated. Prog women are the death of our nation. And they will reap the benefits of vengeance when things get terrible. Very few of them would be on the ships at D Day or Iwo Jima or Guada Canal just to name a few fun things that they flippantly disgrace with their attitudes.

I am not arguing liberal or conservative. The statement was that all women should not be able to vote.
How about this:

If anyone had the balls to do the comparison, CHILDREN raised in a household with a stay-at-home mother fare much better in school and in life than children raised in two-income households.

And if this is true (it is), then public policy should FAVOR the mother staying at home, rather than pushing initiatives like paid family leave and prohibiting employers from taking into consideration the very real costs of hiring a mother, as contrasted with a man with similar credentials.

This is just another case of someone saying what everyone should know, and "we" all stand around clutching our pearls as though what he says is shocking.

And honestly, this country would be much, much, much better off if wimmin did not get to vote.

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