Uh Oh: Rick Perry Gets Popped With The Dreaded Evolution Question. (Click For Answer)

As with every election and especially a presidential election, all candidates are asked their thoughts on evolution. I believe the liberal MSM passed on asking that question to Obama (I wonder why?) but anyway, Rick Perry was asked the question and he gave a lengthy answer. How do you think his response was?

Rick Perry Answers the Dreaded "Evolution" Question - Evolution News & Views
His Answer:

"There are clear indications from our people who have amazing intellectual capability that this didn't happen by accident and a creator put this in place. Now, what was his time frame and how did he create the earth that we know? I'm not going to tell you that I've got the answers to that. I believe that we were created by this all-powerful supreme being and how we got to today versus what we look like thousands of years ago, I think there's enough holes in the theory of evolution to, you know, say there are some holes in that theory."

Will his evangelical base accept this answer as good enough?

Here is another source;

A priest answered that question for me over 30 years ago.. He said; there was no such thing as a year at the time.. the bible starts with creepy crawly.. I believe they both have something to do with one another.
I'm not religious. Just trying to use common sense.

How many times must I tell you, THAT'S CALLED ABIOGENESIS AND COSMOLOGY and has little to do with evolution.

There's no evidence for one, except the flimsy philosophical notions "well we exist, who brought us into existence, etc." And don't hate me for trusting a religion which doesn't get quite a bit of science correct in the first place.

We assume life can exist on other planets because life exists on this planet. Believing in aliens isn't a stretch.

The only proof of God we have is the Bible.

Abiogenesis is the science of how life began. There's no one theory about it.

Reason out? Ah, so you agree with me then.

Your Giraffe posts showed you knew very little about giraffes.

Hrm, we're on a planet. We're alive. There are other planets out there, even other earth-like planets. Wow what a stretch of speculation to assume that life could arise on other planets. Totally on par with a bunch of religious horseshit. Cuz there's been documented observations of angels and God. Oh wait, only in the Bible. Which is known for its accuracy and not contradicting itself at all.

Except you can cherry pick all the passages you say it got right all you want, it still got loads wrong about science, and other stuff too.

Do you think the author Job would have had the ability to know Oceans contained springs ?

Job 38:16 Have you gone to the springs of the sea? Or have you walked in search of the depths?
That Obama guy...he believes in a 'God' too...doesnt he? Lord...what a freqin dumbass...and he prays too. You people must just want to piss on his leg.

Not denying elementary science means someone automatically supports Obama?


Go ahead...tell me those that are slamming Perry dont support Obama. Be that kind of a fool. Better yet...let THOSE individuals speak for themselves. Or speak for YOURself. Do you? OH...hey...better yet...dont dance and dont be a chickenshit...Just come right out and call Obama a moron for believing in God.

I don't deny elementary science like Perry or the man I vote for in Ron Paul, I don't support anything Obama has ever done.

Not denying elementary science means someone automatically supports Obama?


Go ahead...tell me those that are slamming Perry dont support Obama. Be that kind of a fool. Better yet...let THOSE individuals speak for themselves. Or speak for YOURself. Do you? OH...hey...better yet...dont dance and dont be a chickenshit...Just come right out and call Obama a moron for believing in God.

I don't deny elementary science like Perry or the man I vote for in Ron Paul, I don't support anything Obama has ever done.


That is exactly how so many accept the absurd theory of Macro-evolution, because they have to be indoctrinated at a very young age or they knew they would have never bought it.
Go ahead...tell me those that are slamming Perry dont support Obama. Be that kind of a fool. Better yet...let THOSE individuals speak for themselves. Or speak for YOURself. Do you? OH...hey...better yet...dont dance and dont be a chickenshit...Just come right out and call Obama a moron for believing in God.

I don't deny elementary science like Perry or the man I vote for in Ron Paul, I don't support anything Obama has ever done.


That is exactly how so many accept the absurd theory of Macro-evolution, because they have to be indoctrinated at a very young age or they knew they would have never bought it.

It's so funny because literally everytime you spout this stuff the correct use of this principle would be to apply it to religion, if so many people weren't being indoctrinated literally from a week out of the womb (baptism) and constantly throughout their childhood the number of religious people in the world would plummet.

However evolution is a fact, so one doesn't need to be indoctrinated to deny scientific facts.
I don't deny elementary science like Perry or the man I vote for in Ron Paul, I don't support anything Obama has ever done.


That is exactly how so many accept the absurd theory of Macro-evolution, because they have to be indoctrinated at a very young age or they knew they would have never bought it.

It's so funny because literally everytime you spout this stuff the correct use of this principle would be to apply it to religion, if so many people weren't being indoctrinated literally from a week out of the womb (baptism) and constantly throughout their childhood the number of religious people in the world would plummet.

However evolution is a fact, so one doesn't need to be indoctrinated to deny scientific facts.

You see that is where you're mistaken, I know evolution is a fact ,but not the kind of evolution you claim. Every living creature has the ability to adapt but it is limited and the ones that can't adapt to their enviornment are eliminated through Natural selection. We know this, but when you start spewing the fairytale part of your theory then it is time to call the ones spewing such nonsense out.
I know evolution is a fact ,but

Famous moments in christian history!

"I KNOW the earth is round, but"

"I KNOW disease isn't a matter of god's wrath, but"

"I KNOW witches can't be identified by dunking, but"

I know evolution is a fact ,but

Famous moments in christian history!

