Uh oh, it looks like Repeal and Replace is becoming, just Repair

Republicans add to Obamacare confusion with 'repair' pitch - CNNPolitics.com

[[ At a House subcommittee hearing Thursday morning to debate health care draft legislation, Republican Rep. Leonard Lance stressed that the party wants to "repair the ACA."
"We want to repair the ACA and I have never favored its repeal without a replacement," Lance said. "I think it needs to be repaired and we are trying to focus on repairing it and that is why we're conducting this hearing along with other hearings." ]]

[[ Those comments echoed those of Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch and others from earlier in the week. Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee that has significant jurisdiction over health care, told CNN that his party should "try and repair the law." ]]

I know. I know. I'm using a fake news site, but still.


Okay, I'll admit, he is doing his best to ban Muslims.
DJT is doing his best, yes.

He promised "repair" and he most recently promised that he is a man of his word unlike his many predecessors.
LOL. No, he didn't promise "repair". He promised Repeal and Replace and also added essentially simultaneously. LOL.

Trump promises to repeal and replace Obamacare 'essentially simultaneously'

[[ “It will be repeal and replace,” Trump said. “It will be essentially simultaneously. It will be various segments, you understand, but will most likely be on the same day or the same week, but probably the same day. Could be the same hour.” ]]

The Repair and Replace might even happen at the same hour. ROTFLMAO.
Like everything else he is attempting, Trump doesn't have a clue as to what he is doing. We have given the highest office in the land to a trainee
Republicans add to Obamacare confusion with 'repair' pitch - CNNPolitics.com

[[ At a House subcommittee hearing Thursday morning to debate health care draft legislation, Republican Rep. Leonard Lance stressed that the party wants to "repair the ACA."
"We want to repair the ACA and I have never favored its repeal without a replacement," Lance said. "I think it needs to be repaired and we are trying to focus on repairing it and that is why we're conducting this hearing along with other hearings." ]]

[[ Those comments echoed those of Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch and others from earlier in the week. Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee that has significant jurisdiction over health care, told CNN that his party should "try and repair the law." ]]

I know. I know. I'm using a fake news site, but still.


Okay, I'll admit, he is doing his best to ban Muslims.
CNN - Mother of Fake News.

"Uninformed sources told CNN..."
Now, now, stop your lying. Just throw some alternate facts out there.
The GOP and Trump promised to repeal ObamaCare on DAY ONE.

Trump used those specific words. Every day. And it was on his web site.

He lied.

Trump also promised to have a replacement ready on Day One.

He lied again.

Trump has no plan.

This is a comedy. Trump said he had a plan. The GOP had no plan and thought Trump was telling the truth when he said he had a plan. Trump thought the GOP had a plan and he was going to take credit for it.

Now they are all caught with their dicks in their hands.

Trump is already trying to pull some Orwellian shit and say it would be better to let ObamaCare live for another two years so everyone can see how bad it is.

Not kidding. He actually said this in the past week.

Man, you just can't invent this kind of comedy. :lol:
You can not force anyone to purchase anything by government mandate, it has been proven to be the recipe for failure and collapse of the very program designed to address the problem. Why is it that liberals have no faith in the open free market, is it because their very existence would be negated?
If someone chooses not to buy insurance in your free market, who is going to pay their doctor and hospital bills. Your answer is??????????
Republicans add to Obamacare confusion with 'repair' pitch - CNNPolitics.com

[[ At a House subcommittee hearing Thursday morning to debate health care draft legislation, Republican Rep. Leonard Lance stressed that the party wants to "repair the ACA."
"We want to repair the ACA and I have never favored its repeal without a replacement," Lance said. "I think it needs to be repaired and we are trying to focus on repairing it and that is why we're conducting this hearing along with other hearings." ]]

[[ Those comments echoed those of Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch and others from earlier in the week. Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee that has significant jurisdiction over health care, told CNN that his party should "try and repair the law." ]]

I know. I know. I'm using a fake news site, but still.


Okay, I'll admit, he is doing his best to ban Muslims.
DJT is doing his best, yes.

He promised "repair" and he most recently promised that he is a man of his word unlike his many predecessors.
LOL. No, he didn't promise "repair". He promised Repeal and Replace and also added essentially simultaneously. LOL.

Trump promises to repeal and replace Obamacare 'essentially simultaneously'

[[ “It will be repeal and replace,” Trump said. “It will be essentially simultaneously. It will be various segments, you understand, but will most likely be on the same day or the same week, but probably the same day. Could be the same hour.” ]]

The Repair and Replace might even happen at the same hour. ROTFLMAO.
Like everything else he is attempting, Trump doesn't have a clue as to what he is doing. We have given the highest office in the land to a trainee
You're being generous. The guy is a fucking moron.
Republicans add to Obamacare confusion with 'repair' pitch - CNNPolitics.com

[[ At a House subcommittee hearing Thursday morning to debate health care draft legislation, Republican Rep. Leonard Lance stressed that the party wants to "repair the ACA."
"We want to repair the ACA and I have never favored its repeal without a replacement," Lance said. "I think it needs to be repaired and we are trying to focus on repairing it and that is why we're conducting this hearing along with other hearings." ]]

[[ Those comments echoed those of Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch and others from earlier in the week. Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee that has significant jurisdiction over health care, told CNN that his party should "try and repair the law." ]]

I know. I know. I'm using a fake news site, but still.


