Uh-ooohh Spaghettios... the US in ten year cooling trend?

That Newsweek and Time mentioned the possibility of a new glaciation is irrelevant and smacks of some serious desperation on your part. The number of scientists seriously concerned about such a possibility at ANY time was trivial. The majority of people working in climate sciences AT THAT TIME were concerned about global warming caused by human GHG emissions. That has been demonstrated a FACT.

Given what deniers have to go through to try to make a case, it would probably astound you how easy it is to hold up the other side of this fight. We have virtually all of the world's scientists on our side. Our argument is prolix with evidence - we have it coming out our ears. We can pick from thousands and thousands of peer reviewed studies all demonstrating that the PoV we choose to believe is correct.

Perhaps you like to lose.
Yup, that's exactly what is, the United States has been COOLING for the PAST DECADE... you don't have to tell me. I can't remember the last time we had back to back winters in Wisconsin that were so BLISTERING COLD, and SUSTAINED. So read it and weep, progtards...

America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

The US CRN network has shown cooling since its inception. That is why you will never hear about it in the US.


Global satellites also show cooling..


The obvious disconnect is that CO2 is not affecting anything as it continues to rise and we cool. There is a lot of left wing hype and bull shit out there, the only things that are warming are the data sets being manipulated prior to the Paris power grab..
Yup, that's exactly what is, the United States has been COOLING for the PAST DECADE... you don't have to tell me. I can't remember the last time we had back to back winters in Wisconsin that were so BLISTERING COLD, and SUSTAINED. So read it and weep, progtards...

America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

The US CRN network has shown cooling since its inception. That is why you will never hear about it in the US.


Global satellites also show cooling..


The obvious disconnect is that CO2 is not affecting anything as it continues to rise and we cool. There is a lot of left wing hype and bull shit out there, the only things that are warming are the data sets being manipulated prior to the Paris power grab..
Yup, that's exactly what is, the United States has been COOLING for the PAST DECADE... you don't have to tell me. I can't remember the last time we had back to back winters in Wisconsin that were so BLISTERING COLD, and SUSTAINED. So read it and weep, progtards...

America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

The US CRN network has shown cooling since its inception. That is why you will never hear about it in the US.


Global satellites also show cooling..


The obvious disconnect is that CO2 is not affecting anything as it continues to rise and we cool. There is a lot of left wing hype and bull shit out there, the only things that are warming are the data sets being manipulated prior to the Paris power grab..

You understand that the earth is a CYCLICAL SYSTEM thus its warming and cooling cycles follow a natural sign wave. Using the SKS garbage is too funny... they show they have no concept of earths systems..
Yup, that's exactly what is, the United States has been COOLING for the PAST DECADE... you don't have to tell me. I can't remember the last time we had back to back winters in Wisconsin that were so BLISTERING COLD, and SUSTAINED. So read it and weep, progtards...

America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

The US CRN network has shown cooling since its inception. That is why you will never hear about it in the US.


Global satellites also show cooling..


The obvious disconnect is that CO2 is not affecting anything as it continues to rise and we cool. There is a lot of left wing hype and bull shit out there, the only things that are warming are the data sets being manipulated prior to the Paris power grab..

Hey your bottom chart flatline starting in 1995, no warning for 2 decades
You understand that the earth is a CYCLICAL SYSTEM thus its warming and cooling cycles follow a natural sign wave.
So where are the cooling cycles equal to the lows of 1909 and 1910 in this "sine wave?" We haven't had a real cooling cycle in over 100 years.

The US CRN network has shown cooling since its inception. That is why you will never hear about it in the US.
The obvious disconnect is that CO2 is not affecting anything as it continues to rise and we cool. There is a lot of left wing hype and bull shit out there, the only things that are warming are the data sets being manipulated prior to the Paris power grab..

The US represents 1.5% of the planet's area. American "exceptionalism" just doesn't extend as far as you'd apparently like to believe. The global data does NOT show a cooling trend. Given these facts, that you can conclude CO2 is not warming the planet only indicates the objective evidence seems to be irrelevant to your thought processes.

