Uh Oh: Rick Perry Gets Popped With The Dreaded Evolution Question. (Click For Answer)

Your link still does not discuss or discount that it very clearly says God makes the lights separately, not when he creates the firmament. If it was part of the firmament, it makes no sense to then say he created the sun, moon and stars and then sets them into the firmament.

Were you there,I know I wasn't.

But there is no reason for me to doubt anything the bible say's you're trying to make an issue out of nothing.

You're the one who said the Bible made accurate scientific predictions. You brought the issue up. I pointed out several things about science the Bible got extremely wrong.

It is accurate can you prove otherwise ?

So how did the universe come into existence ?
Were you there,I know I wasn't.

But there is no reason for me to doubt anything the bible say's you're trying to make an issue out of nothing.

You're the one who said the Bible made accurate scientific predictions. You brought the issue up. I pointed out several things about science the Bible got extremely wrong.

It is accurate can you prove otherwise ?

So how did the universe come into existence ?

I just proved it otherwise by combing through the opening passages of Genesis and pointing out what it got wrong.

You're the one who brought it up that the Christian God predicted it and told this to the Bible's authors. I just pointed out the idea wasn't original to Christianity, so subscribing it to the scientific 'predictions' of the Bible is nonsensical.

The thing is the majority of scientist believed it always existed now it is up to you to explain how it came in to existence since you ruled out creation.

Current theory says big bang.

However the only scientific proof for God is in the Bible. And as fun as this theological tangent has been, wasn't this thread about evolution?

If nothing existed how did the Big Bang happen ?

What ignited it ?
You're the one who said the Bible made accurate scientific predictions. You brought the issue up. I pointed out several things about science the Bible got extremely wrong.

It is accurate can you prove otherwise ?

So how did the universe come into existence ?

I just proved it otherwise by combing through the opening passages of Genesis and pointing out what it got wrong.

:lol: you didn't prove anything.
Non sequitur.

You think scientists are only guessing when they do it, but when you do it, such as breeding horses or planting feed crops, it's purely logical and predictable. Dude, your logic on this matter is the true Non Sequitur. It cuts both ways. Are you guessing that a pregnant mare will produce a foal and not a calf or do you know what she'll produce just as surely as a scientist can predict the rotation of the planets and comets?

Things that can be predicted shows order,but your theory is based on random chance.

I would be willing to bet you a horse will only produce a horse.

Agreed because that's scientifically provable just like background radiation, half-lifes of radioactive substances, Doppler Shift of moving stars and galaxies and a host of other things we use every day to product the types of technology needed to have this conversation, prediction weather patterns, save lives in a hospital and launch missiles at enemies.

HubbleSite - Picture Album: Galaxies

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If nothing existed how did the Big Bang happen ?

What ignited it ?

And this is one of the many problems with Perry, an arrogant Christian, just as exhibited here – certain of everything, unwilling (or unable) to accept other views and opinions, locked in a black and white world of absolute dogma, be it political or religious.
The thing is the majority of scientist believed it always existed now it is up to you to explain how it came in to existence since you ruled out creation.

Current theory says big bang.

However the only scientific proof for God is in the Bible. And as fun as this theological tangent has been, wasn't this thread about evolution?

If nothing existed how did the Big Bang happen ?

What ignited it ?

We dunno, actually. It's one of the unsolved problems of physics.
If nothing existed how did the Big Bang happen ?

What ignited it ?

And this is one of the many problems with Perry, an arrogant Christian, just as exhibited here – certain of everything, unwilling (or unable) to accept other views and opinions, locked in a black and white world of absolute dogma, be it political or religious.

Are you saying he is wrong about the universe having a beginning ?
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You didn't actually end up refuting any of it, but repost the same arguments directly from Christian apologetic websites.

You're gonna avoid my rebuttal question to you ?

Read it.

The Firmament, Third Heaven, and Structure of Things Biblical

I did. I answered this already. Stop wasting my time.

No you have not explained the point being made from this site.

