Uh Oh!!: Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk in Hawaii says Obama wasn't born there.

You all have keep in mind how this "credible news" came out. It was said on a white supremacist radio show!

Keep up the fight republicans.
EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

anyone can create a fake news story and date it for any year they wish
The Newspaper Clipping Image Generator - Create your own fun newspaper
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It must have been pretty hard to get to those sites in 61!. Are you serious? Why would they have faked it 61? They just "knew" he would be president?

Dude, its like me pulling you over and telling you psssst you have bad breath. pssst Just stop, you look silly here.

Burfers, gotta love em.

No silly you can create an advertisement now to look like it was made in the 60's. You asked how did they get the advertisment. I just showed you one way it can be done. don't bust my balls for giving you what you asked for. Strange that this newspaper clipping came out in the news but the original birth certificate hasn't. Did the people who kept that artical for all this time think that obama would one day be President?
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It must have been pretty hard to get to those sites in 61!. Are you serious? Why would they have faked it 61? They just "knew" he would be president?

Dude, its like me pulling you over and telling you psssst you have bad breath. pssst Just stop, you look silly here.

Burfers, gotta love em.

No silly you can create an advertisement now to look like it was made in the 60's. You asked how did they get the advertisment. I just showed you one way it can be done. don't bust my balls for giving you what you asked for. Strange that this newspaper clipping came out in the news but the original birth certificate hasn't. Did the people who kept that artical for all this time think that obama would one day be President?

So somehow they knew a black baby named barrack hussein OBama would need to have this announcement in Hawaii in 61....somehow they just knew right?

Psssst, you look like a fool here. You have no idea what they do with "birth certificates" in hawaii, do you? lol
It must have been pretty hard to get to those sites in 61!. Are you serious? Why would they have faked it 61? They just "knew" he would be president?

Dude, its like me pulling you over and telling you psssst you have bad breath. pssst Just stop, you look silly here.

Burfers, gotta love em.

No silly you can create an advertisement now to look like it was made in the 60's. You asked how did they get the advertisment. I just showed you one way it can be done. don't bust my balls for giving you what you asked for. Strange that this newspaper clipping came out in the news but the original birth certificate hasn't. Did the people who kept that artical for all this time think that obama would one day be President?

So somehow they knew a black baby named barrack hussein OBama would need to have this announcement in Hawaii in 61....somehow they just knew right?

Psssst, you look like a fool here. You have no idea what they do with "birth certificates" in hawaii, do you? lol

Slow down and read this one more time.

No silly you can create an advertisement NOW to look like it was made in the 60's. You asked how did they get the advertisment. I just showed you one way it can be done. don't bust my balls for giving you what you asked for.
Yes I do I have a grandson that was born in Hawaii glad you asked. He was born two and a half years ago
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You all have keep in mind how this "credible news" came out. It was said on a white supremacist radio show!

Keep up the fight republicans.

I would like to see the proof.

You are joking right? You did know it was said on a racist show didnt you?

WND, however, makes no mention that Adams made the claim while appearing on a "pro-white" radio program hosted by white nationalist James Edwards at a conference of "white supremacist."

Media Matters for America

If you hate media matters....(and I understand why you would, I mean they use direct quotes) there are many many other links I can give you.

If you really didn't know this was said on a white supremacy site, does it change your mind about the validity of this nut or do you support him?
No silly you can create an advertisement now to look like it was made in the 60's. You asked how did they get the advertisment. I just showed you one way it can be done. don't bust my balls for giving you what you asked for. Strange that this newspaper clipping came out in the news but the original birth certificate hasn't. Did the people who kept that artical for all this time think that obama would one day be President?

So somehow they knew a black baby named barrack hussein OBama would need to have this announcement in Hawaii in 61....somehow they just knew right?

Psssst, you look like a fool here. You have no idea what they do with "birth certificates" in hawaii, do you? lol

Slow down and read this one more time.

No silly you can create an advertisement NOW to look like it was made in the 60's. You asked how did they get the advertisment. I just showed you one way it can be done. don't bust my balls for giving you what you asked for.

OUtstanding, now answer this, why would they fake it in 61? Seriously, why? I heard in here his grandparents hated america! His mother as well...lol

Why would they fake something like this...stating the birth of that child in 61 in hawaii in the paper. Why would they do that? lol

On the other hand, you showed how they could have faked it to look like it was done in 61. Did they? Really? They faked the font from 61? Black helicopter much?

Pssssst...you still look silly. I love burfers.
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The birthers have no credible reasoning, no credible evidence, so they make up silly stuff.
So somehow they knew a black baby named barrack hussein OBama would need to have this announcement in Hawaii in 61....somehow they just knew right?