"I KNOW the earth is round, but"

"I KNOW disease isn't a matter of god's wrath, but"

"I KNOW witches can't be identified by dunking, but"


"I know the principle of evolution happens with other species but that scientific principle skipped over man!"
I really have no way of knowing the truth... No one does.
I would rather be hopeful than scientific. There are no moral values in science.


Disagreed. There are plenty of ways in determining truth, but it depends on the truth being sought. If one person says 2+2=5 and another says it equals 4, which is the truth? Four, of course and that can be proven four rocks or four small sticks. The answers to questions concerning the natural laws of the Universe can be found and the truth revealed. What is the distance to the Moon? What is the mass of Jupiter? How much fuel does the Sun have before it burns itself out? How old is the Universe? All of these questions can be determined with science.

OTOH, questions regarding morality are much more difficult to answer because many of the answers are subjective. Is executing a criminal just? Should we go to war in order to save someone else? Should people be forced to pay 10% of their wealth to feed the poor?
The answers to these questions vary depending upon one's point of view therefore the truth is more difficult to discern and possibly even unanswerable.
I really have no way of knowing the truth... No one does.
I would rather be hopeful than scientific. There are no moral values in science.


Science isn't here for morals, dunno why people think that.

What about math? Does denying 2+2=4 make someone more moral the way denying evolution does in some people's minds?
I really have no way of knowing the truth... No one does.
I would rather be hopeful than scientific. There are no moral values in science.


Science isn't here for morals, dunno why people think that.

What about math? Does denying 2+2=4 make someone more moral the way denying evolution does in some people's minds?

Really ? A man of science shouldn't be concerned with honesty and integrity ? They're only gonna shape the minds of our children.
I can tell you this... When ever there is a situation that's not looking so good I as well as most people say..
Oh my God or Help me God.. Many will Pray, ask for help, Please God help....
I have never asked a scientist any such thing. I know of no one who has.

I can tell you this... When ever there is a situation that's not looking so good I as well as most people say..
Oh my God or Help me God.. Many will Pray, ask for help, Please God help....
I have never asked a scientist any such thing. I know of no one who has.


Scientists are helping man without being asked . No wonder why this world is so screwed up. Wow I just don't understand the logic I read in this forum. Our teachers are clearly failing our children. God I believe gave me a second chance at life I no longer take its beauty for granted. Family ,friends,beautiful places,awesome animals of land and sea. Every night the chance to look upon the heavens , my how so many of us are just wasting away.
I can tell you this... When ever there is a situation that's not looking so good I as well as most people say..
Oh my God or Help me God.. Many will Pray, ask for help, Please God help....
I have never asked a scientist any such thing. I know of no one who has.


Scientists are helping man without being asked . No wonder why this world is so screwed up. Wow I just don't understand the logic I read in this forum. Our teachers are clearly failing our children. God I believe gave me a second chance at life I no longer take its beauty for granted. Family ,friends,beautiful places,awesome animals of land and sea. Every night the chance to look upon the heavens , my how so many of us are just wasting away.

It appears to me that most Democrats do not believe in God We Trust............
I really have no way of knowing the truth... No one does.
I would rather be hopeful than scientific. There are no moral values in science.


Science isn't here for morals, dunno why people think that.

What about math? Does denying 2+2=4 make someone more moral the way denying evolution does in some people's minds?

Scientist can may continue to be atheists.. Funny most Dr. Believe in God.
No mathematical equation will ever determine the truth.

I really have no way of knowing the truth... No one does.
I would rather be hopeful than scientific. There are no moral values in science.


Science isn't here for morals, dunno why people think that.

What about math? Does denying 2+2=4 make someone more moral the way denying evolution does in some people's minds?

Really ? A man of science shouldn't be concerned with honesty and integrity ? They're only gonna shape the minds of our children.

The scientific method isn't concerned with morality, scientists are humans so sure it's great for them to be moral.

However when a fact needs found I'd rather have the best scientist who's an asshole research and experiment than a nice scientist who isn't as smart.

Now when it comes to babysitting my future kids or teaching orphans right from wrong no that's not the choice I'd make.
Really ? A man of science shouldn't be concerned with honesty and integrity ? They're only gonna shape the minds of our children.

Of course they should, but you are talking apples and oranges. Science and religion/faith or the spiritual universe are separate things. A scientist can't prove or disprove the existence of God, an afterlife or anything else beyond the natural universe because it is beyond the scope of the scientific method.
I really have no way of knowing the truth... No one does.
I would rather be hopeful than scientific. There are no moral values in science.


Science isn't here for morals, dunno why people think that.

What about math? Does denying 2+2=4 make someone more moral the way denying evolution does in some people's minds?

Scientist can may continue to be atheists.. Funny most Dr. Believe in God.
No mathematical equation will ever determine the truth.


Most Doctors Have no problem with detecting designand admitting what it is.
Science isn't here for morals, dunno why people think that.

What about math? Does denying 2+2=4 make someone more moral the way denying evolution does in some people's minds?

Scientist can may continue to be atheists.. Funny most Dr. Believe in God.
No mathematical equation will ever determine the truth.


Most Doctors Have no problem with detecting designand admitting what it is.

Blanket statements impossible to prove aren't gonna get us anywhere, and I certainly think what you said probably isn't correct.

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