Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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Nope. You can be broke and get a hot woman. Oh I forgot. Things dont work that way for you and the males of your race.
What race? hahaha I don't care what the race is. 7 times out of 10 if a women has a choice of poverty with a out of work hat on backwards pants around his knees pretty boy or untold wealth with a sugar daddy she will take the candy.
I'm sorry you cant pick up women by virtue of being yourself and have lure them with money. I picked up hot women all the time when i was broke. I guess being Black has its advantages.

What? Dick size? I'm white, but I'll compare..being 6 5 has advantages too wink wink
No one said anything about a dick. Your insecurity is showing and its blocking your dick from view.
Here is the graph in question from Melania Trump's speech:

"From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life: that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily life.”

Here is the graph from Obama's 2008 speech.

“And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you're going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them, and even if you don't agree with them,” Michelle Obama said, according to a transcript from CNN.

Yes, a DEAD RINGER for what has undoubtedly been said thousands of times, Your word is your bond, treat people with respect..... But do any of you remember...Naw, almost all of the posters in here are scumbag subversives...but in case someone with brains looks at this....

Obama Accused Of Plagiarism In Speech - CBS News
CBS News
Feb 19, 2008 - Barack Obama, D-Ill., has come under scrutiny for a speech he gave Saturday in ... Y., have responded to the accusations of plagiarism.
The Obama Plagiarism Scandal - Plagiarism Today
www.plagiarismtoday.com › Articles
Feb 20, 2008 - Typically, I am loathe to enter the world of plagiarism scandals as they ... On February 16, Barack Obama gave a speech in Wisconsin where he ...
Clinton Camp Says Obama Plagiarized in Speech - The New York Times
The New York Times
Feb 19, 2008 - NILES, Ohio — With the next round of voters set to weigh in on the Democratic presidential race, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign on Monday accused Senator Barack Obama of committing plagiarism in a weekend speech. ... Mr. Obama told reporters he should have credited Gov ...
Bush speechwriter: Obama plagiarized Bush - POLITICO
Jan 29, 2014 - President George W. Bush's former speech writer said that President Barack Obama plagiarized his former boss in Tuesday's State of the Union ...

So out of a 15 minute LONG SPEECH we have 22 words that are fairly similiar to the Mooch's speech in 2008!....RUN WITH THAT YOU MORONS, as TRUMP is up again in today's POLLS!

  • Trump Pulls to 266-272 Virtual Electoral Tie Today
    Breitbart ^ | 7/18/2016 | John Pudner
    With the exception of NBC, battleground polls released so far in July show voters are moving toward Donald Trump. In four battleground states — Iowa, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania — Trump gained an average of five points and caught Clinton in at least one poll in each state. If that five point shift is quietly happening in North Carolina and New Hampshire, other battleground states where we have no recent non-NBC polls, then Trump is also quietly ahead in both, bringing him to within 266-272 in the Electoral Vote....

Great post Vig. Plagiarism is defined as five consecutive words that are the same, but when it's a common phrase such as "your word is your bond" it's not plagiarism.

Damn, MOST of what was said are common QUOTES used in literature and speeches for the last 100 years or so!
Nope. You can be broke and get a hot woman. Oh I forgot. Things dont work that way for you and the males of your race.
What race? hahaha I don't care what the race is. 7 times out of 10 if a women has a choice of poverty with a out of work hat on backwards pants around his knees pretty boy or untold wealth with a sugar daddy she will take the candy.
I'm sorry you cant pick up women by virtue of being yourself and have lure them with money. I picked up hot women all the time when i was broke. I guess being Black has its advantages.

What? Dick size? I'm white, but I'll compare..being 6 5 has advantages too wink wink
No one said anything about a dick. Your insecurity is showing and its blocking your dick from view.

That's cool I'll show anyway....sonwgarmt were you meaning in you code....
Yeah, sure...

Not one word. Just a bunch of 'em.

Obama: Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values. Like: you work hard for what you want in life.

Trump: ...the values that you work hard for what you want in life.

Obama: ...that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you’re gonna do.

Trump: ...that your word is your bond, and you do what you say and keep your promise.

Obama: ...that you treat people with dignity and respect

Trump: ...that you treat people with respect

Obama: ...because we want our children and all children in this nation to know the only limits on the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them.

Trump: ...because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.​

FAIL! No link to this tripe exists because not a single word was copied. :nono:

Transcript: Michelle Obama's 'One Nation' - CNN.com
Wait until the world leaders see what a whore she is. They will be insulted where ever he brings her if he were to win.


In other words; you've got the hots for her.
Only in the dark with no chance of me seeing her glowing.

You hit moochelle, I'll take any of Trump's sloppy seconds...the guy scores more than jordan
The first lady is a like a queen. I wouldnt even think of her in that manner. Now Trumps wife can hook me up under the table.
I just hope Donald doesn't go off the deep end again and violently rape and pull out Melania's hair - like he did Ivana.

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex
Wow Ivana was a hot piece back in the day....if she likes her hair pulled I would do it in seconds
Thats what the Chinese president will be thinking instead of listening seriously to Trump if he were to win. I bet money at least one world leader exchanges her for a favor to Trump.

