Uh oh food stamp money will run out by the end of January if the government shutdown lasts that long

Trump said more than 20 times he wanted to shut the government down. He plainly said he would proudly take the blame for shutting down the government. This is his shut down. No amount of lying spin can change that.
If the Democrays don't give him a bill to sign complete, then it's not Trump shutting down the government. It's the democrats. If the Bill has funding for the Wall and Trump doesn't sign it, it will be his shutdown.
He's had all 3 branches of the government for 2 years and now it's the Dems fault? He sure does know how to play his stupid cultist supporters.
If McConnell invoked the nuclear option, we'd have $25billion to build the complete wall. Without it, you need the Democrats 10 votes. They won't do it, therefore this is the Democrat shutdown.
There were also some Republicans against it so they wouldn't vote for it. And, tramp said on TV he would own it.
Establishment wanting to stop cheap labor from crossing the border.
so the same government agency that tells us not to feed the bears because they would become dependent on that food and then attack if that food stops is now worried about food stamps running out,,,

does anyone else see how out of touch and braindead democrats and republicans are for doing this???

and get ready for the real zombie apocalypse
so the same government agency that tells us not to feed the bears because they would become dependent on that food and then attack if that food stops is now worried about food stamps running out,,,

does anyone else see how out of touch and braindead democrats and republicans are for doing this???

and get ready for the real zombie apocalypse
The need is there just don't think about how pious you be..
I was once almost completely crippled and couldn't walk ten feet without an aid for five years of my life(until an operation allowed me to walk almost normal again)..Just think of your life when you can no longer exercise the trade you been doing for twenty five years and your income goes from 6k a month to less than 1k...You think there are no poor and you show your hard hearts to those who ask for help, I never went on SNAP even though I could have and I received no support from my wife while being a single parent during those five years, she left me when the dough stopped rising...
Yeah there is greed and the social workers have a saying,"you have to get passed the greed to feed the need", and that is just how it works no matter who is helping and who is asking for help.
Trump said more than 20 times he wanted to shut the government down. He plainly said he would proudly take the blame for shutting down the government.

If he shut it down. He didn't. Schumer and Pelosi said quite clearly "no wall, ever". That shut the door.

Their move.

Pelosi and Schumer are big fat liars.
They don't care about the expense of the wall.
They just want more uneducated anti-American bigot voters.
They want to displace Anglo Voters.
I was once almost completely crippled and couldn't walk ten feet without an aid for five years of my life(until an operation allowed me to walk almost normal again)..Just think of your life when you can no longer exercise the trade you been doing for twenty five years and your income goes from 6k a month to less than 1k...You think there are no poor and you show your hard hearts to those who ask for help, I never went on SNAP even though I could have and I received no support from my wife while being a single parent during those five years, she left me when the dough stopped rising...
Yeah there is greed and the social workers have a saying,"you have to get passed the greed to feed the need", and that is just how it works no matter who is helping and who is asking for help.

makes a huge dif if the money was stolen ,,,I'm sure during your time of need you wouldnt want to receive stolen goods
so the same government agency that tells us not to feed the bears because they would become dependent on that food and then attack if that food stops is now worried about food stamps running out,,,

does anyone else see how out of touch and braindead democrats and republicans are for doing this???

and get ready for the real zombie apocalypse
New cities in more optimum locations is more eco friendly.
so what; pass a democrat bill that provides for the general welfare and common defense, but not your silly wall.
Promote not provide.
only the right wing is that superficial and that frivolous while alleging to be so Constitutional.
Comprehension problems.
"To secure these rights, the U.S. Constitution creates a government of the people to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
That is our mission statement.

you have to be less superficial and less frivolous than that, Right Wingers.
No there is a big difference between the Government promoting an environment conducive to the general welfare and funding it.
so what; pass a democrat bill that provides for the general welfare and common defense, but not your silly wall.
Promote not provide.
only the right wing is that superficial and that frivolous while alleging to be so Constitutional.
Comprehension problems.
"To secure these rights, the U.S. Constitution creates a government of the people to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
That is our mission statement.

you have to be less superficial and less frivolous than that, Right Wingers.
No there is a big difference between the Government promoting an environment conducive to the general welfare and funding it.

its not general welfare when the money is stolen at gun point, that weakens society
so what; pass a democrat bill that provides for the general welfare and common defense, but not your silly wall.
Promote not provide.
only the right wing is that superficial and that frivolous while alleging to be so Constitutional.
Comprehension problems.
"To secure these rights, the U.S. Constitution creates a government of the people to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
That is our mission statement.

you have to be less superficial and less frivolous than that, Right Wingers.
No there is a big difference between the Government promoting an environment conducive to the general welfare and funding it.
any appeal to ignorance is merely being Frivolous, at the Expense of the Poor.
Promote not provide.
only the right wing is that superficial and that frivolous while alleging to be so Constitutional.
Comprehension problems.
"To secure these rights, the U.S. Constitution creates a government of the people to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
That is our mission statement.

you have to be less superficial and less frivolous than that, Right Wingers.
No there is a big difference between the Government promoting an environment conducive to the general welfare and funding it.

its not general welfare when the money is stolen at gun point, that weakens society
right wing propaganda and rhetoric? Congress is delegated the Power to Tax.
I wonder how much the government is spending on Nance, Maxine and the other Progs' vacation security during the shutdown?
According to the Department of Agriculture, if this government shutdown stretches into February there won’t be money for food stamps.
Uh Oh – Food Stamp Money Will Run Out By The End Of January If The Government Shutdown Lasts That Long

Many lack the critical thinking skills in this area, they can't seem to figure out that when ppl don't get their food stamps look out the people will be hungry, the Dems know/ knew this.

Buddy you will see some action then. Not paying soldiers and sailors is one thing..not paying the rabble to not riot is another.

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