Okay, I'll admit, he is doing his best to ban Muslims.
DJT is doing his best, yes.

He promised "repair" and he most recently promised that he is a man of his word unlike his many predecessors.
LOL. No, he didn't promise "repair". He promised Repeal and Replace and also added essentially simultaneously. LOL.

Trump promises to repeal and replace Obamacare 'essentially simultaneously'

[[ “It will be repeal and replace,” Trump said. “It will be essentially simultaneously. It will be various segments, you understand, but will most likely be on the same day or the same week, but probably the same day. Could be the same hour.” ]]

The Repair and Replace might even happen at the same hour. ROTFLMAO.
Like everything else he is attempting, Trump doesn't have a clue as to what he is doing. We have given the highest office in the land to a trainee
You're being generous. The guy is a fucking moron.
Anyone who pretends to know what they are talking about, and then says that you can purchase insurance through the ACA at any time its needed, is yes, a MORON
Republicans add to Obamacare confusion with 'repair' pitch - CNNPolitics.com

[[ At a House subcommittee hearing Thursday morning to debate health care draft legislation, Republican Rep. Leonard Lance stressed that the party wants to "repair the ACA."
"We want to repair the ACA and I have never favored its repeal without a replacement," Lance said. "I think it needs to be repaired and we are trying to focus on repairing it and that is why we're conducting this hearing along with other hearings." ]]

[[ Those comments echoed those of Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch and others from earlier in the week. Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee that has significant jurisdiction over health care, told CNN that his party should "try and repair the law." ]]

I know. I know. I'm using a fake news site, but still.


Okay, I'll admit, he is doing his best to ban Muslims.
The Natives are restless, because of Trump.


hey how are ya, hey how are ya, hey how are ya
Republicans add to Obamacare confusion with 'repair' pitch - CNNPolitics.com

[[ At a House subcommittee hearing Thursday morning to debate health care draft legislation, Republican Rep. Leonard Lance stressed that the party wants to "repair the ACA."
"We want to repair the ACA and I have never favored its repeal without a replacement," Lance said. "I think it needs to be repaired and we are trying to focus on repairing it and that is why we're conducting this hearing along with other hearings." ]]

[[ Those comments echoed those of Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch and others from earlier in the week. Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee that has significant jurisdiction over health care, told CNN that his party should "try and repair the law." ]]
I said I was so psychic it is fucking scary.

Check it out:

By 2016, one of two things will begin to emanate from the Republican Party. You will either see a slow turn toward rhetoric about "fixes" that are needed for the ACA (they will stop calling it ObamaCare), or you will see a comprehensive replacement plan put on the table.

I will lay heavy odds you will see the former. The GOP no longer has the intellectual weight or the courage to offer workable alternative solutions to our country's problems. They have become so used to pointing out the flaws in the other guy's plans their brains and spines have turned to mush.

The only guy who has shown any guts is Paul Ryan, but not even his recently released plan has an alternative to ObamaCare in it! Just a repeal.


That's what you fools don't get. Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?!?

The Republicans, even at this too late date, have never put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table to replace ObamaCare.

They have managed to pass an ObamaCare repeal, what, 40 times? But never include anything in that legislation which replaces ObamaCare.

The GOP bluster is theater for the rubes. They have no plan, they have nothing. They don't give a shit about fixing a seriously broken health care system.

That's why the GOP rhetoric is going to slowly start to shift toward fixing the ACA instead of repealing it. And they will stop calling it ObamaCare once they conclude the five stages of grief and start working on the ACA. They don't want Obama getting any credit for getting health care reform finally started.

The more and more people who get insurance, the more and more the GOP will be on the losing side. The war is over. The GOP brought a hankie to a gun fight. Whine, whine, whine. Boo hoo hoo. No solutions, no plans.

The next step in the GOP's march to single payer will be to stop calling the ACA "ObamaCare". They will start calling it the ACA.

And then, very quietly, the word will start going around, "The current system is so fucked up, single payer would be preferable to this shit."

You will start hearing this out of Republicans! And the parroting rubes will regurgitate it as they have been deliberately dumbed down over a long period of time to be completely unthinking followers.

Book it.
The GOP and Trump promised to repeal ObamaCare on DAY ONE.

Trump used those specific words. Every day. And it was on his web site.

He lied.

Trump also promised to have a replacement ready on Day One.

He lied again.

Trump has no plan.

This is a comedy. Trump said he had a plan. The GOP had no plan and thought Trump was telling the truth when he said he had a plan. Trump thought the GOP had a plan and he was going to take credit for it.