Well you got me. . We know it would never be an option for the obamas...
lol I would be looking for anything to attack Melania on if I were a liberoidal too.. They're losing their asses with Hagitha Helly .. Americans HATE Helly and are sick to death of leftists and their anti-American hatred.
LMAO Liberoidals melting down. Old Hagitha Helly Clinton's poll numbers falling like a dumb brick as we watch a lady of grace and perfected beauty steal the show. Our First Lady Melania (to be) will once again re-establish the dignity of the First Lady's office.

Ironic, since "dignity" was the word she skipped out of Michelle's speech... :rofl:

This thread just keeps on giving.
Wait until the world leaders see what a whore she is. They will be insulted where ever he brings her if he were to win.


In other words; you've got the hots for her.
Only in the dark with no chance of me seeing her glowing.

You hit moochelle, I'll take any of Trump's sloppy seconds...the guy scores more than jordan
The first lady is a like a queen. I wouldnt even think of her in that manner. Now Trumps wife can hook me up under the table.

I bet moochelle would go down on you for a hit of crack
Nope. You can be broke and get a hot woman. Oh I forgot. Things dont work that way for you and the males of your race.
What race? hahaha I don't care what the race is. 7 times out of 10 if a women has a choice of poverty with a out of work hat on backwards pants around his knees pretty boy or untold wealth with a sugar daddy she will take the candy.
I'm sorry you cant pick up women by virtue of being yourself and have lure them with money. I picked up hot women all the time when i was broke. I guess being Black has its advantages.

What? Dick size? I'm white, but I'll compare..being 6 5 has advantages too wink wink
No one said anything about a dick. Your insecurity is showing and its blocking your dick from view.

That's cool I'll show anyway....sonwgarmt were you meaning in you code....
Judging by your insecurity, your gonna need a magnifying glass, some blood hounds and a search and rescue mission to find it.
Here is the graph in question from Melania Trump's speech:

"From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life: that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily life.”

Here is the graph from Obama's 2008 speech.

“And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you're going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them, and even if you don't agree with them,” Michelle Obama said, according to a transcript from CNN.

Yes, a DEAD RINGER for what has undoubtedly been said thousands of times, Your word is your bond, treat people with respect..... But do any of you remember...Naw, almost all of the posters in here are scumbag subversives...but in case someone with brains looks at this....

Obama Accused Of Plagiarism In Speech - CBS News
CBS News
Feb 19, 2008 - Barack Obama, D-Ill., has come under scrutiny for a speech he gave Saturday in ... Y., have responded to the accusations of plagiarism.
The Obama Plagiarism Scandal - Plagiarism Today
www.plagiarismtoday.com › Articles
Feb 20, 2008 - Typically, I am loathe to enter the world of plagiarism scandals as they ... On February 16, Barack Obama gave a speech in Wisconsin where he ...
Clinton Camp Says Obama Plagiarized in Speech - The New York Times
The New York Times
Feb 19, 2008 - NILES, Ohio — With the next round of voters set to weigh in on the Democratic presidential race, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign on Monday accused Senator Barack Obama of committing plagiarism in a weekend speech. ... Mr. Obama told reporters he should have credited Gov ...
Bush speechwriter: Obama plagiarized Bush - POLITICO
Jan 29, 2014 - President George W. Bush's former speech writer said that President Barack Obama plagiarized his former boss in Tuesday's State of the Union ...

So out of a 15 minute LONG SPEECH we have 22 words that are fairly similiar to the Mooch's speech in 2008!....RUN WITH THAT YOU MORONS, as TRUMP is up again in today's POLLS!

  • Trump Pulls to 266-272 Virtual Electoral Tie Today
    Breitbart ^ | 7/18/2016 | John Pudner
    With the exception of NBC, battleground polls released so far in July show voters are moving toward Donald Trump. In four battleground states — Iowa, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania — Trump gained an average of five points and caught Clinton in at least one poll in each state. If that five point shift is quietly happening in North Carolina and New Hampshire, other battleground states where we have no recent non-NBC polls, then Trump is also quietly ahead in both, bringing him to within 266-272 in the Electoral Vote....

Great post Vig. Plagiarism is defined as five consecutive words that are the same, but when it's a common phrase such as "your word is your bond" it's not plagiarism.
Thats plagiarism and cultural appropriation.

What Obuma did with Duval Patrick's speech IS PLAGIARISM!
I thought Melania's speech was pretty good. It'll be great having a beautiful First Lady for a change.
Wait until the world leaders see what a whore she is. They will be insulted where ever he brings her if he were to win.


In other words; you've got the hots for her.
Only in the dark with no chance of me seeing her glowing.

You hit moochelle, I'll take any of Trump's sloppy seconds...the guy scores more than jordan
The first lady is a like a queen. I wouldnt even think of her in that manner. Now Trumps wife can hook me up under the table.

I bet moochelle would go down on you for a hit of crack
Not all women are like the ones you have to bribe.
The last time we had a lady of beauty and grace was Jackie O.. Melania Trump will be the world's most famous First Lady paving the way to a new era of elegance and class.
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