Uh, Do Liberals Realize that the Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump Incident Happened 12 Years Ago?

Are we still going with "alleged" hookup? :rofl:

Are we avoiding the point?

I've said many times on this board that I suspect that Trump cheated with Stormy Daniels but that I have not researched the matter. I try to avoid making absolute statements about things unless I've studied them sufficiently.

I guess you missed the part where I described Cohen's payment as a "payoff."

I doubt he did sleep with her. A billionaire like Trump should never let a gold digging whore like Daniels get within a 1000 feet of him. This kind of stuff is what happens whenever they do.

1. The Wall Street Journal reports Daniels was paid $130k to keep quiet about an affair with Trump.

2. Cohen confirms that he paid Daniels that exact amount at exactly the Time the WSJ reported.

3. Daniels threatens to come clean over the affair.

4. Cohen threatens a civil suit over an NDA Trump claims doesn't exist.

Only the most deluded Trump worshiper would believe nothing happened. After all, those rich New York lawyers are well known for their charitable givings to porn stars previously reported to have fucked the president.

What you believe and what you can prove are two separate things. Daniels was shopping her story around to various media outlets just before she signed the NDA. That's all the motivation required for making the payment.
Are we still going with "alleged" hookup? :rofl:

Are we avoiding the point?

I've said many times on this board that I suspect that Trump cheated with Stormy Daniels but that I have not researched the matter. I try to avoid making absolute statements about things unless I've studied them sufficiently.

I guess you missed the part where I described Cohen's payment as a "payoff."

I doubt he did sleep with her. A billionaire like Trump should never let a gold digging whore like Daniels get within a 1000 feet of him. This kind of stuff is what happens whenever they do.

1. The Wall Street Journal reports Daniels was paid $130k to keep quiet about an affair with Trump.

2. Cohen confirms that he paid Daniels that exact amount at exactly the Time the WSJ reported.

3. Daniels threatens to come clean over the affair.

4. Cohen threatens a civil suit over an NDA Trump claims doesn't exist.

Only the most deluded Trump worshiper would believe nothing happened. After all, those rich New York lawyers are well known for their charitable givings to porn stars previously reported to have fucked the president.

What you believe and what you can prove are two separate things. Daniels was shopping her story around to various media outlets just before she signed the NDA. That's all the motivation required for making the payment.

That wasn't reason to make a payment of $130k. Nobody cares if Trump fucked a porn star. He's famous for cheating on his wives. Cohen only dug the hole deeper with a payment that may have violated campaign finance laws.
Are we still going with "alleged" hookup? :rofl:

Are we avoiding the point?

I've said many times on this board that I suspect that Trump cheated with Stormy Daniels but that I have not researched the matter. I try to avoid making absolute statements about things unless I've studied them sufficiently.

I guess you missed the part where I described Cohen's payment as a "payoff."

I doubt he did sleep with her. A billionaire like Trump should never let a gold digging whore like Daniels get within a 1000 feet of him. This kind of stuff is what happens whenever they do.

1. The Wall Street Journal reports Daniels was paid $130k to keep quiet about an affair with Trump.

2. Cohen confirms that he paid Daniels that exact amount at exactly the Time the WSJ reported.

3. Daniels threatens to come clean over the affair.

4. Cohen threatens a civil suit over an NDA Trump claims doesn't exist.

Only the most deluded Trump worshiper would believe nothing happened. After all, those rich New York lawyers are well known for their charitable givings to porn stars previously reported to have fucked the president.

What you believe and what you can prove are two separate things. Daniels was shopping her story around to various media outlets just before she signed the NDA. That's all the motivation required for making the payment.

That wasn't reason to make a payment of $130k. Nobody cares if Trump fucked a porn star. He's famous for cheating on his wives. Cohen only dug the hole deeper with a payment that may have violated campaign finance laws.
What you care about isn't identical to what Trump cares about. Again, what you believe and what you can prove are two separate things.
A billionaire like Trump should never let a gold digging whore like Daniels get within a 1000 feet of him. This kind of stuff is what happens whenever they do.

Daniels was quiet about the payment. Cohen wasn't.
She wasn't quiet about her claim that she slept with Trump, which is why she's in violation of the NDA.

Yes, she was quiet after the NDA was signed. Even backing out of a previously planned interview with The Daily Beast about it. Only after Cohen confirmed the payment did she say anything.
A billionaire like Trump should never let a gold digging whore like Daniels get within a 1000 feet of him. This kind of stuff is what happens whenever they do.

Daniels was quiet about the payment. Cohen wasn't.
She wasn't quiet about her claim that she slept with Trump, which is why she's in violation of the NDA.