The Earth continues to warm. The dominant cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions. AGW is valid.
Not sure how GLOBAL WARMING is supposed to be working when the north American continent is getting COLDER. Does GLOBAL WARMING only effect areas it wants to? GLOBAL WARMING must be picking and choosing where it wants to warm, and letting other places get colder. Yeah that's it, that's how it works.
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The US CRN network has shown cooling since its inception. That is why you will never hear about it in the US.
The obvious disconnect is that CO2 is not affecting anything as it continues to rise and we cool. There is a lot of left wing hype and bull shit out there, the only things that are warming are the data sets being manipulated prior to the Paris power grab..

The US represents 1.5% of the planet's area. American "exceptionalism" just doesn't extend as far as you'd apparently like to believe. The global data does NOT show a cooling trend. Given these facts, that you can conclude CO2 is not warming the planet only indicates the objective evidence seems to be irrelevant to your thought processes.

The Earth continues to warm. The dominant cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions. AGW is valid.

The USA is only 1.5% but a storm in Texas proves man-made whatever you call it these days.

Is that sane? Is that credible?
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The US CRN network has shown cooling since its inception. That is why you will never hear about it in the US.
The obvious disconnect is that CO2 is not affecting anything as it continues to rise and we cool. There is a lot of left wing hype and bull shit out there, the only things that are warming are the data sets being manipulated prior to the Paris power grab..

The US represents 1.5% of the planet's area. American "exceptionalism" just doesn't extend as far as you'd apparently like to believe. The global data does NOT show a cooling trend. Given these facts, that you can conclude CO2 is not warming the planet only indicates the objective evidence seems to be irrelevant to your thought processes.

The Earth continues to warm. The dominant cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions. AGW is valid.

Crick as i have shown over and over the adjustments your making to data are not justified by any metric. Thus your assumptions are a lie. Empirical evidence shows global cooling despite your evil CO2 monster getting bigger. There is no causation or correlation except that CO2 LAGS warming by 80 -800 years.

All your made up bull shit and lies wont change that fact.
The US CRN network has shown cooling since its inception. That is why you will never hear about it in the US.
The obvious disconnect is that CO2 is not affecting anything as it continues to rise and we cool. There is a lot of left wing hype and bull shit out there, the only things that are warming are the data sets being manipulated prior to the Paris power grab..

The US represents 1.5% of the planet's area. American "exceptionalism" just doesn't extend as far as you'd apparently like to believe. The global data does NOT show a cooling trend. Given these facts, that you can conclude CO2 is not warming the planet only indicates the objective evidence seems to be irrelevant to your thought processes.

The Earth continues to warm. The dominant cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions. AGW is valid.

The USA is only 1.5% but a storm in Texas proves man-made whatever you call it these days.

Is that sane? Is that credible?

Its ok if they want to cherry pick a small region to prove their point but a whole continent cooling is a lie... The Stupid, It burns....
The US CRN network has shown cooling since its inception. That is why you will never hear about it in the US.
The obvious disconnect is that CO2 is not affecting anything as it continues to rise and we cool. There is a lot of left wing hype and bull shit out there, the only things that are warming are the data sets being manipulated prior to the Paris power grab..

The US represents 1.5% of the planet's area. American "exceptionalism" just doesn't extend as far as you'd apparently like to believe. The global data does NOT show a cooling trend. Given these facts, that you can conclude CO2 is not warming the planet only indicates the objective evidence seems to be irrelevant to your thought processes.

The Earth continues to warm. The dominant cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions. AGW is valid.

Crick as i have shown over and over the adjustments your making to data are not justified by any metric. Thus your assumptions are a lie. Empirical evidence shows global cooling despite your evil CO2 monster getting bigger. There is no causation or correlation except that CO2 LAGS warming by 80 -800 years.

All your made up bull shit and lies wont change that fact.
Hey be careful dot.com will cry to the mods again
The hysteria on the left side is more accurate than the hysteria on the right side:

View attachment 42586

I thought you were clearly informed that the 1977 Time cover you're displaying here is a fake. It is a modified version of THIS cover


from April 9th of 2007.

So, you're lying M'Dear.

You are sorely misinformed.

Time Magazine had articles about the Coming Ice Age in the 1970s.

Here's one:

View attachment 42590

Another Ice Age - TIME

Newsweek promoted this "issue" as well.
The part you chopped off:

"while New England and northern Europe have
recently experienced the mildest winters within anyone's recollection."

Read the entire article, bub. It's about fears of the earth entering a new Ice Age. Back in the 70s that was the concern, not AGW.

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