Uh Oh!!: Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk in Hawaii says Obama wasn't born there.

Maybe he is hiding his admission application. Ever thought of that? It would show his citizenship if he was a forign student.

SHHHHH!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I wouldn't have posted what I did if I had knoiwn that you said it earlier.:clap2:

No problem what so ever. It's sort of like talking to a wall or a cinder block. ;) You could here a pin drop as a response, every time the point is mentioned. ;) :lol: :lol: Knock yourself out!
The BHO haters still have no worthwhile evidence.

What a joke they are on themselves.

Release the transcripts and then we can talk about evidence. ;)

You are too tricky Jake! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Government workers that refuse to work, attorney generals that refuse to uphold the law. My My! We are not in Kansas anymore, are we Toto! Lions and tigers, and bears! Oh My! :lol:

Silly birthers! :lol: with no evidence of anything.
The BHO haters still have no worthwhile evidence.

What a joke they are on themselves.

Release the transcripts and then we can talk about evidence. ;)

You are too tricky Jake! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Government workers that refuse to work, attorney generals that refuse to uphold the law. My My! We are not in Kansas anymore, are we Toto! Lions and tigers, and bears! Oh My! :lol:

Silly birthers! :lol: with no evidence of anything.

Jake, isn't it past punch out time for you??? Jake, why not leak Barry's transcripts to Drudge before you go home?????
Where's you evidence, blind believer?

I am not blind, I am not a believer. Show me.
Explain why Barry's transcripts are sealed?????
Is this normal?????
When was the last time this happened in regards to a presidential nominee?????
Where's you evidence, blind believer?

I am not blind, I am not a believer. Show me.
Explain why Barry's transcripts are sealed?????
Is this normal?????
When was the last time this happened in regards to a presidential nominee?????

None of that matters, fisher for minnows with a big hook. Where's your evidence? I think you are saying you don't have any. That's OK. Carry on.
Where's you evidence, blind believer?

I am not blind, I am not a believer. Show me.
Explain why Barry's transcripts are sealed?????
Is this normal?????
When was the last time this happened in regards to a presidential nominee?????

None of that matters, fisher for minnows with a big hook. Where's your evidence? I think you are saying you don't have any. That's OK. Carry on.

What am I accusing Anyone of Jake??? Lying on loan applications???? No. Not yet.
Conspiracy to commit fraud??? No, not yet.
The people need to know, Jake. Do you have a problem with that???
What are you attempting to cover up Jake??? Mass Conspiracy?????

Why even run a man that appears so jaded???

I never thought before the election that anyone could make Hillary look so good. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That is his greatest accomplishment to date.
SHHHHH!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I wouldn't have posted what I did if I had knoiwn that you said it earlier.:clap2:

No problem what so ever. It's sort of like talking to a wall or a cinder block. ;) You could here a pin drop as a response, every time the point is mentioned. ;) :lol: :lol: Knock yourself out!

And that's the whole problem. The Obama worshippers are gonna pooh pooh any questions and most will attack anybody who presumes to question. But the curious don't stop being curious just because some apparently have an astounding lack of curiosity.

The fact, is Obama probably is a legal citizen. But it should be obvious to just about everybody that he has gone to great lengths to create an almost mythical aura around himself. So when so much of the information that would verify the myth is unavailable to anybody, he leaves himself wide open to specualation and conspiracy theorists. Why would he do that?

The only thing I can think of is that there is something there that would blow up the myth and we would find that he has not been exactly forthcoming in who he really has been.
Otherwise, any normal person would have simply released the stuff and put all this behind him.

And, because he IS my President, I'll admit to being among the curious.
The BHO haters still have no worthwhile evidence.

What a joke they are on themselves.

Release the transcripts and then we can talk about evidence. ;)

You are too tricky Jake! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Government workers that refuse to work, attorney generals that refuse to uphold the law. My My! We are not in Kansas anymore, are we Toto! Lions and tigers, and bears! Oh My! :lol:

Silly birthers! :lol: with no evidence of anything.

The evidence has been sealed why are they sealed? Can you explain that without saying silly birthers no evidence.
Release the transcripts and then we can talk about evidence. ;)

You are too tricky Jake! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Government workers that refuse to work, attorney generals that refuse to uphold the law. My My! We are not in Kansas anymore, are we Toto! Lions and tigers, and bears! Oh My! :lol:

Silly birthers! :lol: with no evidence of anything.

The evidence has been sealed why are they sealed? Can you explain that without saying silly birthers no evidence.

sure I can. Obama is not ending this controversy because it suits him politically to have a portion of his opposition seen as loons. Why should he give YOU any satisfaction in your wild demands to see documentation about his past? YOu didn't vote for him... he doesn't owe you shit. He is the president and he is going on about his business and fucking whacked out birthers do nothing more than make reasonable intelligent republicans look bad. My kid brother is a ultra conservative republican with plenty of issues about Obama, but even he says that the birthers and all the silly noise they make hurt the cause of the GOP. So... from my point of view...KEEP IT UP!:razz:
Silly birthers! :lol: with no evidence of anything.