Yes, she was quiet after the NDA was signed. Even backing out of a previously planned interview with The Daily Beast about it. Only after Cohen confirmed the payment did she say anything.
Wrong. She was shooting her mouth off about continuously.
Are we avoiding the point?

I've said many times on this board that I suspect that Trump cheated with Stormy Daniels but that I have not researched the matter. I try to avoid making absolute statements about things unless I've studied them sufficiently.

I guess you missed the part where I described Cohen's payment as a "payoff."

I doubt he did sleep with her. A billionaire like Trump should never let a gold digging whore like Daniels get within a 1000 feet of him. This kind of stuff is what happens whenever they do.

1. The Wall Street Journal reports Daniels was paid $130k to keep quiet about an affair with Trump.

2. Cohen confirms that he paid Daniels that exact amount at exactly the Time the WSJ reported.

3. Daniels threatens to come clean over the affair.

4. Cohen threatens a civil suit over an NDA Trump claims doesn't exist.

Only the most deluded Trump worshiper would believe nothing happened. After all, those rich New York lawyers are well known for their charitable givings to porn stars previously reported to have fucked the president.

What you believe and what you can prove are two separate things. Daniels was shopping her story around to various media outlets just before she signed the NDA. That's all the motivation required for making the payment.

That wasn't reason to make a payment of $130k. Nobody cares if Trump fucked a porn star. He's famous for cheating on his wives. Cohen only dug the hole deeper with a payment that may have violated campaign finance laws.
What you care about isn't identical to what Trump cares about. Again, what you believe and what you can prove are two separate things.

Of course. Because this long time womanizer whose lawyer confirmed paying Daniels $130k would never get within in 1000 feet of this gold digger.

A billionaire like Trump should never let a gold digging whore like Daniels get within a 1000 feet of him. This kind of stuff is what happens whenever they do.

Daniels was quiet about the payment. Cohen wasn't.
She wasn't quiet about her claim that she slept with Trump, which is why she's in violation of the NDA.

Yes, she was quiet after the NDA was signed. Even backing out of a previously planned interview with The Daily Beast about it. Only after Cohen confirmed the payment did she say anything.
Wrong. She was shooting her mouth off about continuously.

BEFORE the NDA. She backed out of the Daily Beast interview on November 3rd. Just days after signing it.
A billionaire like Trump should never let a gold digging whore like Daniels get within a 1000 feet of him. This kind of stuff is what happens whenever they do.

Daniels was quiet about the payment. Cohen wasn't.
She wasn't quiet about her claim that she slept with Trump, which is why she's in violation of the NDA.

Yes, she was quiet after the NDA was signed. Even backing out of a previously planned interview with The Daily Beast about it. Only after Cohen confirmed the payment did she say anything.
Wrong. She was shooting her mouth off about continuously.

BEFORE the NDA. She backed out of the Daily Beast interview on November 3rd. Just days after signing it.
Tell me about Extortion...................

Going on the Daily Beast for 15k..............and suddenly she gets 130k.........

That makes her the highest paid whore for 1 night on the planet.
You side with them on gun control.

The Dems think that the 2nd Amendment covers more than just guns and that if I have the money I should be allowed to buy any "arm" I want? Really, when did that happen?

The Dems support removing the restrictions based upon the class of a gun, i.e. handgun vs rifle vs shotgun....when did they change to support that?

The Dems are against anyone having to be 21 to buy a gun of any sort and that at 18 one is an adult and should have all the rights of an adult? really ,when did the change on that?

Maybe you are just making shit up again.

You side with them on environmental regulations.

well, you got me there. I do think we should have environmental regulations, and so do the Dems. Unlike you, I actually care what I leave the next generation.

You side with them on immigration.

The Dems want to station Active Duty Military along the southern border and use them to stop illegal crossings? When did they adopt that view?

The Dems think we should go after those who hire illegals so hard that the next company will know that it is not worth it? When did they add that to their views?

What issue do you disagree with them on?

Gun Control
Free speech rights
Govt Spending
Govt Debt
reach of the Fed Govt
the use of taxes for social engineering
the use of the military

just to name a few...

What your little mind cannot grasp is that I am way further right than you.
I doubt he did sleep with her. A guy like Trump should never let a gold digging whore like Daniels get within a 1000 feet of him.
The grab em by the pussy guy working on his 3rd marriage where its hard to tell which kids are from which mother? Yeah I'm sure he is super faithful and would never do such a thing. :laughing0301:

Another fact free post from WheelieAddict.

You make cracks about Trump, yet you defended Slick Willy. Same old leftwing double standard.
You really are useless to talk to, because you don't argue in good faith. Your reply to me right here is a great example.

