Uh-Oh: Polls May Actually Underestimate Trump's Support

My fellow Americans: The election is in the bag. We have the endorsement we needed:

The polls don't mean suck! The vast majority of people either ignore or lie to pollsters.

The only thing that will count is the final vote tally.
332-206. You predicted different.... Too bad, so sad

How many times are you going to post this? Keep living in the first past. Like it or not, your candidate is the Bush, Obama continuation - the old rich white big corporate liar who is just more of the same. How many Dems will jump ship when Hillary gets the nomination instead of Sanders? Her ship is going down in flames with you on board. See you at the polls you Donkey Ass Kisser.

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well if only legal americans voted this time, the Trump Cruz ticket would win all 58 states.
well if only legal americans voted this time, the Trump Cruz ticket would win all 58 states.

Loserterianism wouldn't win over 210 electorals. People like their paved roads, science institutions, ssi, workers rights and public schools too damn much! ;)
well if only legal americans voted this time, the Trump Cruz ticket would win all 58 states.

Loserterianism wouldn't win over 210 electorals. People like their paved roads, science institutions, ssi, workers rights and public schools too damn much! ;)
Have you read Trumps book? I tagged you in a thread about his book. He has a chapter TITLED Infrastructure! Go read it!
rubio is most likely to be on the ticket to give us Florida,,we just have to wait and see who Trump or Cruz decides to do.
The bad news for Hillary just keeps piling up:

What we have here might be a reverse Tom Bradley effect, as folks feel more comfortable pulling the lever for Trump in private, rather than confessing their choice to a pollster:

Donald Trump leads the GOP presidential field in polls of Republican voters nationally and in most early-voting states, but some surveys may actually be understating his support, a new study suggests. The analysis, by Morning Consult, a polling and market research company, looked at an odd occurrence that has cropped up repeatedly this year: Trump generally has done better in online polls than in surveys done by phone.
The firm conducted an experiment aimed at understanding why that happens and which polls are more accurate -- online surveys that have tended to show Trump with support of nearly four-in-10 GOP voters or the telephone surveys that have typically shown him with the backing of one-third or fewer.

Their results suggest that the higher figure probably provides the more accurate measure. Some significant number of Trump supporters, especially those with college educations, are "less likely to say that they support him when they're talking to a live human" than when they are in the "anonymous environment" of an online survey, said the firm's polling director, Kyle Dropp.
Hillary's favorables are not high enough to get her the party's nomination. I believe Sanders will be nominated.

I also believe if Trump is nominated, he will lose. Because this decision for American voters will be largely decided by debates where the red meat he's currently tossing righties, won't be what wins favor with swing voters
or not
The bad news for Hillary just keeps piling up:

What we have here might be a reverse Tom Bradley effect, as folks feel more comfortable pulling the lever for Trump in private, rather than confessing their choice to a pollster:

Donald Trump leads the GOP presidential field in polls of Republican voters nationally and in most early-voting states, but some surveys may actually be understating his support, a new study suggests. The analysis, by Morning Consult, a polling and market research company, looked at an odd occurrence that has cropped up repeatedly this year: Trump generally has done better in online polls than in surveys done by phone.
The firm conducted an experiment aimed at understanding why that happens and which polls are more accurate -- online surveys that have tended to show Trump with support of nearly four-in-10 GOP voters or the telephone surveys that have typically shown him with the backing of one-third or fewer.

Their results suggest that the higher figure probably provides the more accurate measure. Some significant number of Trump supporters, especially those with college educations, are "less likely to say that they support him when they're talking to a live human" than when they are in the "anonymous environment" of an online survey, said the firm's polling director, Kyle Dropp.
Hillary's favorables are not high enough to get her the party's nomination. I believe Sanders will be nominated.

I also believe if Trump is nominated, he will lose. Because this decision for American voters will be largely decided by debates where the red meat he's currently tossing righties, won't be what wins favor with swing voters

Sanders is to far to the Left to appeal to moderates and conservative democrats.

THat red meat is not designed just for righties but for all Working Class or Middle Class voters.
Wow, that's really "in the Fox News echo chamber" kind of thinking.

The Democrats know righties and swing voters will hate Hillary equally.

Trump's red meat may be designed for whatever they've designed it for, but getting through to swing voters throughout 3 long debates, where what he's doing now needs to be changed, is a whole other deal

Debates? Changed?

He wants to renegotiate Trade Deals that have been F**ING US for decades. That is going to sell real well in the Rust Belt.

He wants to deport illegals that are taking jobs, suppressing wages and causing crime. That will be popular just about everywhere else where the Working Class and the Middle CLass can see it happening.

He don't have to change that, and getting that message out will not be limited to the debates.
The average Joe voter won't grasp the impact of trade deals on them.

It's impossible to deport 11 million illegals, andeverybody knows that except Fox News viewers. If Trump promises that, he'll never deliver
sure he will. he is a man of honor.
You mean it will only be a 42-state sweep for Hillary instead of 45 states?
Are you THAT MUCH of a partisan ass that you think Clinton would win 45 states? I am a Trump fan but I known damn well it will be a close election either way.

My fellow Americans: The election is in the bag. We have the endorsement we needed:

View attachment 58092
For the first time she is proud to be an American :)
I'm with Longknife, polls don't mean squat, it's the vote that counts.

I mean.............remember how Rove melted down on election nite at FAUX Nooze when they called the election for Obama? Rove was SURE that Mittens was going to win, his polls told him so.
You mean it will only be a 42-state sweep for Hillary instead of 45 states?
Are you THAT MUCH of a partisan ass that you think Clinton would win 45 states? I am a Trump fan but I known damn well it will be a close election either way.

My fellow Americans: The election is in the bag. We have the endorsement we needed:

View attachment 58092
For the first time she is proud to be an American :)

I think it's closer to 40 states than 45 but Clinton will win easily if Trump is the GOP nominee--outside of some major gaffe on her part.

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