Uh Oh!!: Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk in Hawaii says Obama wasn't born there.

I will make the same reply to you as I did with starky

Do you know anything about Hawaii's voting history? It's not a far strech to say that the good doctor is a democrat and the other person. Now we know that obama had his records sealed, so nobody can look at them without a court order The doctor and the other person are more then likely democrats. Now answer this one question and I am out of this discussion. Would you allow two republican's to count the votes on election day without having two democrats in the room counting also?

Hawaii's voting history is entirely non-germane to this issue. If you are going to question the character and ethics of Dr. Fukino, the burden of proof is on you (as it should be since it would be a criminal manner). Merely saying "It's a liberal state" isn't even a good argument.

Furthermore, I've already pointed out to you that Fukino is a Lingle appointee.


Even if she wasn't, her politics are irrelevant. If you have proof of criminal activity, I'd be the first to tell you to notify the authorities.

Could you fail anymore times on this thread?

You didn't answer the question

Would you allow two republican's to count the votes on election day without having two democrats in the room counting also?

Just to remind you Bush and bush junior both appoint liberals to SUPREME COURT. And Esinhower did the same thing
Bush 43 appointed liberals to the court?
which one is the liberal, Alito or Roberts?
Do you understand what you just said? You would not have a problem with just a single party system countiung the vote? It's thinking like this that as goitten America into the shape it is in. You aren't that nieve are you? Has anyone ever lied to you?

I answered your fucking idiotic question and am done with it. If that answer wasn't sufficient for you, than tough shit.

Now, do you have any proof that Dr. Fukino did something illegal, immoral, or fattening when she twice verified and stated that she had seen all of Obama's necessary paperwork and that he was born in the state of Hawaii?

Unlike idiots like you I don't trust anything political when it comes to what affects me and the government. Hell according to you there is no need to vote or have an election it doesn't maTTER THEY CAN BE TRUSTED TO DO THE RIGHT THING LIKE STEP DOWN AND LET SOMEONE ESLE TAKE THEIR PLACE.

More non sequiturs.

Enjoy your stay in Birtherstan.

It's a hoot.
Hawaii's voting history is entirely non-germane to this issue. If you are going to question the character and ethics of Dr. Fukino, the burden of proof is on you (as it should be since it would be a criminal manner). Merely saying "It's a liberal state" isn't even a good argument.

Furthermore, I've already pointed out to you that Fukino is a Lingle appointee.


Even if she wasn't, her politics are irrelevant. If you have proof of criminal activity, I'd be the first to tell you to notify the authorities.

Could you fail anymore times on this thread?

You didn't answer the question

Would you allow two republican's to count the votes on election day without having two democrats in the room counting also?

Just to remind you Bush and bush junior both appoint liberals to SUPREME COURT. And Esinhower did the same thing
Bush 43 appointed liberals to the court?
which one is the liberal, Alito or Roberts?

The comment was made that FUKINO was appointed by a Republican governor. My point was that it doesn't mater who appointed who because so called conservative Presidents have appointed liberals to the highest court in the land. I could be wrong on JR because I am not looking this stuff up. But for the most part when I know there might be something questionable I will look it up before I post it.
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Well I'm not a birther and I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. But Factcheck is not exactly an unbiased source for that given its Annenburg connections. They probably don't mention that news accounts of the birth have Obama being born at two different hospitals. (See Snopes on that subject.)

Such just stirs the pot though and keeps the conspiracy theories coming.

how silly foxfyre....if you can show ONE THING that FACTCHECK has not be factual on, i'd appreciate it....

there is NOTHING that they have been wrong on the 7 years i have been reading them, and i don't care who owns them... their record of TRUTH stands on its own.... i'll eat my words if you can show otherwise! :lol:
Well I'm not a birther and I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. But Factcheck is not exactly an unbiased source for that given its Annenburg connections. They probably don't mention that news accounts of the birth have Obama being born at two different hospitals. (See Snopes on that subject.)

Such just stirs the pot though and keeps the conspiracy theories coming.

how silly foxfyre....if you can show ONE THING that FACTCHECK has not be factual on, i'd appreciate it....

there is NOTHING that they have been wrong on the 7 years i have been reading them, and i don't care who owns them... their record of TRUTH stands on its own.... i'll eat my words if you can show otherwise! :lol:

Born in the U.S.A.
August 21, 2008
Updated: November 1, 2008
The truth about Obama's birth certificate.
In June, the Obama campaign released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate to quell speculative charges that he might not be a natural-born citizen. But the image prompted more blog-based skepticism about the document's authenticity. And recently, author Jerome Corsi, whose book attacks Obama, said in a TV interview that the birth certificate the campaign has is "fake."

We beg to differ. FactCheck.org staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.

Update, Nov. 1: The director of Hawaii’s Department of Health confirmed Oct. 31 that Obama was born in Honolulu.

THAT's from Fact Check and since there IS no original AVAILABLE for ANYONE to "touch,"

I'd have to call them LIARS.

Also, if I remember correctly, Dr. Fukino NEVER said that he was born in Hawaii ~ what she DID say was that she had seen the documents on file.

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

A Hawai'i COLB is only one piece of paper in a complicated evidentiary inquiry involving Obama. No one outside two people from the Hawai'i Department of Health has apparently viewed the original 1961 document. Neither of them has any forensic or legal experience. Health Director Chiyome Fukino is a medical doctor.
But that lack of evidence or investigation didn't stop Fukino. She issued a legal and factual opinion based on a document that may or may not be accurate.