You say my post is fact free while not pointing out anything that isn't a fact. Then you say I defend "slick willy" which besides being not true is just a sad attempt to switch the discussion because you don't have answers.

One thing the Trump zealots cannot seem to grasp is everything they go "yeah, but Bill" or "yeah but Obama" or "yeah but Hillary" they are doing nothing but proving how alike Trump is to those people
Wrong. We're proving that snowflakes like you are all hypocrites of the first water. That's what you don't get.

I know that is what you think you are doing, but that is because you are stupid.
The payoff is the problem. The payoff took place in the heart of the campaign.

So what??? SO what??? It's not illegal to pay a person in a settlement to get them to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Happens quite a lot. There's nothing illegal about it.

However, putting Top Secret and Special Access information on an unsecured server in your basement is very illegal. But, yeah, you don't care about that, right?

You are right, 99% of the time it is not illegal to pay a person in a settlement to get them to sign a non-disclosure agreement, but when it is done as part of a Presidential campaign and the funds are not reported, then it is a problem.

Actually I did care about that greatly Hillary doing that, one of the many reasons I would never vote for Hillary. I spent many years as a Secondary Control Point Custodian while in the Corps and care about classified rules.

But, you see that is the difference between us, I care about illegal stuff when both sides do it, not just one.
It wasn't done as part of a Presidential campaign, snowflake.

Yes, actually it was my little zealot. I know that nothing anyone says will ever get you to say an ill word about your savior, but the payoff was done specifically because of the campaign. Had their been no campaign, there would have been no payoff
You have nothing put assumptions to support that claim.

Well, we know that for 10 years after Trump banged the porn star she was not paid to stay silent. Then during the heart of a very close campaign she was paid to stay silent...some of us are able to add 1 plus 1 and get 2. I cannot help that you lack that basic level of intelligence.
Daniels was quiet about the payment. Cohen wasn't.
She wasn't quiet about her claim that she slept with Trump, which is why she's in violation of the NDA.

Yes, she was quiet after the NDA was signed. Even backing out of a previously planned interview with The Daily Beast about it. Only after Cohen confirmed the payment did she say anything.
Wrong. She was shooting her mouth off about continuously.

BEFORE the NDA. She backed out of the Daily Beast interview on November 3rd. Just days after signing it.
Tell me about Extortion...................

Going on the Daily Beast for 15k..............and suddenly she gets 130k.........

That makes her the highest paid whore for 1 night on the planet.

And Trump is worried that he looks like a guy who has to pay for it.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.

Let’s start with a comparison of Trump’s special council investigation to that of the investigation of President Clinton. Monica Lewinsky occurred during the “political office” of the presidency, this led to other women coming forward (to include Jennifer Flowers during the “political office” of his governorship). In each case against Clinton there was a building common thread.

Now why waste time, resources, and taxpayer dollars on a 12 year old consensual involvement with a porn star? Especially when she admitted that her efforts by come forward, was motivated by personal gain and even more money. If there is really a case of “Russia Collusion” that effected the outcome of a Presidential election, and it’s SOLD in its efforts to build towards impeachment (the original mandate parameters Mullier was given), you don’t waste your time in petty “distractions”. If This is in fact your best hand, with solid evidence, you don’t need to pursue a porn star.

Again, what does this have to do with Russia? The media tried to claim Trump obstructed justice with the firing of FBI director James Comey. Until there was a memo from Rod Rosenstein recommending the firing of Comey. Incidentally, it was Rosenstein who started the special council of Mueller into the firing of Comey as possible obstruction.

All facts point to either (1) an ADHD Mullier, assigned to special council, that he has to be all over the place ... or (2) they can’t find any strong impeachable offense, so let’s waste our time and resources on a porn star to attempt to find an actual crime they can use on Trump (3) this (like the FISA WARRANT) is really about opposition research for the next election. The leaks to the media supports point (3).

Just laying out the facts and connecting the dots through a little actual research, as opposed to the (from the hip) commentaries we find among those with their glass tables and network coffee mug logos.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.

Let’s start with a comparison of Trump’s special council investigation to that of the investigation of President Clinton. Monica Lewinsky occurred during the “political office” of the presidency, this led to other women coming forward (to include Jennifer Flowers during the “political office” of his governorship). In each case against Clinton there was a building common thread.

Now why waste time, resources, and taxpayer dollars on a 12 year old consensual involvement with a porn star? Especially when she admitted that her efforts by come forward, was motivated by personal gain and even more money. If there is really a case of “Russia Collusion” that effected the outcome of a Presidential election, and it’s SOLD in its efforts to build towards impeachment (the original mandate parameters Mullier was given), you don’t waste your time in petty “distractions”. If This is in fact your best hand, with solid evidence, you don’t need to pursue a porn star.

