Uh oh, it looks like Repeal and Replace is becoming, just Repair

As long as insurance becomes more affordable and they stop forcing people to buy insurance i'm good with it.
Instead of forcing people to buy insurance you would prefer that they go without? Do you even understand those ramifications?

The government has no right to force you to buy insurance.
Why do you think they had to lie to you to get it passed?
You're just another example of the Gruber effect.
Q: What is Trump's plan for reducing health care costs?

A: Nothing.

Q: What is the GOP's plan for reducing health care costs?

A: Nothing.

The GOP has had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare. It should have been the easiest thing in the world to unveil it on Day One.

You guys have been so badly hoaxed it isn't even funny any more.
and they still won. so, what's that telling you?

It tells you there are quirks in the American electoral process that need to be repaired or-----or we are forever doomed to minority rule...

A majority of American voters:
-voted for Dems in the House, but Dems lost seats
-voted for Dems in the Senate, but Dems lost seats
-voted for a Dem for president, but a Dem is not president

and no matter how you try to cut, slice or dice that, it amounts to minority rule.

Is the USA a democracy or a republic?

Franklin said we're a republic
Madison insisted we're a democracy

So brummelben, have you figured out the X factor which is driving up health insurance costs?
I haven't been in school for a long time, teacher. if you have an answer, lets hear it
Unlike all other insurance, the government is the biggest player in the health insurance market. Even worse, the government gets to write the rules which binds the hands of its private sector competitors.

That's the X factor driving up costs.

We need LESS government in health care. Not more. Definitely not more.

Unfortunately, what I would like to see and what will actually happen are wildly different, which sows confusion among the pseudocons whenever I have entered into topics about ObamaCare and health care reform. :lol:
The only government healthcare I know of is Medicare, and its run pretty dam well. Where exactly is government involved in private health care. If nothing else the ACA, got us out of a number of problems and corporate greed in private health care

Medicare is not government run healthcare OTOH the Veterans Health Administration is socialized/single-payer medicine - 87% of us that have used the VHA like the VHA.
So brummelben, have you figured out the X factor which is driving up health insurance costs?
I haven't been in school for a long time, teacher. if you have an answer, lets hear it
Unlike all other insurance, the government is the biggest player in the health insurance market. Even worse, the government gets to write the rules which binds the hands of its private sector competitors.

That's the X factor driving up costs.

We need LESS government in health care. Not more. Definitely not more.

Unfortunately, what I would like to see and what will actually happen are wildly different, which sows confusion among the pseudocons whenever I have entered into topics about ObamaCare and health care reform. :lol:
The only government healthcare I know of is Medicare, and its run pretty dam well. Where exactly is government involved in private health care. If nothing else the ACA, got us out of a number of problems and corporate greed in private health care

Medicare is not government run healthcare OTOH the Veterans Health Administration is socialized/single-payer medicine - 87% of us that have used the VHA like the VHA.
Medicare is health insurance. The context of this conversation was that the government is the biggest player in the health insurance market.

It always amuses me when people whine about insurance companies being to blame for rising health care costs, completely ignorant of the fact the federal government is the biggest health insurer by far and the chief driver of cost.

Not only is the government the biggest health insurer, it further interferes in the markets by providing the largest individual tax exemption for private health insurance.

All of this bends the cost curve up.

The auto, home, and life insurance markets don't suffer from skyrocketing costs. This is because the government is not in any of those markets.
The GOP and Trump promised to repeal ObamaCare on DAY ONE.

Trump used those specific words. Every day. And it was on his web site.

He lied.

Trump also promised to have a replacement ready on Day One.

He lied again.

Trump has no plan.

This is a comedy. Trump said he had a plan. The GOP had no plan and thought Trump was telling the truth when he said he had a plan. Trump thought the GOP had a plan and he was going to take credit for it.

Now they are all caught with their dicks in their hands.

Trump is already trying to pull some Orwellian shit and say it would be better to let ObamaCare live for another two years so everyone can see how bad it is.

Not kidding. He actually said this in the past week.

Man, you just can't invent this kind of comedy. :lol:
dude, you got that quote about day one?
Our favorite Addam's family character, Paul Ryan, in a moment of candor, recently stated that the objective is to REPAIR the ACA......Now, I ask my right wing friends on here, "How do you actually repair something that you've repealed?"

Is the term "repeal" gone? Is the term "replace" also gone? Isn't repairing something like the ACA something that democrats have also been clamoring for?

Welcome to our camp, Ryan.....
Opponents of the Heritage Foundation hatched have had years to come up with ideas. The fact of the matter is, they never have had any because all they have in mind is to make it go away.

This is a half century long effort to redistribute societal wealth into private corporate and Wall Street hands; nothing more.
Republicans add to Obamacare confusion with 'repair' pitch - CNNPolitics.com

[[ At a House subcommittee hearing Thursday morning to debate health care draft legislation, Republican Rep. Leonard Lance stressed that the party wants to "repair the ACA."
"We want to repair the ACA and I have never favored its repeal without a replacement," Lance said. "I think it needs to be repaired and we are trying to focus on repairing it and that is why we're conducting this hearing along with other hearings." ]]

[[ Those comments echoed those of Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch and others from earlier in the week. Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee that has significant jurisdiction over health care, told CNN that his party should "try and repair the law." ]]

I know. I know. I'm using a fake news site, but still.


Okay, I'll admit, he is doing his best to ban Muslims.
But only from the nations in which he has no businesses. LOL
Repair and/or Replace are not words I'm interested in hearing when it comes to the ACA.
As long as insurance becomes more affordable and they stop forcing people to buy insurance i'm good with it.
Instead of forcing people to buy insurance you would prefer that they go without? Do you even understand those ramifications?

The government has no right to force you to buy insurance.
Why do you think they had to lie to you to get it passed?
You're just another example of the Gruber effect.
You've got a car, and they force you to buy insurance on that. You've got a body and a brain, and those are just as accident prone, so they should be able to make you have insurance on that too. Sorry but NO MORE FREELOADERS, and of course ACA doesn't work without everyone on board. The problem with our system is it's 50% more expensive than anywhere else. Go after THAT, Trump.
As long as insurance becomes more affordable and they stop forcing people to buy insurance i'm good with it.
Instead of forcing people to buy insurance you would prefer that they go without? Do you even understand those ramifications?

The government has no right to force you to buy insurance.
Why do you think they had to lie to you to get it passed?
You're just another example of the Gruber effect.
You've got a car, and they force you to buy insurance on that. You've got a body and a brain, and those are just as accident prone, so they should be able to make you have insurance on that too. Sorry but NO MORE FREELOADERS, and of course ACA doesn't work without everyone on board. The problem with our system is it's 50% more expensive than anywhere else. Go after THAT, Trump.

Nobody forced me to buy my truck.
Are people still facing financial penalties if they don't buy into that BS?

I haven't been following the news on that.
It always amuses me when people whine about insurance companies being to blame for rising health care costs, completely ignorant of the fact the federal government is the biggest health insurer by far and the chief driver of cost.

At this point the majority of Medicaid lives are insured by private insurers, as are a substantial portion of Medicare lives (31%). The line between public and private insurance is not so sharp as it was decades ago.

But trying to identify a single culprit for rising health care costs without considering the actual cost of care itself isn't going to get you very far.

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