Now they are all caught with their dicks in their hands.

Trump is already trying to pull some Orwellian shit and say it would be better to let ObamaCare live for another two years so everyone can see how bad it is.

Not kidding. He actually said this in the past week.

Man, you just can't invent this kind of comedy. :lol:
So quit your bitching.

Republicans add to Obamacare confusion with 'repair' pitch - CNNPolitics.com

[[ At a House subcommittee hearing Thursday morning to debate health care draft legislation, Republican Rep. Leonard Lance stressed that the party wants to "repair the ACA."
"We want to repair the ACA and I have never favored its repeal without a replacement," Lance said. "I think it needs to be repaired and we are trying to focus on repairing it and that is why we're conducting this hearing along with other hearings." ]]

[[ Those comments echoed those of Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch and others from earlier in the week. Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee that has significant jurisdiction over health care, told CNN that his party should "try and repair the law." ]]

I know. I know. I'm using a fake news site, but still.


Okay, I'll admit, he is doing his best to ban Muslims.

You're suffering from premature evaluation. Maybe Bob Dole can give you some advice
The GOP and Trump promised to repeal ObamaCare on DAY ONE.

Trump used those specific words. Every day. And it was on his web site.

He lied.

Trump also promised to have a replacement ready on Day One.

He lied again.

Trump has no plan.

This is a comedy. Trump said he had a plan. The GOP had no plan and thought Trump was telling the truth when he said he had a plan. Trump thought the GOP had a plan and he was going to take credit for it.

Now they are all caught with their dicks in their hands.

Trump is already trying to pull some Orwellian shit and say it would be better to let ObamaCare live for another two years so everyone can see how bad it is.

Not kidding. He actually said this in the past week.

Man, you just can't invent this kind of comedy. :lol:
So quit your bitching.

View attachment 110327
There is very little that Trump hasn't lied about, and thats fine with his supporters. They prefer to spend their time making up lies about Obama and Clinton.
Q: What is Trump's plan for reducing health care costs?

A: Nothing.

Q: What is the GOP's plan for reducing health care costs?

A: Nothing.

The GOP has had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare. It should have been the easiest thing in the world to unveil it on Day One.

You guys have been so badly hoaxed it isn't even funny any more.
just so the MANDATE to pay plus FINES for not paying are gone repair is ok with me . Heck , then you can ship yourself off to 'belize' or peru or Nairobi to visit the witch doctor just so I don't have to pay for it Yios !!
Oh, so in other words, Obamacare is a pretty good thing, NOW. LOL.
----------------------------------------------------- I don't have Obamacare Vor !!
The poor dumb rubes voted for Trump and the Republicans because they were going to repeal and replace ObamaCare on day one.

Greatest. Hoax. Ever.
Q: What is Trump's plan for reducing health care costs?

A: Nothing.

Q: What is the GOP's plan for reducing health care costs?

A: Nothing.

The GOP has had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare. It should have been the easiest thing in the world to unveil it on Day One.

You guys have been so badly hoaxed it isn't even funny any more.
From all the conversation to date its obvious that the republican party has no replacement for the ACA and never has.
Its all been bullshyte which the right soaks up without question
Without addressing tort reform and dismantling state insurance regulatory barriers, free market access, competition, based on the unobstructed needs of the consumer is destined to fail. The freedom to chose which plan, from a open market, in addressing ones needs is the only way affordability will occur. Will this happen? take a look at the health care, trial attorney's, insurance, and legal lobbyists hovering around the nation's and state capitols, their as powerful as the teachers union which should scare the crap out of any taxpayer. Under the current program it is cheaper to pay the fine (tax penalty) and purchase when needed then to sign up. Affordability is the direct result of competition.
You cannot purchase health care today under the ACA when needed. Obviously you know nothing about it.
When will you start blaming the insurance companies themselves instead of the unions, and attorneys for the constant rise in health care

Your a freaking idiot, are you really going to spew out this nonsense as to what Hospitals, Doctors, clinics, pay in liability insurance as trivial and not factored into billings? Do you have any idea what percentage of gross income a medical practitioner pays in liability, and umbrella insurance? Do you know the root, cause and effect, driving these rates? Then you say, oh, states don't have barriers, and the unobstructed open market doesn't affect pricing? Really, good luck with that crap. As for your claim that an individual can not choose when they will sign up for health insurance is nonsense, at least according to every insurance agent I have spoken to.
Even if it's true or partially true or there is some vague truth to it we don't even know whether it's good news or bad news to the left. The strange thing is the post and run idiots who depend on Huffington to do their thinking for them don't have a freaking clue either.
Q: What is Trump's plan for reducing health care costs?

A: Nothing.

Q: What is the GOP's plan for reducing health care costs?

A: Nothing.

The GOP has had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare. It should have been the easiest thing in the world to unveil it on Day One.

You guys have been so badly hoaxed it isn't even funny any more.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- fix your own health G5000 !!

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