And are you gonna attempt to answer my question.
You're gonna avoid my rebuttal question to you ?

Read it.

The Firmament, Third Heaven, and Structure of Things Biblical

I did. I answered this already. Stop wasting my time.

No you have not explained the point being made from this site.

And are you gonna attempt to answer my question.

I did. Unless there's a further point to be made, you've yet to actually point out why I would be incorrect. Unless you actually have something new to say, stop wasting my time. I mean, it's your own Bible, you should know this.
Current theory says big bang.

However the only scientific proof for God is in the Bible. And as fun as this theological tangent has been, wasn't this thread about evolution?

If nothing existed how did the Big Bang happen ?

What ignited it ?

We dunno, actually. It's one of the unsolved problems of physics.

It's not an unsolved mystery for the creationtionist. The designer of all things is the one who ignited it, it was he who also caused non-living matter to become living matter.
I did. I answered this already. Stop wasting my time.

No you have not explained the point being made from this site.

And are you gonna attempt to answer my question.

I did. Unless there's a further point to be made, you've yet to actually point out why I would be incorrect. Unless you actually have something new to say, stop wasting my time. I mean, it's your own Bible, you should know this.

Does anything about creation and miracles make sense to you ?
I did. I answered this already. Stop wasting my time.

No you have not explained the point being made from this site.

And are you gonna attempt to answer my question.

I did. Unless there's a further point to be made, you've yet to actually point out why I would be incorrect. Unless you actually have something new to say, stop wasting my time. I mean, it's your own Bible, you should know this.

Origins of life evolutionist have no answer for.

Origins of the universe evolutionist have no answer for.

Why do you rule out the possibility of a creator ?

Can you think of anything that came in to existence on it's own ?

Humans are finite and God is infinite.scientists and there laws are finite and their laws do not apply to God. So in their finite thinking patterns they don't believe someone could exist outside of their limited laws. But it is funny some of them believe there could be extraterrestrials but they can't believe that there is someone greater then our comprehension that exists,and this person is responsible for everything we see.
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No you have not explained the point being made from this site.

And are you gonna attempt to answer my question.

I did. Unless there's a further point to be made, you've yet to actually point out why I would be incorrect. Unless you actually have something new to say, stop wasting my time. I mean, it's your own Bible, you should know this.

Origins of life evolutionist have no answer for.

Origins of the universe evolutionist have no answer for.

How many times must I tell you, THAT'S CALLED ABIOGENESIS AND COSMOLOGY and has little to do with evolution.

Why do you rule out the possibility of a creator ?

Can you think of anything that came in to existence on it's own ?

There's no evidence for one, except the flimsy philosophical notions "well we exist, who brought us into existence, etc." And don't hate me for trusting a religion which doesn't get quite a bit of science correct in the first place.

Humans are finite and God is infinite.scientists and there laws are finite and their laws do not apply to God. So in their finite thinking patterns they don't believe someone could exist outside of their limited laws. But it is funny some of them believe there could be extraterrestrials but they can't believe that there is someone greater then our comprehension that exists,and this person is responsible for everything we see.

We assume life can exist on other planets because life exists on this planet. Believing in aliens isn't a stretch.

The only proof of God we have is the Bible.
How many times must I tell you, THAT'S CALLED ABIOGENESIS AND COSMOLOGY and has little to do with evolution.

There's no evidence for one, except the flimsy philosophical notions "well we exist, who brought us into existence, etc." And don't hate me for trusting a religion which doesn't get quite a bit of science correct in the first place.

We assume life can exist on other planets because life exists on this planet. Believing in aliens isn't a stretch.

The only proof of God we have is the Bible.

No real scientist accepts the theory of Abiogenesis. Francesco Redi and Louis Pasteur ended the debate about spontaneous generation. And you deny that evolutionist extrapolate from all fields of science to try to add support for Evolution ?

Anyone with half a brain can reason out the possibility of creation and design. With the Giraffe I showed the Giraffe was able to do what he does because of design and it left your theory looking pretty rediculous.