Psssst, you look like a fool here. You have no idea what they do with "birth certificates" in hawaii, do you? lol

Slow down and read this one more time.

No silly you can create an advertisement NOW to look like it was made in the 60's. You asked how did they get the advertisment. I just showed you one way it can be done. don't bust my balls for giving you what you asked for.

OUtstanding, now answer this, why would they fake it in 61? Seriously, why? I heard in here his grandparents hated america! His mother as well...lol

Why would they fake something like this...stating the birth of that child in 61 in hawaii in the paper. Why would they do that? lol

On the other hand, you showed how they could have faked it to look like it was done in 61. Did they? Really? They faked the font from 61? Black helicopter much?

Pssssst...you still look silly. I love burfers.

I did not say they faked it in the 60's I said you can make an advertisement today the here and now to look like it was made in what ever year you want it to be from. As I also said don't bust my balls for givng you the information you ask for. And now you get pissed and start talking about black helicopter's. It's a pitty you can't or won't take those blinders off. PITTY....
The birthers have no credible reasoning, no credible evidence, so they make up silly stuff.

What silly stuff? a question was asked about how did they get the advertisment I showed the way it can be done. And I provided the links. Now how is that silly?
Slow down and read this one more time.

No silly you can create an advertisement NOW to look like it was made in the 60's. You asked how did they get the advertisment. I just showed you one way it can be done. don't bust my balls for giving you what you asked for.

OUtstanding, now answer this, why would they fake it in 61? Seriously, why? I heard in here his grandparents hated america! His mother as well...lol

Why would they fake something like this...stating the birth of that child in 61 in hawaii in the paper. Why would they do that? lol

On the other hand, you showed how they could have faked it to look like it was done in 61. Did they? Really? They faked the font from 61? Black helicopter much?

Pssssst...you still look silly. I love burfers.

I did not say they faked it in the 60's I said you can make an advertisement today the here and now to look like it was made in what ever year you want it to be from. As I also said don't bust my balls for givng you the information you ask for. And now you get pissed and start talking about black helicopter's. It's a pitty you can't or won't take those blinders off. PITTY....

So you say, show me proof, they did and you simply say hey could fake a lisiing for 61...lol

You seee why its silly for you guys to say, "just show your oringinal birth certificate".....imagine how many "its fake, see this is how you can fake it" threads there would be..lol

They faked a 61 font? lol Dont you think if it was fake, someone on the right...SOMEONE would have said SOMETHING about it by now. They would have shown it was fake by now doncha think? lol

Burthers kill me.
OUtstanding, now answer this, why would they fake it in 61? Seriously, why? I heard in here his grandparents hated america! His mother as well...lol

Why would they fake something like this...stating the birth of that child in 61 in hawaii in the paper. Why would they do that? lol

On the other hand, you showed how they could have faked it to look like it was done in 61. Did they? Really? They faked the font from 61? Black helicopter much?

Pssssst...you still look silly. I love burfers.

I did not say they faked it in the 60's I said you can make an advertisement today the here and now to look like it was made in what ever year you want it to be from. As I also said don't bust my balls for givng you the information you ask for. And now you get pissed and start talking about black helicopter's. It's a pitty you can't or won't take those blinders off. PITTY....

So you say, show me proof, they did and you simply say hey could fake a lisiing for 61...lol

You seee why its silly for you guys to say, "just show your oringinal birth certificate".....imagine how many "its fake, see this is how you can fake it" threads there would be..lol

They faked a 61 font? lol Dont you think if it was fake, someone on the right...SOMEONE would have said SOMETHING about it by now. They would have shown it was fake by now doncha think? lol

Burthers kill me.

You asked about the advertisment I showed you it could be done and now you still remain clueless. You also made the comment that I didn't know anything about Hawaii birth certifactes. With one grandson being born in Hawaii I would say betwen the two of us I am the expert.
OUtstanding, now answer this, why would they fake it in 61? Seriously, why? I heard in here his grandparents hated america! His mother as well...lol

Why would they fake something like this...stating the birth of that child in 61 in hawaii in the paper. Why would they do that? lol

On the other hand, you showed how they could have faked it to look like it was done in 61. Did they? Really? They faked the font from 61? Black helicopter much?

Pssssst...you still look silly. I love burfers.

I did not say they faked it in the 60's I said you can make an advertisement today the here and now to look like it was made in what ever year you want it to be from. As I also said don't bust my balls for givng you the information you ask for. And now you get pissed and start talking about black helicopter's. It's a pitty you can't or won't take those blinders off. PITTY....