The evidence has been sealed why are they sealed? Can you explain that without saying silly birthers no evidence.

sure I can. Obama is not ending this controversy because it suits him politically to have a portion of his opposition seen as loons. Why should he give YOU any satisfaction in your wild demands to see documentation about his past? YOu didn't vote for him... he doesn't owe you shit. He is the president and he is going on about his business and fucking whacked out birthers do nothing more than make reasonable intelligent republicans look bad. My kid brother is a ultra conservative republican with plenty of issues about Obama, but even he says that the birthers and all the silly noise they make hurt the cause of the GOP. So... from my point of view...KEEP IT UP!:razz:

That could have back fired on him in 2008 so what you said does not add up. Oh and it will back fire on him in 2011
how silly foxfyre....if you can show ONE THING that FACTCHECK has not be factual on, i'd appreciate it....

there is NOTHING that they have been wrong on the 7 years i have been reading them, and i don't care who owns them... their record of TRUTH stands on its own.... i'll eat my words if you can show otherwise! :lol:

EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

Explain what Barry is hiding in his College records????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

AGAIN, you refuse to acknowledge the birth announcement in the local HAWAII paper a couple days after he was born...


You look like a fool.
EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

i know!

the announcement was the GOVERNMENT of Hawaii's announcements of births in honolulu, not some announcement section for proud parents or grandparents....?

I just have NO IDEA how Obama COULD NOT BE a natural born citizen, and no idea what imaginary scenario could be realistically speculated that could make obama not a natural born citizen, with all the facts known?

What proof have you that he did not later renounce his citizenship??? Or lie on college grant and loan applications???

So you admit he was born in hawaii? Finally, you are getting it. (It has to suck being a republican who has actual, reasonable gripes against Obama when you idiots come up with this crap. I feel for them because you and your type are hurting their cause.)..Hell I have a few gripes against Obama but love when you burfers come back with this. It makes me forget about them. Thanks.
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This startling revelation was made to a "White Supremeist" radio host and posted in Racist Papers

This lame, hamhanded attempt is seen for what it is. A lie.

I couldn't believe it when I found out this was said on a white supremacists show. That is the icing on the cake really, but yet, the righty's will support their brothers...lol

Comments on how that announcement in the local newspaper was made about a Barrack Hussein Obama being born in Hawaii in 61..? A different one perhaps? Did they know about the conspiracy?

You guys always seem to skip on that one. :cuckoo:

Wow, that would be difficult, especially back then. The grandparents, America hating communist, lived in Hawaii. They just needed to call the papers and give them the information, why wouldn't they do that for their anarchist daughter? You've got nothing Zona, you never do.:lol:

So becaues they hated america, they announced the birth of him IN AMERICA? Somehow they knew he would be president?

The BHO haters still have no worthwhile evidence.

What a joke they are on themselves.

Release the transcripts and then we can talk about evidence. ;)

You are too tricky Jake! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Government workers that refuse to work, attorney generals that refuse to uphold the law. My My! We are not in Kansas anymore, are we Toto! Lions and tigers, and bears! Oh My! :lol:

Silly birthers! :lol: with no evidence of anything.

Do you have a link to them not having any evidence? If not, Obama is Kenyan. :lol:
Well I'm not a birther and I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. But Factcheck is not exactly an unbiased source for that given its Annenburg connections. They probably don't mention that news accounts of the birth have Obama being born at two different hospitals. (See Snopes on that subject.)

Such just stirs the pot though and keeps the conspiracy theories coming.

how silly foxfyre....if you can show ONE THING that FACTCHECK has not be factual on, i'd appreciate it....

there is NOTHING that they have been wrong on the 7 years i have been reading them, and i don't care who owns them... their record of TRUTH stands on its own.... i'll eat my words if you can show otherwise! :lol:

EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

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how silly foxfyre....if you can show ONE THING that FACTCHECK has not be factual on, i'd appreciate it....

there is NOTHING that they have been wrong on the 7 years i have been reading them, and i don't care who owns them... their record of TRUTH stands on its own.... i'll eat my words if you can show otherwise! :lol:

EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

anyone can create a fake news story and date it for any year they wish
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It must have been pretty hard to get to those sites in 61!. Are you serious? Why would they have faked it 61? They just "knew" he would be president?

Dude, its like me pulling you over and telling you psssst you have bad breath. pssst Just stop, you look silly here.

Burfers, gotta love em.
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