You assume life can live on other planets witout any proof of life on other planets. how is that view different from me believing that life out there is God and the Angels ?

The only proof of God ? The bible does make predictions that could not be known by man at the time of the predictions. Design is definitely detectable in life and space and design is evidence of intelligence. There is zero evidence of a natural process beginning life and our universe.
How many times must I tell you, THAT'S CALLED ABIOGENESIS AND COSMOLOGY and has little to do with evolution.

There's no evidence for one, except the flimsy philosophical notions "well we exist, who brought us into existence, etc." And don't hate me for trusting a religion which doesn't get quite a bit of science correct in the first place.

We assume life can exist on other planets because life exists on this planet. Believing in aliens isn't a stretch.

The only proof of God we have is the Bible.

No real scientist accepts the theory of Abiogenesis. Francesco Redi and Louis Pasteur ended the debate about spontaneous generation. And you deny that evolutionist extrapolate from all fields of science to try to add support for Evolution ?

Abiogenesis is the science of how life began. There's no one theory about it.

Anyone with half a brain can reason out the possibility of creation and design. With the Giraffe I showed the Giraffe was able to do what he does because of design and it left your theory looking pretty rediculous.

Reason out? Ah, so you agree with me then.

Your Giraffe posts showed you knew very little about giraffes.

You assume life can live on other planets witout any proof of life on other planets. how is that view different from me believing that life out there is God and the Angels ?

Hrm, we're on a planet. We're alive. There are other planets out there, even other earth-like planets. Wow what a stretch of speculation to assume that life could arise on other planets. Totally on par with a bunch of religious horseshit. Cuz there's been documented observations of angels and God. Oh wait, only in the Bible. Which is known for its accuracy and not contradicting itself at all.

The only proof of God ? The bible does make predictions that could not be known by man at the time of the predictions. Design is definitely detectable in life and space and design is evidence of intelligence. There is zero evidence of a natural process beginning life and our universe.

Except you can cherry pick all the passages you say it got right all you want, it still got loads wrong about science, and other stuff too.
How many times must I tell you, THAT'S CALLED ABIOGENESIS AND COSMOLOGY and has little to do with evolution.

There's no evidence for one, except the flimsy philosophical notions "well we exist, who brought us into existence, etc." And don't hate me for trusting a religion which doesn't get quite a bit of science correct in the first place.

We assume life can exist on other planets because life exists on this planet. Believing in aliens isn't a stretch.

The only proof of God we have is the Bible.

No real scientist accepts the theory of Abiogenesis. Francesco Redi and Louis Pasteur ended the debate about spontaneous generation. And you deny that evolutionist extrapolate from all fields of science to try to add support for Evolution ?

Abiogenesis is the science of how life began. There's no one theory about it.

Reason out? Ah, so you agree with me then.

Your Giraffe posts showed you knew very little about giraffes.

You assume life can live on other planets witout any proof of life on other planets. how is that view different from me believing that life out there is God and the Angels ?

Hrm, we're on a planet. We're alive. There are other planets out there, even other earth-like planets. Wow what a stretch of speculation to assume that life could arise on other planets. Totally on par with a bunch of religious horseshit. Cuz there's been documented observations of angels and God. Oh wait, only in the Bible. Which is known for its accuracy and not contradicting itself at all.

The only proof of God ? The bible does make predictions that could not be known by man at the time of the predictions. Design is definitely detectable in life and space and design is evidence of intelligence. There is zero evidence of a natural process beginning life and our universe.

Except you can cherry pick all the passages you say it got right all you want, it still got loads wrong about science, and other stuff too.

There were many theories of Abiogenesis and they have all been rejected. Anyone who say's life spontaneously generated itself don't know what they're talking about. And you're are one of the Ideologues who believes life started on it's own.

Really explain to me what i had wrong about the Giraffe ? Do you want me to post it again to see just how silly your theory is up against design ?

How old are you ? I agree with you on very little you know that by now.

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