And THAT, folks, is why the Birther movement will NOT cease until the BC is SHOWN to an outside party, with the experience and knowledge to make the call on it's authenticity.
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Well I'm not a birther and I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. But Factcheck is not exactly an unbiased source for that given its Annenburg connections. They probably don't mention that news accounts of the birth have Obama being born at two different hospitals. (See Snopes on that subject.)

Such just stirs the pot though and keeps the conspiracy theories coming.

how silly foxfyre....if you can show ONE THING that FACTCHECK has not be factual on, i'd appreciate it....

there is NOTHING that they have been wrong on the 7 years i have been reading them, and i don't care who owns them... their record of TRUTH stands on its own.... i'll eat my words if you can show otherwise! :lol:

EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?
Well I'm not a birther and I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. But Factcheck is not exactly an unbiased source for that given its Annenburg connections. They probably don't mention that news accounts of the birth have Obama being born at two different hospitals. (See Snopes on that subject.)

Such just stirs the pot though and keeps the conspiracy theories coming.

how silly foxfyre....if you can show ONE THING that FACTCHECK has not be factual on, i'd appreciate it....

there is NOTHING that they have been wrong on the 7 years i have been reading them, and i don't care who owns them... their record of TRUTH stands on its own.... i'll eat my words if you can show otherwise! :lol:

EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

Explain what Barry is hiding in his College records????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well I'm not a birther and I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. But Factcheck is not exactly an unbiased source for that given its Annenburg connections. They probably don't mention that news accounts of the birth have Obama being born at two different hospitals. (See Snopes on that subject.)

Such just stirs the pot though and keeps the conspiracy theories coming.

how silly foxfyre....if you can show ONE THING that FACTCHECK has not be factual on, i'd appreciate it....

there is NOTHING that they have been wrong on the 7 years i have been reading them, and i don't care who owns them... their record of TRUTH stands on its own.... i'll eat my words if you can show otherwise! :lol:

EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

i know!

the announcement was the GOVERNMENT of Hawaii's announcements of births in honolulu, not some announcement section for proud parents or grandparents....?

I just have NO IDEA how Obama COULD NOT BE a natural born citizen, and no idea what imaginary scenario could be realistically speculated that could make obama not a natural born citizen, with all the facts known?
how silly foxfyre....if you can show ONE THING that FACTCHECK has not be factual on, i'd appreciate it....

there is NOTHING that they have been wrong on the 7 years i have been reading them, and i don't care who owns them... their record of TRUTH stands on its own.... i'll eat my words if you can show otherwise! :lol:

EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

Explain what Barry is hiding in his College records????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

what DO YOU THINK he is HIDING in his college records, his birth in kenya????? :lol:
how silly foxfyre....if you can show ONE THING that FACTCHECK has not be factual on, i'd appreciate it....

there is NOTHING that they have been wrong on the 7 years i have been reading them, and i don't care who owns them... their record of TRUTH stands on its own.... i'll eat my words if you can show otherwise! :lol:

EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

i know!

the announcement was the GOVERNMENT of Hawaii's announcements of births in honolulu, not some announcement section for proud parents or grandparents....?

I just have NO IDEA how Obama COULD NOT BE a natural born citizen, and no idea what imaginary scenario could be realistically speculated that could make obama not a natural born citizen, with all the facts known?

What proof have you that he did not later renounce his citizenship??? Or lie on college grant and loan applications???
EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

Explain what Barry is hiding in his College records????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

what DO YOU THINK he is HIDING in his college records, his birth in kenya????? :lol:

I suspect that he lied on his applications. It is not uncommon for people with dual citizenship to apply as foreign for the extra perks.
EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

Explain what Barry is hiding in his College records????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

what DO YOU THINK he is HIDING in his college records, his birth in kenya????? :lol:

He should have unsealed them during the Primaries. What was he afraid of??????

Comments on how that announcement in the local newspaper was made about a Barrack Hussein Obama being born in Hawaii in 61..? A different one perhaps? Did they know about the conspiracy?

You guys always seem to skip on that one. :cuckoo:

Wow, that would be difficult, especially back then. The grandparents, America hating communist, lived in Hawaii. They just needed to call the papers and give them the information, why wouldn't they do that for their anarchist daughter? You've got nothing Zona, you never do.:lol:
I really do think that more & more Americans are beginning to believe that we may very well have a foreigner as our President. This of course would explain most of his policies. His apology tours then begin to make much more sense. I think it all comes back to the New World Order and their pursuit of a One World Government. This is all much bigger than the two political parties and their petty squabbles.

Why would they put an Anti-American foreigner in there though? My guess is that it's part of their psyops campaign. They want to condition the American mind into thinking that America is bad and should apologize and grovel to the rest of the world. These psyops will of course take many years to achieve their goal of a One World Government but it's clear these psyops are underway. They need to convince the American people that a One World Government is a much better alternative to the old evil American Government. Too much of this President's past is just so murky. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. Who is this President really?
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The BHO haters still have no worthwhile evidence.

What a joke they are on themselves.
EXPLAIN THE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE PAPER IN HAWAII IN 61! Birthers keep ignoring this fact. How did the paper know about this conspiracy then? How?

Explain what Barry is hiding in his College records????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

what DO YOU THINK he is HIDING in his college records, his birth in kenya????? :lol:

Maybe he is hiding his admission application. Ever thought of that? It would show his citizenship if he was a forign student.
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The BHO haters still have no worthwhile evidence.

What a joke they are on themselves.

Release the transcripts and then we can talk about evidence. ;)

You are too tricky Jake! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Government workers that refuse to work, attorney generals that refuse to uphold the law. My My! We are not in Kansas anymore, are we Toto! Lions and tigers, and bears! Oh My! :lol:

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