So you say, show me proof, they did and you simply say hey could fake a lisiing for 61...lol

You seee why its silly for you guys to say, "just show your oringinal birth certificate".....imagine how many "its fake, see this is how you can fake it" threads there would be..lol

They faked a 61 font? lol Dont you think if it was fake, someone on the right...SOMEONE would have said SOMETHING about it by now. They would have shown it was fake by now doncha think? lol

Burthers kill me.

Even more silly: Newspapers are on microfiche at virtually every public library known to man. To "fake" the announcement would require a massive effort that would far exceed a single forged newspaper clipping.
I did not say they faked it in the 60's I said you can make an advertisement today the here and now to look like it was made in what ever year you want it to be from. As I also said don't bust my balls for givng you the information you ask for. And now you get pissed and start talking about black helicopter's. It's a pitty you can't or won't take those blinders off. PITTY....

So you say, show me proof, they did and you simply say hey could fake a lisiing for 61...lol

You seee why its silly for you guys to say, "just show your oringinal birth certificate".....imagine how many "its fake, see this is how you can fake it" threads there would be..lol

They faked a 61 font? lol Dont you think if it was fake, someone on the right...SOMEONE would have said SOMETHING about it by now. They would have shown it was fake by now doncha think? lol

Burthers kill me.

You asked about the advertisment I showed you it could be done and now you still remain clueless. You also made the comment that I didn't know anything about Hawaii birth certifactes. With one grandson being born in Hawaii I would say betwen the two of us I am the expert.

My mom was born in Hawaii. I have roughly 1/2 of her DNA. Your grandson has roughly 1/4 your DNA.


Looks like I am the new resident export on the Hawaii Birth Certificate issue now.

Bow down before me.
So you say, show me proof, they did and you simply say hey could fake a lisiing for 61...lol

You seee why its silly for you guys to say, "just show your oringinal birth certificate".....imagine how many "its fake, see this is how you can fake it" threads there would be..lol

They faked a 61 font? lol Dont you think if it was fake, someone on the right...SOMEONE would have said SOMETHING about it by now. They would have shown it was fake by now doncha think? lol

Burthers kill me.

You asked about the advertisment I showed you it could be done and now you still remain clueless. You also made the comment that I didn't know anything about Hawaii birth certifactes. With one grandson being born in Hawaii I would say betwen the two of us I am the expert.

My mom was born in Hawaii. I have roughly 1/2 of her DNA. Your grandson has roughly 1/4 your DNA.


Looks like I am the new resident export on the Hawaii Birth Certificate issue now.

Bow down before me.

Was the comment made to you about not knowing anything about Hawaiian Birth Certifactes? It was made to me thats why I said that. I am happy for you. So I guess you get to have a few family reuonions in hawaii Do they live on the big Island or one of the chain Islands?
You asked about the advertisment I showed you it could be done and now you still remain clueless. You also made the comment that I didn't know anything about Hawaii birth certifactes. With one grandson being born in Hawaii I would say betwen the two of us I am the expert.

My mom was born in Hawaii. I have roughly 1/2 of her DNA. Your grandson has roughly 1/4 your DNA.


Looks like I am the new resident export on the Hawaii Birth Certificate issue now.

Bow down before me.

Was the comment made to you about not knowing anything about Hawaiian Birth Certifactes? It was made to me thats why I said that. I am happy for you. So I guess you get to have a few family reuonions in hawaii Do they live on the big Island or one of the chain Islands?

No, she was an Army Brat. That's why she was born there. Home was elsewhere.
I did not say they faked it in the 60's I said you can make an advertisement today the here and now to look like it was made in what ever year you want it to be from. As I also said don't bust my balls for givng you the information you ask for. And now you get pissed and start talking about black helicopter's. It's a pitty you can't or won't take those blinders off. PITTY....

So you say, show me proof, they did and you simply say hey could fake a lisiing for 61...lol

You seee why its silly for you guys to say, "just show your oringinal birth certificate".....imagine how many "its fake, see this is how you can fake it" threads there would be..lol

They faked a 61 font? lol Dont you think if it was fake, someone on the right...SOMEONE would have said SOMETHING about it by now. They would have shown it was fake by now doncha think? lol

Burthers kill me.

Even more silly: Newspapers are on microfiche at virtually every public library known to man. To "fake" the announcement would require a massive effort that would far exceed a single forged newspaper clipping.

Ok since your mother is from Hawaii when you make one of those family reunions go to the libary and see if that advertisment is on file.

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