Again, what does this have to do with Russia? The media tried to claim Trump obstructed justice with the firing of FBI director James Comey. Until there was a memo from Rod Rosenstein recommending the firing of Comey. Incidentally, it was Rosenstein who started the special council of Mueller into the firing of Comey as possible obstruction.

All facts point to either (1) an ADHD Mullier, assigned to special council, that he has to be all over the place ... or (2) they can’t find any strong impeachable offense so they might as well spread themselves thin wasting resources on a porn star to dig up a crime they can use on Trump (3) this (like the FISA WARRANT) is really about opposition research for the next election. The leaks to the media supports point (3).

Just laying out the facts and connecting the dots through a little actual research, as opposed to the (from the hip) commentaries we find among those with their glass tables and network coffee mug logos.

It has already been said a million times in this thread that Daniels and Russia are two completely different matters. Mueller has nothing to do with the Cohen investigation. It's the New York US Attorney.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.

Let’s start with a comparison of Trump’s special council investigation to that of the investigation of President Clinton. Monica Lewinsky occurred during the “political office” of the presidency, this led to other women coming forward (to include Jennifer Flowers during the “political office” of his governorship). In each case against Clinton there was a building common thread.

Now why waste time, resources, and taxpayer dollars on a 12 year old consensual involvement with a porn star? Especially when she admitted that her efforts by come forward, was motivated by personal gain and even more money. If there is really a case of “Russia Collusion” that effected the outcome of a Presidential election, and it’s SOLD in its efforts to build towards impeachment (the original mandate parameters Mullier was given), you don’t waste your time in petty “distractions”. If This is in fact your best hand, with solid evidence, you don’t need to pursue a porn star.

Again, what does this have to do with Russia? The media tried to claim Trump obstructed justice with the firing of FBI director James Comey. Until there was a memo from Rod Rosenstein recommending the firing of Comey. Incidentally, it was Rosenstein who started the special council of Mueller into the firing of Comey as possible obstruction.

All facts point to either (1) an ADHD Mullier, assigned to special council, that he has to be all over the place ... or (2) they can’t find any strong impeachable offense so they might as well spread themselves thin wasting resources on a porn star to dig up a crime they can use on Trump (3) this (like the FISA WARRANT) is really about opposition research for the next election. The leaks to the media supports point (3).

Just laying out the facts and connecting the dots through a little actual research, as opposed to the (from the hip) commentaries we find among those with their glass tables and network coffee mug logos.

It has already been said a million times in this thread that Daniels and Russia are two completely different matters. Mueller has nothing to do with the Cohen investigation. It's the New York US Attorney.

I will believe that when Mullier stays out of it, and doesn’t seek to collude and capitalize with the efforts of a New York US attorney. Let’s just see how strong lthat clear boundary is and how long it will last.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.

Let’s start with a comparison of Trump’s special council investigation to that of the investigation of President Clinton. Monica Lewinsky occurred during the “political office” of the presidency, this led to other women coming forward (to include Jennifer Flowers during the “political office” of his governorship). In each case against Clinton there was a building common thread.

Now why waste time, resources, and taxpayer dollars on a 12 year old consensual involvement with a porn star? Especially when she admitted that her efforts by come forward, was motivated by personal gain and even more money. If there is really a case of “Russia Collusion” that effected the outcome of a Presidential election, and it’s SOLD in its efforts to build towards impeachment (the original mandate parameters Mullier was given), you don’t waste your time in petty “distractions”. If This is in fact your best hand, with solid evidence, you don’t need to pursue a porn star.

Again, what does this have to do with Russia? The media tried to claim Trump obstructed justice with the firing of FBI director James Comey. Until there was a memo from Rod Rosenstein recommending the firing of Comey. Incidentally, it was Rosenstein who started the special council of Mueller into the firing of Comey as possible obstruction.

All facts point to either (1) an ADHD Mullier, assigned to special council, that he has to be all over the place ... or (2) they can’t find any strong impeachable offense so they might as well spread themselves thin wasting resources on a porn star to dig up a crime they can use on Trump (3) this (like the FISA WARRANT) is really about opposition research for the next election. The leaks to the media supports point (3).

Just laying out the facts and connecting the dots through a little actual research, as opposed to the (from the hip) commentaries we find among those with their glass tables and network coffee mug logos.

It has already been said a million times in this thread that Daniels and Russia are two completely different matters. Mueller has nothing to do with the Cohen investigation. It's the New York US Attorney.

I will believe that when Mullier stays out of it, and doesn’t seek to collude and capitalize with the efforts of a New York US attorney.

He has stayed out of it. He referred the case to New York months ago.

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